Author Topic: Minor Existence Quest  (Read 315417 times)

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Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #270 on: August 10, 2021, 10:05:54 PM »
>"I just saw plants being cut.  I think they are heading towards us, but I couldn't see them."

>Point in the direction of the sickle weasels.

>You warn the others about the plants being cut, and point towards the supposed direction of the Weasels' approach.
>"They're approaching, makes sense that you couldn't see them." Hanako steps back; "I'm going to lay low. They're after the box on my back after all."
>"I'm going to stay near my Mother. I may not be able to react in time, but I'll try my best to protect her and back you up if needed. With anything within my power."
>Worm nudges Apple with her shoulder. "Hey, Apple." She points to a tree.
>"Yeah? There's thousands like this one."
>"The Resin!"
>"Oh, Right, the resin!"

>Apple raises her arm and focuses on the tree, it starts to break down as if it accelerated in age. The cracks formed by decomposition start to seal up then leak resin. That must have been caused by Worm.
>"Purifier, we're going to be collecting this resin and scooping it into the vase of the Hybrid. So it's sticky and harder to get off."

>Ame prepares a battle stance and looks towards you. "If you have any last moment preparations, I recommend you do them now. The Weasels probably won't be patient, honestly, I'm surprised they didn't start approaching earlier."

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #271 on: August 10, 2021, 10:52:15 PM »
>Have our moths try making drape silk of various thicknesses from the trees towards the sickle weasels see if the weasels can't  cut them

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #272 on: August 11, 2021, 09:48:00 AM »
>Have our moths try making drape silk of various thicknesses from the trees towards the sickle weasels see if the weasels can't  cut them

>You attempt to make silk drapes of different thicknesses towards the Weasels.
>The Weasels cut through the light, sheer fabric but the slightly more opaque ones give them trouble.
>Then they seem to either go around the drapes or cut down the familiars making them.
>Yet, this happens in an instant, and you still can't actually see them. Just the aftermath and feeling of wind.

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #273 on: August 11, 2021, 10:06:22 AM »
>Hold our hat against our head

>How far away are the weasels?

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #274 on: August 11, 2021, 05:11:50 PM »
>Hold our hat against our head

>You hold your hat against your head. Due to your strength, this only requires one hand.

>How far away are the weasels?

>You try to judge the distance between you and the Weasels based on the views of your remaining moths.
>They're extremely close, by your estimates. You probably only have a few more moments before they arrive.

>"Okay, we've finished gathering the resin." Worm holds out the Vase of Overgrowth Hybrids, and it has some translucent, viscous liquid.
>Ame raises her head. "I hear something. It sounds like... strong wind?" How did she notice that before you? Either way, the Weasels are going to descend upon you any moment now.

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #275 on: August 11, 2021, 09:26:56 PM »
>Concentrate on looking for plants being cut
->Throw danmaku at it if humans can use danmaku

>Have our familiars watch and try to follow the weasels

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #276 on: August 11, 2021, 10:26:54 PM »
>Concentrate on looking for plants being cut
->Throw danmaku at it if humans can use danmaku

>The wind picks up...
>You concentrate on looking for cut plants, maybe a sign of the Weasels' movement? Spiritual and magic bullets are the norm of Danmaku and are usually weak if shot by untrained individual, if they can even shoot in the first place. So you can get away with weak shots or thrown objects and not blow your cover.

>The entire clearing you're in is suddenly assaulted by very strong winds! Ame holds on to Hanako and uses her yari as an anchor, Worm and Apple
are mustering enough physical strength to stand their ground, even your familiars are blown back! Your hat billows and probably would've been blown away if you weren't holding it, and your concentration is almost broken.

>Have our familiars watch and try to follow the weasels
"The Box, we need the medicine again!"
>You keep your focus and split your vision with your remaining familiars to provide a full sight of the area, these Weasels will not escape your sight.
>You see a brown blur and a trail of grass being cut, you look ahead of their path and- they're heading for Ame and Hanako!

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #277 on: August 11, 2021, 11:36:18 PM »
>Cup our free hand around our mouth then shout "Toss the box!"

>Shoot weak danmaku ahead of the weasel heading towards Ame and Hanako.

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #278 on: August 12, 2021, 10:14:20 AM »
>Cup our free hand around our mouth then shout "Toss the box!"

>Through the howling wind, Ame hears you. She grabs the box and tosses it towards you.
>As it sails through the air, another blur passes by you. It's heading for the box! At least you revealed that second Weasel.

>Shoot weak danmaku ahead of the weasel heading towards Ame and Hanako.

>You shoot some weak Danmaku ahead of the Weasel aiming for Hanako and her daughter.
>Curiously, the wind seems to have calmed down a bit, so the shot goes straight. The Weasel seems good at reacting however, and immediately changes trajectory upwards, rushing into the foliage of the forest and most likely hiding.

