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七夕坂夢幻能 ~ Taboo Japan Disentanglement Announced
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Suspicious person:
New RenMerries, yay

Most of the talk I see about tend to take the sad route

No offense to the big man, but I'm not super confident about ZUN's ability to write drama (he likes the lighthearted, slice of life route), so I'm somewhat expecting no real change to happen here. Hope I'm wrong though !

Also the suspicious door plus Okina related themes suggesting that she'll be of some relevance kinda worries me a bit. I like Yuk- uhhh, Maribel's possibilities as her power keep growing, and I feel like it'd take a bit of her agency and potential future self if whatever possibility may be are the way they are because it had Okina behind it

Also reading "8 years after the previous one" inspire some strange and unpleasant feelings within me, hmm. Are we sure NToJ isn't from 3 years ago or something ?

--- Quote from: williewillus on April 11, 2024, 03:30:59 AM ---
Regarding the track titles and selections:

* Track 8's name is approximately "Lonesome Walk on a Road in Hitachi". That "Hitachi" is the same as in "Hitachiota", the city in which Tanabata Hill is located.
* Track 9, Lamentations Only Known by Jizo. Perhaps Renko prays to Jizo for help to save Merry.
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What about tracks 10 and 11? Did the video mention those?
Tracks 8 and 9 seem interesting to me. The name of track 9 literally mentions Jizo protects who protects the spirits of dead children and that all ties up with Ebisu, that's pretty obvious but I don't really see how that might be applied to Renko or Maribel. But, researching more into the topic, Jizo is also seen as a deity that protects travellers on roads and considering the name of track 8 literally has road in it, it's safe to assume they're connected in a way.

--- Quote from: Suspicious person on April 15, 2024, 12:36:33 AM ---New RenMerries, yay

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Considering all the Tanabata references, it wouldn't be too much of a stretch too see a parallel between Renko and Maribel with Orihime and Hikoboshi. ZUN might be too much of a coward to have them get together but he can't hide the romantic tensions between the two.
Branneg Xy:

--- Quote from: degradingwindow on April 16, 2024, 06:35:11 AM ---What about tracks 10 and 11? Did the video mention those?
Tracks 8 and 9 seem interesting to me. The name of track 9 literally mentions Jizo protects who protects the spirits of dead children and that all ties up with Ebisu, that's pretty obvious but I don't really see how that might be applied to Renko or Maribel. But, researching more into the topic, Jizo is also seen as a deity that protects travellers on roads and considering the name of track 8 literally has road in it, it's safe to assume they're connected in a way.
Considering all the Tanabata references, it wouldn't be too much of a stretch too see a parallel between Renko and Maribel with Orihime and Hikoboshi. ZUN might be too much of a coward to have them get together but he can't hide the romantic tensions between the two.

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:ltotal: :lgraze: :smallfaith: :faith:
There is rather to point out with respect and/or praise out the courageous and persevarant justice and rightfulness of ZUN(Jun'ya Ota)to not cave  :cirnotan: AND DODGE  :meiling: "odd (and at odds) kind(s)of romanticism(s) and romance(s) " under pressure & pressurers, influence & influencers, naivety & naive-makers and so on...

Renko's and Marybel's focuses are certainly "reflections of and from Japan-ism, Far-Eastern-ism, Mysterious Boundarirs and Crossings M "Native(Renko), Foreigner(Marybel),International (Both) Japanism and Far-Easternism "...

More in person they are"Quite best close young and, especially Marybel,  Partly-Reckless(likely around 24-5 during the middle or later part of University Ph.Doctorates or Masters) Friends, Researchers-Associates,Thinker(mostly-Renko)-Dreamer(mostly-Marybel)  INVESTIGATORS-EXPLORERS DUO OF CLUB MEMBERS "; alongside, if I am clear and of help enough ,  any inklings in-out Gensokyo and then "the other Other-Realms(Lands) and Other-Boundaries(Crossing or No-Crossing Passages)", themore or less meant,  remembered,  hinted or the like

--- Quote from: degradingwindow on April 16, 2024, 06:35:11 AM ---What about tracks 10 and 11? Did the video mention those?

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Okina's theme is probably the climax where she reveals herself as some sort of mastermind of person pulling the strings, and the last track is probably just a story wrap-up where the two go home. That's my guess at least.

Also worth noting that this CD is only the second time a Stage 1 theme has made it onto a disc (the other time was Ghostly Field Club's Illusionary Night ~ Ghostly Eyes)
Plot summary (facetious)

Spoiler: Merry gets mad at Renko not spending time with her and working on her research papers instead, so she goes out alone and then gets in trouble.
Anyways, I need some time to digest the new tracks (though Taboo Marionette and the last track are quite good). ALL of the arranges are absolute bangers oh my god.
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