Author Topic: Rumia Quest - Another  (Read 481451 times)

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Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #480 on: August 09, 2021, 03:24:16 AM »
>"Huh, I was way off in my guess."
>"Have you seen Marisa or Reimu?"


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Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #481 on: August 09, 2021, 03:43:00 AM »
>Is Junko asleep?

Shadow Realm:
>("I mean, X implied it was... She also seems to consider the fairy to be a candidate for her own shadow. Still, I'm not going to underestimate her in either case.")

>Drop the walls and return to our normal size. Be prepared to throw up a new one if they resume fighting, though.
>"Look, if you wanted out, you could've simply talked to me or my shadow before shooting. You're guests, not prisoners. Nor are we barbarians..."
>Glance to the most hurt one: "Are you alright, by the way?"
>"What do you plan on doing once you leave anyway? I know the others that were here would rather have been fighting with the rest of the tengu and possibly join the fairies rather than go against them in the event the fairies won... Speaking of which, Shadow, do you know if the rest of the tengu surrendered to the fairies or not while these three were out?"

>"Huh, really, you can make someone your shadow?"
>Is that how our shadow was born?
>>If so: "Oh, wait, I think I remember now."
>>Wait would that mean that we adopted our shadow?

>"Hmm... So the incident makes you appear stronger if you're aligned with a fairy, then? Interesting."
>"Huh, I was way off in my guess."
>"Have you seen Marisa or Reimu?"
> No, she's still awake.

> You drop the walls and return to the size you had before.
> "I'm fine." The Tengu answers. "This won't be anything. And we need to get moving and assess the situation."
> "I'm pretty sure they all agreed to be conscripted." Your shadow answers.
> The two tengu are ejected from your void through your shadow, reappearing next to your group at the Misty Lake.
> The third Tengu still in your void seems confused, though not too alarmed.

> "She was born recently, and from what I can tell, she's somewhat special. It's complicated, and probably won't even work, but it's nothing you need to worry about now." X explains.
> "That's what I've gathered so far. And that the fairy themselves are pretty much the strongest species now."
> "I haven't seen either of them tonight. Obviously, given this is already past the time most people would be asleep. My guess is that they're both asleep. You might not wanna be anywhere near the Hakurei Shrine with the stunt you pulled here either. Keeping a hand on Lily may have been small, but Yukari's probably still up, as she already bothered me about the village earlier. I'd bet she has her own plans for this fairy thing, but if she saw this, she won't be happy about you being near Reimu in her sleep. You could try to clear misunderstandings up with her directly, though."


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Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #482 on: August 09, 2021, 04:05:59 AM »
>"Shadow, you could've warned me before dropping them here. Or at least waited until I was done speaking with them."
>Mutter this out loud, but not so loud that it would wake the others.
>If shadow isn't physically present here, broadcast it to her as we speak as well.

Fairies of Light blanket:
>Any change?

Shadow Realm:
>Raise an eyebrow. "Well that was rather abrupt. Why is she still here though?"
>"And by that I don't mean eject her immediately, I would like to hear your reasoning..."

>"As I said the intention was to survey the area for threats and not cause any harm. If Lily was unclaimed I wouldn't want any of the more barbaric factions to snatch her in her sleep."
>"Plus if she keeps tabs on Reimu then she may already be aware that I am currently in an agreement with Reimu as well. I still need to repay her for unsealing us, after all."
>"Besides, wasn't really intending to return to the shrine until morning or near morning anyway and even then I don't intend to enter it without Reimu's permission."

>"By the way do you have any plans for the fairies of light? I have a vested interest in them, so it would be nice to know if we'd have a potential conflict there. Wouldn't want to unintentionally step on each other's toes, as it were."

Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #483 on: August 09, 2021, 04:24:25 AM »
>Shake our head
>"I was concerned about their safety with how crazy everything has been."

>Pull our shadow out of the other fairy from the lake


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Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #484 on: August 09, 2021, 04:32:09 AM »
>Pull our shadow out of the other fairy from the lake
>Change "shadow" to "blob" in this sentence, since we didn't have Shadow perform that task.
>Do so as harmlessly and discreet as possible.


