Author Topic: Magicians' Journey (A Patchouli Quest. Pokemon crossover.)  (Read 178977 times)

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Re: Magicians' Journey (A Patchouli Quest. Pokemon crossover.)
« Reply #120 on: October 02, 2020, 07:46:55 AM »
> Proceed towards the building

> Smile and nod at Alice

> In the meantime we need to think of a nickname for Fennekin...
>You smile and nod at Alice before proceeding towards the building, taking a moment to glance at the Fennekin by your feet. Perhaps you should come up with a name for her as well?

>Entering the building, you're immediately treated to the sight of a sleek white floor and cream colored walls. The first thing you notice is the central counter, attended by a woman with pinkish-red hair in light pink and white outfit. Behind her is some kind of device of unknown function, nestled below a large screen that takes up half of what seems to be a central support pillar.
>Off to the left is a lounge area, with a large, cushioned, L-shaped sofa/bench hybrid with a glass coffee table in the center. On the wall opposite of it is another screen of some kind, depicting a woman standing in front of a bunch of text describing the weather, with a ticker at the bottom with a logo showing "TK1 News", accompanied by scrolling text that reminds you of headlines in the Bunbunmaru.
>Next to that screen is an archway leading to a hall. A sign is visible on the back wall of it that seems to indicate that the lefthand path leads to "Dressing Rooms" and the righthand one leads to "Lodging".
>The right side of the pokemon center seems to have another waiting area, but this is mostly some stools and a couple of small tables. You do note that there is a bookshelf near them, though.
>Next to the bookshelf is another archway that seems to lead to some kind of store.

>The last thing you note is that there seems to be music being emitted from somewhere on the ceiling, in what seems to be an endless loop.


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Re: Magicians' Journey (A Patchouli Quest. Pokemon crossover.)
« Reply #121 on: October 02, 2020, 08:10:00 AM »
> Walk up to the counter and ask the lady "Hello, we're here to register as pokemon trainers" and hope she knows what we mean


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Re: Magicians' Journey (A Patchouli Quest. Pokemon crossover.)
« Reply #122 on: October 02, 2020, 08:57:24 AM »
> Walk up to the counter and ask the lady "Hello, we're here to register as pokemon trainers" and hope she knows what we mean
>"I see. Late bloomers, are we?" she smiles, "May I please have your names?"

Re: Magicians' Journey (A Patchouli Quest. Pokemon crossover.)
« Reply #123 on: October 03, 2020, 01:28:06 AM »
>Consider giving a fake name.

>Nah, it's probably not worth it.
>"Patchouli Knowledge."


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Re: Magicians' Journey (A Patchouli Quest. Pokemon crossover.)
« Reply #124 on: October 03, 2020, 01:34:28 AM »
> Our names hardly sound "Gensokyan" so might as well

> Look at Alice and especially Marisa with an expectant look (expecting them to give their names too)


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Re: Magicians' Journey (A Patchouli Quest. Pokemon crossover.)
« Reply #125 on: October 03, 2020, 02:30:21 AM »
>Consider giving a fake name.

>Nah, it's probably not worth it.
>"Patchouli Knowledge."
> Our names hardly sound "Gensokyan" so might as well

> Look at Alice and especially Marisa with an expectant look (expecting them to give their names too)
>You briefly consider giving a fake name, but you feel it's unnecessary. Besides, it's not like any of your names are too exotic sounding...

>You introduce yourself before glancing at your companions.
>"Alice Margatroid." Alice speaks up.
>"And I'm Marisa Kirisame!" Marisa flashes a smirk.

>"I see..." the woman nods, pressing her fingers against a board of buttons labelled with letters off to the side, before turning a nearby screen over to to the three of you, "Is that spelling correct?"

>You find nothing wrong with it, so you simply nod. The others similarly do not find any mistakes in their names at all.

>"Alright, I just need to get some pictures of the three of you, would you mind holding still for a moment?" she asks as she pulls out a small device, "You can smile if you want to, though no crazy faces please unless you'd like that to be your official portrait..."


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Re: Magicians' Journey (A Patchouli Quest. Pokemon crossover.)
« Reply #126 on: October 03, 2020, 05:26:07 AM »
> Just smile as usual, expectant look at Marisa


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Re: Magicians' Journey (A Patchouli Quest. Pokemon crossover.)
« Reply #127 on: October 03, 2020, 06:15:24 AM »
> Just smile as usual, expectant look at Marisa
>You smile, before glancing expectantly at Marisa as three loud clicks are suddenly emitted from the woman's device.
>"There." she smiles, "Let me just get this processed and... there!"

>A large pink creature with rabbitlike ears and a white belly, dressed in similar garb to the woman waddles into view behind the counter. The woman quickly turns to it.
>"Oh, Wigglytuff. There should be a few trainer cards printing in the back, could you bring them up here for me when they're done, please?" she asks.
>"Wigglytuff." the creature nods happily, before waddling out of view behind the central pillar.
>"I'll page you when your cards are ready." the woman turns to you, "In the meantime, I'll take the liberty of registering you with the PSS system. Of course, I will need your pokedex for a few moments in order to do that."
>Both the lady and the pokedex give you an expectant look.