>Now that the wind seems to have calmed down, Worm gets a grip. She knows where to aim, almost instinctually.
>Worm rears her body back and throws the Vase of Overgrowth Hybrids at The Box while it's in mid-air and focuses.
>"U-uh. Rampant Life "Overgrowth"!"
>The Vase explodes, revealing a violently growing floral beast of plant glistening with liquids.
>Unfortunately for this Weasel, she happened to be in the way. The plant entangles the blur, slowing it down, making it less of a blur and more of an identifiable form. They fall to the ground.
>"Yes, I intercepted them! That was lucky!"
>"S-so uh, Purifier, what do you think of the Spell Card name? I came up with it just now." Throwing things at people counts as a Spell Card? The more you know.

>"We have more pressing matters than silly names, that first Weasel got away and the second one is only weakened. We still need to neutralize them!" Ame shouts.
>You look at the entangled Weasel on the ground, looks like they're trying to reorient. They're wearing a brown tattered cloak with a hood that covers most of their features and holding what looks to be a steel fan. Their hands are interesting, they're shiny and metallic, the nails are long too.

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #279 on: August 12, 2021, 11:10:59 AM »
>Send some of our moths to start covering the the nails and fan in silk of the downed youkai

>Run to the entangled weasel and wrestle the fan away

>Have the other moths start looking and smelling for the other sickle weasel

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #280 on: August 13, 2021, 09:21:58 AM »
>Send some of our moths to start covering the the nails and fan in silk of the downed youkai

>Your Moths attempt to cover the nails and fan in their silk.
>The downed Kama Itachi struggles against the Hybrid restraints, but notices the approaching Silk and claws it off her hands. Seems like you'll need time to build multiple layers so that Weasel can't cut through them.
>She's too distracted and slow to stop the fan being covered in silk. It becomes quarantined in a thick cocoon that the Weasel definitely can't cut through.

>Run to the entangled weasel and wrestle the fan away

>You rush towards the Weasel, this weirdly gives you flashbacks to your fight with Seija.
>The Weasel, unlike Seija, jumps away the moment she sees you coming and bounces off a tree to get behind you, increasing the space between you and her, and showing an impressive amount of agility despite being restrained. She's surrounded, though, and you managed to separate her from the fan.

>"Stay where you are, Youkai! You are outnumbered and disarmed! If you stop this now maybe we will resolve this peacefully!" Ame channels her Night Guard mannerisms.
>"Yeah, outnumbered by some Humans. But at least two of you have to be Onmyouji or something, those moths and that plant..." Worm and Apple snickers.
>"Well these Humans have you cornered, so just sit quietly!"
>"Fine. Alright then." Surprisingly docile...

>Have the other moths start looking and smelling for the other sickle weasel

>You have your other moths start looking around for the other Sickle Weasel and you curiously can't find any signs of her nearby. Maybe she left but she left her ally here?

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #281 on: August 13, 2021, 09:40:01 AM »
>"You can call me whatever you want.  What's your name."

>Get eye level with the youkai

>"Are there only two of you?"
>"Why did you come to the forest of magic?"

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #282 on: August 13, 2021, 10:49:45 AM »
>"You can call me whatever you want.  What's your name."

>"Okay, Onmyouji. You can call me Kaze Itachi.
>"Wow, what an imaginative name." Ame says in a deadpan voice.
>"Well, sorry for not meeting your oh-so strict naming standards." Kaze says sarcastically.

>Get eye level with the youkai

>"Are there only two of you?"
>"Why did you come to the forest of magic?"

>You get eye level with the Youkai and see more of her face. She has blue eyes and brown hair with a white streak through the middle, her overall facial structure make her look young.
>"Ooh, eye contact, how romantic!" Kaze says teasingly.

>"So, your questions. Are there only two of us? Kind of... I have two sisters, you saw one already, probably gave that Florist a heart attack. My other sister... can't be with us right now."
>"And we came to the Forest of Magic because we live here, dummy."
>"She obviously means why you approached us here." Worm asks the true question.
>"Oh, we approached specifically for medicine."
>"But you just steal plants from my Mother-"
>"Plants that can combine to create medicine." Hanako interrupts.
>"And plants that we now have a full box of. Thanks by the way." What is she talking abou-oh no.

>"Guys, bad news. The box was taken! I was going to catch it but then a Weasel swiped it and I couldn't catch up!" Apple confirms some of your fears.
>Ame panics, grabs Kaze and shouts in her face. "Why do you need medicine in the first place?! You're a Youkai, can't you just heal from most physical wounds and illnesses?!"
>"That's what me and my blade-toting sister thought too. But one day our third sister came back with a serious injury that wouldn't heal for days, so obviously we were worried for her health and sought other methods."
« Last Edit: August 13, 2021, 10:51:59 AM by WitheringFlowerCrown »

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #283 on: August 13, 2021, 11:04:35 AM »
//I actually thought they moved in and pushed the fairies out

>"If I understand correctly, Kaze, if your sister was healed then you wouldn't steal medical herbs."

>"What do you think girls," Turn to Apple and Worm.

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #284 on: August 13, 2021, 11:20:31 AM »
//I actually thought they moved in and pushed the fairies out

>"If I understand correctly, Kaze, if your sister was healed then you wouldn't steal medical herbs."

