Author Topic: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish  (Read 712843 times)

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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #60 on: August 26, 2020, 02:57:42 AM »
>Would it expend energy to sleep in that manner?
> Not really.


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #61 on: August 26, 2020, 04:58:30 AM »
>"Well I can just sleep with my darkness on, but if you want to I won't mind the extra darkness either."


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #62 on: August 26, 2020, 06:44:45 AM »
>"Well I can just sleep with my darkness on, but if you want to I won't mind the extra darkness either."
> "Okay. Sleep well."
> Sanae turns off the light in the room, leaving you in darkness.
> Then closes the door behind her.


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #63 on: August 26, 2020, 06:49:12 AM »
>Get comfy.
>Drift off to sleep
>Dream about vanquishing trees.


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #64 on: August 26, 2020, 11:26:03 PM »
>Get comfy.
>Drift off to sleep
>Dream about vanquishing trees.
> You already are~
> Soon, sleep takes hold of you...

> You slowly stir awake, well rested, but confused. For some reason, the name Paul Bunyan floats around your mind. Soon, however, it's drowned out by hunger.
> You seem to be under the blankets, as your darkness isn't usually this comfortable.


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #65 on: August 26, 2020, 11:36:25 PM »
//Rumia Bunyan, Gensokyo's true folk hero.

>Did we not get under the blankets when we went to sleep?
>Hunger for that kind of meat or hunger in general?
>We're not one of those Youkai who go ravenously and murderously crazy if we don't eat human for too long, are we?


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #66 on: August 27, 2020, 08:01:56 AM »
//Rumia Bunyan, Gensokyo's true folk hero.

>Did we not get under the blankets when we went to sleep?
>Hunger for that kind of meat or hunger in general?
>We're not one of those Youkai who go ravenously and murderously crazy if we don't eat human for too long, are we?
> You didn't.

> Just in general.
> You... don't think you are. You can hold off on eating someone if you really have to.


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #67 on: August 27, 2020, 08:13:32 AM »
>Look around from the bed, is the light on again? Is Sanae here yet?
>Keep the blanket around us for now, this feels cozy.


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #68 on: August 27, 2020, 08:18:48 AM »
>Look around from the bed, is the light on again? Is Sanae here yet?
>Keep the blanket around us for now, this feels cozy.
> It doesn't seem to be.

> You stay under the blanket...
> "Hey, Rumia." You hear Sanae's voice, quietly.


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #69 on: August 27, 2020, 08:28:25 AM »
>"Hey Sanae."
>"Is it morning already? Also when did this blanket get on me?"


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #70 on: August 27, 2020, 09:09:59 AM »
>"Hey Sanae."
>"Is it morning already? Also when did this blanket get on me?"
> "I doubled back in and put it on after a while. You should get up- er, have you slept enough, actually?"


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #71 on: August 27, 2020, 09:13:25 AM »
>"Is that so? Oh you didn't have to do that, but thanks."
>"And I feel refreshed if that's what you're asking. I also had a weird dream where I think my name was Paul Bunyan and I was fighting evil trees? I can't remember much of it..."


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #72 on: August 27, 2020, 09:25:38 AM »
>"Is that so? Oh you didn't have to do that, but thanks."
>"And I feel refreshed if that's what you're asking. I also had a weird dream where I think my name was Paul Bunyan and I was fighting evil trees? I can't remember much of it..."
> The blankets are removed with a giggle.
> "Well if you're gonna get back to business then we'd better hurry outside. Whether that's to continue your wood whacking or for this ribbon of yours.," Sanae speaks. "Ah, maybe bark breaking would've sounded better..."


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #73 on: August 27, 2020, 09:40:21 AM »
>Whine cutely upon the removal of the blankets.
>Get up with a small pout.
>"...Wait, what's so bad about wood whacking?"
>Raise an eyebrow.
>"Or by wood whacking do you mean the wood is whacking me? Because if that's the case I can see what you mean. Stupid evil trees..."


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #74 on: August 27, 2020, 07:05:18 PM »
>Whine cutely upon the removal of the blankets.
>Get up with a small pout.
>"...Wait, what's so bad about wood whacking?"
>Raise an eyebrow.
>"Or by wood whacking do you mean the wood is whacking me? Because if that's the case I can see what you mean. Stupid evil trees..."
> You sit up.

> "Nothing nothing. Let's just go." Sanae opens the door.

Branneg Xy

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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #75 on: August 27, 2020, 07:13:28 PM »
> You sit up.

> "Nothing nothing. Let's just go." Sanae opens the door.

> Let us go with Sanae.

