Author Topic: Minor Existence Quest  (Read 315410 times)

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Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #180 on: July 13, 2021, 10:26:15 AM »
>"Please lead the way."
>follow Aizawa

>On the way say, "We saw Seija teleport multiple times."
>"She seemed to use her items to do that."

>"I've heard that she gained 'cheating items' during the period where everyone put out a bounty on her. Perhaps it includes some abilities like those?"
>"Don't worry, sir! I 've got the items inside this cocoon!" Apple says cheerfully.
>"How did they even get into a cocoon? Whatever, we'll probably find out at Hieda."

>Eventually you all make it to the Hieda House, Aizawa explains the situation to guards at the entrance. They look astonished but see you holding Seija hostage, an let you all in.
>Aizawa shouts out "Wake up the Maiden of Miare! We have an important message!"
>"Relax Aizawa, I'm right here."
>You see a woman sitting in a seiza position. She has purple hair, purple eyes and wears a light pink flower-shaped ornament in her hair. She's wearing a green kimono, a jacket with yellow flower-patterned sleeves and a shortened hakama skirt separated by a red, white laced obi.
>Given the context, you can guess this is The Maiden of Miare.
>She's sitting patiently, almost like she knew someone would be coming.

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #181 on: July 13, 2021, 04:36:31 PM »
>"Good evening, Child of Miare."

>"We need to borrow a jail cell for Miss Seija."
>"Also, where should we put Seija's items?"

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #182 on: July 13, 2021, 06:06:51 PM »
>"Good evening, Child of Miare."

>"Good evening to you too, Mo-... Matriarch."

>"We need to borrow a jail cell for Miss Seija."
>"Also, where should we put Seija's items?"

>"Okay, we'll keep her in secluded room with seals and high security, then I will call the Hakurei Shrine Maiden."
>"As for the items... I know someone who can deal with it." "Just someone? Well I'm hurt!"

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #183 on: July 13, 2021, 06:24:52 PM »
>"It sounds like you have everything planned out."

>"Do you need the items unsealed?"
>"And do you want a report about what happened?"

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #184 on: July 13, 2021, 07:47:19 PM »
>"It sounds like you have everything planned out."

>"Yes, we did have some procedures just in case a Youkai capture in the Human Village ever happened. I honestly thought we would never use them, let alone on Seija."

>"Do you need the items unsealed?"
>"And do you want a report about what happened?"

>"No, don't worry about the items."
>"As for a report...Yes, I would like to hear what happened from your perspective."

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #185 on: July 13, 2021, 08:16:21 PM »
>"Before the report, do you want to put Seija in the room or have her answer questions?"

>Do what Heida wants

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #186 on: July 13, 2021, 08:32:04 PM »
>"Before the report, do you want to put Seija in the room or have her answer questions?"

>Do what Heida wants

>"No. In fact, I want you to join me in locking her in the sealed room."

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #187 on: July 13, 2021, 08:44:05 PM »
>"Alright, please lead the way."

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #188 on: July 14, 2021, 08:57:42 AM »
>"Alright, please lead the way."

>"Follow me. You other three stay behind for a moment."
>Akyuu goes towards a wall, or at least what you thought was a wall. The door was somehow hidden to you on your first look of the room, as if it were a gap in your perception.
>You follow Akyuu into the strange door, and things look more mystical.

>You walk through a hallway, there are a lot of spiritual objects for sealing around. Shimenawa Rope, Ofuda, even the walls are etched with prayers.
>And at the end is a room with Ying-Yang Symbol engraved into it.
>"This door and the entire hallway are fail-safes. Seija isn't going to get out once she's in, unless something unbelievable or incredible happens."
>The room makes you a bit uncomfortable. Maybe because of all the Seals against Youkai? If that were the case then you should be writhing in pain.
>No, it's because you feel watched. Like someone is spying on you.
>"Don't worry about that feeling." Akyuu noticed? Is it that obvious? "I can guarantee you that if anyone is watching you here, they aren't extremely malicious."
>"Just shove Seija into the room, and this will be our problem now. Not yours."

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #189 on: July 14, 2021, 09:14:15 AM »
>"She'll be OK, right?"
>"I know she's a criminal, but I wouldn't be able to sleep if I helped. . ."

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #190 on: July 14, 2021, 09:38:09 AM »
>"She'll be OK, right?"
>"I know she's a criminal, but I wouldn't be able to sleep if I helped. . ."

