> Focus on regaining and keeping our calm ,also being helped by " this being a surprise experience with this 'Nue ' " and by " Nue's now Girl Form ".
> Say to Reisen and Reimu : " This Nue certainly is a Youkai strongly founded on the Unknown , Its Fear and Other Emotions or Links with it , am I right ? "
> Naturally, proceed with them while looking around for " Point of Interests" and ,Especially, Do Recount the Important Facts about " Alice's Damaged Soul Condition and the Possible Link with her Stolen Grimoire " .
> "Well; her ability is to make things Undefined." Reimu remarks. "Really; she was the main cause of the UFO incident a few years ago. Although we're going to meet the
> You recall that Patchouli; Alice and Marisa's Grimoires have been stolen, and whatever Alice did to create you; using a fragment of her soul; inadvertedly damaged her own more than it probably should have. You also recall Reimu wants to see this monk as a result of what you told her, and seemed reluctant to do so, only doing so since she was the best option.
> Follow along.
> "What does a black hole even look like?"
> "That's the thing. You can't really see one. Light can't escape it, so there's nothing to see. It's just... pure darkness that consumes everything." Reisen explains. "It's a terrifying thing in deep space."
> Nue, Reimu and Reisen land outside the Temple, you still on the rabbit' shoulder.
> Nue taps on the doors.
> "Lady Hijiri, Reimu is here to see you. Says it's important."
> There is quiet for a few moments.
> The temple doors open. The interior is quite sparcely decorated, mostly with scrolls bearing sutras on the walls, although there is a statue of a tiger-like humanoid bearing a spear, with a donation urn beside it.
> At the back of the temple's main room, upon a small red rug, between the two largest sutras hanging on the walls, is a person meditating.
> Byakuren Hijiri
> Impure Monk seeking Purity
> She looks up at your group. At that exact moment however, she suddenly tenses up, and you feel a strange sensation.
> A word pulses through your very being.
Reverie> It almost feels like something is summoning you, a massive compulsion to head to somewhere. You don't know where. You can resist the urge however.
> The monk looks at you.
> "How bizarre. You tensed up in the same manner that I did." she says softly. "I have my suspicions why... although I would rather be incorrect. I prefer to be seen first and foremost as a monk; after all."
> Nue, Reimu and Reisen look confused.
> "That sort of topic is exactly what I need to talk to you about; Hijiri." Reimu says.
> The monk's peaceful and cheerful face turns into a slight frown.
> "I see. If that is the case, I would rather we talk in private."
> Reimu shakes her head. "The doll there's vital. She'll need to be here too."
> The monk sighs. "Is the rabbit necessary?"
> "I suppose not." Reimu answers. Reisen takes the hint, and goes outside, with Nue following. Nue closes the temple doors behind her.
> "I get the feeling my avaliability is rather short right now; Reimu. So; what is so urgent and specific that you wake up in the middle of your slumber to come to my temple while it is closed to speak of topics you know I would rather not? I suppose it must be no trifling matter."