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Most Popular Touhou Fan Content
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If we're going for the best:
Marisa Stole the Precious Thing

This thing is so simple yet it has so much meme potential. From "Marisa Tanked My Score With an Incredible Hand" to "Master Stole the Precious Padoru" and "MrBeast Stole The Precious Thing", it seems like every fandom that has existed for long enough has a version of that PV. And let's not lie to ourselves, it's extremely catchy.
The poll is ready, we will now decide the most popular Touhou Fan Content....ever and forever!!!!
High-Tension Yuuritsu:
At least right now, the fumos are one of the trendiest things around over here in Vietnam's internet culture. People bring them to Japanese festivals and such, but unfortunately many fumo owners doesn't even know what Touhou is.
Probably not my first experience with Touhou, but the first Touhou related thing I can remember watching often was a Chirumiru meme, so I'd say it deserves to be considered, too.

--- Quote from: Dreamy-Eyed Yuuritsu on November 01, 2023, 07:00:17 AM ---At least right now, the fumos are one of the trendiest things around over here in Vietnam's internet culture. People bring them to Japanese festivals and such, but unfortunately many fumo owners doesn't even know what Touhou is.

--- End quote ---
It's interesting that even though fumos aren't exclusive Touhou based, (there's lots of fumos for other franchises) they've been linked to the Touhou franchise and when you think fumo you think Touhou.

I'd say that right now fumos are the most popular Touhou "thing", we're past the days of Bad Apple and Cirno's Perfect Math Classroom, soon the fumos will be all that's left, they're coming for your jobs next....

And I'm also jealous of people with fumos who don't know what Touhou is because I can't get any where I'm from :(
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