>"I think not," says Eirin, as she sits back at her desk. "Now, Miss Soga gave us the gist of your meeting with our assailant. Could you tell me more about it?"
> Think a bit before explaining :" As I have described my tale of encounter with "The Formless One.
"before...well,Very Vast ,Without Form,Nearly-Unsubstantial and Faint-like in the.Water,so mostly compatible with Waters... still however Not-Malevopent but a Neutral Hazard... somehow seeking Fusion-Substance.Tempotaily with...compatible beings such as myself ...in the sense of "the Latest Substantial Being. Flowed-Through.."
>.Ah!For.Precision.About The Formless One "beikg Neutral-Hazardous"..before "from Its
Recalling "I. have gathered,and.aftee also.,thanks to the Discussing&sightinv.by 1st Yukari and 2nd.Patchouli,that It was Nearly-Instictual of its "Hazardous Non-Malevolent kind"...yet when.Temporarily Fused-Transfofed in.ghr Deepest Part of the "Flooded Gensokyo Mirror-Space,in-Hakurei Barrier,Devoid of Non-Marine Apparent-Life1 AND Expanding" ....it became Mostly Self-Aware,still Neutral-Hazardous,but even started making for the 1st time recalling and.feeling,about whag had happened and Keep Flowing.to New Placeain in Its Entirety...
>... since It treated generically all.the.Flow-Flowed Places plus "a Smaller Piece of It.
Flowed Separetely and to Another Place ,until...It joined back together around recently but "but.with some.off-feeling.lingering".
> Wait for.Eirin to reflect & answer ,then eventually add further...