Author Topic: Alice Quest - The Seven Colored Puppeter's Week  (Read 653629 times)

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Re: Alice Quest - The Seven Colored Puppeter's Week
« Reply #960 on: November 22, 2021, 09:08:37 PM »
>After becoming huge?
>If so, say "That should do."


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Re: Alice Quest - The Seven Colored Puppeter's Week
« Reply #961 on: November 24, 2021, 03:49:12 PM »
>After becoming huge?
>If so, say "That should do."
> You haven't felt less capable in your trips this size so far.
> "I would've liked to see Alice do her best again though..." Shinki sighs.

Re: Alice Quest - The Seven Colored Puppeter's Week
« Reply #962 on: November 24, 2021, 05:14:25 PM »
>"No, no, I am certain Sanae will push me to my limits."
>Look to Sanae. "Shall we?"


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Re: Alice Quest - The Seven Colored Puppeter's Week
« Reply #963 on: November 24, 2021, 05:41:11 PM »
>"No, no, I am certain Sanae will push me to my limits."
>Look to Sanae. "Shall we?"
> "w-wait, who am I fighting?"

Re: Alice Quest - The Seven Colored Puppeter's Week
« Reply #964 on: November 24, 2021, 10:33:33 PM »
>"Me, of course. Did I not say "I suppose we could duel"?"


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Re: Alice Quest - The Seven Colored Puppeter's Week
« Reply #965 on: November 26, 2021, 07:57:46 PM »
>"Me, of course. Did I not say "I suppose we could duel"?"
> "Alright. I'll get ready." Sanae flies off towards the nearby lake.
> "Don't fly off too far. I don't want to get in the way by flying up there too, but I also still want to watch as well." Meiling speaks.

Re: Alice Quest - The Seven Colored Puppeter's Week
« Reply #966 on: November 28, 2021, 09:37:34 PM »
>Smile to Meiling: "I am sure even from here, you'll have an excellent view at your size, dear. But do get close as you can~"
>Fly after Sanae, take this time to get used to moving our new mass around.


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Re: Alice Quest - The Seven Colored Puppeter's Week
« Reply #967 on: December 01, 2021, 01:30:20 AM »
>Smile to Meiling: "I am sure even from here, you'll have an excellent view at your size, dear. But do get close as you can~"
>Fly after Sanae, take this time to get used to moving our new mass around.
> "Alright, don't shoot me down. Or do. You'll be responsible!" Meiling teases.
> You follow after Sanae with an attempt at a bit more swiftness than how your travels have been. Not as easy to make sudden turns, or rather, get much distance with them since there's more of you to stop. And dodging as effectively against so many bullets may not be possible...

Re: Alice Quest - The Seven Colored Puppeter's Week
« Reply #968 on: December 01, 2021, 05:45:41 AM »
>Call back, "I'll do my best!"
>Quickly go over our spell cards. This will probably just be one card s another, but reviewing our options is good tactics.


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Re: Alice Quest - The Seven Colored Puppeter's Week
« Reply #969 on: December 02, 2021, 02:52:35 PM »
>Call back, "I'll do my best!"
>Quickly go over our spell cards. This will probably just be one card s another, but reviewing our options is good tactics.
> You are supposedly capable of using all your cards. Being larger wont make spell card trances have any worse effects, you think. You dont see why any spells wouldnt work properly, otherwise.
> You definitely shouldn't pull off any impossible spells though...

Re: Alice Quest - The Seven Colored Puppeter's Week
« Reply #970 on: December 03, 2021, 02:47:16 AM »
>What cards do we have? And what do they do, broadly speaking?


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Re: Alice Quest - The Seven Colored Puppeter's Week
« Reply #971 on: December 04, 2021, 02:28:10 PM »
>What cards do we have? And what do they do, broadly speaking?
Puppeteer Sign ⌠Maiden's Bunraku⌡:
A small attack where you send forth a shot of danmaku that bursts to reveal a cluster of dolls. They retreat back various distances and angles while readying a laser, firing off lines of blue danmaku to their sides and front, firing the laser, and finishing with a small burst of red danmaku. With their speed in doing such, you usually don't have to worry about them being destroyed before they finish. Though there is some time for the opponent to rest after the barrage, and you're really vulnerable during this.

Blue Sign ⌠Benevolent French Dolls⌡:
A spell where you surround yourself with dolls that continuously produce the same pattern of danmaku (briefly going outwards before returning inwards, then spreading out fully), while you move about. They don't help you endure more than the spell card trance allows though, but at least they won't be destroyed. There is the Orleans variant where you have them return back inwards once more in a split of even more bullets, as well as have your dolls fire more quickly.