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Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #485 on: August 09, 2021, 06:07:23 AM »
>"Shadow, you could've warned me before dropping them here. Or at least waited until I was done speaking with them."
>Mutter this out loud, but not so loud that it would wake the others.
>If shadow isn't physically present here, broadcast it to her as we speak as well.

Fairies of Light blanket:
>Any change?

Shadow Realm:
>Raise an eyebrow. "Well that was rather abrupt. Why is she still here though?"
>"And by that I don't mean eject her immediately, I would like to hear your reasoning..."

>"As I said the intention was to survey the area for threats and not cause any harm. If Lily was unclaimed I wouldn't want any of the more barbaric factions to snatch her in her sleep."
>"Plus if she keeps tabs on Reimu then she may already be aware that I am currently in an agreement with Reimu as well. I still need to repay her for unsealing us, after all."
>"Besides, wasn't really intending to return to the shrine until morning or near morning anyway and even then I don't intend to enter it without Reimu's permission."

>"By the way do you have any plans for the fairies of light? I have a vested interest in them, so it would be nice to know if we'd have a potential conflict there. Wouldn't want to unintentionally step on each other's toes, as it were."
>Shake our head
>"I was concerned about their safety with how crazy everything has been."

>Pull our shadow out of the other fairy from the lake
>Change "shadow" to "blob" in this sentence, since we didn't have Shadow perform that task.
>Do so as harmlessly and discreet as possible.

> "Sorry. And she hasn't objected to being here or anything." Shadow explains.
> The two Tengu start off towards the Youkai Mountain.

> No changes yet... None...

> "Fairies of light? Oh, the Three Fairies of Light. My group did mentioned them, but I've been busy."
> You bring your darkness back from the fairy you had it on at the lake.


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Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #486 on: August 09, 2021, 06:24:16 AM »
>Has Junko noticed?

Shadow Realm:
>"Ah. Let me talk to her then."
>("Please don't eject her without asking first.")
>Glance at the Tengu.
>"So, what about you? Surely you don't intend to stay here until the incident blows over, do you? Oh, and where are my manners: I am Rumia, Youkai of Twilight, you've probably already met my Shadow. Who might you be?"

>"So you have no intentions involving them at this time?"


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Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #487 on: August 09, 2021, 06:40:27 AM »
>Has Junko noticed?

Shadow Realm:
>"Ah. Let me talk to her then."
>("Please don't eject her without asking first.")
>Glance at the Tengu.
>"So, what about you? Surely you don't intend to stay here until the incident blows over, do you? Oh, and where are my manners: I am Rumia, Youkai of Twilight, you've probably already met my Shadow. Who might you be?"

>"So you have no intentions involving them at this time?"
> She seems to have, but isn't interested?
> The last Tengu shakes her head silently.

> "Yes, I have none right now." X repeats.


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Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #488 on: August 09, 2021, 06:53:46 AM »
>Shrug and return to slouching.

Shadow Realm:
>"Ah, a pleasure to meet you, Miss No."
>"...Not going to introduce yourself? Fine then..."
>"So do you intend to join the other Tengu and fight alongside the fairies that conscripted them, or do you intend to take them on in an attempt to liberate them? Do you intend to do so alone if you're going with option 2?"

>"Alright then."
>If nobody else has any questions/statements:
>>"I suppose I'll take my leave then. Bye sis, and good luck with the shadow candidate/kid!"
>>Start walking away along the road.

Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #489 on: August 09, 2021, 07:08:29 AM »
>When we are out of sight create a blob and have it shoot a danmaku at the ground


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Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #490 on: August 09, 2021, 07:17:09 AM »
>Shrug and return to slouching.

Shadow Realm:
>"Ah, a pleasure to meet you, Miss No."
>"...Not going to introduce yourself? Fine then..."
>"So do you intend to join the other Tengu and fight alongside the fairies that conscripted them, or do you intend to take them on in an attempt to liberate them? Do you intend to do so alone if you're going with option 2?"

>"Alright then."
>If nobody else has any questions/statements:
>>"I suppose I'll take my leave then. Bye sis, and good luck with the shadow candidate/kid!"
>>Start walking away along the road.
> The Tengu shrugs silently.

