Author Topic: Immortal Quest - Ageless Nemesis  (Read 203415 times)

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Re: Immortal Quest - Ageless Nemesis
« Reply #150 on: February 24, 2021, 11:44:17 PM »

>"Tewi, is it just me, or does something seem... off?"


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Re: Immortal Quest - Ageless Nemesis
« Reply #151 on: February 25, 2021, 01:31:48 AM »

>"Tewi, is it just me, or does something seem... off?"
> "Just you?"


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Re: Immortal Quest - Ageless Nemesis
« Reply #152 on: February 25, 2021, 01:45:23 AM »
>"I mean, Reisen's room doesn't seem to be in the spot I remember..."
>"Okay, I need you to be one hundred percent honest with me: Did Reisen's room move, or did I already walk past it? Because if it's the latter I think I might have to see Eirin for a checkup..."


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Re: Immortal Quest - Ageless Nemesis
« Reply #153 on: February 25, 2021, 05:27:35 AM »
>"I mean, Reisen's room doesn't seem to be in the spot I remember..."
>"Okay, I need you to be one hundred percent honest with me: Did Reisen's room move, or did I already walk past it? Because if it's the latter I think I might have to see Eirin for a checkup..."
> Tewi looks around.
> "Huh. This should actually be where her room is... Ah, maybe she hid it? Like put a fake wall up?"
> The rabbit starts to feel the wall where Reisen's door should be.


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Re: Immortal Quest - Ageless Nemesis
« Reply #154 on: February 25, 2021, 05:38:23 AM »
>"...That's also a possibility. Let's check for that, then."
>Mentally facepalm for forgetting Reisen could do that. But then again it's not like she uses it against us often.
>Be somewhat relieved that it doesn't seem to be another lapse in time perception, at least for the moment.
>Assist in feeling for a door.

>If either of us locates it, knock.
>>If that doesn't get a response, knock louder.

Re: Immortal Quest - Ageless Nemesis
« Reply #155 on: February 25, 2021, 06:24:34 AM »


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Re: Immortal Quest - Ageless Nemesis
« Reply #156 on: February 25, 2021, 06:41:45 AM »
>"...That's also a possibility. Let's check for that, then."
>Mentally facepalm for forgetting Reisen could do that. But then again it's not like she uses it against us often.
>Be somewhat relieved that it doesn't seem to be another lapse in time perception, at least for the moment.
>Assist in feeling for a door.

>If either of us locates it, knock.
>>If that doesn't get a response, knock louder.
> You feel for a door as well.
> Neither of you seem to notice any difference in the wall through checking for a minute.


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Re: Immortal Quest - Ageless Nemesis
« Reply #157 on: February 25, 2021, 06:46:39 AM »
>"Just as a sanity check, she can't make physical illusions, can she?"
>We didn't even find a knob?


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Re: Immortal Quest - Ageless Nemesis
« Reply #158 on: February 25, 2021, 09:20:26 AM »
>"Just as a sanity check, she can't make physical illusions, can she?"
>We didn't even find a knob?
> "Kinda, I think. She can make you feel things that aren't actually there."
> You have not. Though you haven't been checking. Maybe you could just force the door in. Or tell her to come out. She is your subordinate, kinda.


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Re: Immortal Quest - Ageless Nemesis
« Reply #159 on: February 25, 2021, 09:32:30 AM »
>"...Well just because we can't see or feel it, doesn't mean we can't knock on it. Illusion hax or not it's still physically along this wall somewhere."
>Walk over to the closest door to the left of where Reisen's room is supposed to be.
>Start walking to the right, knocking loudly on the wall every two feet until we either get a response or reach the door on the other side of Reisen's. (Or the wall if her room is on a corner.)
>Do we know if anybody else uses the neighboring rooms at this time of day, or if they're even occupied at all?
>"Hopefully there won't be too many noise complaints."

