Author Topic: Fairy Quest (Finished! Q&A Open.)  (Read 43257 times)

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  • Seg Fault
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Re: Fairy Quest
« Reply #30 on: September 14, 2020, 07:26:59 PM »
[X] Sure!
-[X] shiratori

Unedited Bear

  • The Author
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Re: Fairy Quest
« Reply #31 on: September 15, 2020, 11:47:13 PM »
Sorry about no update yesterday. Got blindsided by a Dnd game I forgot about. No write-in this time, as this is the penultimate update for this quest! Yay~!

> [X] Sure!

>"Sure! What kind of games do you have down here?" You ask, cheerfully tossing your hands up in excitement. Her eyes light up for a moment. She then puts her head down for a moment and thinks, running off into the darkness as she said something along the lines of 'stay there.' I danced on my heels for a moment while the crashing and banging of someone digging through a toy chest full of stuff.

>After a while, she came back, looking disappointed, almost on the verge of tears. ", it's all broken." She sniffled, pulling at the strings of your heart. In a moment of fairy brilliance, and not wanting to see a nice girl cry, an idea came to your head.

>"Let's try Shiritori!" You should, snapping her out of her tears with a little yelp of surprise.

>"Shiritori?" She asked, tilting her head and blinking.

>"Yeah, you use the last letter of what I say and come up with a new word. Like, if I say lemon, you say Normal, and I say leg, and you say latter." You explain, her face brightening up.

>"That...sounds fun!" She said and jumped in place gently. "Apple!"

> "Earth!"


> And the game went on. The points nearing the end was something near 2- 37 as Flandre picked up the game. Not like you expected to win, Fairies have nothing on the immortal vampires. You keep playing until Flandre starts slurring her words in exhaustion, and one yawn from her ended up creating a chain leading to you both falling asleep on one of the huge bears that served as some kinda napping bed.

>Waking up in a strange place is always a scary situation, at least until your brain recovers enough to inform you of what happened last night. Looking around, you find...

[ ] A cross gate guard
[ ] A kind maid
[ ] A scary vampire
« Last Edit: September 16, 2020, 12:22:35 AM by Unedited Bear »


  • Seg Fault
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Re: Fairy Quest
« Reply #32 on: September 16, 2020, 10:26:05 AM »
//Hmm... I'm torn between Kind Maid and Scary Vampire

//Former is probably Dia or a fairy maid, considering Sakuya might not take kindly to intrusion. Though if it is Sakuya then "kind" might make it the least deadly option.

//Latter is either Remi wondering why we're in bed with her sister or Flan acting scary again. Either way I want to continue befriending Flan so if we keep going down that path it's only natural we inevitably meet the big sis...


//Ah, what the hell. At least fairies can't permadie if it is Remi and things go south.

[X] A scary vampire

Branneg Xy

    • Branneg Xy
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    • (YOUTUBE by title;LINKEDIN by link)" FRA ALU BI Darcanix ")
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Re: Fairy Quest
« Reply #33 on: September 16, 2020, 11:36:40 PM »
> [X] a scary Vampire
// Ahahah ,oooh THOSE (spoilers and replies) DO confirm it really is the styles&goings from ( THP )https ://
from  ,talking as A Non-Directly Story Related one like a simple visitor/external "!anon ":point: :power: :cirnotan:;
That name tag and the related styles and nuances from """Regulars and Enthusiasts"""(!Named !Writefag in that's colorful lingo  ) from the now average-ish active(only SFW/Safe for the /*stories boards and related / *THP BOARD Communications /for "non-stories communications", like /blue/Truly Count)//

// Quite Likely they are , quoting and referencing ,Mostly agreeing  " //  Consideration Reply " by...
//Hmm... I'm torn between Kind Maid and Scary Vampire

//Former is probably Dia or a fairy maid, considering Sakuya might not take kindly to intrusion. Though if it is Sakuya then "kind" might make it the least deadly option.

//Latter is either Remi wondering why we're in bed with her sister or Flan acting scary again. Either way I want to continue befriending Flan so if we keep going down that path it's only natural we inevitably meet the big sis...


//Ah, what the hell. At least fairies can't permadie if it is Remi and things go south.

