Author Topic: Rumia Quest - Another  (Read 481465 times)

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Branneg Xy

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Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #330 on: July 27, 2021, 10:45:46 PM »
//That's much better than my idea.

// It is with lots of thanks ,if I can convey a clear and clearer meaning+intentions,very,to "everyone&everyone" open-ended,collaborativeness open-ended experience and intent in themselves  :extend: //

1.+This Real Photo "... and the WORD became Flesh", had been shoot by a Modern-Time Desert Father(Desertic Catholic Christian Community Monk+Ascetic) during THE HOLIEST CONSECRATION-MASS:The HOLIEST FAMILY of NAZARETH ALWAYS MYSTICALLY EVER-PRESENT and with ALSO THE CRISTCHILD BLESSING- , in EVERY HOLIEST MASS-HOST CONSECRATION BY the Ordanied PRIEST(S).
3.Youtube Channel/half-collections/half-references :
" FRA ALU BI Darcanix "


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Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #331 on: July 28, 2021, 04:46:27 AM »
> " What exactly has changed and feels different for Fairies compared to a rather short amount of days ago?"

> To Shadow,but not exclusively:" How is the situation evolving at the Scarlet Mansion?Should we be moving closer to there so you are not overwhelmed by the quite busy situation at Youkai Mountain"?

> Tell the Tengu who is looking for someone that we might be helping her in that,if she wants and

// Is the next one alright like this?//

> Turn and reply :" Oh sorry,I was a bit lost in thought,and I had been thinking about which History Topics I need to look about for and the eventual  assistance i could ask for that while at the same time not imposing on people's goodwill and time".
> "Hm. I'm not sure what else." Clownpiece shrugs.

> "There's nothing immediately worrying over there yet. Especially compared to the mountain." Your shadow replies.

> "Uh, no I'm alright. I'll find them on my own." The new Tengu replies.
> "How bad was it at the village?" One of the other Tengu questions.
> "We got swarmed, and not much oppression was managed. But we're not completely out of it. ...I hope." The new Tengu answers.

> "Oh. Don't try to go after any youkai yourselves. They're not animals. Better to just learn about how to escape."


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Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #332 on: July 28, 2021, 04:59:00 AM »
>"What would be a good way to test?"
>Turn to Hecatia and Junko, "Actually, was there anything abnormal about her torch aside from what we experienced. You've known her longer than me, so if her torch's effect is stronger than normal you two would probably know it, right?"

>Extremely confused look.
>"When did I ever imply that I'd go after youkai?"


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Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #333 on: July 28, 2021, 05:06:08 AM »
>"What would be a good way to test?"
>Turn to Hecatia and Junko, "Actually, was there anything abnormal about her torch aside from what we experienced. You've known her longer than me, so if her torch's effect is stronger than normal you two would probably know it, right?"

>Extremely confused look.
>"When did I ever imply that I'd go after youkai?"
> "Maybe a duel?"
> "We didn't even notice you were being affected. So you could say we weren't paying attention." Junko plainly states.

> "Akyuu's recorded quite a bit about Youkai and dangerous places. If you're more interested in uh, other kinds of history, then find the history teacher at the school. Akyuu isn't a history teacher."

Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #334 on: July 28, 2021, 05:47:23 AM »
>Have our mouth open in surprise

>"I think youkai would effect the village's history."
>Put a finger to chin
>"Knowing where not to go and how to survive is important."


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Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #335 on: July 28, 2021, 07:05:11 AM »
>List of available spellcards.
>>Which of these are our "bombs"
>Meta: Rundown on in-quest spellcard duel mechanics.

>"Don't spellcard duels enforce an upper limit of power to make sure all combatants have a fair chance of winning and prevent fatal injuries though? Not to mention the cards themselves enforcing a specific pattern... If that's the case then I'm not sure we'd be able to gain any insight from a spellcard duel alone..."
>Do not say the following if it implies that we accept a duel, as we are merely considering the idea at this point.
>>Contemplative: "But then again, nothing's stopping us from trying..."