//Speaking of hax, just thought of this question I probably should've asked towards the beginning of the thread/
>Are we familiar with those digital entertainment games used by the outside world? If so, have ever (somehow) been able to play any, and if so do we find them enjoyable?


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Re: Immortal Quest - Ageless Nemesis
« Reply #160 on: February 26, 2021, 01:32:26 AM »
>"...Well just because we can't see or feel it, doesn't mean we can't knock on it. Illusion hax or not it's still physically along this wall somewhere."
>Walk over to the closest door to the left of where Reisen's room is supposed to be.
>Start walking to the right, knocking loudly on the wall every two feet until we either get a response or reach the door on the other side of Reisen's. (Or the wall if her room is on a corner.)
>Do we know if anybody else uses the neighboring rooms at this time of day, or if they're even occupied at all?
>"Hopefully there won't be too many noise complaints."

//Speaking of hax, just thought of this question I probably should've asked towards the beginning of the thread/
>Are we familiar with those digital entertainment games used by the outside world? If so, have ever (somehow) been able to play any, and if so do we find them enjoyable?
> You start knocking on the wall.
> No response...
> You don't know if the nearby rooms have residents. It... wasn't something you paid attention to.

> Yes. Though it's a tragic tale. You only got to play a bit of a game where you fought and captured enemies, beating others to raise them more, and capturing new ones for an even stronger team. Tragic as the device suddenly stopped working at one point. You don't have it anymore.


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Re: Immortal Quest - Ageless Nemesis
« Reply #161 on: February 26, 2021, 01:41:02 AM »
>Continue knocking until we reach the door on the other side of where Reisen's should be.
>If there is still no response, say rather loudly: "Oh no, a certain Rabbit is being particularly stubborn right now. I guess I'll have to make my own door..."
>>Begin charging danmaku in a loud and obvious manner.
>>>If we can cancel charging danmaku, prepare to cancel it if Reisen falls for our bluff.
>>>If not, make the shot so short ranged that if we had to fire it it wouldn't hit anything.
>>If Tewi doesn't appear to catch on that we're bluffing, wink at her.


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Re: Immortal Quest - Ageless Nemesis
« Reply #162 on: February 26, 2021, 09:25:46 AM »
>Continue knocking until we reach the door on the other side of where Reisen's should be.
>If there is still no response, say rather loudly: "Oh no, a certain Rabbit is being particularly stubborn right now. I guess I'll have to make my own door..."
>>Begin charging danmaku in a loud and obvious manner.
>>>If we can cancel charging danmaku, prepare to cancel it if Reisen falls for our bluff.
>>>If not, make the shot so short ranged that if we had to fire it it wouldn't hit anything.
>>If Tewi doesn't appear to catch on that we're bluffing, wink at her.
> You keep knocking, to no response.
> And with that, you start to charge your danmaku up.
> Tewi steps back, while there's no other objection or other reaction to your bluff.


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Re: Immortal Quest - Ageless Nemesis
« Reply #163 on: February 26, 2021, 10:17:00 AM »
>Frown and dispose of the danmaku through cancelling or firing as described in the previous post if cancelling is not possible.
>"Tch... guess she called my bluff..."
>Can we do a convincing impression of Eirin's voice given that we've been around her so long?
>>If so, in our best annoyed Eirin voice: "UDONGEIN! What is the meaning of this!? Get out here this instant!"
>>>If that doesn't sound like something Eirin in a bad mood would say, make the necessary corrections before speaking.
>If not:
>>Turn to Tewi
>>"Might be a weird question, but are you good at impressions? I want to try one more thing before I resort to plain old fashioned kicking..."
« Last Edit: February 26, 2021, 10:20:25 AM by Evil_Nazgul0616 »


