Author Topic: An Out of Context Incident  (Read 127490 times)

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Re: An Out of Context Incident
« Reply #180 on: May 02, 2022, 03:33:09 AM »
//I chose a fairy because of the contrast between a touhou fairy and a traditional fairy.

  >The witch turns to face you, "It's ok -"
  >Lilian steps forward and jabs a finger in Marisa's direction, "That's right white and black.  Me and Eillia, a super fairy, are going to get Miss Patchouli's desserts!"

  >Marisa rolls her eyes while smirking.  Patchouli lets out an exasperated sigh.

  >The librarian says to Lilian, "To qualify for the reward the participant needs to stop the rat from making to the library."  She turns to one of the red haired women with wings, "Start a standard properties analysis circle modify for the spirit and local shape-shifters."

>The woman bows to Patchouli before scampering off.  Patchouli narrows her eyes at you and Marisa before taking a seat at one of the numerous tables.  Paper and a hot cup appear beside the pajama clad woman.

  >"Can I get you something, Marisa?" Turning your head you find a human maid with silver hair frowning at you.

  >"Black tea." The witch motions at you, "Scame with me, Sakuya."

  >"Pardon me.  Can I get you anything to drink or eat?"

>Lilian jumps up, "Coco, Eillia you should try it.  It's sweet and warm and good."

Re: An Out of Context Incident
« Reply #181 on: May 03, 2022, 10:57:09 PM »
#Ah, interesting.

>>"Super Fairy?! I wouldn't call myself that but thanks."

>Look towards the human maid
>"I'll take Coco please, Miss Sakuya."

>Look towards the witch, Patchouli.
>>"So, how will you go about helping me with my body issue?"

Re: An Out of Context Incident
« Reply #182 on: May 07, 2022, 02:12:41 AM »
>Sakuya vanishes.  On the table in front of Patchouli plates of crepes and tarts appear out of thin air.  Marisa and Lilian dig into the treats.

>"Presuming that this isn't a prank then the course of action would be determined by the cause of your condition.  The most probable cause of your affliction is a possessed spiritual core."

>What in the world is a spiritual core?  Is she messing around?

>After swallowing her tart Marisa says, "She's a sidhe youkai not a spirit."

>Pity flashes across the librarians face replaced by a sober look, "If this isn't a prank then your predicament will be a tedious task to fix."

With a mouth full of food Lilian jumps with her hand raised, "Aren't some of the fairies sidhe?"

>Patchouli hand reaches towards the empty plate of tarts, the sweet treats reappear just before the witch's hand grabs empty air. "A few of the fairy maids were before metamorphizing."


>Drinks have appeared on the table.

Re: An Out of Context Incident
« Reply #183 on: May 09, 2022, 12:47:32 PM »
>Take a sip from our drink
>"This is no prank, though I wish it was."

>"I had a feeling it would be tedious in some way. Do you need a full explanation of my situation? Or can you tell me now why this problem is going to be troublesome to fix?"

>Have a tart, the others are enjoying them so it must be good.

Re: An Out of Context Incident
« Reply #184 on: May 10, 2022, 07:40:25 AM »
>"The sidhe were reshaped into the form that you find yourself in now by the shifting beliefs of the victorian era.  Curing your predicament would require filtering belief and reshaping people's perception of you."
Patchouli quietly drinks from a cup decorated with images of various flowers.

>The purple witch continues, "Though I am curious as how you were able to recover your memories and why you believed that you had swapped forms with a spiritual entity."

>Patchouli's explanation sounds off.  Human belief shouldn't be potent enough to reshape your entire race.

>The librarians assistant returns.  Patchouli waits patiently for any further questions.

>Do you ask questions or get examined
« Last Edit: May 10, 2022, 05:08:38 PM by Philosopher »

Re: An Out of Context Incident
« Reply #185 on: May 10, 2022, 07:17:38 PM »
>"If you're curious about my previous guess..."
>>Tell Patchouli about our experience with the magic mirror so far.

>"Would it help if I mentioned that I come from a place that may have different... dynamics involving metamorphosis of Sidhe races?"
>>"As far as I know, human perception and belief shouldn't be powerful enough to affect an entire race, or mine at least. I guess things work differently here?"
>"Also, what is a 'Spiritual Core'? I am not familiar with that term at all."