> On the way: "Thanks for the Hospitality, this is the 1st time I have rested this comfortably and... oh.... Have the night and morning times given you an idea or 2 about my Burning Ribbon, Miss Sanae?  "
« Last Edit: August 27, 2020, 07:21:59 PM by Branneg Xy »
1.+This Real Photo "... and the WORD became Flesh", had been shoot by a Modern-Time Desert Father(Desertic Catholic Christian Community Monk+Ascetic) during THE HOLIEST CONSECRATION-MASS:The HOLIEST FAMILY of NAZARETH ALWAYS MYSTICALLY EVER-PRESENT and with ALSO THE CRISTCHILD BLESSING- , in EVERY HOLIEST MASS-HOST CONSECRATION BY the Ordanied PRIEST(S).
3.Youtube Channel/half-collections/half-references :
" FRA ALU BI Darcanix "


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #76 on: August 27, 2020, 09:19:01 PM »


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #77 on: August 28, 2020, 01:49:49 AM »
> Let us go with Sanae.

> On the way: "Thanks for the Hospitality, this is the 1st time I have rested this comfortably and... oh.... Have the night and morning times given you an idea or 2 about my Burning Ribbon, Miss Sanae?  "
> You start to follow Sanae out.
> "Of course. We'll get to that when we're outside the shrine." Sanae closes the door behind you, before leading you towards the exit.

> It's brighter in general in the halls, and she seems to look more like Reimu does. Though, more blue than red...


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #78 on: August 28, 2020, 01:52:10 AM »
>Keep following while glancing at surroundings.


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #79 on: August 28, 2020, 04:46:22 AM »
>Keep following while glancing at surroundings.
> You make a habit to look around while following. This room seems cozy, with a blanket-draped table in the center. The floor is different here just like the room you were in. There's also another vase with an umbrella in it.
> Sanae exits the shrine.


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #80 on: August 28, 2020, 04:48:31 AM »
There's also another vase with an umbrella in it.
//Actually I think it was the same one



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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #81 on: August 28, 2020, 05:44:47 AM »
//Actually I think it was the same one

> Follow the vase, or Sanae?

> You continue out of the shrine, where Sanae turns to face you.
> "Alright. So from what I gathered, this ribbon might be more than just a ribbon. It could be... A charm: something to ward off things or people. A seal: Something to contain something or someone. Or a cursed ribbon: Something that, well, curses you. Brings bad luck or can't be taken off and is always a negative enhancement level. Unless you bless it, but then it's still negative." Sanae trails off quietly as she talks about the curse.


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #82 on: August 28, 2020, 05:50:11 AM »
>Listen intently.


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #83 on: August 28, 2020, 06:34:06 AM »
>Listen intently.
> "Oh but I'm getting off track. So curse, charm, or seal. Let's see..." She approaches, trying to reach it.


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #84 on: August 28, 2020, 09:48:34 AM »
>Let her.
>"Be careful. I don't know if it burns other people on touch or not."


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #85 on: August 28, 2020, 08:58:44 PM »
>Let her.
>"Be careful. I don't know if it burns other people on touch or not."
> You keep still... and feel a little tug near your hair.

> And a bit more time passes...

> "Uh... I don't think this wants to come off. I can't get it off, at least..."

Branneg Xy

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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #86 on: August 28, 2020, 09:18:10 PM »
> You keep still... and feel a little tug near your hair.

> And a bit more time passes...

> "Uh... I don't think this wants to come off. I can't get it off, at least..."

>"Mmmh~ If it is of any help and counsel, I have never attemped to Start in any way from the base of my hair where The Negative Ribbon is and that coud be a Step Up.  "

« Last Edit: August 28, 2020, 09:26:05 PM by Branneg Xy »
1.+This Real Photo "... and the WORD became Flesh", had been shoot by a Modern-Time Desert Father(Desertic Catholic Christian Community Monk+Ascetic) during THE HOLIEST CONSECRATION-MASS:The HOLIEST FAMILY of NAZARETH ALWAYS MYSTICALLY EVER-PRESENT and with ALSO THE CRISTCHILD BLESSING- , in EVERY HOLIEST MASS-HOST CONSECRATION BY the Ordanied PRIEST(S).
3.Youtube Channel/half-collections/half-references :
" FRA ALU BI Darcanix "


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #87 on: August 28, 2020, 10:24:04 PM »
>"...Do you think it would come off if the part of my hair it's tied to is cut off?"


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #88 on: August 28, 2020, 10:54:44 PM »
>"Mmmh~ If it is of any help and counsel, I have never attemped to Start in any way from the base of my hair where The Negative Ribbon is and that coud be a Step Up.  "
>"...Do you think it would come off if the part of my hair it's tied to is cut off?"
> "Hmm... I doubt it, but maybe it's something that actually makes sense. Easily removable, right? Should we try it?"


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #89 on: August 28, 2020, 10:57:09 PM »
>Nod vigorously.
>"I don't mind having a weird haircut for a bit. Not like I know anyone who would care about it anyway..."
>Plus if we have a strange haircut, it might distract our next victim the next time we go hunting.