//Considering indulging Clownpiece in a duel due to:
A. It being low risk. (Nothing is really at stake for us if we do it.)
B. Rumia being out of practice and not having a proper duel since being unsealed. From a player perspective, it would give us some exposure to spellcard combat in this quest since we haven't been in any duels yet.
C. Potentially gaining some insight. Though the answer to Prime's question might affect whether this is possible.
//That being said, I'm not outright challenging her unless other players are on board with it. (Plus would like to see if point C would be invalidated by whatever answer we receive first.)


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Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #336 on: July 28, 2021, 10:11:06 AM »
>Have our mouth open in surprise

>"I think youkai would effect the village's history."
>Put a finger to chin
>"Knowing where not to go and how to survive is important."
>List of available spellcards.
>>Which of these are our "bombs"
>Meta: Rundown on in-quest spellcard duel mechanics.

>"Don't spellcard duels enforce an upper limit of power to make sure all combatants have a fair chance of winning and prevent fatal injuries though? Not to mention the cards themselves enforcing a specific pattern... If that's the case then I'm not sure we'd be able to gain any insight from a spellcard duel alone..."
>Do not say the following if it implies that we accept a duel, as we are merely considering the idea at this point.
>>Contemplative: "But then again, nothing's stopping us from trying..."

//Considering indulging Clownpiece in a duel due to:
A. It being low risk. (Nothing is really at stake for us if we do it.)
B. Rumia being out of practice and not having a proper duel since being unsealed. From a player perspective, it would give us some exposure to spellcard combat in this quest since we haven't been in any duels yet.
C. Potentially gaining some insight. Though the answer to Prime's question might affect whether this is possible.
//That being said, I'm not outright challenging her unless other players are on board with it. (Plus would like to see if point C would be invalidated by whatever answer we receive first.)
> "I guess so...?" Clownpiece seems unsure. "But I hear there are some unfair points in them too."
> "Yes, no reason not to try, right? Well, aside from time." Hecatia says.
> "Nothing elsewhere is really our business yet though, so..." Junko speaks.

> "Come to think of it, it's probably pretty hard to get to talk with Akyuu as well... The history teacher likely has knowledge or books on youkai too anyways."

> You still recall your patterns for Moon Sign ⌠Moonlight Ray⌡, Night Sign ⌠Night Bird⌡, and Darkness Sign ⌠Demarcation⌡.

Spell Card Rules:
> Participants must tell each other of how many spell cards they plan to use in the duel, even if they don't manage to use all of them.
> One wins a normal Spell Card Duel when their opponent is unable to continue, not necessarily when the opponent has used up all of their spell cards. Though danmaku isn't necessarily strong most of the time, hits give a unique feeling of lethargy / loss of will, further bringing those who fail to dodge closer to being unable to continue. Though this doesn't affect their dodging or attacking, consecutive hits will only increase this until the victim is unable to continue, regardless of how incredible or poor their stamina is.
> Declaring a Spell Card puts the user in a Spell Card Trance if no one is in one yet. A trance allows one to use more of their abilities and greatly endure more punishment at the expense of lessening their freedom, such as dodging as freely as outside of a trance and being stuck to the pattern of their spell card. There is a limit to how long a Spell Card can last, and enough punishment can break a user out of their trance. Being in a Spell Card Trance prevents the user from feeling the demeaning effects of being hit by danmaku unless they are broken out of it, meaning it's always better to have entered a Spell Card Trance than not.
> If one uses a Spell Card while the opponent is already in a trance, their spell card will instead become a bomb, which is more focused at the expense of being much shorter. Bombs actively clear enemy danmaku past their declaration and keep you safe from danmaku in their short duration.
> A Spell Card used in a trance can't be repeated, but it can be used as a bomb. Spell Cards used as Bombs are allowed to repeat, however, bombs are limited to 3 usages.
> One must always be vulnerable outside of Spell Cards that require otherwise. Intangibility and deflection of danmaku, for example, are counted as invulnerabilities.
> More lenient or different versions of Spell Card Duels exist, usually agreed upon by the participants of such. Certain cases allow direct combat outside of danmaku, or permit invulnerabilities.
> You wonder if you'll even be able to use the spell card rules with those fairies...

Branneg Xy

    • Branneg Xy
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Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #337 on: July 29, 2021, 12:27:16 AM »
> "I guess so...?" Clownpiece seems unsure. "But I hear there are some unfair points in them too."
> "Yes, no reason not to try, right? Well, aside from time." Hecatia says.
> "Nothing elsewhere is really our business yet though, so..." Junko speaks.

