Author Topic: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish  (Read 712914 times)

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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #420 on: February 09, 2021, 07:13:17 AM »
>Hold off on giving the spellcard just yet.

//Just in case this isn't a Future!Reimu.


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #421 on: February 09, 2021, 08:23:41 AM »
>"But whatever happened to 'Don't forget you still owe me'? If you really are Miss Reimu and all."

>"That's true."

>Place a spellcard on the table
>"A reminder to the both of us that I'm obligated to help you whenever you want or need."
>Hold off on giving the spellcard just yet.

//Just in case this isn't a Future!Reimu.
> "How do I know that's not just another memory you'll forget and decide you can remember it another time? What about the promises you've made in the past and forgotten about? If you made any, that is."


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #422 on: February 09, 2021, 08:28:28 AM »
>"Because that is a memory I've made after having the ribbon put on me. It's only the stuff from before then that's gone."

>"And if that were true, wouldn't some concerned or angry people have come after me while I was in that state because I apparently broke a promise I don't remember? Plus I'm not entirely sure how old I am either, so if it turns out I'm actually really old or something and some of those people -- assuming there were any I made promises to -- were human, then they might not be around anymore..."
>Feel a bit sad at that thought.

Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #423 on: February 09, 2021, 09:01:43 AM »
//This seems like a more jaded Reimu who sees the worse in people.  Action is what she needs to see.

//Also I want to move on and confirm we are in a future Gensokyo.

>"I will never be able to prove to you with words.  That's why I will prove myself by by actions."

>"Eventually I should find you at a time you want help."

>"I'll be back miss Reimu."

>step out of the shrine
>Where can we find Mystia
>Do we think Cirno would be able to tell us anything?

>Go meet Adelind, she promised free food


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #424 on: February 09, 2021, 09:13:30 AM »
//It's also possible this is still a dream or weird vision. Esp with the missing shadow and all.
>"Eventually I should find you at a time you want help."

>"I'll be back miss Reimu."

>step out of the shrine
>Where can we find Mystia
>Do we think Cirno would be able to tell us anything?
>Don't do this.

//It was established early on that this version of Rumia has no friends, and is only barely acquainted with a minority of team 9 members. The team itself might not exist yet in this continuity as well.

//As such we don't really have a logical reason to seek out either of the two.
« Last Edit: February 09, 2021, 09:25:10 AM by Evil_Nazgul0616 »

Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #425 on: February 09, 2021, 09:52:09 AM »
>Try to manipulate the metaphysical darkness in our heart
>Try pulling darkness out of us


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #426 on: February 09, 2021, 09:56:28 AM »
>Try to manipulate the metaphysical darkness in our heart
>Carefully. Wouldn't want to accidentally turn us into "murderous rampage mode" or something.


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #427 on: February 09, 2021, 10:17:06 AM »
>"Because that is a memory I've made after having the ribbon put on me. It's only the stuff from before then that's gone."

>"And if that were true, wouldn't some concerned or angry people have come after me while I was in that state because I apparently broke a promise I don't remember? Plus I'm not entirely sure how old I am either, so if it turns out I'm actually really old or something and some of those people -- assuming there were any I made promises to -- were human, then they might not be around anymore..."
>Feel a bit sad at that thought.
//This seems like a more jaded Reimu who sees the worse in people.  Action is what she needs to see.

//Also I want to move on and confirm we are in a future Gensokyo.

>"I will never be able to prove to you with words.  That's why I will prove myself by by actions."

>"Eventually I should find you at a time you want help."

>"I'll be back miss Reimu."

>step out of the shrine
>Where can we find Mystia
>Do we think Cirno would be able to tell us anything?

>Go meet Adelind, she promised free food
//It's also possible this is still a dream or weird vision. Esp with the missing shadow and all.>Don't do this.

//It was established early on that this version of Rumia has no friends, and it only barely acquainted with a minority of team 9 members. The team itself might not exist yet in this continuity as well.

//As such we don't really have a logical reason to seek out either of the two.
>Try to manipulate the metaphysical darkness in our heart
>Try pulling darkness out of us
>Carefully. Wouldn't want to accidentally turn us into "murderous rampage mode" or something.
> You try to manipulate darkness within you, but nothing seems to come from such attempts.

> "Hm... It really seems like you're not gonna remember anything huh. I can't just be direct and help you with that either." Reimu(?) stands up. "You do at least know that I look familiar. But that's missing some bits." She touches where her hair tubes used to be. "It shouldn't have been that long. I think I get what's going on at least. I'm thinking we could go about this the easy way and by force, or the hard way."

Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #428 on: February 09, 2021, 11:08:56 AM »
>Try and imagine Reimu?'s hair as shorter than where her tube were.
>Does she remind us of someone other than Reimu?

>pinch yourself

>"What's going on?"


