Author Topic: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish  (Read 712874 times)

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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #660 on: February 23, 2021, 03:02:29 PM »
> "Why are you doing this?  If its power you want there's way stronger Youkai out there than little old me!"

Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #661 on: February 23, 2021, 03:42:55 PM »
>"Ruukoto, is your friend normally this. . .like this?"


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #662 on: February 23, 2021, 05:35:23 PM »
>Hum a totally random tune that comes naturally to us. (Apparitions Stalk The Night)
>If we can, discreetly fork a new microblob of darkness. Call it "Scout"

Scout (if successfully created.):
>think of a dark place we remember that's reasonably far from us, like a distant cave or a gloomy patch of forest.
>Attempt to "jump" or demanifest/remanifest into our chosen patch of darkness.
>If this fails, re-merge with our main body.

>"Now that's the exact opposite of being nice. People aren't going to willingly cooperate with you if you keep acting that way, whether they're humans or youkai. I could give you some pointers if you want."
>Suppress our sudden desire to eat them for now. Even if they do turn out to be monsters we probably shouldn't murder them, especially this close to the shrine.


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #663 on: February 23, 2021, 09:26:33 PM »
> Primary:
> While flying look around towards the spot where our other self is and make a mental note to take Marisa there later

> Secondary:
> Looks like we've found dinner, these people aren't humans, they're monsters!
> We'll try and spare Ruukoto as she was nice to us and is being manipulated
> We need to draw them out of the cave and away from the yin yang orbs.
> "Why are you doing this?  If its power you want there's way stronger Youkai out there than little old me!"
>"Ruukoto, is your friend normally this. . .like this?"
>Hum a totally random tune that comes naturally to us. (Apparitions Stalk The Night)
>If we can, discreetly fork a new microblob of darkness. Call it "Scout"

Scout (if successfully created.):
>think of a dark place we remember that's reasonably far from us, like a distant cave or a gloomy patch of forest.
>Attempt to "jump" or demanifest/remanifest into our chosen patch of darkness.
>If this fails, re-merge with our main body.

>"Now that's the exact opposite of being nice. People aren't going to willingly cooperate with you if you keep acting that way, whether they're humans or youkai. I could give you some pointers if you want."
>Suppress our sudden desire to eat them for now. Even if they do turn out to be monsters we probably shouldn't murder them, especially this close to the shrine.
> You glance towards the area and let out a bit more darkness.

> You try to get yourself there, but no dice... Surely there's a trick to it? Yukari shouldn't get all the fun...

> "No. This is not my friend. But I'd also like to make sure you're safe. Preferably in a different way than how they're trying."
> "Ignoring me now? Did you not hear what I said? Those were words you clearly spoke before, but now you don't want to hear them? I could just go for the forceful method and- huh? No wait this is fine isn't it? She's just being stubborn and-"
> "I'll take over for now."
> The woman's voice is cut off by a man's voice instead, the likely owner of such appearing from thin air in front of the yin-yang orb.
> There's a vague familiarity, despite the plain look of this guy.


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #664 on: February 23, 2021, 09:29:47 PM »
>Head tilt.
>"Oh, hello there! ...Do I know you from somewhere? You look vaguely familiar to me for some reason..."

>Mentally pout a bit.

Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #665 on: February 23, 2021, 10:37:19 PM »
>Try eating scout and regurgitating it out of darkness in a cave we know of.

>"Thank you miss. . ."

>Does that voice sound like the male priest that we thought was promising?


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #666 on: February 23, 2021, 11:21:21 PM »
>"Thank you miss. . ."
>Let's not call the man "miss".

Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #667 on: February 23, 2021, 11:34:38 PM »
>Let's not call the man "miss".

>Refer to Ruukoto's not friend


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #668 on: February 24, 2021, 02:08:59 AM »
> If eating doesn't work have the microblob merge with the ground below it and pop out at a familiar place.  Opaque objects block light and therefore must be dark within.


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #669 on: February 24, 2021, 02:59:34 AM »
>Head tilt.
>"Oh, hello there! ...Do I know you from somewhere? You look vaguely familiar to me for some reason..."

>Mentally pout a bit.
>Try eating scout and regurgitating it out of darkness in a cave we know of.

>"Thank you miss. . ."

>Does that voice sound like the male priest that we thought was promising?
>Let's not call the man "miss".
>Refer to Ruukoto's not friend
> If eating doesn't work have the microblob merge with the ground below it and pop out at a familiar place.  Opaque objects block light and therefore must be dark within.
> You eat your darkness back up and try to spit it out elsewhere...
> But it doesn't work.
> You send another into the ground.
> And it is able to get to another place, in this case, near the shrine.