> "We'll be around the village, usually. In a way." X waves.
> The two let you leave.
> You continue on the path, until you're out of sight, then separate a bit of darkness to fire danmaku down.

> You'd like something to eat at least... Taking in darkness is getting annoying and tiresome for how much you're using.
> None of the lake fairies seem to have been able to follow the darkness you brought back. Though it's not like you're far from them where Prime is either...


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Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #491 on: August 09, 2021, 07:29:01 AM »
//inb4 this tengu is an expy of Neopolitan or Silent Bob.

>Stand up.
>Low enough so that Junko can hear but we don't wake the others: "I'm going fishing. I'll be back in a moment. Would you like me to bring back any for the rest of you?"

Shadow Realm:
>Physical description of this tengu.
>>(Shouldn't have to add this, but given the precedent:) This does not necessitate staring or oogling or anything otherwise weird, suspicious, and/or creepy in any way, but should be based on what we can logically witness in the moment as well as when we've looked at her in the past.
>"...You're not much of a speaker, are you?"

>Continue along the road. Keep an eye out for anything interesting.

Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #492 on: August 09, 2021, 08:04:04 AM »
>Create a spellcard based on surrounding our opponent in darkness then throwing lasers like judgement from the gods while the danmaku bullets complement each other


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Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #493 on: August 09, 2021, 08:12:12 AM »
//inb4 this tengu is an expy of Neopolitan or Silent Bob.

>Stand up.
>Low enough so that Junko can hear but we don't wake the others: "I'm going fishing. I'll be back in a moment. Would you like me to bring back any for the rest of you?"

Shadow Realm:
>Physical description of this tengu.
>>(Shouldn't have to add this, but given the precedent:) This does not necessitate staring or oogling or anything otherwise weird, suspicious, and/or creepy in any way, but should be based on what we can logically witness in the moment as well as when we've looked at her in the past.
>"...You're not much of a speaker, are you?"

>Continue along the road. Keep an eye out for anything interesting.
>Create a spellcard based on surrounding our opponent in darkness then throwing lasers like judgement from the gods while the danmaku bullets complement each other
> "They can't eat it while they're asleep now, can they?" Junko questions.

> The Tengu seems pretty forgettable and unnoticeable. But such doesn't appear to be from their outfit or anything. You're actually finding it hard to keep notice of anything specific about her.
> The Tengu shakes her head, then stands up and stretches her clothing some, holding it there for a moment...
> You wonder if she's waiting on something. Maybe a compliment? It doesn't seem like she wants one.

> You resume heading along the road.
> You're not in the mood to make a pattern to remember and stick to in duels, but do your best to come up with ideas in your head without getting further tired.


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Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #494 on: August 09, 2021, 08:22:57 AM »
//Inb4 actually Koishi somehow.

>"Well, you're still awake. Plus I can keep fish alive in my pocket dimension for a while, so preserving some until morning for the others isn't out of the question."

Shadow Realm:
>Manifest another eye near the fish that was left outside of the "water". Is it still alive?
>Are the swimming fish also still alive?
>Dismiss this eye after determining the answer.
>Consider the merits of turning a portion our realm into a fish farm.

>"Also I noticed that I can't seem to make out any specific features about you other than that you seem to be a tengu. Is that your ability?"
>"Your clothing looks nice by the way."
>("Are you noticing this as well, not the clothes part, I mean the thing about specific features.")

>Once we're sufficiently far from our sister's territory, pull off the road and find a tree to rest near.
>Don't fall asleep. We're simply remaining still to conserve energy.


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Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #495 on: August 09, 2021, 08:36:58 AM »
//Inb4 actually Koishi somehow.

>"Well, you're still awake. Plus I can keep fish alive in my pocket dimension for a while, so preserving some until morning for the others isn't out of the question."

Shadow Realm:
>Manifest another eye near the fish that was left outside of the "water". Is it still alive?
>Are the swimming fish also still alive?
>Dismiss this eye after determining the answer.
>Consider the merits of turning a portion our realm into a fish farm.