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Re: Magicians' Journey (A Patchouli Quest. Pokemon crossover.)
« Reply #128 on: October 03, 2020, 06:16:34 PM »
> Pass it over


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Re: Magicians' Journey (A Patchouli Quest. Pokemon crossover.)
« Reply #129 on: October 03, 2020, 11:21:59 PM »
> Pass it over
>You reach for the pokedex, but the device, sensing your intentions, simply floats over to the woman.
>"Where should I interface, ma'am?"
>"Ah, right over here." she smile, indicating a small slot next to the button-filled board, which the pokedex quickly slots itself into, "You three are free to take a seat in one of the waiting areas if you want."


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Re: Magicians' Journey (A Patchouli Quest. Pokemon crossover.)
« Reply #130 on: October 05, 2020, 04:03:47 AM »
> Take a seat and wait, in the meantime observe the people in the center and what they are doing


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Re: Magicians' Journey (A Patchouli Quest. Pokemon crossover.)
« Reply #131 on: October 05, 2020, 06:21:58 AM »
> Take a seat and wait, in the meantime observe the people in the center and what they are doing
>You take a seat on the side with the bookshelf, watching as people enter the center and approach the lady at the counter for their own reasons.

>You note that some of them hand over their pokeballs to the lady, who seems to place them in a device behind the counter before telling them to take a seat.

>Eventually you hear the lady's voice coming from somewhere in the ceiling.
>"Will Ms. Knowledge and co. please report to the counter? Ms. Knowledge and co. to the front desk, please. Your trainer registrations are complete."


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Re: Magicians' Journey (A Patchouli Quest. Pokemon crossover.)
« Reply #132 on: October 05, 2020, 06:08:32 PM »
> Go back to the counter to get our cards


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Re: Magicians' Journey (A Patchouli Quest. Pokemon crossover.)
« Reply #133 on: October 06, 2020, 02:52:55 AM »
> Go back to the counter to get our cards
>You return to the counter as the large rabbit-eared pokemon -- Wigglytuff, from what you recall the nurse saying -- walks up to it holding a tray containing three cards. Each of them having a portrait of one of your faces on it.
>Your portrait, notably, is of you smiling but glancing off expectantly to your left, which is where you recall Marisa was standing.

>The pokedex floats across the counter, taking its position with your group once more.

>"Congratulations!" the lady smiles, "You three are now officially licensed league challengers and have been registered in the PSS system."


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Re: Magicians' Journey (A Patchouli Quest. Pokemon crossover.)
« Reply #134 on: October 07, 2020, 12:04:21 AM »
> Smile back and reply "Thank you miss!"

> "Could you explain to us how to use this PSS thing since we're new?"


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Re: Magicians' Journey (A Patchouli Quest. Pokemon crossover.)
« Reply #135 on: October 07, 2020, 01:39:21 AM »
> Smile back and reply "Thank you miss!"

> "Could you explain to us how to use this PSS thing since we're new?"
>"You're welcome, and sure thing!" she smiles, before gesturing to a device to the right of the counter, "You can access the PSS through the PC over there. Just insert your trainer card into the slot and it'll connect you to your account. From there you can use the PC to organize your pokemon, as well as deposit and withdraw from the PSS system."


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Re: Magicians' Journey (A Patchouli Quest. Pokemon crossover.)
« Reply #136 on: October 08, 2020, 06:07:19 AM »
> "I-I see, thank you"
> We can always ask for more help later if we end up using it

> Proceed back outside and ask our friends what they think we should do now


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Re: Magicians' Journey (A Patchouli Quest. Pokemon crossover.)
« Reply #137 on: October 08, 2020, 07:34:25 AM »
> "I-I see, thank you"
> We can always ask for more help later if we end up using it

> Proceed back outside and ask our friends what they think we should do now
>"You're welcome. We hope to see you again." the woman smiles before you head back outside.

>"I mean, we still gotta find a way home, right?" Marisa questions, "Though I wouldn't mind trying out that Gym Challenge thing while we do that, ze."
>"Find a way home?" the pokedex tilts sideways a bit.


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Re: Magicians' Journey (A Patchouli Quest. Pokemon crossover.)
« Reply #138 on: October 08, 2020, 02:29:55 PM »
> Turn to the pokedex with a susprised look

> "You wouldn't be able to show us a map of Kalos would you?"

Re: Magicians' Journey (A Patchouli Quest. Pokemon crossover.)
« Reply #139 on: October 08, 2020, 05:52:14 PM »
>"And maybe a map of the world?"

>We know what the world looked like before Gensokyo was formed, right?


