Author Topic: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish  (Read 712875 times)

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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #720 on: February 25, 2021, 06:23:32 AM »
>Look for a plant stuck in the middle of the barrier.
>Try to have our shadow sneak through the barrier through the plant


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #721 on: February 25, 2021, 06:56:25 AM »
>Do we have the same amount of "darkness mass" as we do with our smol form normally, or are we maintaining our smol form with the small amount of darkness that was the original tiny blob?
>If it seems like the latter, wonder if the density of our darkness is the reason he isn't noticing us.
>Regardless, wonder if it's also possible that our proximity to Reimu is masking us somehow.
>If he notices us quickly place Reimu between him and ourselves.

>"Hmm maybe? Oh, by the way, I just tried something out with my powers to see if it would work and it did! Miss Reimu is on the way."

>Explore the immediate area. Be mindful of our proximity to the barrier, wouldn't want to accidentally bump into it or anything.
>How's the environment look? If it's scenic enough ponder possibly building a cabin or something here. If we had to retreat here in an emergency a shelter would be nice to have...
// Let's go full Minecraft out here
> Or maybe a cliff we could find a cave in?  Or a thick forest we could build a hut within?
>Look for a plant stuck in the middle of the barrier.
>Try to have our shadow sneak through the barrier through the plant
> The latter, you'd believe.
> "A curse stopping people from getting into a forest." Reimu explains.
> "We can handle that for you. We'd like to speak with you first, though." The man requests.
> "Can you?" Reimu raises an eyebrow in doubt.
> "Alongside this youkai being here and far from here at the same time, there's a powerful spirit hiding near your shrine."
> "And that's supposed to mean...?"
> "That you're inexperienced and haven't even noticed the latter of the two subjects."
> "I have... I just... don't care about them right now." Reimu crosses her arms, looking aside.
> "If it's just a curse-" The horned woman suddenly appears alongside the man. "we can handle it. It's a good deal right? Talk with us and we deal with your problem for you."
> "I don't even know you two. But you probably won't make the situation over there worse. If there even is one." Reimu sits back down.
> "You don't-" The woman facepalms. "How rude!"

> "That's convenient. So what, do we wait here or something?" Marisa questions.

> You start looking around the area. It's pretty boring... but at least there might not be much attention to it?
> You seek out any plants between the barrier, but don't notice any yet.


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #722 on: February 25, 2021, 07:09:10 AM »
>Keep a wary eye on both of them.
>Do the following only with approval.
>>"That's a bit mean calling her inexperienced..."

>"I guess. Wait, a couple of strangers just showed up and offered to go instead--aaaand she just sat back down... I-Is she really considering sending them instead?"

>On second thought attempting to breach the barrier is probably a bad idea, especially when we're trying to prove to certain parties that we're not a threat.
>Cease looking for such plants or obstacles.

>Might as well experiment while we're looking.
>As we keep looking around, find a small animal, even an insect would work. But do not harm it, and be certain it isn't a youkai.
« Last Edit: February 25, 2021, 07:30:57 AM by Evil_Nazgul0616 »

Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #723 on: February 25, 2021, 07:20:01 AM »
//I meant the barrier surrounding the bamboo forest.  I wasn't try to get out of Gensokyo

>"I think the green haired lady was a spirit if the strangers are to be believed."

>Put on the shadow sun hat that we threw

>In the forest of the lost look for any plants growing in 'barrier'.
>Try to have our shadow sneak through the barrier through the plant


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #724 on: February 25, 2021, 07:30:27 AM »
//I meant the barrier surrounding the bamboo forest.  I wasn't try to get out of Gensokyo
//Ah, my mistake. I mean, it was also kinda confusing since Neo put the barrier plant action with what seemed to be Contingency's actions.


