Author Topic: Minor Existence Quest  (Read 315416 times)

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Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #300 on: August 19, 2021, 10:14:40 AM »
>"I'd like to.  She sounds like an interesting person."

>"Great. I'll go inside, maybe introduce you two to each other?"

>What would an incident resolver be like.

>Y-you aren't sure, you've never met one in person and you aren't one yourself. Now that you think about it, being an Incident Resolver would be a sure-fire way to be popular for all the right reasons, but the Incident Resolvers you know of are all Human. The Shrine Maiden of Paradise, Reimu Hakurei; The Living God of Miracles, Sanae Kochiya; And now this Witch, Kirisame.
>You aren't really aware of how many Youkai Incident Resolvers there are, could you be one in the future?

->This Kirisame has to be larger than life and radiate strength.

>Either way, even if you don't know this Kirisame woman, she has to be powerful. Especially if she's a common Incident Resolver.
>Maybe she could train you to be one! N-no that's a pipe dream, would a woman like her be interested in an existence like yours? O-of course not.

->Oh and confidence.

>Yeah, with how many achievements she has she probably has no time for insignificant subjects like you. What does she do in her free time anyway? Maybe her and all the others have meetings where they discuss-
>"Uh, hello?"

>"Are you actually going to walk into the shop or...? Because the sight from your back is pretty good, but it's getting a bit stale considering you were just standing still daydreaming, probably."
>Kaze looks at the fairies. "Does she always have such an active imagination?"
>"Oh yeah, remember the Sumo-wrestling Kappa Ghost?"
>Apple shivers. "Don't remind me."
>"...You're an interesting one."
>She has a point though, it's time you introduced yourself to this 'Kirisame'.

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #301 on: August 19, 2021, 06:58:06 PM »
>"Ah, right.  Right."

>Move at a gait between a walk and a sprint to Hanako.

>Try to give our best impression we're meeting with the equivalent of a living legend!

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #302 on: August 19, 2021, 09:57:41 PM »
>"Ah, right.  Right."

>Move at a gait between a walk and a sprint to Hanako.

>"Good luck in there!"
>"I'm going to stand guard outside, nothing personal, just- y'know, it's my vocation."
>"We're staying with her. Who knows what's around, two more bodies are always good from my perspective" Ame, Worm and Apple are not coming with you. That's a shame.

>You head to Hanako at a reasonable pace, who's currently at the front door to the shop.
>"Ah, finally decided to join me? Let's go."
>With that, Hanako knocks on the door and you both walk into the shop.

>When you walk into the shop you find the most disordered mess you could imagine. Not that you have experience in ordering things, you don't even have a building for a house, but even you can tell this is bad.
>Among the mess you see some miscellaneous plants and flora, most of them mushrooms or fungi of some kind; a lot of books, almost all of them on some sector of magic that you aren't knowledgeable enough to comment on; and furniture, from many different sets and who-knows-where. All of this paraphernalia makes you wonder: What does she actually sell here?
>"Ah! I'm comin'!" A sprightly voice calls from the back.

>"I know the place looks like a mess, and I thought it was too when I first came here, but if you look closely you can see that the different products are separated into their own stacks. Her real problem is that despite her inventory, she doesn't have any shelves, or maybe she does and never uses them." How often does Hanako come to this shop?! And that still doesn't answer the question of what exactly she sells.

>Try to give our best impression we're meeting with the equivalent of a living legend!

>You try to pull yourself together. Despite her... eccentricities, she's a legend, an Incident Resolver! Sure, she's also most likely a hoarder, judging from this organized mess, but we all have flaws! I-it just makes her more relatable and human! Wait, you're a Youkai, you can't relate! A-
>"Hello, my esteemed guests!" A confident voice interrupts your thoughts before you crack. Honestly, just hearing it makes you excited!

>You look at the owner of the voice. And see a short young woman with blonde hair and yellow eyes. She's wearing a white frilled apron with a black vest and skirt, by far the most notable part of her outfit is a pointy hat with a bent top. All of this together just screams Witch, all she's missing is a flying broomstick. This must be that Kirisame.
>"Sorry for making ya wait for a bit. Had some business in the back." ...Is that bubbling you hear back there?
>"Do not worry Miss Kirisame, I know better than to make you rush your work." Hanako speaks with an air of familiarity.
>"Of course, you're one of the few customers crazy enough to come all the way here. I see you brought-" Her eyes stop on you. D-do you have something on your face?!
>"Huh, not many youkai come here. Let alone with company strapped on their back." She saw right through your disguise! Is it because you have Kaze on your back? No, that can't be, other Humans can defeat Youkai, right?