>"Oh no! Definitely not! Humans killing Youkai is a line that should almost never be crossed. If the humans got it in their heads that they could get rid of all Youkai, then the entire Meaning and Balance of Gensokyo's existence could be destroyed!"
>"Heh, I recommend you hear me out then."
>You're confused by Seija's words, and so is Akyuu. "What do you mean? If you speak up then maybe we won't be so harsh, maybe we'll even upgrade your meals."
>"Eh, I might as well say why I was snooping around this place."

>"If you would let me speak that is. Here's the deal: You, Gross Bug-Lady, I'm going to spill all I know and why I was here. In exchange, you are going to answer some questions I have. That's a fair deal, Info for Info, right?"
>"And what about me?" Akyuu seems to be mad for being left out of the exchange.
>"Don't worry, o Maiden of Miare, I can say with confidence that this information is valuable to you too."
>"Do we have a deal?"

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #191 on: July 14, 2021, 09:44:17 AM »
>Pause for a moment

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #192 on: July 14, 2021, 10:18:27 AM »
>Pause for a moment


>"So, that thing about Humans killing Youkai? That's true, and there's a group in the Human Village trying to find ways so that either normal humans can kill Youkai or just find a way to eradicate all Youkai from Gensokyo. But I'm guessing our good Maiden of Miare already knows about this."
>Akyuu looks at the ground shamefully. "Yes, we don't know their name though, we just call them The Secret History Association. They investigate the secrets of Gensokyo so they can stockpile history for the future generation and find a way to drive out all Youkai from Gensokyo to create a human-only land."
>"Just as I suspected. They are currently strong enough that the group could defeat an average Youkai, but an individual or smaller group wouldn't stand a chance. As a result, most Youkai don't see them as a big threat and are taking a wait-and-see approach to them."

>"But I'm not going to allow that! I think the other Youkai are just cowards, not willing to go against a Human that is actually plotting to kill them! I want to nip this problem in the bud before it gets serious! As much as I would want the Weak to rule over the Strong, if I end up dying in the process then it's not worth it to me."
>"I was here to scout the Village, maybe I would find where the Association meet up? Maybe I would find someone suspicious and get info out of them? I was scouting near the Seamstress' Shop because somehow that place is still in business despite not getting much traffic, sounds suspicious."
>"That's when I saw a well-looking lady with her children." Seija looks at you "I didn't think much of it at first, but then she just sent them away on their own at night, saying something about a gift for their father? Sounds like an excuse to get the children out of the way, and irresponsible parenting to leave your kids alone at night where Youkai might be around. I was impatient and attacked her. Now I'm here."


Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #193 on: July 14, 2021, 11:51:18 PM »
>"I was curious why someone such as yourself would come to the human village."

>"This Secret History Society, are they trying to get rid of all youkai or would those such as the Zashiki-warashi be left alone."
>"Isn't their goal in of itself impossible or are they planning to murder humans?"

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #194 on: July 15, 2021, 11:08:15 AM »
>"I was curious why someone such as yourself would come to the human village."

>"This Secret History Society, are they trying to get rid of all youkai or would those such as the Zashiki-warashi be left alone."
>"Isn't their goal in of itself impossible or are they planning to murder humans?"

>"These two questions really outline the folly of the Secret History Association."
>"The first one, Yes. They are planning on killing even the Youkai who aren't dangerous and even help Humans. Believe it or not, not all Youkai are like me."
>Akyuu answers the second question. "Yes and no. Yes, it is impossible to enact their goal safely. Although Youkai are more susceptible to Spiritual Attacks than Humans, some Seals and attacks are dangerous to both Youkai and Humans. So they are going to inadvertently kill Humans, but they're probably not planning on doing so."
>"These people are almost like radicals." Akyuu glares at Seija. "Yeah, yeah, I get the irony of that coming from me."

>"But that doesn't answer a question I have."
>It's Seija's turn to glare at Akyuu. "I didn't know you suddenly became part of our deal, but fine, I'll answer one question from you."
>"What made you so curious and impatient as to directly sneak into the Human Village rather than watch from afar?"
>"Well, as I mentioned before, I'm not really one for the wait-and-see approach that the other Youkai are doing. But, I also have reason to assume that the Association are starting to get more powerful."
>"A Human broke into a Hermit's Senkai that was hidden in the Youkai Mountain. That human was obviously uninvited and shooed away, but don't you think it's a bit strange that a regular Human snuck into a Hermit's private world? Those places have very obscure entrances, unless you can create a crack in it with pure spiritual force but that's easier said than done."
>"Wait, what Hermit did this Senkai belong to?" Akyuu asks.
>"Ah! I said one question, that's all from me."