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Re: Immortal Quest - Ageless Nemesis
« Reply #164 on: February 26, 2021, 10:25:17 AM »
>Frown and dispose of the danmaku through cancelling or firing as described in the previous post if cancelling is not possible.
>"Tch... guess she called my bluff..."
>Can we do a convincing impression of Eirin's voice given that we've been around her so long?
>>If so, in our best annoyed Eirin voice: "UDONGEIN! What is the meaning of this!? Get out here this instant!"
>>>If that doesn't sound like something Eirin in a bad mood would say, make the necessary corrections before speaking.
>If not:
>>Turn to Tewi
>>"Might be a weird question, but are you good at impressions? I want to try one more thing before I resort to plain old fashioned kicking..."
> You get rid of your shot.
> Your considerations are interrupted by the sound of a door opening behind you, and soon after, Reisen walking out...
> ... and right past the two of you.
> "W-W... Ah." Tewi looks back to the door.
> Not only are you sure it wasn't there before, but you're sure you were facing this direction too. Or at least, was supposed to be... maybe you need to decorate this hall more so it's harder to... flip.


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Re: Immortal Quest - Ageless Nemesis
« Reply #165 on: February 26, 2021, 10:35:53 AM »
>"...Huh, well played... Er- I mean: Well, well, look who finally decided to show herself..."
>Cross our arms with a huff while frowning at Reisen.
>"Anyway, would you care to explain why you ditched me? Did you really think you could get out of a sightseeing trip that easily, Reisen? I must say, I'm a bit disappointed."
« Last Edit: February 26, 2021, 10:40:59 AM by Evil_Nazgul0616 »


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Re: Immortal Quest - Ageless Nemesis
« Reply #166 on: February 26, 2021, 10:50:00 AM »
>"...Huh, well played... Er- I mean: Well, well, look who finally decided to show herself..."
>Cross our arms with a huff while frowning at Reisen.
>"Anyway, would you care to explain why you ditched me? Did you really think you could get out of a sightseeing trip that easily, Reisen? I must say, I'm a bit disappointed."
> Reisen continues without answering.
> "So, going to visit another customer?" Tewi follows with her hands behind her back. "Maybe you could join us in sightsee-"
> "Its a terrible day for sightseeing. Its been dark out this entire time." Reisen stops.
> "Then investigating this incident? The usual might have it handled."
> "I don't think the usual even can. At least, not Reimu."
> "Ooh. Our brave bunny will get it done then? Want my help?"
> "You're busy, I have free time."
> "Fair enough. You should also answer the princess, by the way." Tewi stops in place.
> "Master would like to see you." Reisen finally turns to answer and address you.


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Re: Immortal Quest - Ageless Nemesis
« Reply #167 on: February 26, 2021, 11:16:32 AM »
>"Oh really? Is that just an excuse to get me away so you don't have to talk to me? Because I'm sure Eirin would've politely asked Tewi to tell me when she allegedly gave her the job you were supposed to be doing... or, if not, sent literally any Inaba to fetch me if it was urgent."
>"That being said, I'll probably check with her anyway on the off chance this isn't an excuse, but I'm not going anywhere until you explain yourself! As you can probably tell, I'm a little annoyed that you ditched me right after agreeing to my plans... I even got ready and everything... I would like to at least know why you didn't come back..."
« Last Edit: February 26, 2021, 11:28:46 AM by Evil_Nazgul0616 »


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Re: Immortal Quest - Ageless Nemesis
« Reply #168 on: February 28, 2021, 01:21:24 AM »
>"Oh really? Is that just an excuse to get me away so you don't have to talk to me? Because I'm sure Eirin would've politely asked Tewi to tell me when she allegedly gave her the job you were supposed to be doing... or, if not, sent literally any Inaba to fetch me if it was urgent."
>"That being said, I'll probably check with her anyway on the off chance this isn't an excuse, but I'm not going anywhere until you explain yourself! As you can probably tell, I'm a little annoyed that you ditched me right after agreeing to my plans... I even got ready and everything... I would like to at least know why you didn't come back..."
> "If you were ready, then you should've been following. I wasn't going to carry you. I was sure that if you weren't following the first few minutes, then you would've come by later because something came up. But the entire day went by and you never came until now." Reisen turns back again. "I'm not falling for it again. You can do that to someone else."
> The upset bunny departs down another hall with that...
> "I guess she thinks you played her for a fool, huh?" Tewi shrugs. "Probably doesn't help that you're putting your feelings above hers and blaming her either. Well, shouldn't we get to our business? Or in this case, meet with Eirin if she's telling the truth?"