>"I think the green haired lady was a spirit if the strangers are to be believed."
>Don't say this.
//iirc we only mentioned that Sendai was there earlier, and made no indications to either Reimu or Marisa that we talked with anybody else during that initial period, and this would be an inopportune time to have Reimu question us since the stranger danger duo is present.
« Last Edit: February 25, 2021, 07:38:55 AM by Evil_Nazgul0616 »


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #725 on: February 25, 2021, 07:51:37 AM »
//I meant the barrier surrounding the bamboo forest.  I wasn't try to get out of Gensokyo
//Ah, my mistake. I mean, it was also kinda confusing since Neo put the barrier plant action with what seemed to be Contingency's actions.
//That also got me confused too. Especially after someone else referred to the occurrence as a curse.


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #726 on: February 25, 2021, 07:57:04 AM »
// I originally misread it as a barrier but then reworded it to a curse as it's generic enough to encompass anything that hinders entry into the forest
> Does the world beyond the barrier look or feel real? Or does it feel more like an elaborate 'painting'/illusion to make the barrier invisible?
> Goes without saying don't touch it or further interact with it as we don't want to weaken or crack it.


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #727 on: February 25, 2021, 08:38:52 AM »
>Keep a wary eye on both of them.
>Do the following only with approval.
>>"That's a bit mean calling her inexperienced..."

>"I guess. Wait, a couple of strangers just showed up and offered to go instead--aaaand she just sat back down... I-Is she really considering sending them instead?"

>On second thought attempting to breach the barrier is probably a bad idea, especially when we're trying to prove to certain parties that we're not a threat.
>Cease looking for such plants or obstacles.

>Might as well experiment while we're looking.
>As we keep looking around, find a small animal, even an insect would work. But do not harm it, and be certain it isn't a youkai.
//I meant the barrier surrounding the bamboo forest.  I wasn't try to get out of Gensokyo

>"I think the green haired lady was a spirit if the strangers are to be believed."

>Put on the shadow sun hat that we threw

>In the forest of the lost look for any plants growing in 'barrier'.
>Try to have our shadow sneak through the barrier through the plant
//Ah, my mistake. I mean, it was also kinda confusing since Neo put the barrier plant action with what seemed to be Contingency's actions.

>Don't say this.
//iirc we only mentioned that Sendai was there earlier, and made no indications to either Reimu or Marisa that we talked with anybody else during that initial period, and this would be an inopportune time to have Reimu question us since the stranger danger duo is present.
// I originally misread it as a barrier but then reworded it to a curse as it's generic enough to encompass anything that hinders entry into the forest
> Does the world beyond the barrier look or feel real? Or does it feel more like an elaborate 'painting'/illusion to make the barrier invisible?
> Goes without saying don't touch it or further interact with it as we don't want to weaken or crack it.
//No disapprovals. But also no approvals either. Or rather, acknowledgement at all.
> You keep watching.
> "Now then, it's about this youkai and what happened while the darkness surrounded your shrine." The man speaks.
> "Rumia came by..." Reimu looks up in thought. "I guess yesterday, offered her time to me in exchange for removing her ribbon, and I did just that. I kinda ended up dozing off, I think, and then woke up for today. I never saw any darkness surrounding my shrine."
> "Yesterday? The darkness was still there that entire day. You must be lying." The horned woman squints.
> "It was longer than a day. But it seems you don't know anything else." The man sighs. "We'll have to ask someone else."
> "Oh, that's it? Will you still be going in my place to the Bamboo Forest?" Reimu questions.
> "Yes."
> "Nice." Reimu smiles, relaxed.
> "That still means this youkai could be a problem."
> "Rumia? She's nothing to worry about. She won't even eat a human if they tell her she can't."
> "You really are still young and naïve." The man shakes his head.
> "Remind me why we let her through out gate before?" The woman questions.
> "She had what she needed to handle herself enough at the time. We wouldn't get anything from testing her again either, as there's other that want her to do her specific job, however poorly she may do."

