> Her positioning is more or less random or are there "most trodden trails"?
> What do we have at our disposal for leaving a readable quick note or message or such?
>You don't think she's following any particular course, but you think she keeps to the middle of the room. Whether this is due to an outside reason, or to keep from getting caught in one of the curtains.
>Your inventory contains
>Nautical hat!
>It is jaunty!
>Nautical blouse
>Fit for a captain, thus fit for you.
>Nautical Dress
>It completes your outfit. You have shorts that look a lot like them, too.
>Black shoes.
>These have a bit of a ship's deck cobbled into the soles, so you can be more comfortable on land.
>Bottomless Dipper
>This dipper has no bottom. When you just can't resist the urge to flood a ship, this will buy some time.
>It's not that heavy; they stop ships by grabbing onto the bottom. If they did it by weight, they'd sink the ship!
> Capsize "Dragging Anchor"
>Toss an anchor, leave a trail of water.
>Drowning Sign "Deep Vortex" (Used)
>Water droplet danmaku swirls around your opponent
>Phantom "Dipper Creeping Close"
>You embrace your ghostly aspect with this survival card.
>Ghost Journal
>This seems to be written by a ghost from the outside world? Is this possible? No, it’s just a novel after all.
>Square Glass Bottle
>This is a square-shaped bottle made of glass. It is curiously warm to the touch, probably due to the evil spirit trapped inside of it.
>Bottle of Red Sauce
> Marked as Whispering Oni sauce, it promises a slow, mild heat.
>This is 120☼
>It points toward magnetic north, which is distinct from true north, but good enough.
>Spare Hat
>More than one is nice.
>Harbor Sign "Phantom Ship Harbor"
>Lots of anchors!
>Ripped length of Curtain
>It is red, and waterlogged! But still somewhat strong?