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #429 on: February 09, 2021, 03:37:41 PM »
>"Um... maybe we can try a game of Hot/Cold? I guess who you are and you tell me how close I am?"


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #430 on: February 09, 2021, 04:02:16 PM »
> "Could you explain your theory please?"


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #431 on: February 09, 2021, 05:08:57 PM »
>Try and imagine Reimu?'s hair as shorter than where her tube were.
>Does she remind us of someone other than Reimu?

>pinch yourself

>"What's going on?"
>"Um... maybe we can try a game of Hot/Cold? I guess who you are and you tell me how close I am?"
> "Could you explain your theory please?"
> You try to imagine Reimu(?)'s hair as being shorter. But nothing changes.
> No. That's definitely the Hakurei Shrine Maiden to you. There's no way you'd get her mixed up with Sanae either... You're pretty sure at least.
> You pinch yourself, which obviously doesn't feel too great... It hurts, and you don't wake up or anything, so maybe this isn't a dream?

> "I can't tell you what's going on if you don't know it at least a bit already."
> "Well, I think you're not fully realizing yourself. Or the state you're in, maybe. As in, forgetting memories. I was going to try some blunt force to hopefully fix one of those. That or take it slow and just try slightly memorable things that you still have some memory of."

Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #432 on: February 09, 2021, 06:41:19 PM »
>"I understand."

>Try to remember back to before the ribbon

>We sound like we were powerful and haughty.  Does that bring any memories.

>Tell the miko if we remember anything


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #433 on: February 09, 2021, 07:16:33 PM »
> Before that
> Jokingly "I guess a whack to the head can do wonders~"


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #434 on: February 09, 2021, 08:19:50 PM »


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #435 on: February 09, 2021, 08:59:00 PM »
> "Get up on the hydra's back!"
>"I understand."

>Try to remember back to before the ribbon

>We sound like we were powerful and haughty.  Does that bring any memories.

>Tell the miko if we remember anything
> Before that
> Jokingly "I guess a whack to the head can do wonders~"
> You try to jog your memory... Powerful and Haughty...
> All that comes to mind is Cirno and Remilia.

> "Hmm... Come and try to take a bite out of my arm. Without asking, that is." Reimu(?) holds her arm out in front of her.


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #436 on: February 09, 2021, 09:02:52 PM »
>"Is... is that really okay? I mean you're a shrine maiden and all and me being a youkai biting you sounds like a thing that would make an angry god attack me or something..."

Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #437 on: February 09, 2021, 09:40:29 PM »
>Right attacking a miko, a hakurei miko.

>Probably want to stretch first, wouldn't want to pull a leg muscle biting a hakurei miko

>Do some stretches because you are totally not afraid of angry mikos.


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #438 on: February 09, 2021, 09:53:14 PM »
>"Is... is that really okay? I mean you're a shrine maiden and all and me being a youkai biting you sounds like a thing that would make an angry god attack me or something..."
>Right attacking a miko, a hakurei miko.

>Probably want to stretch first, wouldn't want to pull a leg muscle biting a hakurei miko

>Do some stretches because you are totally not afraid of angry mikos.
> You stretch a little... Maybe she's joking?
> "Are you really Rumia? You're acting like a human. And one who's never even killed before at that."


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #439 on: February 09, 2021, 09:56:59 PM »
>"Of course I am... its just... attacking just any human is much different than attacking someone who literally has a God looking after them."
>"...Oh what the hell."

>Rumia used Bite.

>Silently pray to the Hakurei God not to smite us because their Miko DID ask for it...

//Feel free to counter this.

//Edit: Fixed autocorrect changing "smite" to "admire" for some reason.

Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #440 on: February 09, 2021, 10:17:29 PM »
> make a shadow wall between us and thin enough we can see her

>Take to the air so she can't  hear us

>Go to left and then head towards her torso and get in close so she can't throw or hit us with anything

>Bite to draw blood and not flesh


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #441 on: February 09, 2021, 10:55:08 PM »
>"Of course I am... its just... attacking just any human is much different than attacking someone who literally has a God looking after them."
>"...Oh what the hell."

>Rumia used Bite.

>Silently pray to the Hakurei God not to smite us because their Miko DID ask for it...

//Feel free to counter this.

//Edit: Fixed autocorrect changing "smite" to "admire" for some reason.
> make a shadow wall between us and thin enough we can see her

>Take to the air so she can't  hear us

>Go to left and then head towards her torso and get in close so she can't throw or hit us with anything

>Bite to draw blood and not flesh

> You hope you don't unfairly receive any divine retribution...
> You make a wall of darkness between the two of you. Well, at least you can still control darkness more than just spheres.
> And begin to fly quietly.
> Then, in a quick motion, you dart to where Reimu(?) was, trying to bite into her.
> You... Succeed? But she doesn't even flinch...
> You don't even feel any blood come out before you're suddenly smacked off, getting knocked into the opposite wall.
> "What are you doing?" Reimu(?) questions. "I said try to take a bite out of me, not nibble. Dogs bite harder than that. Or are you actually just trying to make fun of me?"