>"Anyway, you want anything? Potions, plants, books, Magic, Sage Advice, I do a lot around here." You are never going to know what she specializes in, are you?

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #303 on: August 20, 2021, 03:28:00 AM »
>Shouldn't a lot more people want to meet a famous incident resolver?
>Her home is a little, no it a mess, but she seems nice.

>"A-Ah, yes.  Advice, please.  What advice do you have for becoming a famous incident resolver like yourself?"

>Glance at some books
->"And. . . do you have a primer on magic?"

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #304 on: August 20, 2021, 09:37:11 AM »
>Shouldn't a lot more people want to meet a famous incident resolver?
>Her home is a little, no it a mess, but she seems nice.

>She's nice, famous, and generally amicable. Why do so little people visit her?
>...As you think that, you look at the mess again and see a large Venus Flytrap similar to the one you saw when you first entered the forest. This reminds you that although your party made it here, for most average Humans it's probably much more effort than it's worth. This isn't even counting the Fairies or Youkai in the Forest.

>"A-Ah, yes.  Advice, please.  What advice do you have for becoming a famous incident resolver like yourself?"

>"Wow, I rarely get people askin' me on how to be an Incident Resolver!"

>Well, first you should brush up on your Danmaku skills, and I'm not just talking about Spell Card Duels. Fairies, spirits and other people will take pot-shots at ya for no reason during most incidents, the Fairies have been a bit silent lately though..."

>"Second, keep a good network. Believe it or not: I don't always solve incidents by myself. I think the Eternal Night with those Lunarians would've been tough to solve without Alice and the Geysers would've been hell without Nitori or Patchouli."

>"And last but certainly not least, keep your ears to the ground. I'm not talking like, investigating like you're a Bird Tengu or anything, but make sure to keep your eyes and ears sharp for any unusual happenings. Some incidents are super obvious at first: Scarlet Mist covering the sky? Definitely an incident. But some of them are a bit more obscure and harder to solve: There was a time where parties were being held at the shrine often and lasted for three days straight with no interruptions. Sounds innocuous, but it was actually an Oni causing it. Incidents can happen anytime, anywhere. Who knows, maybe we're in an incident right now!"

>"Of course, the actual last piece of advice is to blast everything in your path! But I think that's more exclusive to me and Reimu." Marisa chuckles and strokes the back of her head.

>Glance at some books
->"And. . . do you have a primer on magic?"

>"Hmm." Marisa looks at the stacks of books.
>"Yeah, what kind of magic do you want? Do you already have special abilities that might go well with one?"

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #305 on: August 20, 2021, 02:23:36 PM »
>What magic do we already know?

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #306 on: August 20, 2021, 03:47:30 PM »
>What magic do we already know?

>Mainly Familiar/Minor Summoning Magic. Insects and familiars/slaves seem to go hand-in-hand, for some reason.
>Other than that, just the basic stuff. Shooting Danmaku, flight, basic Gensokyo skills. You hesitate to call your omnivorous diet "Magic", but it converts things you eat into Spiritual energy when it probably shouldn't. Beast Youkai usually focus on Physical superiority rather than magic.

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #307 on: August 20, 2021, 04:04:13 PM »
>"I-I'm not sure.  I can summon familiars, eat anything, create silk, and shoot danmaku."

>"What would you recommend to help other people?"

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #308 on: August 20, 2021, 05:27:48 PM »
>"I-I'm not sure.  I can summon familiars, eat anything, create silk, and shoot danmaku."

>"Ooh! I've always wanted a familiar or a slave! Never managed to make one fit for Spell Cards, though. That could make for a good place to start."
>"Eating anything sounds really mundane though, like a regular omnivore. Or maybe you're bragging that you have a large stomach!"
>"Creating Silk. Sounds like a good baseline for creating structures, maybe Alice could help with that."
>"And shooting Danmaku. Heh, basic, but still a nice skill to have. That one you get better at by using your imagination and skill."

>"What would you recommend to help other people?"