> "Strangers huh? She practically wants to hibernate. Why don't we just go carry her here ourselves?" Marisa suggests.
> You put your hat back on.
> You try to have your shadows sneak into that of the plants deeper within the bamboo forest.
> But they never manage to reach any...
> You can't tell if there are any inbetween either. It's hard finding where the cutoff for whatever this is, is, and if there are even any shadows directly on it.

> The area towards the border still looks like the plains you are on now. You believe you had a way to get through the border, but there wasn't much reason to do such most of the time, and it was worth more trouble than not. Most of the time. You don't want to sneak a snack from the Outside World right now, at least.
> There is an animal far off in the distance. You think it's a... cat. Single tail, too.


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #728 on: February 25, 2021, 09:05:46 AM »
>Ponder. Was it really longer than a day?
>Though they could be exaggerating...
>At least be glad that Reimu is at least vouching for us.

>"It looks like she really is letting them take her place..."
>"...Miss Marisa, this might be a weird question, but how long was there darkness around the shrine?"

>A cat? All the way out here?
>Tail it with a microblob, we can investigate it later
>For now settle for an insect. Those should be plentiful.
>Find a random insect.
>Create two small pools of darkness nearby like we did with the rock and twig experiments earlier.
>Place the bug on one and attempt to move it to the other pool like we did with the rock, using the regurgitation method.
>Does the insect survive the trip? Do we just end up consuming it permanently? Or do we spit out some kind of half digested horror?

Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #729 on: February 25, 2021, 09:30:12 AM »
>"You also mentioned seeing a grown up me.  Have you heard any rumors about it or have any clues as to what happened to it?"

>Try disconnecting our shadow from us.


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #730 on: February 25, 2021, 09:41:45 AM »
>"You also mentioned seeing a grown up me.  Have you heard any rumors about it or have any clues as to what happened to it?"
//Not countervoting yet, but didn't we already have this discussion with Marisa on the way here?

Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #731 on: February 25, 2021, 09:55:19 AM »
//I think so, but 24hrs unaccounted and Marisa mentioning it earlier, leave me thinking our doppelganger may have damaged our reputation


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #732 on: February 25, 2021, 10:06:17 AM »
//I think so, but 24hrs unaccounted and Marisa mentioning it earlier, leave me thinking our doppelganger may have damaged our reputation
//In all likelihood she probably got a brief glimpse of us in big form as she was initially coming in before we hastily disguised ourselves.


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #733 on: February 25, 2021, 11:14:12 AM »
>Ponder. Was it really longer than a day?
>Though they could be exaggerating...
>At least be glad that Reimu is at least vouching for us.

>"It looks like she really is letting them take her place..."
>"...Miss Marisa, this might be a weird question, but how long was there darkness around the shrine?"

>A cat? All the way out here?
>Tail it with a microblob, we can investigate it later
>For now settle for an insect. Those should be plentiful.
>Find a random insect.
>Create two small pools of darkness nearby like we did with the rock and twig experiments earlier.
>Place the bug on one and attempt to move it to the other pool like we did with the rock, using the regurgitation method.
>Does the insect survive the trip? Do we just end up consuming it permanently? Or do we spit out some kind of half digested horror?
>"You also mentioned seeing a grown up me.  Have you heard any rumors about it or have any clues as to what happened to it?"

>Try disconnecting our shadow from us.
> You don't feel like it was...
> "Shouldn't you two get going now?" Reimu questions.
> "Alright. But one more thing."
> "Forget it." The horned woman interrupts. "I'm passing the verdict this time. This youkai fails our test. She's either plotting some big plans for the future or not humble enough to even consider accepting being sealed, and she even left her friend in our domain, at our mercy, without a second though. No goodbye, no "I'll be back", no "run away". She didn't even try to fight back to protect or aid her." The woman goes on. "She looked strong inside, but she's just a coward. She's even hiding behind the Hakurei Shrine Maiden as if we wouldn't try something in front of her face. This isn't all of her either, you can feel it, so she's still ready to run again and probably leave even this Miko. I bet-"
> "So are you saying we should just exterminate her now?" The man interrupts.
> "I don't care about if she owes the shrine maiden or if she's under her care. But you'd probably be upset about doing that with little evidence right? So we let her go. We were going to let her go if she was humble enough to agree to be sealed, and we can just get rid of her ourselves if she bothers us too much later, anyways."
> "Then what's the fuss? Is it beca-"
> "Yes. This is the most disappointed I've been in someone since... You!" The horned woman crosses her arms. "But at least you made it up. I want to kill her just for this disappointment!"
> "Then let's get to investigating this forest already." The man ignores her.
> Reimu blinks in silence. Possibly annoyance?