> "Come to think of it, it's probably pretty hard to get to talk with Akyuu as well... The history teacher likely has knowledge or books on youkai too anyways."

> You still recall your patterns for Moon Sign ⌠Moonlight Ray⌡, Night Sign ⌠Night Bird⌡, and Darkness Sign ⌠Demarcation⌡.

Spell Card Rules:
> Participants must tell each other of how many spell cards they plan to use in the duel, even if they don't manage to use all of them.
> One wins a normal Spell Card Duel when their opponent is unable to continue, not necessarily when the opponent has used up all of their spell cards. Though danmaku isn't necessarily strong most of the time, hits give a unique feeling of lethargy / loss of will, further bringing those who fail to dodge closer to being unable to continue. Though this doesn't affect their dodging or attacking, consecutive hits will only increase this until the victim is unable to continue, regardless of how incredible or poor their stamina is.
> Declaring a Spell Card puts the user in a Spell Card Trance if no one is in one yet. A trance allows one to use more of their abilities and greatly endure more punishment at the expense of lessening their freedom, such as dodging as freely as outside of a trance and being stuck to the pattern of their spell card. There is a limit to how long a Spell Card can last, and enough punishment can break a user out of their trance. Being in a Spell Card Trance prevents the user from feeling the demeaning effects of being hit by danmaku unless they are broken out of it, meaning it's always better to have entered a Spell Card Trance than not.
> If one uses a Spell Card while the opponent is already in a trance, their spell card will instead become a bomb, which is more focused at the expense of being much shorter. Bombs actively clear enemy danmaku past their declaration and keep you safe from danmaku in their short duration.
> A Spell Card used in a trance can't be repeated, but it can be used as a bomb. Spell Cards used as Bombs are allowed to repeat, however, bombs are limited to 3 usages.
> One must always be vulnerable outside of Spell Cards that require otherwise. Intangibility and deflection of danmaku, for example, are counted as invulnerabilities.
> More lenient or different versions of Spell Card Duels exist, usually agreed upon by the participants of such. Certain cases allow direct combat outside of danmaku, or permit invulnerabilities.
> You wonder if you'll even be able to use the spell card rules with those fairies...

 > Think that as a rehearsal+testing+gauging for Spellcard Duels,Rules, Patterning could be useful for both us,Clownpiece and the"Clownpiece's team"...of course with eventual applications, training ,discoveries,etc. even outside Spellcard Duels ,or at least going from a Spell Card Duel to a Duel or viceversa...

 > Accept A Testing Spellcard Duel vs Clownpiece then.

> Ask the tengu with concern if , in the case they choose returning to the Tengu Village or near,they have a backup plan,or better yet a backup plan and a refuge,to avoid getting rushed directly or besieged by the Strange Super Powered Fairies...

> To the villager : " Oh,I see,then could you tell me how to find this "history teacher" ,though I am still try to meeting Akyuu first but in the eventuality it is a no-go...
1.+This Real Photo "... and the WORD became Flesh", had been shoot by a Modern-Time Desert Father(Desertic Catholic Christian Community Monk+Ascetic) during THE HOLIEST CONSECRATION-MASS:The HOLIEST FAMILY of NAZARETH ALWAYS MYSTICALLY EVER-PRESENT and with ALSO THE CRISTCHILD BLESSING- , in EVERY HOLIEST MASS-HOST CONSECRATION BY the Ordanied PRIEST(S).
3.Youtube Channel/half-collections/half-references :
" FRA ALU BI Darcanix "


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Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #338 on: July 29, 2021, 02:54:53 AM »
//Well it seems Branneg is on board.
//Any objections Phil?

>"Fair enough."
>Stretch and crack our knuckles.
>"It's been a while since I last had a spellcard duel anyway. Does three cards each sound good or would you prefer less than that? I only have three available right now unfortunately."

>Would our Shadow count as Danmaku if we made a spellcard involving her, since she's technically part of us, or would she considered a separate entity for the purpose of spellcard duels?

>What difficulty variant are our three cards?

Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #339 on: July 29, 2021, 03:39:42 AM »
//None at all


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Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #340 on: July 29, 2021, 04:56:51 AM »
> Think that as a rehearsal+testing+gauging for Spellcard Duels,Rules, Patterning could be useful for both us,Clownpiece and the"Clownpiece's team"...of course with eventual applications, training ,discoveries,etc. even outside Spellcard Duels ,or at least going from a Spell Card Duel to a Duel or viceversa...

 > Accept A Testing Spellcard Duel vs Clownpiece then.

> Ask the tengu with concern if , in the case they choose returning to the Tengu Village or near,they have a backup plan,or better yet a backup plan and a refuge,to avoid getting rushed directly or besieged by the Strange Super Powered Fairies...

> To the villager : " Oh,I see,then could you tell me how to find this "history teacher" ,though I am still try to meeting Akyuu first but in the eventuality it is a no-go...
//Well it seems Branneg is on board.
//Any objections Phil?

>"Fair enough."
>Stretch and crack our knuckles.
>"It's been a while since I last had a spellcard duel anyway. Does three cards each sound good or would you prefer less than that? I only have three available right now unfortunately."

>Would our Shadow count as Danmaku if we made a spellcard involving her, since she's technically part of us, or would she considered a separate entity for the purpose of spellcard duels?

>What difficulty variant are our three cards?

> "We... We'll manage. It'll be worse to stick here and do nothing." The tengu speak.
> "In that case, are you ready to be sent back to your kind? Just to warn you, I can't promise you'll like what you see." Shadow questions.
> The Tengu nod.
> "All right. Good luck, and stay safe." Shadow seems to evacuate the three currently conscious, leaving the three downed ones left...
> They don't seem as bad now. More like they're asleep.

> You think your shadow would count as danmaku as long as she follows a pattern in spell cards.
> Difficulty is just putting in more effort to your spell cards.
> "Feel free to use as many as you can. It's better if we see more of what you're capable of."
> "So it's you guys..." You hear a new voice. "When the heck are you going to go to sleep? Or at least Shut Up?"
> The owner seems to be a fairy, among a small group of them. Nothing seems to stand out about them. Their outfits vary in color quite a bit, but that's not saying much when the only irregular fairies are those at the mansion. Thus, these fairies do not look very irregular.
> "It's rude to interrupt us like this." Hecatia speaks. "But I suppose we are near the Hakurei Shrine. We might be causing a disturbance for others..."

> "She's at the school usually. Big building- ah, but you probably won't be able to meet either of them this late at night. You should probably turn in find them in the morning." The person advises. "I hear some say that youkai manage to sneak around the village at night..."


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Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #341 on: July 29, 2021, 05:10:35 AM »
Shadow Realm:
>"Well if these three are staying, they might as well rest somewhere more comfy than the floor..."
>Attempt to conjure a few darkness-made "beds" beneath each of the tengu, created such that they rise out of the floor below them and support their bodies as they do so.
>Abort if they start passing through the darkness to the point that it would obscure their mouths and noses, suffocating guests would be bad.
>Create a fourth bed next to our manifestation. Sit on it to test its softness. We want them to be comfy, after all. Make adjustments as necessary and apply it to the other beds.
>Also abort if the beds cost a noticeably large amount of upkeep to maintain.

>Raise an eyebrow at the newcomers.
>"Who are you guys anyway?"

Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #342 on: July 29, 2021, 05:16:30 AM »
>"Have we met before?"

>"That was my original plan.  Some issues popped up that accelerated my plans."
>"I'd prefer not to talk about it more than I have to."


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Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #343 on: July 29, 2021, 06:07:18 AM »
Shadow Realm:
>"Well if these three are staying, they might as well rest somewhere more comfy than the floor..."
>Attempt to conjure a few darkness-made "beds" beneath each of the tengu, created such that they rise out of the floor below them and support their bodies as they do so.
>Abort if they start passing through the darkness to the point that it would obscure their mouths and noses, suffocating guests would be bad.
>Create a fourth bed next to our manifestation. Sit on it to test its softness. We want them to be comfy, after all. Make adjustments as necessary and apply it to the other beds.
>Also abort if the beds cost a noticeably large amount of upkeep to maintain.