>"Helping others specifically?"
>Marisa starts digging through the pile of books.
>"I would recommend you get better at using your Familiars in combination with other skills. You can do a lot with 'em, give 'em basic tasks, make 'em follow someone automatically and protect them, or even bind someone's Spirit to one but that's advanced stuff. And I'm not very good with Familiars, in case you don't know."
>Marisa stands up, heaving a book. "This book is pretty much a primer on basics and Familiar magic. I've already read through the thing cover and back, so you can have it for free. Consider it a gift for your first visit to the Kirisame Magic Shop!"
>You gained >Grimoire 612: "Swarm Magic"
>Grimoire 612: A book on Familiar magic, quite thick. Read it to get some ideas about Familiar usage and development.

>"What, I don't get anything?" The thief on your back has some gall.
>Hanako glares at her. "Right, I forgot to introduce you two."
>"This Youkai is my escort through the Forest. She's an Insect, a Moth to be specific. That one on her back is a Kama Itachi, she stole my plants."
>"Wow, how terrible!"
>"I know right! The nerve of her-"
>"No, I mean the fact that she got caught despite moving at imperceptible speeds. Amateur hour over here!"
>"Hey, it's not like I'm a skilled burglar, unlike some people here."

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #309 on: August 20, 2021, 07:26:28 PM »
>"Burglar? Uh. . ."
>Maybe it's loot from defeated foes like in the stories, but danmaku is non-leathal.
>No instead of samurai she is more like a ninja doing the dirty jobs for the greater good.

>"I'm not sure about a large stomach, but I've eaten danmaku and misfortune."

//I love your depiction of the moth lady meeting a legend and realizing they are a person. :)

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #310 on: August 20, 2021, 09:29:34 PM »
>"Burglar? Uh. . ."

>That can't be right! Maybe she means-
>"What? I wouldn't call what I do stealing."

>Maybe it's loot from defeated foes like in the stories, but danmaku is non-leathal.

>No! Maybe it's like-
>"Why do you sneak into the Scarlet Devil Mansion anyway?"

>No instead of samurai she is more like a ninja doing the dirty jobs for the greater good.

>Yeah, maybe she's like a Robin Hood type! Stealing from the rich mansion owners to give to give to the poor!
>"I just borrow Patchouli's books until I die."
>"Without her permission?"
>"Her lifespan dwarfs mine, she can collect it when I'm gone."
>Borrowing without permission? That sounds like...

Quote from: A Memory of a Worm in Red
Quote from: You
>" 'Borrow without permission', might be a better phrase."

>"Nah, I feel like I'm stealing someone's trademark if I say that."

>Well at least now you know who's trademark it is. You should move on before more disillusionment happens.

>"I'm not sure about a large stomach, but I've eaten danmaku and misfortune."

>"...Huh, novel. Have you tried doing that 'eating danmaku' thing more often in battles? Sounds powerful."

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #311 on: August 21, 2021, 03:41:24 AM »
>Shake our head
>"Yesterday wad the first time I tried it.  Danmaku tastes like burnt food."
>Our jaw drops with the tongue pushed out slight as we remember the flavor.

>Wait, she has a point.  That ability can clear out paths during a Danmaku duel.  If the horrid flavor can be overcome there's a chance of becoming an incident resolver.

>"But seeing through my familiars' eyes let me beat Seija.  Though I couldn't have done it without Apple or Worm either."

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #312 on: August 21, 2021, 08:54:01 AM »
>Shake our head
>"Yesterday wad the first time I tried it.  Danmaku tastes like burnt food."
>Our jaw drops with the tongue pushed out slight as we remember the flavor.

>"Oh, that's unpleasant. Uh, think of it like a full course meal, sometimes you have to eat the bad tasting starters to get to the delicious main course, so swallowing down the food or ignoring the taste will help in completing the battle."
>"That's the simile you're going for?" Kaze doesn't seem to appreciate culinary descriptions.
>"Hey, she's talking about eating. What other examples could I use that make sense? And it's not like I have experience in eating Danmaku."

>Wait, she has a point.  That ability can clear out paths during a Danmaku duel.  If the horrid flavor can be overcome there's a chance of becoming an incident resolver.

>She's right, although the taste is horrible, the ability has potential. Following Marisa's analogy, maybe thinking of other tasty foods could help you push through the Danmaku's taste; Like how you close your eyes and pretend that tomato you're eating is actually a cake.

>"But seeing through my familiars' eyes let me beat Seija.  Though I couldn't have done it without Apple or Worm either."

>"Yeah, familiars can be- what?"
>"Did you just say you beat Seija? She escaped, right? She almost always escapes."
>"And this 'Apple' and 'Worm' are they your partners or something? Pretty strange names."