>"Also I noticed that I can't seem to make out any specific features about you other than that you seem to be a tengu. Is that your ability?"
>"Your clothing looks nice by the way."
>("Are you noticing this as well, not the clothes part, I mean the thing about specific features.")

>Once we're sufficiently far from our sister's territory, pull off the road and find a tree to rest near.
>Don't fall asleep. We're simply remaining still to conserve energy.
> Junko does not respond.

> The fish outside of the "water" you made is still alive from what you can tell. Maybe your void is just fit for anything living. The swimming fish are as well.
> You wonder if you could grow plants in here, despite this being the furthest place from sunlight you can imagine...
> The Tengu shakes her hand a bit, but gives a thumbs up, sitting back down. Her mouth moves, but you're sure she doesn't say anything.
> "I never singled any of them out, so..." Shadow responds.

> You stop and rest at a tree, trying not to fall asleep.
> At least there's no one who can force you asleep here or anything.


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Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #496 on: August 09, 2021, 08:52:39 AM »
>"...I'll grab some extra just in case. Been wondering if I could start farming fish in there as a renewable food source anyway."
>If there are no objections from Junko, sink into the ground and make for our previous fishing spot, turning ourselves into a "net" of darkness like before.
>Eat fish that swim through us until satisfied as before, in accordance to standard predator etiquette, don't go for anything too small or too large, prioritize ones that seem old or weak, etc. Wouldn't want to ruin the lake's ecosystem for everyone or accidentally eat a mermaid after all.
>When we are done capture some more fish, preferably healthy ones of the same species, 3-6 to feed the others along with with an extra 10-15 or so for breeding stock and deposit them into our Shadow Realm's habitat.
>>Grab a few stones, detritus, and aquatic plants as well if we can put them in the habitat without harming the fish. Might as well give them some feel of their natural habitat.
>Return to our throne once we are finished.

Shadow Realm:
>"Sorta, huh. So anyway, from what I understand you're not sure what you want to do right now? Also would you like a chair?"
>Expand the fish tank such that the floor space is the size of what would be considered a small house while maintaining the current "water depth" to accommodate the influx of fish.
>Return our control fish to its brethren. It's flopped around for hours now and it's served its purpose for the experiment at this point.
>Actually can we make out details about the fish or is it just the tengu that's hard to perceive?
« Last Edit: August 09, 2021, 08:59:06 AM by Evil_Nazgul0616 »

Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #497 on: August 09, 2021, 09:52:32 AM »
>Take a tree near us and add it to the shadow realm.

Shadow Realm:
>Examine the fish for any mutations


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Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #498 on: August 09, 2021, 10:57:47 PM »
>"...I'll grab some extra just in case. Been wondering if I could start farming fish in there as a renewable food source anyway."
>If there are no objections from Junko, sink into the ground and make for our previous fishing spot, turning ourselves into a "net" of darkness like before.
>Eat fish that swim through us until satisfied as before, in accordance to standard predator etiquette, don't go for anything too small or too large, prioritize ones that seem old or weak, etc. Wouldn't want to ruin the lake's ecosystem for everyone or accidentally eat a mermaid after all.
>When we are done capture some more fish, preferably healthy ones of the same species, 3-6 to feed the others along with with an extra 10-15 or so for breeding stock and deposit them into our Shadow Realm's habitat.
>>Grab a few stones, detritus, and aquatic plants as well if we can put them in the habitat without harming the fish. Might as well give them some feel of their natural habitat.
>Return to our throne once we are finished.

Shadow Realm:
>"Sorta, huh. So anyway, from what I understand you're not sure what you want to do right now? Also would you like a chair?"
>Expand the fish tank such that the floor space is the size of what would be considered a small house while maintaining the current "water depth" to accommodate the influx of fish.
>Return our control fish to its brethren. It's flopped around for hours now and it's served its purpose for the experiment at this point.
>Actually can we make out details about the fish or is it just the tengu that's hard to perceive?
>Take a tree near us and add it to the shadow realm.

Shadow Realm:
>Examine the fish for any mutations
> You head back to the lake.