Scarlet Sign ⌠Red Haired Dutch Dolls⌡:
You create a few dolls around the field that are destructible, but once again, quickly produce their attack. It's a simple, non-aimed pattern, but the enemy may be overwhelmed if they don't aim to destroy any of the dolls before they fire.

White Sign ⌠Chalk White Russian Dolls⌡:
Similar to the previous spell, though you create the dolls more to one side of the opponent, alternating such to make it harder for them to dodge. Ideally, at least.

Darkness Sign ⌠Foggy London Dolls⌡:
A group of dolls circle you as they continuously fire danamku. Again, all you need to do is move around. It covers all areas pretty well, and their flurry sometimes overlaps with itself, making the spell a bit denser at moments. This one has a variant as well, though it's pretty much only an increase in the danmaku produced. The full effort version, ⌠Elegant Spring Kyoto Dolls⌡ amplifies the danmaku produced to an extreme degree. Observant foes may start to notice a pattern with the heavier field however, which could help them.

Curse ⌠Eerily Luminous Shanghai Dolls⌡:
A more advanced spell card, though still similar to the previous group. It's quite the visually pleasing card. Hanged Hourai Dolls is very similar, however, you finally have your dolls utilize bullets aimed towards your opponent.

⌠The Phantom of the Grand Guignol⌡:
A spell card, or more accurately, Last Word, where you put a bit more effort into danmaku. Your dolls overwhelm the field with danmaku, some of the bullets moving further sooner than the others. And around the time the opponent gets comfortable, you have your dolls focus fast and heavy fire on the opponent's position, forcing them to carefully move through the rest of the field constantly - or at least for the few moments before you repeat the pattern.

> You have other spells you could consider, but they either are pretty short or a bit too dangerous / unfit for danmaku play yet.
« Last Edit: December 05, 2021, 04:51:34 AM by Neovereign »

Re: Alice Quest - The Seven Colored Puppeter's Week
« Reply #972 on: December 05, 2021, 05:27:59 AM »
>Let's go with Foggy London Dolls. No need to go fully all out.
>Soar over the lake, and get within range of Sanae. "Ready?"


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Re: Alice Quest - The Seven Colored Puppeter's Week
« Reply #973 on: December 11, 2021, 11:03:51 PM »
>Let's go with Foggy London Dolls. No need to go fully all out.
>Soar over the lake, and get within range of Sanae. "Ready?"
> You decide which you'll use and get into a proper space for the duel.
> "Mhm. My best..." Sanae looks down, holding her paper rod.

Re: Alice Quest - The Seven Colored Puppeter's Week
« Reply #974 on: December 13, 2021, 04:48:48 AM »
>Let her get and ready her card. When she declares hers, declare ours.


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Re: Alice Quest - The Seven Colored Puppeter's Week
« Reply #975 on: December 16, 2021, 11:23:36 PM »
>Let her get and ready her card. When she declares hers, declare ours.
> "Sea Opening ⌠Moses Miracle⌡" The wind priestess declares, and a sea of lasers starts to widen on both of your sides.
> You declare Foggy London Dolls, which should be fine compared to some of your other options.
> Sanae already seems to be moving around a lot, as if in anticipation for dodging your incoming shots. And moments later, she begins to fire her own attacks at you.
> Very simple pattern of just three lines of bullets, but the center is split into two. This should be easy to-
> Ah, the frequency of her firing... eliminates the idea of just sitting between the split. And it looks like she doesn't even split it at a consistent angle either, so sometimes it's too thin to move between.

> Your current worry is the approaching "Sea" to your left, while the bursts of danmaku from Sanae herself seem negligible so far. However, it would be extremely risky for you to stay close to this sea with most of her bullets running more parallel to - and through the left sea than the one to your right, which also has more open space to dodge through.

> Unfortunately, this spell card doesn't let you get much of a view of the spectators, especially since they aren't below or above you as much as they are further away.

Re: Alice Quest - The Seven Colored Puppeter's Week
« Reply #976 on: December 17, 2021, 07:01:57 AM »
>Let's turn sideways to present a more narrow profile, it might matter at this size.
>Try to move along with the walls, and try to slip around the bullets as they come; let the dolls fire as they will.


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Re: Alice Quest - The Seven Colored Puppeter's Week
« Reply #977 on: December 20, 2021, 03:18:20 PM »
>Let's turn sideways to present a more narrow profile, it might matter at this size.
>Try to move along with the walls, and try to slip around the bullets as they come; let the dolls fire as they will.
> You start to try and stay near the walls, and the bullets are still manageable. This size is definitely making it harder than it wouldve been otherwise, however...
> Sanae's still having no issue with your danmaku, and seems to be actively trying to head to a side of the arena.
> The moments of easy dodging have passed, as her bullets are forcing you to move closer to the center. You could possibly retreat back to the wave after, given its about to return closer to the wall.