> "Dunno what happened to her. And I told you, didn't I? It was a while. I didn't notice the entire time it happened. Someone else probably does. The shrine isn't my only business in this world either. I got other things I do too." Marisa answers.

> You start to follow the cat with another bit of darkness, instead deciding that an insect deserves to be tested on more than them.
> Well, you hope you don't get cursed for using this butterfly, or cause something terrible to happen on the other side of the world or something.
> You carefully snatch the butterfly up and begin your test, doing your best not to make the trip terrible.
> The butterfly... survives, at least. It doesn't look injured, but it doesn't look like it feels great either.

> You try to separate your shadow...
> But it doesn't work.


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #734 on: February 25, 2021, 11:30:59 AM »
>Discreetly fork another microblob into the ground below us.

New Blob (Codename: Scout):
>Head back to the ruins.
>Check to see if Ruukoto is still there and alright.


>"Okay, Mr Butterfly, let's both agree not to do that ever again..."
>Allow the insect time to recover before letting it go on its way.
>Did it feel more or less unpleasant transporting a living subject?


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #735 on: February 25, 2021, 01:42:02 PM »
// Hmm little cowardly Rumia becoming braver? Sounds like character development to me!

> Hakurei
> After minute of realization (or when they're gone)
>  Fall down and cover our head as if crying "A coward? I'd like to see what you become after being doomed to eternal worthlessness... all I was ever able to do is run..."
> "They must just despise Youkai, they wanted to eliminate your friend the purple lady at a time..."

> Scout
> Dispel as soon as we see her as to not attract attention


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #736 on: February 25, 2021, 03:59:13 PM »
// Hmm little cowardly Rumia becoming braver? Sounds like character development to me!

> Hakurei
> After minute of realization (or when they're gone)
>  Fall down and cover our head as if crying "A coward? I'd like to see what you become after being doomed to eternal worthlessness... all I was ever able to do is run..."
> "They must just despise Youkai, they wanted to eliminate your friend the purple lady at a time..."

> Scout
> Dispel as soon as we see her as to not attract attention
>Don't do this.

//I have plans for Scout. Also I don't think we should have Hakurei act that way, the way the line is delivered seems like it might further annoy Reimu to me rather than generate sympathy, and a lower opinion of us from her could be detrimental. Plus they'll probably find some way to twist it or rip into us if we end up saying it in front of them.


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #737 on: February 25, 2021, 05:21:47 PM »
// Thats why I added a minute of realization so they'd be gone by the time we said it
// That said I'm fine with skipping it but we gotta go something other than just frown? That won't really advance the plot
« Last Edit: February 25, 2021, 05:39:13 PM by Tom »


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #738 on: February 25, 2021, 08:41:07 PM »
//Maybe Phil can think of something?
//In the meantime I thought of something else, unfortunately it's not Hakurei body.

>After creating Scout, frown.
>"Well if one thing's clear about those two, it's that they don't seem to like me very much... i can tell its going to be 'fun' working with them if they end up coming here..."


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #739 on: February 26, 2021, 12:59:27 AM »
>Discreetly fork another microblob into the ground below us.

New Blob (Codename: Scout):
>Head back to the ruins.
>Check to see if Ruukoto is still there and alright.