>"And now for the Insect over here. I have some questions, as per our deal."

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #195 on: July 15, 2021, 11:27:37 AM »
>"There are youkai who were originally human.  You'd still have the issue of humans turning into youkai."

>"Ok, what do you wish to know?"

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #196 on: July 15, 2021, 11:58:38 AM »
>"There are youkai who were originally human.  You'd still have the issue of humans turning into youkai."

>"Those were the long-term issues that I didn't want to go into. Because, just thinking about what would happen...I can't bear it..." Akyuu sounds perturbed.

>"Ok, what do you wish to know?"

>"What kind of Insect are you? I think your true nature is deeper than you think."
>"Why did you decide to keep those fairies with you? They don't do much and you could just ditch them at any time."
>"Why help Humans? I know some Youkai help Humans, but that's either because they get something from it, they made a promise, or it's in the inherent nature of their Species."
>"Why did you spit Silk on me! That was really gross!" She really won't let go of that will she?

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #197 on: July 15, 2021, 06:57:19 PM »
>"I'm a silkworm moth."
->Think about the Shinchū and if we might be related to it.

>Frown at Seija's words
>"That is wrong.  I wouldn't have stood a chance against you much less have been able to capture you without them."
>"Well, we started together so they could gain more worldly experience."

>". . .I hate that I cannot say you're wrong.  I wanted to become famous and I like making positive impacts in people's lives."

>"Come on, people wear it and make towels from it.  Unlike spiders it didn't come from the other end. How can it be gross?"
>"Honestly, it was to distract and disorient you."

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #198 on: July 15, 2021, 09:00:18 PM »
>"I'm a silkworm moth."
->Think about the Shinchū and if we might be related to it.

>You think for a moment about the Shinchū, the Divine Insect. Your knowledge of it is scant, you do know that they resemble Silkworm Moths and that they have a near insatiable hunger. That would explain your ability to eat anything, but do you really have enough of an appetite to eat 6000 demons? Maybe, now that you think about it. Misfortune tastes great, so what would an Evil Spirit taste like? You cut your thoughts for now.
>But you keep this tucked in your mind for later.
"Ooh, she's getting closer! I might need to speed up the arrangements."
>Frown at Seija's words
>"That is wrong.  I wouldn't have stood a chance against you much less have been able to capture you without them."
>"Well, we started together so they could gain more worldly experience."

>"Huh, Worldly experience? I guess they're trying to get stronger, a classic reason to go adventuring. But about that capture, any other person could have done that. It didn't have to be those Fairies."
>Surprisingly, Akyuu comes to your defence. "That doesn't change the fact that they were integral to your capture. That reminds me, I'm going to have to reward all of you for this."

>". . .I hate that I cannot say you're wrong.  I wanted to become famous and I like making positive impacts in people's lives."

>Akyuu once again states her view. "I will say that expecting compensation for a good deed is something everyone, even most Youkai, are inclined to believe. I think that our Insect here is even better, considering that she didn't even want a physical gift, just recognition."

>"Come on, people wear it and make towels from it.  Unlike spiders it didn't come from the other end. How can it be gross?"
>"Honestly, it was to distract and disorient you."

>"Well, if I spat on your face it wouldn't very nice, would it? Oh you disoriented me alright, gonna have to note that for next time."

>"And with that, I'm satisfied."
>Seija then walks into the Secluded Room, completely of her own volition. The door is still open, however
>"Hmm, thought you would be more unwilling to be sent to a prison cell."
>"Normally, yes. But if I'm correct, only Three People in Gensokyo can open this door once closed?"
>Akyuu squints "Yes, but how do you know that? Why specifically Three?"
>"This place looks extremely high-security, so it's easy to assume you would also make it so a limited amount of people have clearance to open the door from the outside. And there's only Three people you would trust with an outlaw like me."
>"The best part about being here: it's almost impossible for me to get killed! Only a few people can open this door, and I can subsist on very little food, so I'm going to stay here like a good girl. Who knows, maybe the Secret History Association wins, and they still can't open this door!"
>"Seija, we all know you're lying about staying in here, rebellion and contrarianism is in your nature. I'm sure that the moment we leave you alone you're going to start plotting a jail-break."
>"Yeah, but it's going to take a while for me to get out."

