~Beyond the Border~ > Akyuu's Arcade

Fire Emblem Heroes: We almost got Brave Bernadetta

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I'm hoping for a winter sothis myself, though og sothis is a good runner up. Anyone but Alm or Altina and I'd be not extremely unsatisfied, at least. Legendary banners are hit or miss for me, I managed to nab a merge of FFCorrin, but not without running into a LAlm first. I have three of him now and like 7 Null follow ups in total that I have no use for.

The only one I would be "disappointed" to get would be Azura since I feel like everybody in the game owns one at this point, but merges on her would definitely be useful, just unexciting.

Definitely happy with the results of round 1. Can't get disappointed anymore.

Not sure why you would want merges on L!Azura, as she doesn't really need her stats for what she does.

I don't really, but I use her enough that it definitely comes up. I use her for abyssal legendary hero battles and those are such a mess that it's inevitable that she's going to get attacked a couple of times. Obviously I try to make sure that she only ends up in favorable matchups but the enemies are so strong that sometimes she can't even handle those, so a little boost could make a difference.

Aww, that's too bad, was really hoping for Sothis. That's another useless anniversary past.

With every new 3H banner I feel the need to clear the actual game rising. At least I can't get spoilt on Flame Emperor's identity.


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