Re: An Out of Context Incident
« Reply #186 on: May 10, 2022, 09:58:19 PM »
>"If you're curious about my previous guess..."
>>Tell Patchouli about our experience with the magic mirror so far.

>Patchouli crosses her legs and taps her cheek in thought.  "Your observations have opened a hole in my hypothesis."

>"Would it help if I mentioned that I come from a place that may have different... dynamics involving metamorphosis of Sidhe races?"
>>"As far as I know, human perception and belief shouldn't be powerful enough to affect an entire race, or mine at least. I guess things work differently here?"

Silence permeates the library.  The librarian is lost in thought. Marisa sits frozen with a crepe in mid-chew.  Lilian stares at you with Coco dribbling down her mouth.  Behind bookshelves even the staff can be seen staring.

Marisa is the first to speak. "But. . .youkai are formed from human beliefs.  How. . .that. . ." The witch mumbles in confusion.

"Does that mean you can play outside? Like actually outside Gensokyo like we were?" Lillian's eyes glimmer with awe and envy.

"Incredible. For the principles of reality to differ that much from our own." The purple witch mutters an incantation too quick to understand.  A small complex sigil made of white light pops into being around her wrist.  "I would like you to cast a spell."

>But you’re already casting the glamour and flight spell.

>The librarian speaks in the tone of a tutor. "A spirit core is the foundation of a youkai.  Much like a brain it contains the personality and memories as well as the soul of a youkai.  It's destruction means the death of that youkai."

Re: An Out of Context Incident
« Reply #187 on: May 13, 2022, 12:42:50 AM »
>"I'm already maintaining a couple but if you need a more obvious example, I'll give one."

>Float down to the ground and deactivate flight.
>"I'm going to disappear for a moment, don't be alarmed."
>>Activate the Invisibility Spell

Re: An Out of Context Incident
« Reply #188 on: May 13, 2022, 01:12:54 AM »
>You vanish from sight.  Patchouli begins to fiddle with the sigil until eventually she gets up and walks over to you.

>"Truly astounding,"

>"Come on, that light fairy can pull the same trick," Marisa says.

>"Inaccurate, one would expect the magical signature of a spell," The purple magician pulls out a notepad and scribbles feverishly.  "I'll need to examine the mirror and figure out the mechanics of your magic before we can return you to your proper form."

>Marisa smirks, "It should be a day or two before it shows up then we follow the shooty fairies and people in the wrong bodies."

Re: An Out of Context Incident
« Reply #189 on: May 17, 2022, 10:52:01 PM »
>Drink the Coco entirely.
>"Good that we've clarified this before anymore confusion occurred."

Re: An Out of Context Incident
« Reply #190 on: May 21, 2022, 06:45:31 PM »
>Patchouli takes a bite of a tart before speaking, "I would recommend visiting the Hakurei Shrine," Marisa looks like she is about to object before the purple witch continues. "The shrine maiden would either sell or seal the artifact.  Kirisame Second Hand Store in the Human village to confirm that the mirror wasn't sold."

>The ordinary magician's countenance darkens.

Simple sundress without pockets


Get your breasts back

Find out why you have wings

Find out where you are

Glamour: You can alter any of the senses of an individual even yourself.  It can also effect an object's appearance.  Especially good for altering the taste of your food.  You were required to use this to make yourself presentable for your lord. (weak acts as illusion, strongest manipulates reality) cost 0 on self and 1 on another

Invisibility cost 0 when on self, others 2 to start

Luck Manipulation
>Your luck manipulation affects an area of about the size of a large house around a target

>Giving good luck would have things like a person noticing money, tools working longer than they should, malfunctions in alarm sensors, enemies near you suffering bad luck, beneficial accidents, etcetera
 >Giving bad luck a person might find their clothes snagging on breakables, tripping on their own feet, their darts always missing the dartboard in the pub, small objects getting underfoot, jars not sealing, old floorboards giving way underfoot, etcetera
->Luck manipulation is weird because it feels like your manipulating something other than reality.

Flight: As long as you can speak you can utter the spell for flight
   spell costs one energy to use and maintain

Various spells that a maid might use.  Examples include warming tea, making yourself seem more dignified, and making dust vanish.

