>"So do you want in on helping to stop them, Clownpiece? Showing the other fairies you're better aside, it could also be a chance to get some of the non-fairy factions to acknowledge you depending on how you choose to pull it off."
>"Plus if you wanted to, assuming if it's safe and not dangerous to you, we could probably find out if whether or not whatever's making those fairies stronger can be applied to you. Of course, I understand if you'd rather be the Best Fairy without having to resort to strange superpowers, and I'd even respect that if that's your decision."
>"Anyway, I'll also understand if you'd rather stay out of it too. It's not really your business after all. Either way I'm not going to abandon your cause so no need to worry about that."
Shadow Realm:
>"It means that the fairies are practically handing over your friend's and they think they are protected."
>Call out to one of the nearby people
>"Hey, can I have a moment!"
>What does Rumia know of Akyuu?
> "Sure. But would we even make it there before things end?"
> "Uh, hi again." Shadow speaks. " These other fairies are...well, I got inside one, but it felt chokingly oppressive in there. I tried teleporting a large rock inside her because nothing else was doing much of anything, but it got crushed and then vanished while she only seemed moderately inconvenienced. An army of that is what you're going up against for title of Best Fairy. I'm getting a really bad feeling about all of this, like something horrible is coming..."
> " Well, if They're that strong, surely Clownpiece will be just that much stronger than them." Hecatia replies.
> "So only great for the fairies???"
> "I dont think being used as a shield would make me feel very protected." The Tengu complain.
> "Wow, these fairies are something else. I'm not liking where this is going. Friend incoming, by the way."
> On cue with shadow, another Tengu drops into the void, quickly stuffing something away.
> "O-Oh. Others are here..." She speaks.
> "Well... She's rescuing some of them..."
> You're ignored...
> "Oh? What do you need?" Someone else approaches instead. Not a fairy, at least.
> You don't know anyone by that name.
> Like with what Shadow spoke, you also feel... Disturbed.