« Last Edit: July 15, 2021, 09:09:59 PM by WitheringFlowerCrown »

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #199 on: July 15, 2021, 09:33:14 PM »
>"When we meet again, I'll try to have some new trick to show you.  Hopefully, I won't have pull off abilities I didn't know I had."

>"I still have one question, what was the name of the hermit you mentioned earlier?"

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #200 on: July 15, 2021, 09:53:57 PM »
>"When we meet again, I'll try to have some new trick to show you.  Hopefully, I won't have pull off abilities I didn't know I had."

>"I still have one question, what was the name of the hermit you mentioned earlier?"

>"Ah, I'm not obligat-"
>"The deal, Seija. She answered your questions, it's still on." Akyuu is already a step ahead.
>"...Tch, her name is Kasen Ibaraki. As I said before, she has a Senkai, or at least something that resembles it, in the Youkai Mountain and spends most of her time there. She occasionally leaves it, I'm not sure to where. That's all I know."

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #201 on: July 15, 2021, 10:11:19 PM »
>"Thank you."

>Turned to Akyuu
>"Is there anything else we should ask?  Or do you want to close the door?"

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #202 on: July 15, 2021, 10:27:31 PM »
>"Thank you."

>"Don't mention it. Seriously, don't. I despise actively helping others."

>Turned to Akyuu
>"Is there anything else we should ask?  Or do you want to close the door?"

>"...No, I've gotten most of the information I need, Seija was right, this was valuable to me."
>Akyuu walks towards the door and starts closing it.
>"I'll see you later!" Bold words from Seija, and the door is completely shut.
>Akyuu looks surprisingly drained the moment she closes the door. "I'm going to have my work cut out for me. Let's leave."

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #203 on: July 15, 2021, 11:16:21 PM »
>Let out a tense breath
>"I was worried she was going to escape."
>"That sounds like a good idea."

>Follow Akyuu

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #204 on: July 16, 2021, 12:03:56 PM »
>Let out a tense breath
>"I was worried she was going to escape."
>"That sounds like a good idea."

>Follow Akyuu

>You walk back through the hallway. While walking, Akyuu voices her gratitude.
>"I have to thank you for coming here with me. I may not have shown it but that was nerve-wrecking for me."

>You make it back to the main room of the Hieda House, and see Aizawa chatting with the Fairies.
>"-Well, sometimes you just need a tool, or a weapon with you to fight. Even in Spell Card Duels, not that I do any."
>"I don't get it, you could just use your special ability, or just danmaku instead of waving around a metal stick."
>"What? Do you have a special ability? You're just children! Unless-"
>"Oh hey, Mother's back!" Looks like you interrupted a lively discussion between Apple and Aizawa.
>"How was it? Are you safe? Did that Youkai say mean things to you?" It's getting harder to discern whether they're sincere questions or part of the act.
>Meanwhile, Akyuu goes back to sitting in a seiza at the centre of the room. She's smiling probably waiting for the group to finish their fun before continuing.

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #205 on: July 16, 2021, 11:12:33 PM »
>"It went surprisingly well.  Seija went peacefully."

>"Were you girls good for Mr. Aizawa?"

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #206 on: July 17, 2021, 12:26:07 AM »
>"It went surprisingly well.  Seija went peacefully."

>"Were you girls good for Mr. Aizawa?"

>"Eh, just discussing battle tactics."
>"For some reason, your kids just don't get the allure of using a weapon or tools."
>"Hey, I just don't need them, okay!"

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #207 on: July 17, 2021, 12:51:26 AM »
>"How do you use your weapons for fighting?  I imagine it would be unwise to use against youkai."

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #208 on: July 17, 2021, 01:14:00 AM »
>"How do you use your weapons for fighting?  I imagine it would be unwise to use against youkai."

>Aizawa gives a smirk. "With a Skill gained through a harsh training regiment, and my Sword Aura. But enough about that, The Maiden must be done waiting."
>Despite what Aizawa says, Akyuu is still sitting patiently.

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #209 on: July 17, 2021, 01:42:24 AM »
>"Ah, yes."

>Watch Aizawa so we can act with respect
>Copy his actions that seem to be polite manners