> The Tengu shakes her head, then shrugs.
> You make the container larger, and deposit the other fish back in.
> The fish and the container are fine. It's just seems to be this Tengu.

> You swallow a tree up in your darkness, sending it to your void, though not eating it.


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Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #499 on: August 09, 2021, 11:24:05 PM »
>Have we eaten our fill?

Shadow Realm:
>"Do you desire to liberate the tengu from their conscription?"

Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #500 on: August 09, 2021, 11:26:38 PM »
>("Do remember what happened if I ate a person's shadow or if we tried to copy a person using their shadow?")


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Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #501 on: August 10, 2021, 05:38:58 AM »
>Have we eaten our fill?

Shadow Realm:
>"Do you desire to liberate the tengu from their conscription?"
>("Do remember what happened if I ate a person's shadow or if we tried to copy a person using their shadow?")
> "Eating a person's shadow weakens them tremendously, but do be careful, as it can't easily be undone. You may not even be able to find their shadow's darkness after eating it." Your Shadow advises
> You haven't even started yet. You're not that fast.

> The Tengu replies with a shrug that seems more annoyed than the previous ones.
> She gestures out into the distance of your void, then to herself, then you.


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Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #502 on: August 10, 2021, 06:00:06 AM »
Shadow Realm:
>Is there anything in particular in the direction she gestured in?


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Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #503 on: August 10, 2021, 06:22:19 AM »
Shadow Realm:
>Is there anything in particular in the direction she gestured in?
> No.

Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #504 on: August 10, 2021, 06:25:32 AM »
>("Hmm.  Do you know if a fairy would recover from it on their own?")


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Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #505 on: August 10, 2021, 06:34:24 AM »
Shadow Realm:
>"...You want to explore the Shadow Realm with me...?"


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Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #506 on: August 10, 2021, 07:26:05 AM »
>("Hmm.  Do you know if a fairy would recover from it on their own?")
Shadow Realm:
>"...You want to explore the Shadow Realm with me...?"
> The tengu shakes her head, then gestures outwards.
> ("We don't know the most about fairies, but I'll say yes.")
« Last Edit: August 10, 2021, 11:31:11 AM by Neovereign »

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Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #507 on: August 11, 2021, 10:33:16 AM »
>("Do remember what happened if I ate a person's shadow or if we tried to copy a person using their shadow?")

> "Eating a person's shadow weakens them tremendously, but do be careful, as it can't easily be undone. You may not even be able to find their shadow's darkness after eating it." Your Shadow advises
> You haven't even started yet. You're not that fast.

> The Tengu replies with a shrug that seems more annoyed than the previous ones.
> She gestures out into the distance of your void, then to herself, then you.
> The tengu shakes her head, then gestures outwards.
> ("We don't know the most about fairies, but I'll say yes.")

// One-Two-Three...Forth-Further-BackTrack-...Observe and Testing ,Testing and Observing , Right Applicability and Finality Testing-Proving-Seeking-Cooperating... //

Shadow Realm:

> To "Speechless Tengu ": Alright then ,do forgive me for going from a right amount of "tactically safe and sound,wrapping-head and understanding, charitable  cautiousness" to some and fault .... and so to send you,and thus everyone, back outside in Gensokyo and all its Lights,Shadows and demarcation...  please do Confirm or Deny or Gesture-Detail where exactly

> the Youkai Mountain,alongside your 2 Tengu companions since they have have nimbly arrived from the Misty Lake and are fly-climbing up there  ...

> ... or  to distance away from them  but still on the Youkai mountain...

> ... or to any other place of your choosing .

> Let her out of her Temporary Shelter by her choosing.

> ( Duly noted and Duly Trying to Remember&Apply&Not-Apply about Shadow Eating or,even Consumption, much obliged and content for your judicious warning ,expertise and counseling,Shadow;now it is all start coming back for scaling+gradingmore highlighted and applicability,rehearsal and expansion

> Try to Remember  about  ,based and starting-off other work-outs shadow and shadows or shadow-darkness and theirs :  Birthing&Augmenting&Boosting" ; "Copy&Camouflage&Mimic" ; "Heal&IncreaseDefense" ; "Particulary Adjustments&Tweaking".