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Re: Immortal Quest - Ageless Nemesis
« Reply #169 on: February 28, 2021, 01:55:32 AM »
>"Hang on..."
>Extend the current instant of time like we did to look for an umbrella earlier.
>Run after Reisen.
>If she hasn't disappeared yet or put up another illusion:
>>Bring her into the extended instant.
>>"Hey now wait just one moment! What do you mean an entire day went by!? I was waiting 20-30 minutes at most!"
>>If she refuses to acknowledge us, remove her from the instant and get in front of her before letting her in again.
>>"And even if it turns out that it was actually longer than that, it wouldn't have killed you to -- I don't know -- actually check on me if I was taking too long... I mean, come on now, do you really think I would've lied to you about taking you sightseeing like that? Especially given that I was so adamant about it?"


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Re: Immortal Quest - Ageless Nemesis
« Reply #170 on: February 28, 2021, 03:37:17 AM »
>"Hang on..."
>Extend the current instant of time like we did to look for an umbrella earlier.
>Run after Reisen.
>If she hasn't disappeared yet or put up another illusion:
>>Bring her into the extended instant.
>>"Hey now wait just one moment! What do you mean an entire day went by!? I was waiting 20-30 minutes at most!"
>>If she refuses to acknowledge us, remove her from the instant and get in front of her before letting her in again.
>>"And even if it turns out that it was actually longer than that, it wouldn't have killed you to -- I don't know -- actually check on me if I was taking too long... I mean, come on now, do you really think I would've lied to you about taking you sightseeing like that? Especially given that I was so adamant about it?"
> "Now w-"
> You interrupt Tewi and use your ability in the same manner as last time.
> And manage to get to Reisen before she's done anything.
> Trying to bring her in to the extended instant... doesn't seem to work.


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Re: Immortal Quest - Ageless Nemesis
« Reply #171 on: February 28, 2021, 03:47:18 AM »
>When we use the extended instant, we're just extending the instant for everything but ourselves, correct?
>If so, attempt to include Reisen as something that isn't being extended.
>If this is successful resume actions held in abeyance.


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Re: Immortal Quest - Ageless Nemesis
« Reply #172 on: February 28, 2021, 04:06:08 AM »
>When we use the extended instant, we're just extending the instant for everything but ourselves, correct?
>If so, attempt to include Reisen as something that isn't being extended.
>If this is successful resume actions held in abeyance.
> Yes.
> You try again to include Reisen, to no avail.


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Re: Immortal Quest - Ageless Nemesis
« Reply #173 on: February 28, 2021, 04:09:01 AM »
>Attempt to alter the extended instant such that that which isn't stopped includes both ourselves and a "bubble" a few feet around ourselves.
>Make sure we're more than a few feet away from Reisen before attempting this.


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Re: Immortal Quest - Ageless Nemesis
« Reply #174 on: February 28, 2021, 04:16:05 AM »
>Attempt to alter the extended instant such that that which isn't stopped includes both ourselves and a "bubble" a few feet around ourselves.
>Make sure we're more than a few feet away from Reisen before attempting this.
> You try to alter such, ending with a field a bit larger than you tried. But at least it works.
> At least it still doesn't quite reach Reisen.


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Re: Immortal Quest - Ageless Nemesis
« Reply #175 on: February 28, 2021, 05:12:19 AM »
>How far are we from Tewi? Are we far enough that extending the field to reach Reisen will exclude her, even if it goes over by the same degree?
>If so, then extend the bubble to reach Reisen.
>Resume actions in abeyance.