Maid duties

Sewing and knitting

Fae court manners



Recognizing working human relics and selling them

Many musical instruments excluding guitar, xylophone, and drums

   Footstep silence
      enviromental protection
   slow spell effects
   spell redirection spell
      *The redirect spell will allow you to redirect danmaku and lasers, but a master spark             would overwhelm you.
      **You are also limited to redirecting one bullet at a time presently.
   lethargy(via glammor)


  • Master of Molecul- I mean atoms. Master of Atoms
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Re: An Out of Context Incident
« Reply #191 on: August 25, 2022, 09:54:25 PM »
//It's been a while since this was last worked on, so I've unfortunately forgotten most of the recent events (I do remember most of the backstory and previous events though). I've looked back a little, and I've got a general idea of where we are again, but one thing I don't remember at all is this mention of a magic mirror. Could you remind me of what this is?

And one more question: Does the player character know that Gensokyo is "located" in Japan? If not, would they know about Japan (in the sense that it exists) in the real world anyway?

Thanks in advance!

Re: An Out of Context Incident
« Reply #192 on: August 29, 2022, 12:19:27 AM »
>The magic mirror is the last thing Elilia remembers running into before waking up in Gensokyo.  It was said by others that there was a mirror like the one Elilia ran into next to her in Gensokyo.

>Elilia was told Gensokyo is in japan.

>You know that the Japanese people are famous for giving life to inanimate objects
->Being an island nation they likely suffered from tsunami because of the world serpent's return
->The land is run by different gods with overlapping territory
->Finally there is an unlikely chance your magic may do nothing or may do unexpected things


  • Master of Molecul- I mean atoms. Master of Atoms
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    • 東方偽現実 〜 Cruelty of Verisimilar Existence - An in-progress Yukari fanfiction
Re: An Out of Context Incident
« Reply #193 on: August 29, 2022, 02:13:06 PM »
>The magic mirror is the last thing Elilia remembers running into before waking up in Gensokyo.  It was said by others that there was a mirror like the one Elilia ran into next to her in Gensokyo.

>Elilia was told Gensokyo is in japan.

>You know that the Japanese people are famous for giving life to inanimate objects
->Being an island nation they likely suffered from tsunami because of the world serpent's return
->The land is run by different gods with overlapping territory
->Finally there is an unlikely chance your magic may do nothing or may do unexpected things

//Okay, thank you very much.

>"Thank you very much for the assistance, Miss Patchouli. However, before I depart, I would like to ask a question. You and the head maid do not seem to be of Japanese origin. This is just a thought, but would you and the other residents here happen to originate outside of Japan, such as a region called Europe?"

Re: An Out of Context Incident
« Reply #194 on: August 31, 2022, 04:26:54 AM »
"Yes, except for Meiling all the original inhabitants are from Europe."


  • Master of Molecul- I mean atoms. Master of Atoms
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    • 東方偽現実 〜 Cruelty of Verisimilar Existence - An in-progress Yukari fanfiction
Re: An Out of Context Incident
« Reply #195 on: August 31, 2022, 03:15:46 PM »
"Yes, except for Meiling all the original inhabitants are from Europe."

>"...Interesting... I come from Europe as well..."
>>"What part of Europe do you come from, if you don't mind?"

Re: An Out of Context Incident
« Reply #196 on: August 31, 2022, 03:50:11 PM »
>"We came from France."


  • Master of Molecul- I mean atoms. Master of Atoms
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    • 東方偽現実 〜 Cruelty of Verisimilar Existence - An in-progress Yukari fanfiction
Re: An Out of Context Incident
« Reply #197 on: August 31, 2022, 04:48:00 PM »
>"Ah... France...* I come from England, personally."

>"Well then, I believe I'm finished with my questions. If you no longer have anything else for me that I should know, we shall head to the Hakurei Shrine."

//* This is a nod to someone from the UK I've met saying that people there like to "make fun" of the French. I'm not personally knowledgeable about why that is, but I have my theories (such as the two countries' long resentment of each other in their history).

Re: An Out of Context Incident
« Reply #198 on: September 04, 2022, 06:42:00 AM »
"No, that should be everything," Patchouli pauses. "If you are ever looking for a job the mansion is always hiring." The woman opens her book and begins to read.

Marisa's widen at the purple witch's words.  Lillian's mouth is open with coco dribbling down her clothes.


  • Master of Molecul- I mean atoms. Master of Atoms
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    • 東方偽現実 〜 Cruelty of Verisimilar Existence - An in-progress Yukari fanfiction
Re: An Out of Context Incident
« Reply #199 on: September 05, 2022, 04:32:49 PM »
>Turn to Lillian. "Well, it was lovely meeting you. I hope we can see each other again." Give her a sincere curtsy.