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #313 on: August 21, 2021, 09:43:20 AM »
>"No, I helped Miss Akyuu put Seija in a room with seals last night."
>"It was good luck and catching her by surprise.  Seija thought I was human when we fought."

>Give a warm smile, "Yes, though I think of them as dear friends."

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #314 on: August 21, 2021, 10:37:21 AM »
>"No, I helped Miss Akyuu put Seija in a room with seals last night."
>"It was good luck and catching her by surprise.  Seija thought I was human when we fought."

>"Disguises, eh? Maybe I should do that one day, it'd make infiltration much easier."
>"A Prison with seals... Somethin' tells me that won't be enough. Seija's like a cockroach: She's almost impossible to kill, a pain to catch, and she doesn't stay still for long. If she hasn't escaped now, she'll do it later."

>Give a warm smile, "Yes, though I think of them as dear friends."

>Marisa smiles. "Well, always good to see a friendship bloom in Gensokyo. Honestly, a group of three Youkai teamin' up and capturin' the Infamous Criminal? Sounds like a headline in Bunbunmaru that I would scoff at."

>The bubbling sound that you heard in the background suddenly gets louder. "Oh! Wait a sec!"; Marisa rushes to the back.
>The sounds calm down and Marisa comes back with a glass bottle of bubbling liquids.
>"Hanako, your order. a healing potion of sorts. It's a bit late though, and bitter."
>"Thank you, Marisa. I would've come to check on it yesterday, but some people ruined those plans." You can feel Kaze shiver.

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #315 on: August 21, 2021, 11:52:05 PM »
>"Apple and Worm are actually fairies."

>"Thank you so much for the advice and the book."

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #316 on: August 22, 2021, 08:58:17 AM »
>"Apple and Worm are actually fairies."

>"You don't hear of a Youkai and a couple a' Fairies teaming up often. That just makes it better."

>"Thank you so much for the advice and the book."

>"Eh, no problem. Maybe one day there'll be so many Incident Resolvers that I'll wake up and an Incident will already be over."

>"Well, I got the thing I came here for, so I'm leaving. Escort, are you done here?"

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #317 on: August 22, 2021, 09:25:17 AM »
>"Yes.  It was an pleasure to make your acquaintance Miss Marisa."

>Catch ourself as we start to bow to the legend and stop

>Follow Hanako
« Last Edit: August 22, 2021, 09:56:42 AM by Philosopher »

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #318 on: August 23, 2021, 11:45:31 AM »
>"Yes.  It was an pleasure to make your acquaintance Miss Marisa."

>"Pleasure to you too! I barely ever get visitors around here, or at least, not ones that bother me about giving back their stuff."

>Catch ourself as we start to bow to the legend and stop

>As you say your goodbyes you start to bow, as you should to someone of a higher station, but then stop. Miss Kirisame doesn't seem to be a woman to get hung up on courtesies.

>Follow Hanako

>You follow Hanako out of the shop and see the rest of your party outside.
>Ame, Apple, and Worm all have frowns on their faces, just what happened here?
>"What's with the grim countenance?" Hanako echoes your thoughts with a worrisome tone.

>Ame answers. "We're completely surrounded."
>Worm adds more detail. "The entire area around Kirisame's Shop is surrounded by Fairies. Surprisingly, out of all of us, Ame was the one who first noticed."
>"Yes, I wonder if this like a Special Ability of mine. But more importantly: I'm sure that the moment we leave this clearing we'll be swarmed by fairies. They're minor enemies, but so many of them at once... Will definitely hinder us." Ame's overall tone and the news is fairly depressing.


  • the future is now
  • Gender: Female
Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #319 on: August 23, 2021, 02:29:24 PM »
//I assume it's too late to join this one?

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #320 on: August 23, 2021, 02:32:23 PM »
//I assume it's too late to join this one?
#If you're willing to read through 10 pages worth of content of questionable quality, then no.
#Otherwise I could just PM you a synopsis of the situation.

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #321 on: August 23, 2021, 08:00:15 PM »
//Not at all. Welcome


  • the future is now
  • Gender: Female
Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #322 on: August 24, 2021, 01:02:59 AM »
//I skimmed through it but I'd like the synopsis if you can just so I know the important parts.

>Play a beast youkai with species and name of your choosing.

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #323 on: August 24, 2021, 08:33:05 AM »
>"Let me do something before we head out."

