Author Topic: Seija Quest  (Read 603154 times)

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Re: Seija Quest
« Reply #810 on: March 06, 2021, 05:02:23 PM »
> "So it could have been knocked over just by the explosion..."
> "It is very likely"

> You look around for more trails but don't find any


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Re: Seija Quest
« Reply #811 on: March 06, 2021, 06:55:12 PM »
> Grunt in mild irritation.
> Head to where the donation box was, and inspect what remains of it.
[22:40:12] <Drake> "guys i donwloaded esod but its not workan"
[22:40:21] <Drake> REPORTED
[22:40:25] <NaturallyOccurringChoja> PROBATED
[22:40:30] <Drake> ORGASM
[22:40:32] <NaturallyOccurringChoja> fire truck YEAH


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Re: Seija Quest
« Reply #812 on: March 06, 2021, 08:40:02 PM »
> Grunt in mild irritation.
> Head to where the donation box was, and inspect what remains of it.
> You head outside to inspect the donation box and find Tenshi and Patchouli the spot where it lay.

> Tenshi comments "There's nothing left of it, not even a wood chip!"
> The librarian is sitting on the floor carefully examining some form of residue using a comically large magnifying glass.


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Re: Seija Quest
« Reply #813 on: March 06, 2021, 09:22:29 PM »
> Have a look at that residue.
[22:40:12] <Drake> "guys i donwloaded esod but its not workan"
[22:40:21] <Drake> REPORTED
[22:40:25] <NaturallyOccurringChoja> PROBATED
[22:40:30] <Drake> ORGASM
[22:40:32] <NaturallyOccurringChoja> fire truck YEAH


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Re: Seija Quest
« Reply #814 on: March 06, 2021, 10:40:41 PM »
> Have a look at that residue.
> You take a look at that residue but can't make much of it
> Patchouli notices and swabs some with her finger to show you it's scent.
> You immediately recognize it as the smell of burnt gunpowder... with a hint of something else slightly foul smelling

> Knowledge acquired: Donation Box Residue: Primarily gunpowder residue, with a hint of something foul smelling


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Re: Seija Quest
« Reply #815 on: March 07, 2021, 12:47:11 AM »
> Wrinkle our nose.
> "Eugh. Gunpower and...something else."
[22:40:12] <Drake> "guys i donwloaded esod but its not workan"
[22:40:21] <Drake> REPORTED
[22:40:25] <NaturallyOccurringChoja> PROBATED
[22:40:30] <Drake> ORGASM
[22:40:32] <NaturallyOccurringChoja> fire truck YEAH


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Re: Seija Quest
« Reply #816 on: March 07, 2021, 04:14:25 AM »
> Wrinkle our nose.
> "Eugh. Gunpower and...something else."
> The librarian comments "Indeed, though I'm surprised you recognize it's smell... Considering gunpowder's quite rare in Gensokyo..."
> She continues "I'm not sure myself what the other scent is though I have a theory"


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Re: Seija Quest
« Reply #817 on: March 07, 2021, 04:15:13 AM »
> "What're you thinking?"
[22:40:12] <Drake> "guys i donwloaded esod but its not workan"
[22:40:21] <Drake> REPORTED
[22:40:25] <NaturallyOccurringChoja> PROBATED
[22:40:30] <Drake> ORGASM
[22:40:32] <NaturallyOccurringChoja> fire truck YEAH


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Re: Seija Quest
« Reply #818 on: March 07, 2021, 04:29:02 AM »
> "What're you thinking?"
> "Hmph, you seem to already know about gunpowder so I guess it wouldn't hurt to explain"

> The librarian whispers "You see powder is only explosive under pressure, like when it's packed inside a tight space.  However it can be quite tricky to light under such circumstances."
> She continues "I'm thinking some other substance was used to help ignite the gunpowder's container which is what left this faint scent"


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Re: Seija Quest
« Reply #819 on: March 07, 2021, 06:28:51 PM »
> Take on an equally quiet tone.
> "So someone used a foreign substance to light the stuff? Would it have been time-released, or some sort of remote trigger?"
[22:40:12] <Drake> "guys i donwloaded esod but its not workan"
[22:40:21] <Drake> REPORTED
[22:40:25] <NaturallyOccurringChoja> PROBATED
[22:40:30] <Drake> ORGASM
[22:40:32] <NaturallyOccurringChoja> fire truck YEAH


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Re: Seija Quest
« Reply #820 on: March 07, 2021, 09:57:50 PM »
> Take on an equally quiet tone.
> "So someone used a foreign substance to light the stuff? Would it have been time-released, or some sort of remote trigger?"
> "Indeed, the culprit must've needed had some way to delay it's ignition or remotely activate it.  Though I'm not yet sure how it's related to this scent."