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Re: Immortal Quest - Ageless Nemesis
« Reply #176 on: February 28, 2021, 10:18:03 AM »
>How far are we from Tewi? Are we far enough that extending the field to reach Reisen will exclude her, even if it goes over by the same degree?
>If so, then extend the bubble to reach Reisen.
>Resume actions in abeyance.
> You should be far enough.
> You try to expand the area you reach, and seemingly succeed.
>>"Hey now wait just one moment! What do you mean an entire day went by!? I was waiting 20-30 minutes at most!"
>>If she refuses to acknowledge us, remove her from the instant and get in front of her before letting her in again.
>>"And even if it turns out that it was actually longer than that, it wouldn't have killed you to -- I don't know -- actually check on me if I was taking too long... I mean, come on now, do you really think I would've lied to you about taking you sightseeing like that? Especially given that I was so adamant about it?"
> "Yes... I did believe such." Reisen answers. "Especially given you had your own things to deal with. And even more apparent with..." She gestures to the empty space behind you. "You having ditched Tewi too."


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Re: Immortal Quest - Ageless Nemesis
« Reply #177 on: February 28, 2021, 10:58:00 AM »
>"I didn't ditch her, she's still in the hall, and I intend to go back to her as soon as this conversation is over, which, to everybody but us, won't be longer than a fraction of a second. I just wanted some time to talk."
>"As for my own plans, they did involve you, believe it or not. I really did want to take you sightseeing after hearing you apparently never had an opportunity to, and Eirin's request would've been easily worked in along the way. Besides, I literally have nothing to gain from lying to you, Reisen. In fact, I fail to find any amusement in the thought of tricking you at all..."
>"...Look, it's clear that this was a huge misunderstanding on both our parts. Nobody is fully at fault, but neither of us are completely blameless for what happened either... That being said, I am sorry if I came off a little harsh back in that hall... I was annoyed, yes, but part of it was more from the shock and confusion that this actually happened than directed at you..."


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Re: Immortal Quest - Ageless Nemesis
« Reply #178 on: February 28, 2021, 01:20:11 PM »
>"I didn't ditch her, she's still in the hall, and I intend to go back to her as soon as this conversation is over, which, to everybody but us, won't be longer than a fraction of a second. I just wanted some time to talk."
>"As for my own plans, they did involve you, believe it or not. I really did want to take you sightseeing after hearing you apparently never had an opportunity to, and Eirin's request would've been easily worked in along the way. Besides, I literally have nothing to gain from lying to you, Reisen. In fact, I fail to find any amusement in the thought of tricking you at all..."
>"...Look, it's clear that this was a huge misunderstanding on both our parts. Nobody is fully at fault, but neither of us are completely blameless for what happened either... That being said, I am sorry if I came off a little harsh back in that hall... I was annoyed, yes, but part of it was more from the shock and confusion that this actually happened than directed at you..."
> "Can you let me go already?" Reisen doesn't seem accepting. "They might not be going anywhere at this rate, but they don't need me falling asleep in the middle of it."


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Re: Immortal Quest - Ageless Nemesis
« Reply #179 on: February 28, 2021, 06:36:43 PM »
//Guessing Phil lost interest?

>Ponder whether or not Tewi put a bad luck charm on us the moment we made our intentions to find Reisen and left to find her room.
>"It won't be much longer. Just... Reisen, if I actually lied to you would I really be going through such lengths to tell you I didn't? ...I was serious when I said I wanted to go sightseeing with you, I honestly don't know what freak occurrence happened today, but I am sorry that we never got around to it. If you're willing to give me another chance,  I really would like to try again, if not today, then hopefully tomorrow. And if this somehow ends up happening again, then you have my permission to do anything you want to me... No matter how humiliating or harmful."