> This One Current Attempt&Applicative:  Share and discuss and Narrate it to show this and this with rumia/Our Shadow as well

> On the " Potential Foraging Shadow-Side"  :try slowly eating a moderate part of the whole Tree'sShadow we , sense the energy-vitality and hunger-sleep improvement

> Observe the testing,and tasting, effects and after-effects.

> Try to,from its shadow and the  either "heal" or "recover" or "adjust tweak" or " beneficial  increase and strenghten  its shadow"...

>... If stunted or more ineffective,try a precise compensation and melding  the Tree Shadow together a bit of the Shadow Sorroundings ,granting  priority to Regenerating the Tree shadow as necessary...

> .... If harmfully failing or turning more uselessly than not, start giving back shadow parts to the Tree...

Prime :

> Besides Fish Meat, is there nothing else edible to regarding forage,gather,pick out,conserve,and eventual sharing,eventual sharing if accepted...

// Reminder  : Rumia is able and has demonstrated .from inside the Shadows Dimensions and to outside but proven impossible viceversa, "Shadow Realm and Aligned Shadows&Darkness manifestaion of edges and portions and outreaches,thus potentials ,with  herself inside-actively or outside-remotely her Shadow Real  (arms and hands ,accesses and exits,shadow and darkness) .... though "ONLY " partly-practiced and experienced-gained, //
1.+This Real Photo "... and the WORD became Flesh", had been shoot by a Modern-Time Desert Father(Desertic Catholic Christian Community Monk+Ascetic) during THE HOLIEST CONSECRATION-MASS:The HOLIEST FAMILY of NAZARETH ALWAYS MYSTICALLY EVER-PRESENT and with ALSO THE CRISTCHILD BLESSING- , in EVERY HOLIEST MASS-HOST CONSECRATION BY the Ordanied PRIEST(S).
3.Youtube Channel/half-collections/half-references :
" FRA ALU BI Darcanix "


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Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #508 on: August 11, 2021, 10:56:29 AM »
Shadow Realm:

> To "Speechless Tengu ": Alright then ,do forgive me for going from a right amount of "tactically safe and sound,wrapping-head and understanding, charitable  cautiousness" to some and fault .... and so to send you,and thus everyone, back outside in Gensokyo and all its Lights,Shadows and demarcation...  please do Confirm or Deny or Gesture-Detail where exactly

> the Youkai Mountain,alongside your 2 Tengu companions since they have have nimbly arrived from the Misty Lake and are fly-climbing up there  ...

> ... or  to distance away from them  but still on the Youkai mountain...

> ... or to any other place of your choosing .

> Let her out of her Temporary Shelter by her choosing.
>Don't do this.
>"So do you intend to join the rest of the tengu under the mountain fairies, or do you plan on throwing in your lot with a different fairy or group of fairies? Things are strange in Gensokyo right now, and not being associated with a fairy might put you at a disadvantage until this whole incident reaches its conclusion."
>"If you're considering the latter, then might I recommend the fairy that we're currently associating with? She's quite reasonable compared to the more extreme fairy groups like that of the mountain, and has the backing of a goddess in addition to us."
>"Plus as our numbers grow we're probably going to have to face the mountain group at some point, especially since my dear shadow seems to have a vested interest in your people. So if you join up with us you'll likely end up being a part of the effort to free the other Tengu from the fairies that conscripted them."
>"Of course, if you'd rather not join us, or would prefer to stay out of the conflict entirely I'd understand as well. I'm not going to force you into it if it's not something you want to be a part of. In fact, I'm perfectly willing to send you on your way in the event you refuse, though I may need to ask you some questions regarding where you want to be dropped off in that case."
>"So what do you say? Interested in joining our little merry band?"

//If anybody would like to add anything to this recruitment pitch feel free to do so.


