~Beyond the Border~ > Rumia's Party Games

Neo RPG Mafia Thread (Current Game: Selery Mafia)

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--- Quote from: Serela on October 13, 2020, 06:16:20 AM ---wait oh no did signups legitimately get filled (and no one yelled at me on discord for FOUR DAYS)

i better go bother meow and spiderz about their signups to see if they're still in, apparently

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Unfortunately soiderß-minus also known as spiderż already butted heads with my Aron on smogon.

Think I can hop in additionally to him?


--- Quote from: Dormio Ergo Sum on April 15, 2020, 10:53:42 AM ---Bardiche is requesting a replacement for Ys Mafia, please message me if you are interested in joining.

--- End quote ---

Wait, it is all me?!


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