> You're not sure if the same. Besides, that was long ago anyways.
> "I don't believe so. Anyways, we do need to make sure you don't end up dangerous. Or at least, too dangerous. Youkai seem natural out in Gensokyo these days, but you seem a bit powerful..."


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #670 on: February 24, 2021, 03:17:04 AM »

Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #671 on: February 24, 2021, 03:42:38 AM »
>How close are we to the bamboo of the lost

>Scratch your cheek
>"Isn't that what the spellcard system is for?  Plus being able to imitate the feat of the vampire hardly makes me a threat."

>If other players approve
>"I think the evidence of my power speaks for itself. A generation has yet to pass, but the me before the sealing has been forgotten. And my darkness is just that, darkness."


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #672 on: February 24, 2021, 04:06:33 AM »
>Scratch your cheek
>"Isn't that what the spellcard system is for?  Plus being able to imitate the feat of the vampire hardly makes me a threat."
>"And it wasn't even on the same scale as that one at that..."

//I'm not sure about whether or not I want to approve the other thing, so I'll see what Tom thinks before I make a decision.


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #673 on: February 24, 2021, 07:21:42 AM »
// Let's not mention it yet

> "If I was some crazed bloodthirsty Youkai we wouldn't be having this conversation now would we?  Besides there's way more powerful Youkai than little old me in Gensokyo."


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #674 on: February 24, 2021, 07:39:17 AM »
//Wot makes me a good Rumia?


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #675 on: February 24, 2021, 09:45:22 AM »
>How close are we to the bamboo of the lost

>Scratch your cheek
>"Isn't that what the spellcard system is for?  Plus being able to imitate the feat of the vampire hardly makes me a threat."

>If other players approve
>"I think the evidence of my power speaks for itself. A generation has yet to pass, but the me before the sealing has been forgotten. And my darkness is just that, darkness."
>"And it wasn't even on the same scale as that one at that..."

//I'm not sure about whether or not I want to approve the other thing, so I'll see what Tom thinks before I make a decision.
// Let's not mention it yet

> "If I was some crazed bloodthirsty Youkai we wouldn't be having this conversation now would we?  Besides there's way more powerful Youkai than little old me in Gensokyo."
> You can see the forest, and Marisa is slowing down.

> "I would wonder why the previous Hakurei Shrine maiden decided to get involved if it was something the spell card system could deal with... wouldn't you?" The man questions.
> "If you were some crazed bloodthirsty Youkai, you'd have been sealed." The women's voice gets closer, as she comes into view. "And I heard you were before. Besides, there are other quite humane creatures that are just as problematic as a crazy beast, usually moreso."
> "If I were my younger self, I would've gotten rid of that gap youkai, for example." The man speaks.
> "You wouldn't have managed much without me. But now you don't want to, right?"
> "Ahem. Back on topic, if you aren't so dangerous, then you wouldn't have a problem with being sealed once again, would you? You had enough power and knowledge to survive and take care of yourself before." The man proposes.

> Now that she's actually in view, the woman almost seems to possess horns...
> Ruukoto hasn't spoken up about any of this yet.

Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #676 on: February 24, 2021, 10:28:02 AM »
>"What exactly is going here?"

>Be prepared to dissipate ourselves at any sudden movements or hand gestures

>Begin to slowly float backwards and towards the ground

>"Sendai was just helping an old friend in need. 

>Flash a nervous smile

>"I'm afraid I'll have decline your generous offer.  I have my obligations to Reimu, I like remembering my friend Sendai, and have come to prefer living to merely Surviving."


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #677 on: February 24, 2021, 10:30:54 AM »
>Keep following.
>Do we notice anything off about the forest?

>Do the following only with approval or modification from other players.
>>"To be fair, Sendai and I are old acquaintances. The fact that she didn't outright seal me again but instead helped me recover some of my memories should show that she at least trusts me not to go on a rampage. Besides, not every sealed youkai was sealed because they were crazed and bloodthirsty."

>Be prepared to dissipate ourselves at any sudden movements or hand gestures

>Begin to slowly float backwards and towards the ground

>"Sendai was just helping an old friend in need. 

>Flash a nervous smile
>Don't do this part. Visually showing our discomfort with that last question might be more likely to provoke them.
>Do prepare our flight or fight response though, just in case. Again, do not visually indicate this.
>Also do not refer to Sendai as our friend. Even though we consider her such, she might not reciprocate beyond "acquaintence" and if we said she was our friend it might be looked upon with suspicion.

//I am willing to flip my opinion on this if there is a convincing argument that this is the best course of action (I would also like to hear Tom's opinion if possible). I was considering possibly describing how being sealed felt, and then rhetorically ask that if he was in our shoes and somebody asked them to willingly return to such a state if they would be comfortable with the thought, but I'm not sure if that's the best way to proceed either.
« Last Edit: February 24, 2021, 10:41:42 AM by Evil_Nazgul0616 »


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #678 on: February 24, 2021, 03:05:43 PM »
> "Because there were no spell card rules back then. The Hakurei maiden was free to attack and exterminate whoever she wished, and Youkai ate anything infront of them. That is why Reimu created spell card rules..."