>"Okay, Mr Butterfly, let's both agree not to do that ever again..."
>Allow the insect time to recover before letting it go on its way.
>Did it feel more or less unpleasant transporting a living subject?
// Hmm little cowardly Rumia becoming braver? Sounds like character development to me!

> Hakurei
> After minute of realization (or when they're gone)
>  Fall down and cover our head as if crying "A coward? I'd like to see what you become after being doomed to eternal worthlessness... all I was ever able to do is run..."
> "They must just despise Youkai, they wanted to eliminate your friend the purple lady at a time..."

> Scout
> Dispel as soon as we see her as to not attract attention
>Don't do this.

//I have plans for Scout. Also I don't think we should have Hakurei act that way, the way the line is delivered seems like it might further annoy Reimu to me rather than generate sympathy, and a lower opinion of us from her could be detrimental. Plus they'll probably find some way to twist it or rip into us if we end up saying it in front of them.
//Maybe Phil can think of something?
//In the meantime I thought of something else, unfortunately it's not Hakurei body.

>After creating Scout, frown.
>"Well if one thing's clear about those two, it's that they don't seem to like me very much... i can tell its going to be 'fun' working with them if they end up coming here..."
> You send more darkness to check on the ruins.
> But it seems impossible to get in. However, at least Ruukoto is outside nearby, holding the owl.
> "I'm sure it'll be fine. A lot of people claim they don't like me, but I still have my fun." Marisa reassures.

> You frown. The consideration of eating one of them lingers in your mind, and actually feels good to have than not to have. Hopefully they aren't psychic too.
> "Be wary of what's around our path and destination this time." The man vanishes.
> The horned woman takes hold of the yin-yang orb. "Yeah yeah. Which way's this forest?"
> Reimu points.
> "We'll be done before you know it." The woman tosses the orb up, following it with a jump...
> Before that loud bang repeats as her hand connects with it, sending it speeding towards the Bamboo Forest with her vanishing too before it launches off.
> Reimu winces from the sound, covering her ears for a moment.

> You're sure this particular butterfly doesn't like you very much...
> You wanted to finish it off in eating it, but in stopping, it seems it didn't feel as unpleasant as with a branch or such. Something still must've gone wrong though. The butterfly is unlikely capable of conveying to you what did, however.


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #740 on: February 26, 2021, 01:12:42 AM »
>"...Ow my ears..."

>"And do those people give you death threats? Anyway they're coming. You might want to brace yourself, their method of travel is actually very loud..."
>Prepare ourselves for their arrival.

>Approach Ruukoto's ear, attempt to sneak around the owl if we can, but if it spots us just be mindful if it tries anything.
>When we get close enough to whisper into her ear, "Psst. Ruukoto. It's me, Rumia, I came to check on you while they were distracted. Are you alright? They didn't hurt you, did they?"
>>If the owl hasn't detected us yet, add: "Just nod or shake your head to answer. I'm not sure if the bird is yours or theirs so I don't want to take any chances. I'm very sorry for leaving so suddenly like that... I really would've tried to take you with me if I could."
>>If it has, let Ruukoto respond verbally. Again be mindful of the bird.

>Find a nearby flower, offer it to the recovering butterfly.
>What's the cat doing?

Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #741 on: February 26, 2021, 02:52:03 AM »
>"Does your intuition say they are going to cause an incident?"

>"It's the sealing that worries me."

>Create a shadow
>Wrap ourself in a shadow sphere
>Concentrate on maintaining connection with Contingency
>Try the eat and regurgitate with Contingency and the shadow we created in the first action


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #742 on: February 26, 2021, 02:58:02 AM »
>Create a shadow
>Wrap ourself in a shadow sphere
>Concentrate on maintaining connection with Contingency
>Try the eat and regurgitate with Contingency and the shadow we created in the first action
>If this would kill or potentially harm the butterfly, set it down somewhere safe first.
>Make a backup blob using a portion of Contingency just in case something goes horribly wrong and we lose the "main" Contingency.
>Stop attempting to eat/regurgitate this body the moment we get a bad feeling or otherwise any indication that this process could go badly.