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Re: Magicians' Journey (A Patchouli Quest. Pokemon crossover.)
« Reply #140 on: October 08, 2020, 07:49:24 PM »
> Turn to the pokedex with a susprised look

> "You wouldn't be able to show us a map of Kalos would you?"
>"Bzzzt? Of course I can!" the pokedex flips over to expose its screen, before revealing a map of an area that roughly resembles France, with several lines and circles indicating cities, roads, and points of interest it seems. Lumiose City is a very large circle in the center of the region, roughly where Paris should be.

>"And maybe a map of the world?"

>We know what the world looked like before Gensokyo was formed, right?
>You do.
>The map zooms out to reveal an odd geography. While there are some areas that resemble parts of Earth landmasses, all of them seem somewhat distorted from what you remember, (For instance, there appears to be an upside down version of the British Isles to the northwest of Kalos, and on the other side of the world you can see small landmasses that somewhat resemble larger versions of Kyushu and Hokkaido) and even the ones you sorta recognize appear to be in different locations than where they're supposed to be.

Re: Magicians' Journey (A Patchouli Quest. Pokemon crossover.)
« Reply #141 on: October 08, 2020, 08:08:19 PM »
>We should find a secluded place to discuss our options, as Alice and Marisa might have some ideas.
>"Pokedex, do you turn off and on?"


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Re: Magicians' Journey (A Patchouli Quest. Pokemon crossover.)
« Reply #142 on: October 08, 2020, 09:05:31 PM »
> Maybe we're in the outside world and it's changed a lot since we left

> "Like we don't want you running out of energy when we need your advice the most"


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Re: Magicians' Journey (A Patchouli Quest. Pokemon crossover.)
« Reply #143 on: October 08, 2020, 11:24:52 PM »
>We should find a secluded place to discuss our options, as Alice and Marisa might have some ideas.
>"Pokedex, do you turn off and on?"
> Maybe we're in the outside world and it's changed a lot since we left

> "Like we don't want you running out of energy when we need your advice the most"
>You decide you need somewhere secluded as you try to rationalize the map.
>"Oh, you don't have to worry about that. Part of the perks of being a Rotom is that the devices we inhabit can operate indefinitely!"



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Re: Magicians' Journey (A Patchouli Quest. Pokemon crossover.)
« Reply #144 on: October 09, 2020, 04:40:24 AM »
> Silly and cheerfully "Oh wonderful~!  Who would have known technology can be so dependable!"

> Devices they inhabit?  So there's something possessing our device?

> Tilt head "Though, what's a Rotom?"

Re: Magicians' Journey (A Patchouli Quest. Pokemon crossover.)
« Reply #145 on: October 09, 2020, 04:42:54 AM »
//Patchouli must be taking this very seriously to pretend to be silly and cheerful.


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Re: Magicians' Journey (A Patchouli Quest. Pokemon crossover.)
« Reply #146 on: October 09, 2020, 04:48:09 AM »
// Well isn't our party pretending to be giggly young ladies part of a magic troupe?

// Patchouli is just trying to learn as much as possible about this world without giving away she's not part of it


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Re: Magicians' Journey (A Patchouli Quest. Pokemon crossover.)
« Reply #147 on: October 09, 2020, 06:04:29 AM »
> Silly and cheerfully "Oh wonderful~!  Who would have known technology can be so dependable!"
>Marisa snickers at your act.
>"Indeed. It really has revolutionized people's way of life."

> Devices they inhabit?  So there's something possessing our device?

> Tilt head "Though, what's a Rotom?"
>The pokedex's screen suddenly changes, revealing an image of an orange teardrop-shaped creature with some kind of aura around it. You note that its face is identical to that of the face on the pokedex itself:
Screen Contents:

Plasma Pokemon
(Standard Form)

>"Rotom." the pokedex speaks, "The Plasma Pokemon, an Electric and Ghost type. Its body is composed of plasma, and it is known to infiltrate electronic devices and wreak havoc. Its form and type changes when it possesses certain appliances, and thanks to recent research, several devices that harness Rotom's unique capabilities are becoming commonplace, worldwide."
« Last Edit: October 09, 2020, 06:06:40 AM by Evil_Nazgul0616 »


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Re: Magicians' Journey (A Patchouli Quest. Pokemon crossover.)
« Reply #148 on: October 09, 2020, 03:38:09 PM »
> "Wait so we actually have 4 pokemon?"

> "Also how come you can talk whereas other pokemon can't"
« Last Edit: October 09, 2020, 07:56:46 PM by Tom »


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Re: Magicians' Journey (A Patchouli Quest. Pokemon crossover.)
« Reply #149 on: October 10, 2020, 02:55:01 AM »
> "Wait so we actually have 4 pokemon?"

> "Also how come you can talk whereas other pokemon can't"
>"Well technically I'm owned by the Pokemon League. Though that's really just to prevent people from catching me if I'm ever caught outside my device for whatever reason. Besides, us Service Rotoms aren't really great in battle anyway." the pokedex speaks, "As for your other question, the device allows me to synthesize a humanlike voice."