> "Being sealed your insgnificant, meaningless, without goals other than loitering around while bumping into the occasional tree..."

> "Every human and Youkai has a purpose in life and without that they might as well not exist."

> Who are these people to tell us what to do!? The only way we're getting sealed is if Reimu fully exterminates us!

> If they make any more advances towards us disappear into the ground and dispel ourselves

> Also we should find the gap Youkai and warn her these people have wanted her exterminated in the past and might want so again. We don't want anyone suffering the fate we did
« Last Edit: February 24, 2021, 03:34:18 PM by Tom »


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #679 on: February 24, 2021, 08:18:47 PM »
//So uh... any objections/approval to what I posted?


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #680 on: February 24, 2021, 09:01:04 PM »
// I think there is an argument to be made, that being the darkness Youkai is Rumia's purpose and her life is meaningless otherwise. The other point is that they have no authority to exterminate Youkai, that falls under the shrine maiden's duties. Finally regardless of what Rumia did in the past there were no rules at the time and one can't be judged on crimes they comitted before such actions were outlawed (ex post facto). Not to mention punishing her again for the same crimes would be double jeopardy
« Last Edit: February 24, 2021, 09:03:30 PM by Tom »

Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #681 on: February 24, 2021, 09:07:19 PM »
>Keep following.
>Do we notice anything off about the forest?

>Do the following only with approval or modification from other players.
>>"To be fair, Sendai and I are old acquaintances. The fact that she didn't outright seal me again but instead helped me recover some of my memories should show that she at least trusts me not to go on a rampage. Besides, not every sealed youkai was sealed because they were crazed and bloodthirsty."

//EDIT:>Don't do this part. Visually showing our discomfort with that last question might be more likely to provoke them.
>Do prepare our flight or fight response though, just in case. Again, do not visually indicate this.
>Also do not refer to Sendai as our friend. Even though we consider her such, she might not reciprocate beyond "acquaintence" and if we said she was our friend it might be looked upon with suspicion.

//I am willing to flip my opinion on this if there is a convincing argument that this is the best course of action (I would also like to hear Tom's opinion if possible). I was considering possibly describing how being sealed felt, and then rhetorically ask that if he was in our shoes and somebody asked them to willingly return to such a state if they would be comfortable with the thought, but I'm not sure if that's the best way to proceed either.

>Do it

//I'm convinced the dual's minds are set and we need to leave.  Talking is delaying, but I think it is for us while they get setup.

//IThe horns, a sign of possession.  It explains why she was trying to scare us off and now is in agreement with the man.


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #682 on: February 24, 2021, 09:32:41 PM »
>"What exactly is going here?"

>Be prepared to dissipate ourselves at any sudden movements or hand gestures

>Begin to slowly float backwards and towards the ground

>"Sendai was just helping an old friend in need. 

>Flash a nervous smile

>"I'm afraid I'll have decline your generous offer.  I have my obligations to Reimu, I like remembering my friend Sendai, and have come to prefer living to merely Surviving."
>Keep following.
>Do we notice anything off about the forest?

>Do the following only with approval or modification from other players.
>>"To be fair, Sendai and I are old acquaintances. The fact that she didn't outright seal me again but instead helped me recover some of my memories should show that she at least trusts me not to go on a rampage. Besides, not every sealed youkai was sealed because they were crazed and bloodthirsty."

//EDIT:>Don't do this part. Visually showing our discomfort with that last question might be more likely to provoke them.
>Do prepare our flight or fight response though, just in case. Again, do not visually indicate this.
>Also do not refer to Sendai as our friend. Even though we consider her such, she might not reciprocate beyond "acquaintence" and if we said she was our friend it might be looked upon with suspicion.

//I am willing to flip my opinion on this if there is a convincing argument that this is the best course of action (I would also like to hear Tom's opinion if possible). I was considering possibly describing how being sealed felt, and then rhetorically ask that if he was in our shoes and somebody asked them to willingly return to such a state if they would be comfortable with the thought, but I'm not sure if that's the best way to proceed either.
>Do it

//I'm convinced the dual's minds are set and we need to leave.  Talking is delaying, but I think it is for us while they get setup.

//IThe horns, a sign of possession.  It explains why she was trying to scare us off and now is in agreement with the man.
> "Because there were no spell card rules back then. The Hakurei maiden was free to attack and exterminate whoever she wished, and Youkai ate anything infront of them. That is why Reimu created spell card rules..."