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #743 on: February 26, 2021, 03:05:22 AM »
> Have we ever looked up at the stars and wondered how much darkness is actually out there?


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #744 on: February 26, 2021, 09:24:19 AM »
>"...Ow my ears..."

>"And do those people give you death threats? Anyway they're coming. You might want to brace yourself, their method of travel is actually very loud..."
>Prepare ourselves for their arrival.

>Approach Ruukoto's ear, attempt to sneak around the owl if we can, but if it spots us just be mindful if it tries anything.
>When we get close enough to whisper into her ear, "Psst. Ruukoto. It's me, Rumia, I came to check on you while they were distracted. Are you alright? They didn't hurt you, did they?"
>>If the owl hasn't detected us yet, add: "Just nod or shake your head to answer. I'm not sure if the bird is yours or theirs so I don't want to take any chances. I'm very sorry for leaving so suddenly like that... I really would've tried to take you with me if I could."
>>If it has, let Ruukoto respond verbally. Again be mindful of the bird.

>Find a nearby flower, offer it to the recovering butterfly.
>What's the cat doing?
>"Does your intuition say they are going to cause an incident?"

>"It's the sealing that worries me."

>Create a shadow
>Wrap ourself in a shadow sphere
>Concentrate on maintaining connection with Contingency
>Try the eat and regurgitate with Contingency and the shadow we created in the first action
>If this would kill or potentially harm the butterfly, set it down somewhere safe first.
>Make a backup blob using a portion of Contingency just in case something goes horribly wrong and we lose the "main" Contingency.
>Stop attempting to eat/regurgitate this body the moment we get a bad feeling or otherwise any indication that this process could go badly.
> Have we ever looked up at the stars and wondered how much darkness is actually out there?
> "Don't you think I would've stopped them if I thought so?"

> "Sometimes." Marisa answers.
> You prepare yourself, as the orb flies towards the two of you.
> And past, into the forest... It doesn't look like it progresses that deeply though...

> You slip by Ruukoto and whisper.
> "They let me go and said I wasn't involved." Ruukoto still speaks.
> The owl seems bothered.
> "And this is... Mine, so to speak... It's a drone. You wouldn't know, so don't worry about it."

> You offer a flower to the butterfly...
> It doesn't respond much to it.
> You try another experiment...
> It seems to work with nothing untoward happening... You don't know why the butterfly got bothered.

> The cat continues on it's path.

//edit: > You have. And also if there's darkness you can't control out there, too.
« Last Edit: February 26, 2021, 10:27:16 AM by Neovereign »


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #745 on: February 26, 2021, 09:52:05 AM »
>"Fair enough... So would you like me to do anything to help around the shrine while I have this body here? The main part of me is still helping Marisa, by the way."

>Does she seem upset at all?
>Still be wary of the bird and continue to whisper.
>"Well I'm glad you're alright... Look, I'm really, really sorry for leaving so suddenly, it's just that they wanted to seal me again and I sorta just panicked when the man got closer... You probably think I'm horrible for doing that, but I hope you can forgive me... or if not then at least let me make it up to you..."
>"So um... just to be absolutely sure, is the bird really safe to be around? By yours do you mean they like... gave it to you or something? I-If so they're not using it to keep tabs on you or anything, are they?"

>Does it look like they've penetrated deeper than we have in our attempts so far?
>if so: "Well it seems they managed to get farther than us at least..."

>It could be that we don't suffer any ill effects because it's us and not someone else... Or because our mind and soul effectively span multiple bodies...
>Reabsorb the backup blob created for the eat-regurgitate self experiment.
>Check on the butterfly.
>Pick up a rock.
>Firmly grasp it.
>Do our standard darkness through ground transportation to move a few meters away while holding onto the rock.
>Does the rock come with us? Does it fall through us as soon as we start to turn into darkness? Or does it travel with us until our "hand" hits solid matter (that is, the ground)?
>Continue to have our blob tail the cat.


