~Hakurei Shrine~ > Touhou Addict Recovery Center
Touhou Dream Thread
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I'm unsure if it qualifies, since only names are mentioned and the interaction is brief, but I had to share this somewhere.

I can’t remember exactly how I got in, but I knew I took a plane to Portugal. I wasn’t told this by anyone, but some part of me just KNEW that’s how I got there.
I remember being in an giant yellow ballroom with tables and chairs everywhere and a set of large wooden doors from the outside.
Some of my friends and my brother was there, and we all had an electronic of some kind. My brother had a Nintendo DS, and I had a smartphone. On my phone was a news article about some game company (I think it was called 3D5) getting into a scandal after stealing players personal info.
We were all “led” by a kid with short blonde hair who I never caught the name of. He warned us that, since it was night, the two maids “Momiji and Aya” will viciously attack us if they see us out of bed. I made note of it.
Some time passed and I tried to talk with the others but it wasn’t super coherent, so I just sat in a big soft recliner until I noticed the doors were slightly ajar.
I got up from my seat and approached the doors, and on the other side was complete darkness, say for a tiny bit of wooden floor I floor see from the light of the ballroom. Unfortunately, the doors were difficult to close and kept swerving around everywhere.

Suddenly, I heard a really loud screech/scream from the darkness. The blonde kid then pushed me aside and slammed the doors shut with ease. After that, there was a lot of banging and slamming on the other side of the doors, along with weird hissing and growling noises that sounded like a rabid animal. Whatever was out there, it really wanted to get in.
It eventually stopped and we went along with our business. I then assumed that whatever was out there and tried to get in were the two maids he talked about, Momiji and Aya.
I lied down on my stomach near the wall and stared at the phone. There wasn’t anything on it, really.
Suddenly, I heard the muffled sound of a door opening and keys jingling from a different room in the building. A voice with a thick Portuguese accent said “Gargamados! I’m back!”. I didn’t hear the door being shut behind them.
Then, I heard dainty little footsteps from outside the ballroom we were in. I noticed that the door was slightly ajar again, but to a lesser degree this time. The footsteps approached the door, and they closed it from the outside.

This is when I woke up. No, this was not lucid; my mind made this up on its own. And no, I do not know what "gargamados" means.
It has been a long time since I've said anything about Touhou dreams eh? Well, here goes nothing...

I don't remember exactly what happened, but I remember that Marisa was flying in the forest that have pink and teal-ish(?) color. It has a twisted trunk tree that goes on horizontally, like a wall or something. I remember mostly that Marisa going in the middle, which is where the horizontal twisted trunk tree is located. I think that's what remember...
High-Tension Yuuritsu:
In one dream, I saw Reimu and Marisa sitting in tanks travelling down a countryside road.
I may have been playing too much Call of Duty at that point.
I had a dream with a small Touhou-related scene last night, but the only things I remember were that I saw two female friends in a school cafeteria wearing shirts that had big crowd-style scenes of Touhou girls on them, and something lead to one of the friends doing a presentation that involved a Walfas-styled professor version of Cirno that had three names, with Cirno only being her surname. (Now that I think about it, that second part may have been influenced by a medicine fellowship-related job I've been doing for my father.)
Had a dream that an incident was happening in my house. It was haunted and Reimu eventually came over and after a while we decided to disguise myself as Yukari and go downstairs. It turned out that the reason my house was haunted was that it was an interdimensional portal and different Reimus started coming through the door and introducing themselves. After a while we had several thousand Reimus all with slight differences trying to solve the incident. Seeing this, we decided to try and sort the Reimus so I could figure out which one was ours. This included making ramen and performing festivals. I narrowed it down to about 7 possibilities and I was fairly sure which one was ours by looks as 1 was an inchling, 1 was a priest instead of a shrine maiden and others had similar differences. I also had interesting conversations with some about several Gensokyan citizens that hadn't appeared in our canon. Had to speak to several in Japanese which I'm still learning but I often use languages I'm learning in dreams with varying results.  Others would understand English.
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