[X] A scary vampire
// is the Start of Eventualities :"scary" Remilia , "kind" Sakuya and "cross" Meiling
> [X] a scary Vampire
« Last Edit: September 20, 2020, 10:18:40 PM by Branneg Xy »
1.+This Real Photo "... and the WORD became Flesh", had been shoot by a Modern-Time Desert Father(Desertic Catholic Christian Community Monk+Ascetic) during THE HOLIEST CONSECRATION-MASS:The HOLIEST FAMILY of NAZARETH ALWAYS MYSTICALLY EVER-PRESENT and with ALSO THE CRISTCHILD BLESSING- , in EVERY HOLIEST MASS-HOST CONSECRATION BY the Ordanied PRIEST(S).
3.Youtube Channel/half-collections/half-references :
" FRA ALU BI Darcanix "

Unedited Bear

  • The Author
  • I'm just here to write.
Re: Fairy Quest
« Reply #34 on: September 20, 2020, 04:39:23 AM »
[X] A scary vampire
Looks like it's scary vampire! Thank you all for reading, and enjoy this final Update!
Sorry for the delay, I had to help move some furniture over the last few days.
....Did I have a stroke?

[X] Scary vampire

> As you rub the sleep from your eyes, it takes you a few blinks to come to terms with where you woke up and what exactly was going on around you. After sleeping on the ground for so many years, sleeping on something like a bed for the first time is almost heavenly. This giant bear is fantastic.

> "Are you enjoying my sister's napping bed?" A voice said, cutting through the haze of waking up enough to force you to roll over and look over to the source.

> "It is very comfy for someone who has never had a bed in their life. I may just get back to napping on it." You say, rolling back over and closing your eyes until a thought crossed your mind. You jump up, looking to the girl, almost the same size as Flandre, but primarily wearing a lightly colored dress. "Uhhhhhhh." You say intelligently.

> " Oh, don't mind me. I'm just curious about what a fairy like yourself is doing inside my mansion, sleeping in the same bed as my sister. Yet, you still have your life, and have not regenerated on the premise." She said, tapping her pale cheek with a long nail to emphasize each point. "You either have the luck of the devil himself or know something I do not. To find out which, I invite you to eat with me tonight." She said, turning and walking away before you had a chance to say anything else to her.

> "Uh....ok. Wait, what?" You ask, blinking and rolling off the bed, rushing after the taller woman. She didn't seem to say anything else, walking with the purpose and charisma of a leader that you almost want to follow to the earth's ends. It's an odd feeling you have to admit, especially with the fairies' free nature.

> "I invited you to dine with me, Fairy boy. My maid will clean you up, and we shall dine while we discuss how you're trespassing upon my home will be dealt with, and what exactly you did with my sister last night." She said, then blinked for a moment.  She looked like she considered saying something else, but shook her head before continuing. "You seem to be the first stranger not to be destroyed utterly when you come into contact with her outside a setup meeting, and that marks a major milestone of her development after her unfortunate...accident."

> You find yourself listening intently as you both walk, almost missing when you passed through the stone doors you had come into the basement with. The next few moments flashed through faster than anything has in your life. There was a flash of silver hair, then you find yourself dumped into a bucket of warm water, sans clothing. Your yelping only leads you to get a mouthful of water, leaving you coughing and sputtering as the room became a blur of activity.

> In truth, you are unsure what happened, since everything seemed to move without concern or care for your wants. You were scrubbed, washed, dried, dressed, and manhandled into a chair before you even had a chance to ask who was doing it or what they were doing to you. "What..." was the only thing you could say as you are pushed into a dining table, food in front of you.

> "Apologies, but it tends to be better for the new help if they are taken through the wringer on the first day." Remillia said, idly swirling a glass of red liquid in one hand as she stared out to the moon.

> " help?" you ask, then look down tot he freshly made butler's outfit that had replaced your clothing. They had thankfully left the bandana that had become your most identifying feature out in the forest. "Are...Are you hiring me?"

>"Yes." She said matter-of-factly. "Let me put this plainly for you. My sister was injured years ago, long before we came here. Outside of those of the mansion, and those who have met Flandre multiple times, you are the only one who has survived a surprise meeting with her. That kind of luck, or that kind of skill, is rare enough that I refuse to let it go. So I offer you a place to sleep, clothing, and food, and in exchange, you will help me allow my sister to heal. You will find you don't have much choice int he matter, but given your fey's long life, I doubt you'll consider a few years of work to be unacceptable. So eat, and we'll discuss tomorrow your new job."

> You blink, as it takes your brain a minute to process the entirety of what you were just told. This was not what you expected when you snuck into the mansion this morning, but would it really be that bad? A nice bed to sleep in, no need to worry what you'd be eating for the next day, and a bunch of other fairies to hang out with? "Uh...Sure I guess. I mean, she was nice enough, I wouldn't mind helping your sister out for a while."

> "Excellent. Eat my guest." She said and started to drink from her glass.

>And thus, a fairy's quest came to an end with employment by the devil.