>Raise an eyebrow at the newcomers.
>"Who are you guys anyway?"
> You try, but can't quite get them to rise from under the Tengu right...
> The Tengu group's rest seems to be quite troubled now. They look worse for ware again. You're not sure if it was the bed thing, homesickness, a sudden illness, or something else. They're still breathing, but it looks more alarming than their condition when you noticed them in here.

> "Talking about rude. It's rude to ask for someone to introduce themselves when you haven't yourselves." One of the fairies points.
> "It's rude to point at others!" Clownpiece retorts.
> "Shouting at others when you don't need to is also rude!" The other group argues.
> "Oh dear..." Hecatia watches.

> "Hm... Well, I won't pry. Good luck."
> The person finally leaves you be to continue with your choice.

Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #344 on: July 29, 2021, 07:02:00 AM »
>"Oh no, not again."
>Have our darkness crawl under the Earth towards the trio of fairies
>"Well, I'm Rumia youkai of twilight."
>Have our darkness poke their shadows
>When Clownpiece introduces herself repeat the pokes

>Head to Akyuu's estate


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Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #345 on: July 29, 2021, 07:30:47 AM »
>Have our darkness crawl under the Earth towards the trio of fairies
>Adjust this to accommodate the actual number of fairies. (Excluding allied fairies such as Clownpiece, of course.)
//I don't think it was confirmed that there were three. All that was stated was it was a small group.

Shadow Realm:
>Dispel the darkness from the bed attempt if we haven't already. (Assuming dispelling it was implicit when aborting, but just in case)
>Close in on the Tengu, attempt to diagnose their condition to the best that our limited medical experience allows


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Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #346 on: July 29, 2021, 08:31:45 AM »
>"Oh no, not again."
>Have our darkness crawl under the Earth towards the trio of fairies
>"Well, I'm Rumia youkai of twilight."
>Have our darkness poke their shadows
>When Clownpiece introduces herself repeat the pokes

>Head to Akyuu's estate
>Adjust this to accommodate the actual number of fairies. (Excluding allied fairies such as Clownpiece, of course.)
//I don't think it was confirmed that there were three. All that was stated was it was a small group.

Shadow Realm:
>Dispel the darkness from the bed attempt if we haven't already. (Assuming dispelling it was implicit when aborting, but just in case)
>Close in on the Tengu, attempt to diagnose their condition to the best that our limited medical experience allows
> You have gotten rid of your darkness for the beds already.
> It looks a bit familiar is the best you can guage. But you can't quite put your finger on what's wrong. Whether that's poor memory, or not actually being what you thought was familiar about it.

> You sneak your darkness towards the fairy group.
> Though something is stopping you from reaching them and their shadows. Less of a wall or barrier, more of something actively keeping you away. Especially from one of the fairies.
> Regardless, you introduce yourself.
> "Sounds familiar..." One of them says.
> "Well, Rumia, you're gazing upon the Absolute Best Fairies!" One proudly boasts.
> "Sunny Milk!"
> "Star Sapphire~"
> "Luna Ch-" "Oh, you three!" Clownpiece interrupts, pointing at them herself. "I knew you'd be competing."
> "It's rude to interru-"
> "The Three Fairies of Light are not known to be shown up by anyone." Sunny boasts further, interrupting Luna again.
> "Except for a few times." Star speaks.
> "SHH! We're not known for it!"
> "You guys were making it very hard to get to sleep." Luna complains. "What are you even doing out here?"
> "Hm? You aren't going to fight us?" Junko questions.

> You continue in the indicated direction, soon reaching a larger building that seems like the mentioned manor... There are people in the way of the entrance, however.


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Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #347 on: July 29, 2021, 08:48:51 AM »
//I'm just waiting for an excuse to start calling Clownpiece "Madam President" as her Best Fairy title.

>Which one said our name sounded familiar?
>"Ah, so these are those fairies you mentioned. How curious..."
>Absorb more ambient darkness into our tendrils in an attempt to probe deeper into the force keeping us at bay. Do we gain any distance?
>"Anyway, this is your operation, so it's your choice whether or not to tell them."