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Re: Seija Quest
« Reply #821 on: March 07, 2021, 10:39:22 PM »
> "Might be worth roping in someone else with knowledge of esoteric stuff beyond our respective purviews."
[22:40:12] <Drake> "guys i donwloaded esod but its not workan"
[22:40:21] <Drake> REPORTED
[22:40:25] <NaturallyOccurringChoja> PROBATED
[22:40:30] <Drake> ORGASM
[22:40:32] <NaturallyOccurringChoja> fire truck YEAH


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Re: Seija Quest
« Reply #822 on: March 07, 2021, 11:40:26 PM »
> "Might be worth roping in someone else with knowledge of esoteric stuff beyond our respective purviews."
> "Perhaps, though everyone who'd know about these chemicals are potential suspects who might try and mislead us"

> "The puppeteer girl from the forest comes to mind...  A couple years ago I read a tome containing the first documented magical doll manipulation techniques.  Originally a form of children's entertainment the first magical puppets used a primitive system of threads which synced their movement to their puppeteer's.  The book documents how the techniques evolved in the early years and explains the limitations they had to overcome, such as being able to manipulate multiple dolls independently of the puppeteer's own movement."

> Catching her breath for a moment she continues "Needless to say I was fascinated, it only took me a week to get a doll to wave in sync with my own arm.  From that point on I was obsessed with improving my techniques and researching new spells to take the field to the next level.  Even Alice complemented my skills on one of her weekly visits to return and borrow books.  One night I invited her over for dinner so she could show me her techniques and they were... on a whole different level.  She had managed to fuse automatic sequencing and manual precision into perfect harmony.  Where I had to move each leg independently and carefully balance she could just think of a path and the doll would walk on it's own."
> "So I naturally I asked if she could spare a few dolls for me to study and she happily provided them, which is where my assistant discovered their cores are filled with gunpowder.  I had read of the chemical in books but I had never actually seen it before.  After further research my assistant was able to discover it has high magical capacitance, making it an excellent material for storing and releasing magical energy."
> "Intrigued by it's properties I asked her about it on her next visit but she seemed very reluctant to answer my questions, giving vague explanations at best.  She almost seemed frightened when I asked where she learned about it and how she produces it..."


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Re: Seija Quest
« Reply #823 on: March 08, 2021, 11:58:12 PM »
> Recall: Wasn't Shinmyoumaru working with someone that suspected Alice?
[22:40:12] <Drake> "guys i donwloaded esod but its not workan"
[22:40:21] <Drake> REPORTED
[22:40:25] <NaturallyOccurringChoja> PROBATED
[22:40:30] <Drake> ORGASM
[22:40:32] <NaturallyOccurringChoja> fire truck YEAH


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Re: Seija Quest
« Reply #824 on: March 09, 2021, 12:41:04 AM »
> Recall: Wasn't Shinmyoumaru working with someone that suspected Alice?
> Knowledge acquired: Shinmyoumaru's Suspicions: Shinmyoumaru was working with someone who suspected Alice being behind the 'High Stakes Incident Showdown' competition.


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Re: Seija Quest
« Reply #825 on: March 09, 2021, 12:51:40 AM »
> Did we ever catch the name of that person?
[22:40:12] <Drake> "guys i donwloaded esod but its not workan"
[22:40:21] <Drake> REPORTED
[22:40:25] <NaturallyOccurringChoja> PROBATED
[22:40:30] <Drake> ORGASM
[22:40:32] <NaturallyOccurringChoja> fire truck YEAH


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Re: Seija Quest
« Reply #826 on: March 09, 2021, 01:16:29 AM »
> You don't think so


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Re: Seija Quest
« Reply #827 on: March 09, 2021, 05:02:42 AM »
> How is Patchouli's figure compared to ours (if we can tell without gawking)?
> How tall is she compared to us?

> "Mmm...I think I overheard others suspecting her earlier..."
« Last Edit: March 09, 2021, 06:06:00 PM by Kilgamayan »
[22:40:12] <Drake> "guys i donwloaded esod but its not workan"
[22:40:21] <Drake> REPORTED
[22:40:25] <NaturallyOccurringChoja> PROBATED
[22:40:30] <Drake> ORGASM
[22:40:32] <NaturallyOccurringChoja> fire truck YEAH


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Re: Seija Quest
« Reply #828 on: March 09, 2021, 11:27:06 PM »
> How is Patchouli's figure compared to ours (if we can tell without gawking)?
> How tall is she compared to us?
> She's sitting on the ground so you can't tell

> "Mmm...I think I overheard others suspecting her earlier..."
> "Well I guess she's the obvious suspect"
> "The next person that comes to mind who'd know about this stuff is the pharmacist from the bamboo forest"


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Re: Seija Quest
« Reply #829 on: March 10, 2021, 12:49:39 AM »
> Can we at least see her bust size?

