~Beyond the Border~ > Rumia's Party Games
Renascence of Blasted Starlight
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>"If is too much trouble to lead then could you point the way to this village?"

--- Quote from: Philosopher on June 02, 2022, 03:25:39 AM --->"If is too much trouble to lead then could you point the way to this village?"

--- End quote ---
>"Just follow the road leading out of the forest." one of the ones not involved with the rapidly escalating squabble replies, "You can't miss it."
//The site seems to have a limited number of players

>"Thank you and good luck with your blockade."

>Follow the road out of the forest
//I know but still it feels more satisfying as a QM to have at least two active players.

--- Quote from: Philosopher on June 02, 2022, 04:25:07 AM --->"Thank you and good luck with your blockade."

>Follow the road out of the forest

--- End quote ---
>"You're welcome." the winged girl waves before turning her attention to her friends.

>You limp back to the road and follow the fairy's directions. At least the pain hasn't really gotten worse since you started moving...
>As soon as you reach the edge of the forest, you are treated to the sight of a large plain, with an old looking village in the center of it, surrounded by farmland. More of those winged girls fly around in scattered groups in the mostly cloudless sky above as the sunlight warms the landscape.

>Although another part of you once again feels that things seem too peaceful, you can't help but take in the sight before you.
>Examine the village
->Glance at the winged girls

>Do we think the village looks big enough to support this many kids?
->Actually could it be a bunch of larpers?

>Too peaceful. . .
->What kind of hostilities seem familiar societal unrest, war, or natural disaster?

>Keep moving and look for adults.
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