Shadow Realm:
>Check on the fish. Are they still healthy?
>Do we seem to be gaining darkness from anything in here?
>>If so, and it's from the tengu, put a clamp on that immediately.
>"Shadow, does anything about the condition of these tengu seem familiar at all?"
« Last Edit: July 29, 2021, 09:00:32 AM by Evil_Nazgul0616 »

Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #348 on: July 29, 2021, 09:00:14 AM »
>"Wait, weren't you three at the test of courage?"
>Smack the bottom of our fist against our palm
>"You're the ghost girls!"

>"Hello!  I'm here to see miss Akyuu."
>"I have information that may be important."


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Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #349 on: July 29, 2021, 09:14:43 AM »
>"Wait, weren't you three at the test of courage?"
>Smack the bottom of our fist against our palm
>"You're the ghost girls!"
>Hold on this.

//What test of courage? I don't recall such a thing happening in this quest.
//Unless your intention is to lie to them in order to confuse them.
//Either way I would like a bit of clarification.


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Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #350 on: July 29, 2021, 09:16:43 AM »
//@Phil edit

Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #351 on: July 29, 2021, 09:20:33 AM »
//It is a reference to the test of courage in the comics.


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Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #352 on: July 29, 2021, 09:28:49 AM »
//It is a reference to the test of courage in the comics.
//Two things though:
//1. It may not be canon to this quest's continuity.
//2. Was Rumia even present for that to begin with?

Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #353 on: July 29, 2021, 09:51:46 AM »
>"Wait, weren't you three at the test of courage?"
>Smack the bottom of our fist against our palm
>"You're the ghost girls!"

>Do this if the test of courage is cannon.

//Rumia was there.  She chased Youmu and danced with the ghost half.


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Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #354 on: July 29, 2021, 12:57:09 PM »
>Do this if the test of courage is cannon.

//Rumia was there.  She chased Youmu and danced with the ghost half.
//Did she interact with the fairies of light at the event, though?

Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #355 on: July 29, 2021, 04:32:06 PM »
//No, not really.  The fairies came running to the Hakurei shrine screaming about ghost.  Everyone went and retrieve the Watermelons the ghost had cooled and ate.


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Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #356 on: July 30, 2021, 01:12:56 AM »
//I'm just waiting for an excuse to start calling Clownpiece "Madam President" as her Best Fairy title.

>Which one said our name sounded familiar?
>"Ah, so these are those fairies you mentioned. How curious..."
>Absorb more ambient darkness into our tendrils in an attempt to probe deeper into the force keeping us at bay. Do we gain any distance?
>"Anyway, this is your operation, so it's your choice whether or not to tell them."

Shadow Realm:
>Check on the fish. Are they still healthy?
>Do we seem to be gaining darkness from anything in here?
>>If so, and it's from the tengu, put a clamp on that immediately.
>"Shadow, does anything about the condition of these tengu seem familiar at all?"
>"Wait, weren't you three at the test of courage?"
>Smack the bottom of our fist against our palm
>"You're the ghost girls!"

>"Hello!  I'm here to see miss Akyuu."
>"I have information that may be important."
>Hold on this.

//What test of courage? I don't recall such a thing happening in this quest.
//Unless your intention is to lie to them in order to confuse them.
//Either way I would like a bit of clarification.
>Do this if the test of courage is cannon.

//Rumia was there.  She chased Youmu and danced with the ghost half.
> You don't recall these three. And they don't seem to recall you either. Aside from Star, who claimed you(r name) sounded familiar.

> The one who introduced herself as Star.
> You take in more darkness and try to pierce past whatever's stopping you.
> You do gain more distance, slowly getting closer.
> Star seems to whisper something to the two fairies that you now know the names of.
> "Well, we're doing something sorta important. But I guess sleep is important too..." Clownpiece considers.
> The trio steps back some. While the other accompany fairies do not.

> "Yeah, sorry, that's my fault. I'll fix it." Shadow answers.
> The Tengu still look bothered, but it looks like it's lessening?
> "By the way, I think our grand culprit is at the top of the mountain. I also think I should be nowhere near there under any circumstances; I suspect my presence will only feed them and make them stronger."
> The fish seem fine... You wonder why they can survive in here.