Achievement Unlocked:
Solid Fairy: Snuck into the mansion undetected.
A fairy I be: Get lost in the gardens.
Bonnie to my Clyde: Gain a partner in crime.
Even the thorniest bush has roses: Befriend Flandre.
Dog of the Devil: Gain employment.

Thank you all for reading and voting, once again. If you have any questions, I will do my best to answer them in the thread while preparing for the next story that I want to write. Since the next story will likely be in the same continuity as this one, I'll refrain from answering anything that could be found from visiting in the future stories.


  • Seg Fault
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Re: Fairy Quest
« Reply #35 on: September 20, 2020, 05:13:55 AM »
//That was a nice quest, though admittedly disappointingly short.

Did I have a stroke?
Not trying to sound mean to Branneg, but I do know how you feel. I do believe English isn't his first language. Though admittedly he does try to make an effort to be understandable at least, but sometimes you do get stuff like that.

(Just in case, if you're reading this Branneg, please don't take offense. I reiterate that I'm not trying to sound mean at all.)

Fairy boy.
//Wait. We were a guy this whole time???

Unedited Bear

  • The Author
  • I'm just here to write.
Re: Fairy Quest (Finished! Q&A Open.)
« Reply #36 on: September 20, 2020, 05:23:19 AM »
//Wait. We were a guy this whole time???

Didn't mean offense either. I just had no idea what I was reading and legit thought I had a stroke.

And yes, we were a dude the whole time.


  • Seg Fault
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Re: Fairy Quest (Finished! Q&A Open.)
« Reply #37 on: September 20, 2020, 05:30:11 AM »
And yes, we were a dude the whole time.
//Huh. You don't see that everyday considering this is a setting with an improbably female cast and that male fairies in any setting tend to be a rarity.

Branneg Xy

    • Branneg Xy
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    • (YOUTUBE by title;LINKEDIN by link)" FRA ALU BI Darcanix ")
  • Gender: Male
Re: Fairy Quest (Finished! Q&A Open.)
« Reply #38 on: September 20, 2020, 11:15:32 PM »
//Forgive me,and also thanks for the correction, It is not my intention to make others confused(or "make them have a stroke") //

//Yes my Mother Language and Country is ITAly(may be freely checked on my profile here and through my profile here) //

// It is simply to that at the time,and also at others, I had crammed too many details and references in my reply and afterwards,sadly,I had forgot to "polish it"...//

// ,if interested,whatever part is confusing/obscure can be always quoted or described to me and I will gladly explain it better or ,if only ia bit interested (though the "previous approach"is nest for everyone involved only) read the clear parts without asking or even just browse the links if they are present //

// Q&A (thank you :extend:)  Time ! //

// What would have happened to / Where would have Jack ended to if the choices for '" Sneak into the Inner Building " instead of the one "Curious For the  Garden " were taken? What were the others(Accepted Write-ins)  "Feasible Options to Start Checking-Out The Mansion"/

//Could the potential interactions with Dia have been substantial,not just some more eventual bits?
Did Dia keep her little promose with Jack and are they becoming friends as"co-workers"?//

//...Was it possible to make the "Mansion Exploration" last much longer than this(was this a "Good Shortcut End"?)or this lenght is about right as you meant //
« Last Edit: September 25, 2020, 01:38:19 PM by Branneg Xy »
1.+This Real Photo "... and the WORD became Flesh", had been shoot by a Modern-Time Desert Father(Desertic Catholic Christian Community Monk+Ascetic) during THE HOLIEST CONSECRATION-MASS:The HOLIEST FAMILY of NAZARETH ALWAYS MYSTICALLY EVER-PRESENT and with ALSO THE CRISTCHILD BLESSING- , in EVERY HOLIEST MASS-HOST CONSECRATION BY the Ordanied PRIEST(S).
3.Youtube Channel/half-collections/half-references :
" FRA ALU BI Darcanix "


  • Seg Fault
    • YouTube
Re: Fairy Quest (Finished! Q&A Open.)
« Reply #39 on: September 20, 2020, 11:43:17 PM »
>Was the "Kind maid" option Sakuya or Dia?
>What would of happened in the Meiling ending?