>Turn to Marisa. "Alright then, Marisa. Where is the Hakurei Shrine?"

Re: An Out of Context Incident
« Reply #200 on: September 05, 2022, 09:46:12 PM »
Lillian returns your curtsy. "It was a blast meeting you."

"Right follow me." Marisa flies off on her broom at a moderate pace.


  • Master of Molecul- I mean atoms. Master of Atoms
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    • 東方偽現実 〜 Cruelty of Verisimilar Existence - An in-progress Yukari fanfiction
Re: An Out of Context Incident
« Reply #201 on: September 06, 2022, 12:53:40 AM »
>Follow Marisa.

>While traveling to the shrine, survey the land as it passes by to get more familiar with Gensokyo.

Re: An Out of Context Incident
« Reply #202 on: September 06, 2022, 02:38:54 AM »
>Marisa leads you across the misty lake.  Her path leads you between the city and the thick forest and towards a mountain.  Passing the city you notice a large thick grove of bamboo.

>Marisa's shouts in surprise.  The witch's broom hangs vertically in the air as the woman falls towards the ground.


  • Master of Molecul- I mean atoms. Master of Atoms
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    • 東方偽現実 〜 Cruelty of Verisimilar Existence - An in-progress Yukari fanfiction
Re: An Out of Context Incident
« Reply #203 on: September 06, 2022, 02:58:33 AM »
>Marisa leads you across the misty lake.  Her path leads you between the city and the thick forest and towards a mountain.  Passing the city you notice a large thick grove of bamboo.

>How big is this city?

>Marisa's shouts in surprise.  The witch's broom hangs vertically in the air as the woman falls towards the ground.

//Do we know about the rule about flight in Gensokyo? That anyone can learn, and Marisa knows how but chooses not to?

>Dive down to (attempt to) catch Marisa.

Re: An Out of Context Incident
« Reply #204 on: September 06, 2022, 04:17:15 AM »
>You do not

>Your fingers latch onto Marisa's shirt.  The woman falls slower for a moment more before she stops.

>"Aah, you were supposed to fall," Two women appear with Marisa's broom in one of the newcomer's hands.  You recognize the fairy clothes on them, but they are to fair to be sidhe or at least common sidhe.


  • Master of Molecul- I mean atoms. Master of Atoms
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    • 東方偽現実 〜 Cruelty of Verisimilar Existence - An in-progress Yukari fanfiction
Re: An Out of Context Incident
« Reply #205 on: September 06, 2022, 07:01:58 AM »
>"Erm... hello. Before we introduce ourselves, could you please explain why you attacked this kleptomaniac magician?"

Re: An Out of Context Incident
« Reply #206 on: September 06, 2022, 07:43:09 AM »
The two women giggle.

>"We thought it would be funny, and we didn't attack."

>"Yep," The one with the broom agrees. "We just pushed her off her broom."

>"Sound like fairies," Marisa mutters under her breath.


  • Master of Molecul- I mean atoms. Master of Atoms
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    • 東方偽現実 〜 Cruelty of Verisimilar Existence - An in-progress Yukari fanfiction
Re: An Out of Context Incident
« Reply #207 on: September 06, 2022, 09:08:01 AM »
>Examine the fairies.

>"Sound like fairies," Marisa mutters under her breath.

>Give Marisa the death glare.

>Snicker. "Well, I don't blame you. She certainly seems like a fun one to pick on."
>>"Anyway, I'm Elilia, a pleasure to meet you. And who might you two be?"

Re: An Out of Context Incident
« Reply #208 on: September 06, 2022, 04:20:46 PM »
>The fairies have pale skin and golden hair.  You recognize the clothing as a Welsh style.  They most likely are Gwragedd Annwn.

"Oy!" Marisa interjects.

>"We don't have names." The one without a broom comments.


  • Master of Molecul- I mean atoms. Master of Atoms
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    • 東方偽現実 〜 Cruelty of Verisimilar Existence - An in-progress Yukari fanfiction
Re: An Out of Context Incident
« Reply #209 on: September 06, 2022, 05:24:50 PM »
>Do we have time to stop and talk? Not that it matters, since we're going to do it anyway.

>Continue to ignore Marisa, it's fun to tease her.

>"Well, maybe I could help with that. Have you thought about what you would like for a name?"