>Have the familiars we already have out gather in the woods outside the clearing
->Summon more familiars so there are at least a dozen in each of the cardinal directions then have the moths search for fairies

>Can we shoot danmaku while carrying Kaze?

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #324 on: August 24, 2021, 11:07:29 AM »
>"Let me do something before we head out."

>Have the familiars we already have out gather in the woods outside the clearing
->Summon more familiars so there are at least a dozen in each of the cardinal directions then have the moths search for fairies

>You recall your current Familiars to the edge of the clearing and summon more from their position.
>When you split your vision between them you see... A lot.
>A lot of fairies of varying colours, some holding flowers of different sorts, and all of them waiting just outside your regular sight very patiently.
>Ame wasn't wrong when she said you were surrounded, they've covered almost every angle. The absolute patience they have in waiting for you is slightly unnerving, they could at least be a bit more lively like Worm and Apple.
>At the very least, they haven't noticed your Familiars.

>Can we shoot danmaku while carrying Kaze?

>Yes, Kaze has wrapped her legs around your body, so your hands are free. You can also shoot Danmaku from your Familiars.

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #325 on: August 24, 2021, 03:07:07 PM »
//I skimmed through it but I'd like the synopsis if you can just so I know the important parts.

>Play a beast youkai with species and name of your choosing.

>Your insignificant existence is set.
>You are a Beast Youkai.

>You wake up in The Forest of Magic.
>You've been here for as long as you can remember, once you get past the weird plants and bothersome Fairies, it's a pretty good and secluded place to live.
>Your name... you've had trouble remembering your real name but for now you go by Sayuri, you don't why, it just sounds good.
>Right now, you're in a clearing you've claimed as your territory, but you do hear a lot of movement nearby...

#Due to multiple people being involved I must now take into account multiple perspectives. All events from Philosopher's (The Moth's) perspective will be in the standard colour. All events from DarkWitchClaire's (Sayuri's) perspective will be in red.
#Any problems?
« Last Edit: August 24, 2021, 04:32:00 PM by WitheringFlowerCrown »


  • the future is now
  • Gender: Female
Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #326 on: August 24, 2021, 05:56:56 PM »
>Examine ourselves. What type of beast are we. What are our abilities?

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #327 on: August 24, 2021, 06:13:34 PM »
>Fill a dozen of our familiars with enough energy so they are as big as the fairies then have them fire danmaku on the fairies.
>Have the moths harass the fairies and lead them away

>"Ame do you want to lead?  Apple and Worm can protect Hanako from the left and right while I bring up the rear."

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #328 on: August 24, 2021, 06:34:20 PM »
>Examine ourselves. What type of beast are we. What are our abilities?

>You reacquaint yourself with your body...
>The most notable part of you are your wings, red and feathery, though you could disguise it as a red cloak if you closed them.
>You're definitely a type of Bird Youkai, which one exactly you haven't figured out, but you do have some guesses based on your ability...
>You are Capable of Burning anything, the flames you make are strange. You can control them, they burn in things that logically shouldn't burn. If you focus on an object then it's like a curse, and everything around that object combusts. You could say the weirdness is just Magic/Youjutsu, but that would be too easy.

>Fill a dozen of our familiars with enough energy so they are as big as the fairies then have them fire danmaku on the fairies.
>Have the moths harass the fairies and lead them away

>"Ame do you want to lead?  Apple and Worm can protect Hanako from the left and right while I bring up the rear."

>The Familiars grow with the energy you give them, but this is quite taxing on you... (-1200 Hunger)
>As your Familiars fire at the Fairies they start to scramble, some start to fly away in panic but others fly towards your position. Maybe they're dauntless, maybe they're also panicking, but they're still a threat.
>Ame walks forward. "I'm all for it. Things might get messy though, with blood, I mean." She says, raising her yari.
>As a Fairy gets too close for comfort, Ame leaps through the air and skewers them for an instant kill. That must've be painful.
>Worm and Apple cover left and right, Worm gets interesting...
>She throws a random piece of tree bark on the floor and activates her ability.
>"Rampant Life 'Overgrowth'!"
>The bark grows into a wooden wall, protecting Hanako's left side.
>"I got some ideas after seeing what happened with The Hybrid."


  • the future is now
  • Gender: Female
Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #329 on: August 24, 2021, 09:59:11 PM »
>"I wonder what all that commotion over there is about."
>Fly in the direction of the fight.