Unedited Bear

  • The Author
  • I'm just here to write.
Re: Fairy Quest (Finished! Q&A Open.)
« Reply #40 on: September 21, 2020, 12:07:06 AM »
// What would have happened to / Where would have Jack ended to if the choices for '" Sneak into the Inner Building " instead of the one "Curious For the  Garden " were taken? What were the others(Accepted Write-ins)  "Feasible Options to Start Checking-Outthe Mansion"/

//Could the potential interactions with Dia have been substantially,not just by eventual bits?
Did Dia keep her little promose with Jack and are they becoming friends as"co-workers"?//

//...Was it possible to make the "Mansion Exploration" last much longer than this(was this a "Good Shortcut End"?)or this lenght is about right as you meant //

In order, if you had tried to sneak in, you would have had a much bigger chance of being spotted, either by Sakuya, who would have escorted you out after a cup of tea, or by fairy maids, who would be easy to convince you're new help and just joined up without a uniform. It happens occasionally. As for write-ins, I just kinda rolled with whatever people said in this one. The next one is likely to be a bit more structured, though write-ins will be offered occasionally.

Had you chosen to stick around and look around the mansion, you likely would have had a whole different adventure. If you tried to convince Dia to come with you, She likely would have angered Flandre, since the only reason Jack didn't anger her is that he didn't know her reputation before going in. Flandre picks up on that stuff, and it makes her angry, though she didn't quite understand that the anger is just her lashing out about the situation. Jack may help with this revelation. Dia does indeed keep her promise to Jack, and the two can often be seen having tea int eh gardens, outside of the mase of course.

As for how long the arc was, this is about where I expected it to be, though some options would have had paths of slightly longer or shorter lengths. This was mostly to get my feet wet anyway.

>Was the "Kind maid" option Sakuya or Dia?
>What would of happened in the Meiling ending?

It woulda been Sakuya, who would have offered him the same job, with 90% less manhandling. Meiling would have grabbed him, and all but tossed him out on his ass, then had to go back and find him, apologize, and bring him back to be hired. Picking a game that was non-dangerous, pretty fair, and engaged Flandre to think pretty much put you guys on the track to hiring from when you got there. You treated her like a person, and thus, she responded like a person, instead of a monster.

Branneg Xy

    • Branneg Xy
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    • (YOUTUBE by title;LINKEDIN by link)" FRA ALU BI Darcanix ")
  • Gender: Male
Re: Fairy Quest (Finished! Q&A Open.)
« Reply #41 on: September 25, 2020, 02:49:28 PM »
In order, if you had tried to sneak in, you would have had a much bigger chance of being spotted, either by Sakuya, who would have escorted you out after a cup of tea, or by fairy maids, who would be easy to convince you're new help and just joined up without a uniform. It happens occasionally. As for write-ins, I just kinda rolled with whatever people said in this one. The next one is likely to be a bit more structured, though write-ins will be offered occasionally.

Had you chosen to stick around and look around the mansion, you likely would have had a whole different adventure. If you tried to convince Dia to come with you, She likely would have angered Flandre, since the only reason Jack didn't anger her is that he didn't know her reputation before going in. Flandre picks up on that stuff, and it makes her angry, though she didn't quite understand that the anger is just her lashing out about the situation. Jack may help with this revelation. Dia does indeed keep her promise to Jack, and the two can often be seen having tea int eh gardens, outside of the mase of course.

As for how long the arc was, this is about where I expected it to be, though some options would have had paths of slightly longer or shorter lengths. This was mostly to get my feet wet anyway.

It woulda been Sakuya, who would have offered him the same job, with 90% less manhandling. Meiling would have grabbed him, and all but tossed him out on his ass, then had to go back and find him, apologize, and bring him back to be hired. Picking a game that was non-dangerous, pretty fair, and engaged Flandre to think pretty much put you guys on the track to hiring from when you got there. You treated her like a person, and thus, she responded like a person, instead of a monster.

>Does each different "hidden" choice between"Sakuya,Meiling and Remilia" have a  Variation in Jack's Standing ,or Relatedwith the Mansion Residents and maybe even between the Mansion Residents?

> May you reveal us the Complete List of Achievements?

> Thanks and see you ,and you all,intothe Next CYOA (Hoping with even more player and activity though not turning exhausting/flooding/abandoning ...after seeing several "bad  turnings of story activity" on " touhou-project/THP" as a "guest"(or a "Lurking/View-Only Anon")
« Last Edit: September 25, 2020, 02:54:43 PM by Branneg Xy »
1.+This Real Photo "... and the WORD became Flesh", had been shoot by a Modern-Time Desert Father(Desertic Catholic Christian Community Monk+Ascetic) during THE HOLIEST CONSECRATION-MASS:The HOLIEST FAMILY of NAZARETH ALWAYS MYSTICALLY EVER-PRESENT and with ALSO THE CRISTCHILD BLESSING- , in EVERY HOLIEST MASS-HOST CONSECRATION BY the Ordanied PRIEST(S).
3.Youtube Channel/half-collections/half-references :
" FRA ALU BI Darcanix "