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Help Me, Eirin! / Re: Chill Touohu Fangames
« Last post by MQJinx on Today at 07:29:27 PM »
I recommend Touhou Healing Nature; it has simple gameplay and its story is a lot more of its focus.
Tentative ranking after a lot of listening last night and today. I'm separating the originals and arranges because otherwise I honestly don't know how I'd rank them.

  • Mugen Noh ~ Taboo Marionette: Just amazing, has a bit of that HSiFS lategame creepiness, mixed in with GFC calmness, in a folk mood. Probably my number one in the entire album.
  • Tinkerbell of Inequality: Extremely troll track on first impression, but the percussion is starting to be addictive, lol.
  • Morning on Tanabata Hill: The hazy, is-this-fantasy-or-reality atmosphere comes across really well here.
  • Apparitions Abound even Outside of Night: Really feels like an ED theme, like I can imagine a game's credits scrolling while listening to this.
  • Lonesome Path in Hitachi: This needs some time to grow on me, but that ending is quite interesting.

Been listening more over the past few weeks, I think I'm going to promote Apparations Abound even Outside of Night to my top new original track. It's got that meditative and contemplative GFC-style solo piano, then it absolutely pops off with the synth and trumpet. Really strong ending to the album. The other tracks keep their relative positions.
Front Page Headlines / Re: TWC Touhou World Cup 2024 - 5th Edition
« Last post by williewillus on Today at 07:07:57 PM »
Some highlights from the first couple weeks of competition:

  • We see the first LoLK survival LNN and it's done with Marisa, the hardest and highest-scoring shot!
  • On TD survival we see two(!) LNNs, and the very first instance of one LNN beating another one in TWC history
  • In HSiFS survival, we see ANOTHER LNN with Reimu Autumn.
Rumia's Party Games / Re: Nitori Quest 2 - A Z-Machine Adventure
« Last post by Kilgamayan on Today at 06:50:40 PM »
> Wave in return.
> "You all set?"
Rumia's Party Games / Re: Nitori Quest 2 - A Z-Machine Adventure
« Last post by It's Purvis! on Today at 06:16:41 PM »
> "Okay, see you there."
> Head back to the rocket and begin loading our things while waiting for our host.

>You head back, as Orihime drifts off in another direction. Getting to the rocket, you find Aoi and Koa are already there, the latter changed back to her usual clothes. The former is carrying on her things while the latter just sits on the grass, leaning against the rocket.
>Koa gives you a wave.

What do you exactly mean by "horrible" Touhou fanfics? Are you referring to fanfics that are hard to understand? ones that are riddled with plot holes? or something else entirely? There's a fair difference between something that is so bad it's good (schlocky) between something that is just bad and doesn't provide any entertainment value at all. I've seen a few stinkers throughout my time of just scrolling through Ao3 but once I realize they're just bad I roll my eyes and drop it so I can't really recall any that were notable at the moment.
What I want is basically a Touhou fanfic that has a horrible quality (Like making the characters as useless people who can't open a jar of pickles), it can be "It's so bad, it's good" type of fanfic, or "It's so bad, it's bad" type of fanfic. Also, it must be SFW, not NSFW. No exceptions!
Rumia's Party Games / Re: Shingyoku Quest - Part 1
« Last post by Tom on Today at 12:24:14 PM »
> Place it close to the igloo as directed.
Rumia's Party Games / Re: Myon Quest - Scattered Souls
« Last post by Kilgamayan on Today at 07:48:58 AM »

> Touch down and continue on foot to the main building.


> "Welcome to the Hakurei Shrine, Lady Wakasagi."
What do you exactly mean by "horrible" Touhou fanfics? Are you referring to fanfics that are hard to understand? ones that are riddled with plot holes? or something else entirely? There's a fair difference between something that is so bad it's good (schlocky) between something that is just bad and doesn't provide any entertainment value at all. I've seen a few stinkers throughout my time of just scrolling through Ao3 but once I realize they're just bad I roll my eyes and drop it so I can't really recall any that were notable at the moment.
Rumia's Party Games / Re: Shingyoku Quest - Part 1
« Last post by Neovereign on Today at 04:44:04 AM »
> Reassuringly nod to the fairy effectively saying "We got this."
> Once we get the structure lifted slightly off the ground slide the orb below the center and have it apply an upwards force to keep it from 'sagging' in the middle.

> Ask Cirno to mark where it should go.
> You give a nod and lift the structure, using your orb form to carry it alongside you.

> "Uhhh. There." Cirno points over to an igloo in the distance.
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