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Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #509 on: August 12, 2021, 12:10:18 AM »
// One-Two-Three...Forth-Further-BackTrack-...Observe and Testing ,Testing and Observing , Right Applicability and Finality Testing-Proving-Seeking-Cooperating... //

Shadow Realm:

> To "Speechless Tengu ": Alright then ,do forgive me for going from a right amount of "tactically safe and sound,wrapping-head and understanding, charitable  cautiousness" to some and fault .... and so to send you,and thus everyone, back outside in Gensokyo and all its Lights,Shadows and demarcation...  please do Confirm or Deny or Gesture-Detail where exactly

> the Youkai Mountain,alongside your 2 Tengu companions since they have have nimbly arrived from the Misty Lake and are fly-climbing up there  ...

> ... or  to distance away from them  but still on the Youkai mountain...

> ... or to any other place of your choosing .

> Let her out of her Temporary Shelter by her choosing.

> ( Duly noted and Duly Trying to Remember&Apply&Not-Apply about Shadow Eating or,even Consumption, much obliged and content for your judicious warning ,expertise and counseling,Shadow;now it is all start coming back for scaling+gradingmore highlighted and applicability,rehearsal and expansion

> Try to Remember  about  ,based and starting-off other work-outs shadow and shadows or shadow-darkness and theirs :  Birthing&Augmenting&Boosting" ; "Copy&Camouflage&Mimic" ; "Heal&IncreaseDefense" ; "Particulary Adjustments&Tweaking".

> This One Current Attempt&Applicative:  Share and discuss and Narrate it to show this and this with rumia/Our Shadow as well

> On the " Potential Foraging Shadow-Side"  :try slowly eating a moderate part of the whole Tree'sShadow we , sense the energy-vitality and hunger-sleep improvement

> Observe the testing,and tasting, effects and after-effects.

> Try to,from its shadow and the  either "heal" or "recover" or "adjust tweak" or " beneficial  increase and strenghten  its shadow"...

>... If stunted or more ineffective,try a precise compensation and melding  the Tree Shadow together a bit of the Shadow Sorroundings ,granting  priority to Regenerating the Tree shadow as necessary...

> .... If harmfully failing or turning more uselessly than not, start giving back shadow parts to the Tree...

Prime :

> Besides Fish Meat, is there nothing else edible to regarding forage,gather,pick out,conserve,and eventual sharing,eventual sharing if accepted...

// Reminder  : Rumia is able and has demonstrated .from inside the Shadows Dimensions and to outside but proven impossible viceversa, "Shadow Realm and Aligned Shadows&Darkness manifestaion of edges and portions and outreaches,thus potentials ,with  herself inside-actively or outside-remotely her Shadow Real  (arms and hands ,accesses and exits,shadow and darkness) .... though "ONLY " partly-practiced and experienced-gained, //
>Don't do this.
>"So do you intend to join the rest of the tengu under the mountain fairies, or do you plan on throwing in your lot with a different fairy or group of fairies? Things are strange in Gensokyo right now, and not being associated with a fairy might put you at a disadvantage until this whole incident reaches its conclusion."
>"If you're considering the latter, then might I recommend the fairy that we're currently associating with? She's quite reasonable compared to the more extreme fairy groups like that of the mountain, and has the backing of a goddess in addition to us."
>"Plus as our numbers grow we're probably going to have to face the mountain group at some point, especially since my dear shadow seems to have a vested interest in your people. So if you join up with us you'll likely end up being a part of the effort to free the other Tengu from the fairies that conscripted them."
>"Of course, if you'd rather not join us, or would prefer to stay out of the conflict entirely I'd understand as well. I'm not going to force you into it if it's not something you want to be a part of. In fact, I'm perfectly willing to send you on your way in the event you refuse, though I may need to ask you some questions regarding where you want to be dropped off in that case."
>"So what do you say? Interested in joining our little merry band?"

//If anybody would like to add anything to this recruitment pitch feel free to do so.
> The Tengu considers, though shakes her head in the end.

> You start to absorb the Tree's shadow. It's not much. Meat's better.
> It doesn't seem like you can provide the tree with part of it's shadow again. You've already absorbed it, and as far as you can tell, there's no "tree shadow" in any of your reserves. Putting darkness into it doesn't seem to recover it's shadow either.

> Nothing down here in the lake that seems edible aside from water and the fish you're starting to collect.