> "Being sealed your insgnificant, meaningless, without goals other than loitering around while bumping into the occasional tree..."

> "Every human and Youkai has a purpose in life and without that they might as well not exist."

> Who are these people to tell us what to do!? The only way we're getting sealed is if Reimu fully exterminates us!

> If they make any more advances towards us disappear into the ground and dispel ourselves

> Also we should find the gap Youkai and warn her these people have wanted her exterminated in the past and might want so again. We don't want anyone suffering the fate we did
> "It's kinda... messed up. Well, that's vague. Rather, you can go in, but you can't get anywhere. You can come back out fine, though. If there's anyone inside, I don't think they can come out." Marisa shrugs.

> You ready yourself to flee if it comes to it.
> "We don't trust you, however." The man speaks, still holding his hands together since appearing. "Your words and assurances are empty without proof. While we did not hear from her how she handled it, we know that the previous Hakurei Shrine Maiden got involved. For all we know, a battle could have broken out in there where both of you lost too much strength to fight, and she had to retreat."
> "Just as likely, there's the possibility that you're being genuine." The horned girl speaks. "Maybe she went to welcome back an old friend. You could've had tea. You could've had a sparring match. A human being close to a youkai or other species isn't uncommon. But still, we don't trust you much."
> "You're only losing more of what little trust we do have for you in making excuses we cannot ascertain. As you will not find our capabilities outdone by-"
> With the man approaching as he speaks, you dispell this shadow of yourself, leaving them and Ruukoto behind.


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #683 on: February 24, 2021, 09:46:18 PM »
//I don't think that qualified as a sudden movement or threatening advance, qm... :V


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #684 on: February 24, 2021, 10:02:36 PM »
// "As you will not find our capabilities outdone by-" he's talking about the limits of his power while advancing towards us, that's pretty threatening if you ask me

// The qm knows more than we do so I'm guessing we would've been attacked if we sat there
« Last Edit: February 24, 2021, 10:08:47 PM by Tom »

Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #685 on: February 24, 2021, 10:17:51 PM »
>Float down to the entrance of the forest

>close our eyes

>Use our connection to the Underground darkness to create little shadow periscope here and there in the forest and look for any signs of the incident


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #686 on: February 24, 2021, 10:26:55 PM »
>Float down to the entrance of the forest

>close our eyes

>Use our connection to the Underground darkness to create little shadow periscope here and there in the forest and look for any signs of the incident
>Hold until qm gives verdict regarding the current argument and other player's actions have been posted.

//I highly doubt we would've been attacked in that instant. If it was the other one approaching I would understand but he seemed to be reasonable enough not to act on what he was saying just yet considering he was actually letting us make our case.

//now, if he advanced quickly and/or stopped within our personal space I would understand but I didn't see either happening there. To me it looked like we left as soon as he started walking, which in and of itself does not seem like a sufficient cause for leaving given the criteria for doing so.
« Last Edit: February 24, 2021, 10:37:35 PM by Evil_Nazgul0616 »


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #687 on: February 24, 2021, 10:40:41 PM »
//I don't think that qualified as a sudden movement or threatening advance, qm... :V
// "As you will not find our capabilities outdone by-" he's talking about the limits of his power while advancing towards us, that's pretty threatening if you ask me

// The qm knows more than we do so I'm guessing we would've been attacked if we sat there
>Hold until qm gives verdict regarding the current argument and other player's actions have been posted.

//I highly doubt we would've been attacked in that instant. If it was the other one approaching I would understand but he seemed to be reasonable enough not to act on what he was saying considering he was actually letting us make our case.

//now, if he advanced quickly and/or stopped within our personal space I would understand but I didn't see either happening there. To me it looked like we left as soon as he started walking, which in and of itself does not seem like a sufficient cause for leaving given the criteria for doing so.
> If they make any more advances towards us disappear into the ground and dispel ourselves
//Gestures could be seen clearly, and voices could be heard clearly at the distance the two parties spoke, so in a disagreement like such, getting closer to the other party could be seen as a hostile advancement.


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #688 on: February 24, 2021, 10:45:33 PM »
//Fine then. So be it.

>Be concerned that we probably just gave them a go ahead to go after us by doing that.
>Discreetly create a new secondary body with the same "darkness mass" as Owl Rumia using the darkness within the ground below us as a cover for its creation.
>Name this new body "Contingency"

>Travel through the ground to the most remote corner of Gensokyo we can find or remember, preferably as far from the Hakurei Shrine as possible.
>When we arrive, look around.
>If it seems clear assume smol form.

Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #689 on: February 24, 2021, 10:49:33 PM »
//Wouldn't our best bet be to send contingency to the human village?

//Attacking us there would bring everyone down in them.

//They also knew there was more than one of us.