> "Oh, she probably has an alchemical background, doesn't she?"
[22:40:12] <Drake> "guys i donwloaded esod but its not workan"
[22:40:21] <Drake> REPORTED
[22:40:25] <NaturallyOccurringChoja> PROBATED
[22:40:30] <Drake> ORGASM
[22:40:32] <NaturallyOccurringChoja> fire truck YEAH


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Re: Seija Quest
« Reply #830 on: March 10, 2021, 08:22:49 AM »
> Can we at least see her bust size?
> You're sure she'd be doing a better job at showing off if it was anything impressive

> "Oh, she probably has an alchemical background, doesn't she?"
> "Indeed, she might even be able to identify this second substance that's been troubling us"


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Re: Seija Quest
« Reply #831 on: March 10, 2021, 11:37:18 AM »
> You're sure she'd be doing a better job at showing off if it was anything impressive

> Well, that's not necessarily true...she may prefer looser, baggier clothes that simply hide that sort of thing naturally, or she may actively dislike it for some reason...

> Do we know about Sanae's outside-world background?
> Look around. Can we see the pharmacist?
« Last Edit: March 10, 2021, 04:05:58 PM by Kilgamayan »
[22:40:12] <Drake> "guys i donwloaded esod but its not workan"
[22:40:21] <Drake> REPORTED
[22:40:25] <NaturallyOccurringChoja> PROBATED
[22:40:30] <Drake> ORGASM
[22:40:32] <NaturallyOccurringChoja> fire truck YEAH


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Re: Seija Quest
« Reply #832 on: March 10, 2021, 05:44:19 PM »
> Do we know about Sanae's outside-world background?
> You know she only recently moved to Gensokyo from the outside world

> Look around. Can we see the pharmacist?
> Yes she's over by the table with the spell cards, casually looking through them


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Re: Seija Quest
« Reply #833 on: March 10, 2021, 06:14:32 PM »
> "Do you suppose the green-white would know how to do this? She may have mysterious outside world knowledge."
[22:40:12] <Drake> "guys i donwloaded esod but its not workan"
[22:40:21] <Drake> REPORTED
[22:40:25] <NaturallyOccurringChoja> PROBATED
[22:40:30] <Drake> ORGASM
[22:40:32] <NaturallyOccurringChoja> fire truck YEAH


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Re: Seija Quest
« Reply #834 on: March 10, 2021, 06:19:41 PM »
> "Do you suppose the green-white would know how to do this? She may have mysterious outside world knowledge."
> It certainly sounds possible


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Re: Seija Quest
« Reply #835 on: March 10, 2021, 07:05:11 PM »
> Did Patchouli say that, or did we just think it to ourselves?
> If we just thought it to ourselves, wait for an answer.
[22:40:12] <Drake> "guys i donwloaded esod but its not workan"
[22:40:21] <Drake> REPORTED
[22:40:25] <NaturallyOccurringChoja> PROBATED
[22:40:30] <Drake> ORGASM
[22:40:32] <NaturallyOccurringChoja> fire truck YEAH


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Re: Seija Quest
« Reply #836 on: March 10, 2021, 10:18:33 PM »
// Forgot quotes, my bad
> Did Patchouli say that, or did we just think it to ourselves?
> If we just thought it to ourselves, wait for an answer.
> She just said that


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Re: Seija Quest
« Reply #837 on: March 10, 2021, 10:51:18 PM »
> How large is the torii gate at the top of the stairs leading to the front entrance of the shrine?

> "Hmm..."
> Let's...start with the pharmacist. Head over to where she's sitting.
[22:40:12] <Drake> "guys i donwloaded esod but its not workan"
[22:40:21] <Drake> REPORTED
[22:40:25] <NaturallyOccurringChoja> PROBATED
[22:40:30] <Drake> ORGASM
[22:40:32] <NaturallyOccurringChoja> fire truck YEAH


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Re: Seija Quest
« Reply #838 on: March 11, 2021, 02:02:27 AM »
> How large is the torii gate at the top of the stairs leading to the front entrance of the shrine?
> Fairly large, it's as wide as the steps leading up to it and tall enough that if you were to stretch your arms under it you wouldn't reach it unless you jumped

> "Hmm..."
> Let's...start with the pharmacist. Head over to where she's sitting.
> You head over to the table with the spell cards where the pharmacist is sorting through the deck on the table


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Re: Seija Quest
« Reply #839 on: March 11, 2021, 02:09:06 AM »
> Are there any larger torii anywhere on the shrine grounds?

> "Hey, you busy?"
[22:40:12] <Drake> "guys i donwloaded esod but its not workan"
[22:40:21] <Drake> REPORTED
[22:40:25] <NaturallyOccurringChoja> PROBATED
[22:40:30] <Drake> ORGASM
[22:40:32] <NaturallyOccurringChoja> fire truck YEAH