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #746 on: February 26, 2021, 06:37:22 PM »
> Does the darkness up there we can't control feel like it's not really there?  Like is it just beyond the barrier and thus doesn't feel real?


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #747 on: February 27, 2021, 05:25:22 AM »
>"Fair enough... So would you like me to do anything to help around the shrine while I have this body here? The main part of me is still helping Marisa, by the way."

>Does she seem upset at all?
>Still be wary of the bird and continue to whisper.
>"Well I'm glad you're alright... Look, I'm really, really sorry for leaving so suddenly, it's just that they wanted to seal me again and I sorta just panicked when the man got closer... You probably think I'm horrible for doing that, but I hope you can forgive me... or if not then at least let me make it up to you..."
>"So um... just to be absolutely sure, is the bird really safe to be around? By yours do you mean they like... gave it to you or something? I-If so they're not using it to keep tabs on you or anything, are they?"

>Does it look like they've penetrated deeper than we have in our attempts so far?
>if so: "Well it seems they managed to get farther than us at least..."

>It could be that we don't suffer any ill effects because it's us and not someone else... Or because our mind and soul effectively span multiple bodies...
>Reabsorb the backup blob created for the eat-regurgitate self experiment.
>Check on the butterfly.
>Pick up a rock.
>Firmly grasp it.
>Do our standard darkness through ground transportation to move a few meters away while holding onto the rock.
>Does the rock come with us? Does it fall through us as soon as we start to turn into darkness? Or does it travel with us until our "hand" hits solid matter (that is, the ground)?
>Continue to have our blob tail the cat.
> Does the darkness up there we can't control feel like it's not really there?  Like is it just beyond the barrier and thus doesn't feel real?
> You never get close enough to reach it anyways.

> "I guess look for this spirit they mentioned." Reimu says.

> No.
> "It's safe. It's not Shingyoku's." Ruukoto says.

> No.
> The orb stops, floating back as the two appear aside it.
> "Hm... What do you suggest we do?" The woman asks.
> "It doesn't seem to be a curse." The man answers.
> "So it's more complicated to deal with than what they said implies. Ugh... You think it's something I can just destroy?"
> "Maybe."
> "I hope you don't mean the entire forest here." Marisa chimes in. "People wander about here too."
> "No. Whatever's happening to it."

> The butterfly has started to try and fly away.
> You grasp a rock.
> And use your transportation method.
> The rock is left on the ground before, having not came with you.


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #748 on: February 27, 2021, 05:44:59 AM »
>"...So which one of them is that?"
>Cautiously attempt to manifest as a tiny version ourselves, small enough to sit in the palm of someone's hand, floating in front of Ruukoto. Turn back into darkness (But do not leave) if the bird makes any hostile movement towards us.
>"Also would you mind if we headed someplace else. Just in case they come back while we're talking?"

>"Alright. I don't really have experience tracking spirits, but I'll try my best Miss Reimu!"
>Create a body the same size as what Scout is in our hand, codename: Pocket.
>"I'll leave this here so I can update you if I find anything. Or in case you want to talk to me while I do this, whatever works for you."

>Float in the vicinity of Reimu.

>So the rock stayed with us as we turned into darkness, only leaving us once it made contact with the ground?
>Observe the butterfly for any abnormal behavior during its recovery, just in case we accidentally created a soulless zombie insect or something.
>Cat status.

//Can't think of anything for Prime this turn so I'll leave that to you guys.


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #749 on: February 27, 2021, 06:18:50 AM »
> Prime
> Look at Marisa then at the mysterious group
> "I-is there's something we can help with? We want this incident resolved as much as you do"
« Last Edit: February 27, 2021, 06:20:57 AM by Tom »