> "You can relay it to one of us and we'll try to get it to her."
> "Hey. You're that darkness youkai." The other person squints. "The one always going around in a black sphere and-."
> "Hey!" The first person elbows the second. "Doesn't matter if she is. Do you think people really go about doing that sort of thing? Like pointing and going 'Oh, it's the super dangerous youkai Kazami Yuuka'? They're minding their own business, you mind yours."
> "It's our business now though. She's at the front door of the Hieda-"
> "Doing what? Eating us? Trying to assassinate someone? Just shut up and keep your eyes peeled if you're so worried."
> The second person grumbles a bit.
> "As I was saying..." The first clears their throat. "If you have something you want to say, we'll try to get it across to her."


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Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #357 on: July 30, 2021, 01:29:23 AM »
>Have our underground tendrils snake around them so that the tips of them roughly surround them in a circle.
>Have them maintain their current radius from them, though.

Shadow Realm:
>"Not to mention a certain pair of goddesses that might make approaching that spot a bit more difficult than normal anyway..."

>Feel a bit satisfied at the recognition.
><insert Phil actions here.>

Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #358 on: July 30, 2021, 02:39:43 AM »
//I was not expecting them to recognize us
>How many fairies are there

Shadow Realm:
>"It would probably be better to find information about the culprit before we move against them."
>"Are the fairies with the kappa fighting against the ones invading the tengu?"

>"I actually came for two reasons.  I had hope to read Akyuu's notes about myself."
>"The other was to give a warning about an incident, non danmaku."
>Let out a sigh as we prepare to talk about the incident
>"Fairies have invaded the homes of tengu.  They've been able to overwhelm the tengu with power and were seen using tengu as body shields."
>"I'm not sure if it is more wide spread."


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Re: Rumia Quest - Another
« Reply #359 on: July 30, 2021, 03:11:35 AM »
>Have our underground tendrils snake around them so that the tips of them roughly surround them in a circle.
>Have them maintain their current radius from them, though.

Shadow Realm:
>"Not to mention a certain pair of goddesses that might make approaching that spot a bit more difficult than normal anyway..."

>Feel a bit satisfied at the recognition.
><insert Phil actions here.>
//I was not expecting them to recognize us
>How many fairies are there

Shadow Realm:
>"It would probably be better to find information about the culprit before we move against them."
>"Are the fairies with the kappa fighting against the ones invading the tengu?"

>"I actually came for two reasons.  I had hope to read Akyuu's notes about myself."
>"The other was to give a warning about an incident, non danmaku."
>Let out a sigh as we prepare to talk about the incident
>"Fairies have invaded the homes of tengu.  They've been able to overwhelm the tengu with power and were seen using tengu as body shields."
>"I'm not sure if it is more wide spread."
> You keep your distance, but go around a bit...
> Sunny seems to create a small ball of light, which pushes your darkness just a bit further back, though doesn't seem to make them any weaker.
> "Oh thanks. It's been annoyingly dark." One of the other fairies says.
> 6 in total, including the Three Fairies of Light.

> "Does it have to be tonight?" Luna questions.
> "I guess it doesn't... It can wait." Clownpiece answers.
> "We're totally not planning to beat you up in your sleep or anything." Sunny says.
> "We have more important things to do in the morning." Star speaks.

> "Some of the fairies did mention a shrine, and how those that had gone there hadn't come back yet..." Shadow advises, then answers your other question. "I think X is already planning on moving against them. I can't get more information about them, though, because all of my darkness on the mountain got absorbed by them. Last I was aware, the situation between those two groups was a bit tense, but they seemed to come together over mutual concern for the group at the shrine. Who knows how things are going now, though."
> You wonder if it's your turn to chastise X with an "I told you so". If you knew the situation more, maybe you could...

> You feel a bit good that you're known enough to be recognized, and seen through a disguise, somewhat...
> "That's uh, the Tengu's problem then. This is the Human Village you know..."
> "The Hakurei Shrine Maiden sometimes deals with youkai problems like that. But I wouldn't bother her this late if I were you."
> "I'm not sure how I feel about you trying to get informed about yourself..." The second person suspects.
> "If I recall correctly, you're seen as someone that doesn't get along much with humans, and are weaker among the youkai. But a youkai's still a youkai, and humans don't usually match up to their strength. Which, I've heard, you use more than your darkness."
> "Are you just gonna sit here and make small talk with her?"
> "Huh? Oh yeah, sure. Good idea." The first person sits down. "Why not? You didn't wanna chat or anything."
> "I can't believe this..."