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #442 on: February 09, 2021, 10:57:41 PM »
>Did we actually draw blood or leave any kind of wound at all?

>"...If you insist..."
>Mentally apologize to Hakurei God.
>Rumia used Crunch.

Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #443 on: February 09, 2021, 11:06:59 PM »

> Then, in a quick motion, you dart to where Reimu(?) was, trying to bite into her.
> You... Succeed? But she doesn't even flinch...
> You don't even feel any blood come out before you're suddenly smacked off, getting knocked into the opposite wall.
//  O_O
//Oni Miko

>Bite as hard as you can
>Give it all you've got even if it breaks your teeth


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #444 on: February 09, 2021, 11:16:03 PM »
>Give it all you've got even if it breaks your teeth
> No we ain't sacrificing our pearly whites!
> (Obviously try harder but stop if we think it'll injure us)

> Also was that smack unnaturally powerful for what we'd expect (or have experienced) from the Hakurei maiden?
> And more importantly did it jog our memory?
« Last Edit: February 09, 2021, 11:19:34 PM by Tom »


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #445 on: February 09, 2021, 11:50:05 PM »
>Did we actually draw blood or leave any kind of wound at all?

>"...If you insist..."
>Mentally apologize to Hakurei God.
>Rumia used Crunch.
//  O_O
//Oni Miko

>Bite as hard as you can
>Give it all you've got even if it breaks your teeth
> No we ain't sacrificing our pearly whites!
> (Obviously try harder but stop if we think it'll injure us)

> Also was that smack unnaturally powerful for what we'd expect (or have experienced) from the Hakurei maiden?
> And more importantly did it jog our memory?
> You don't notice any wounds on her.
> You don't think you've had Reimu hit you before. At least, physically. With the incidents she resolves and the opponents much stronger than you that she fights, you believe that this strength is definitely still possible from her.
> No memory, just some pain.

> You charge forth again and put your all... er, well, a lot more at least, into it.
> Just like before, she doesn't move. But she does flinch as you manage to make her bleed.
> Yet once again, you're swatted off, hitting the wall again. Why even ask you to bite her if she's just gonna smack you for doing it?
> "That's more Youkai-like." Reimu(?) rubs her arm a bit. "But is that really it? Vampires would tear into ones' flesh, Oni would rip them limb from limb. I've beaten many kinds of youkai like that and worse. If this is all you have, then something big sounding like being the Youkai of Twilight is an exaggeration. You can't kill me with how weak you are, so at least show me that you can try to." Reimu(?) stands ready this time, as if really asking for it.


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #446 on: February 09, 2021, 11:55:36 PM »
>We have her blood in our mouth, right?
>If so, how does it taste? Does it seem familiar or provoke any other reaction?
>Or is it basically like having acid in our mouth since it's a Miko and all?


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #447 on: February 09, 2021, 11:58:36 PM »
> Get back up to try and charge for another attack

> But hesitate "I-I ... can't?  Can't bring myself to hurt someone who helped me..."
> Grab our head in confusion
> "S-so what if I can't kill you, why would I even want that!"
« Last Edit: February 10, 2021, 12:01:43 AM by Tom »

Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #448 on: February 10, 2021, 12:57:53 AM »
>Try to imagine a haughty Rumia with strength on par with Yukari
>Do we remember anything

>If we've read manga
->Get ready to cover Reimu?'s face in case she doesn't give us a choice


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #449 on: February 10, 2021, 01:49:19 AM »
>We have her blood in our mouth, right?
>If so, how does it taste? Does it seem familiar or provoke any other reaction?
>Or is it basically like having acid in our mouth since it's a Miko and all?
> Get back up to try and charge for another attack

> But hesitate "I-I ... can't?  Can't bring myself to hurt someone who helped me..."
> Grab our head in confusion
> "S-so what if I can't kill you, why would I even want that!"
>Try to imagine a haughty Rumia with strength on par with Yukari
>Do we remember anything

>If we've read manga
->Get ready to cover Reimu?'s face in case she doesn't give us a choice
> You didn't manage to keep any. She only seemed to bleed a bit after you were already knocked off.
> At least from her skin, she tasted like another human would, you think. You haven't had any in a while.

> You imagine yourself with strength like Yukari, but still nothing comes to mind. It's not like you can make those portals or whatever. And Yukari tends to have less rumors about her strength than Reimu too...

> You charge for Reimu(?), but stop partway.
> "I didn't ask if you would like to to try and kill me. I told you to try and kill me. You said that you still owe me, but now you wish to break that deal?"