Re: Alice Quest - The Seven Colored Puppeter's Week
« Reply #978 on: December 23, 2021, 03:39:51 AM »
>Take a moment to examine the danmake, looking for places where the shots converge and where they move apart, then try to get into the latter areas. For now, try to keep moving between those open spots, and move from one side of the sea, to the other.


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Re: Alice Quest - The Seven Colored Puppeter's Week
« Reply #979 on: December 24, 2021, 02:19:09 PM »
>Take a moment to examine the danmake, looking for places where the shots converge and where they move apart, then try to get into the latter areas. For now, try to keep moving between those open spots, and move from one side of the sea, to the other.
> You observe the field and wait...
> Before making your glide to the other side of the spell card - grazing a few bullets in your size, but not getting hit yet!
> Though she's having no problem dodging yet still, Sanae doesn't seem to be holding up her spell card very well. She might be running out of steam.

Re: Alice Quest - The Seven Colored Puppeter's Week
« Reply #980 on: December 25, 2021, 04:36:17 AM »
>A time out is a victory, too. Let's continue as we are and let the dolls fire as they will, trying to group the shots so she has to either dodge through them the hard way, or around them the easy way, and focus on trying to snipe her if she does the latter. Within the constraints of our own movement; keep moving for where the shots diverge and away from where they converge.


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Re: Alice Quest - The Seven Colored Puppeter's Week
« Reply #981 on: December 29, 2021, 01:15:31 PM »
>A time out is a victory, too. Let's continue as we are and let the dolls fire as they will, trying to group the shots so she has to either dodge through them the hard way, or around them the easy way, and focus on trying to snipe her if she does the latter. Within the constraints of our own movement; keep moving for where the shots diverge and away from where they converge.
> As you're getting more used to this spell card, your efforts are easier to keep up. Unfortunately, Sanae stops her spell card, supposedly already out of energy?

Re: Alice Quest - The Seven Colored Puppeter's Week
« Reply #982 on: December 31, 2021, 09:05:48 PM »
>"Seems like a draw!"


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Re: Alice Quest - The Seven Colored Puppeter's Week
« Reply #983 on: January 02, 2022, 03:55:03 PM »
>"Seems like a draw!"
> "A draw? You captured it..." Sanae sighs. "I didn't expect you to be able to move so well at that size."
> "Well, I'd say that was shorter than I've seen you use that spell card before, Sanae, but maybe it wouldn't have made a difference." Kanako lightly crosses her arms.
> "A draw? How does one win this sort of exchange then?" Shinki approaches. "It looked as though both of you were took skilled to get hit by one another."

Re: Alice Quest - The Seven Colored Puppeter's Week
« Reply #984 on: January 03, 2022, 03:04:41 AM »
>"And you avoided mine, Sanae. I think it's a draw."
>Look to Shinki. "More complexity, more deception, more beauty. Sanae, I should note, is extremely skilled with her defenses."


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Re: Alice Quest - The Seven Colored Puppeter's Week
« Reply #985 on: January 08, 2022, 02:58:08 PM »
>"And you avoided mine, Sanae. I think it's a draw."
>Look to Shinki. "More complexity, more deception, more beauty. Sanae, I should note, is extremely skilled with her defenses."
> "I think i understand a bit more." Shinki nods slightly. "But what's the verdict if someone does get hit? Instant loss?"

Re: Alice Quest - The Seven Colored Puppeter's Week
« Reply #986 on: January 10, 2022, 03:34:01 AM »
>"You feel it when you get hit. Eventually you just can't go any further."


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Re: Alice Quest - The Seven Colored Puppeter's Week
« Reply #987 on: January 15, 2022, 03:06:58 PM »
>"You feel it when you get hit. Eventually you just can't go any further."
> "Really? Even from someone weaker?"
> "Well, I can explain it a bit more. Lets talk inside." Kanako invites the other goddess. "I wont be long." She speaks to you. Or maybe just Sanae?
> "Please do. This sounds like it could be good practice for Sara if its like that." Shinki follows Kanako into the shrine interior.
« Last Edit: January 15, 2022, 03:10:33 PM by Neovereign »

Re: Alice Quest - The Seven Colored Puppeter's Week
« Reply #988 on: January 17, 2022, 05:31:00 AM »
>Polite bow to Sanae. "Well done, you dodged nicely."


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Re: Alice Quest - The Seven Colored Puppeter's Week
« Reply #989 on: January 20, 2022, 03:15:18 PM »
>Polite bow to Sanae. "Well done, you dodged nicely."
> "I definitely feel like i lost though. To not be able to land a hit on someone so large, with one of my best spell cards, of which i don't think they've even seen yet... Thats my complete loss." Sanae descends towards the shore.
> "You were like a natural, even at such a size." Meiling compliments. "Im not sure i could've kept up with that for long."