>"Yes, but you would have to be an expert doctor or a miracle worker to heal her, considering even the plants we stole yesterday didn't help."
>Worm smirks. "Let's just say we have some shortcuts."

>"What do you think girls," Turn to Apple and Worm.

>"Hey, if it resolves the issue forever then why not?" Apple's thinking is simplistic, but makes sense.
>"Healing them should be easy, considering my talent." Well, Worm's being more confident.
>Kaze seems shocked at the answers. "Are you like, a travelling group of doctors, or something? You're all wearing the same cloak, are you guys a family or a clan?"
>Worm and Apple chuckle nervously. "Y-yeah I guess you could say that."

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #285 on: August 14, 2021, 05:14:40 AM »

>"If you'll take us to your sister, Worm can heal her."

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #286 on: August 14, 2021, 09:41:16 AM »

>"If you'll take us to your sister, Worm can heal her."

>"Okay, if you say so."
>"By the way, could you let go of me?" Ame was still gripping Kaze, she lets go and apologizes.
>"And could you get these vines or whatever off of me? This stuff is sticky and really makes it hard to move."
>"That's the point of it. Why should we let you go? You could just run away."
>Worm doesn't like Ame's attitude. "Are you acting distrustful because she's a Youkai?"
>"We don't need her to lead. Mother you still have that map right?"
>Hanako reaches into her Kimono and- did she she pull that map out of her chest?

>That's right the enchanted map that shows the position of the box and herbs in it. If Kaze's sister instantly went back to give her other sister medicine then following the map would also take you to here.
>"Huh, you were really prepared to catch us. Well, you can free me or you can follow that map. I won't judge you for either decision."

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #287 on: August 14, 2021, 09:47:58 AM »
>Glance at the map
>Are the herbs close by?

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #288 on: August 14, 2021, 09:56:32 AM »
>Glance at the map
>Are the herbs close by?

>You take a look at the enchanted map, it is surprisingly detailed and even has labelled landmarks and a bright red dot. You guess that's the current location of the herbs and most likely the box as well.
>Not exactly, it seems that if you went in a straight line you would have to go past some landmarks, including a place called the "Kirisame Magic Shop", whatever that is.

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #289 on: August 15, 2021, 02:18:48 AM »
>Lift the youkai onto our back.

>"Good point.  Let's go."

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #290 on: August 15, 2021, 10:35:48 AM »
>Lift the youkai onto our back.

>You lift Kaze onto your back, piggyback style. She's very light, but the resin-covered plants feel icky and sticky clinging on your body.
>"Whoa! You're strong, like physically. I didn't know humans could have this much strength, and- wait are those?- Ah, I see."
>At least you don't have to worry about dropping her as she just wrapped her legs around your waist.

>"Good point.  Let's go."

>"Alright, let's follow the map."
>Your party (plus 1 Hostage) walk through the Forest towards the red dot, and soon you see a decently sized house, slightly covered in foliage. It looks like a homely cottage, not a shop, but according to the map this is most likely "Kirisame Magic Shop". What's with Humans and not putting signs on their shops?

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #291 on: August 15, 2021, 11:10:17 AM »
>"Is that where you enchanted your herbs?"

>Is there a particular magic we're interested in.

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #292 on: August 15, 2021, 12:01:14 PM »
>"Is that where you enchanted your herbs?"

>"Yes. The shopkeeper is a nice young woman, and even a common Incident Resolver! She's a bit... eccentric, but you can tell she's a nice person once you get past her unusual traits."
>Ame raises a brow and assumes a quizzical look. "Isn't she that witch? You would think that a human would choose a more hospitable locale for a shop. Then again, a cottage in the Forest fits that whole witch motif she has, and there has to be some reason this place is called 'The Forest of Magic', apart from the extraordinary plants anyway."
>Hanako chuckles. "Yeah, it's a strange place for a shop, but at least that means that I'm one of her few customers. I get to have the good stuff whenever I come here."

>Apple suddenly perks up as if a lightbulb went off in her head. "Wait. Witch, Incident Resolver? I think she killed me in the last Incident! Or was it the incident before that?"
>Worm answers. "It was the last Incident. She cut a swathe through the Youkai Mountain while talking about a market, or something? I dunno, I just fight."
>Kaze looks at them as if they grew extra heads. "There was an incident? Why didn't I hear about this? Also, you died?!"
>Apple looks nervous. "By 'died' I mean she almost gave me a heart attack when she told me about the Incident. Isn't that right, Mother?"
>Worm whispers. "Nice save."

>Is there a particular magic we're interested in.

>None, you always thought that your innate abilities would be enough.
>Though now that you're travelling it might pay off to get more tricks.
« Last Edit: August 15, 2021, 12:24:33 PM by WitheringFlowerCrown »

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #293 on: August 16, 2021, 09:39:01 AM »
>Do we have any idea what Kaze could have seen or felt when we lifted her up.

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #294 on: August 16, 2021, 10:12:18 AM »
>Do we have any idea what Kaze could have seen or felt when we lifted her up.

>The only things she could've felt were your wings.
>Or maybe she was surprised about how soft and well made your robe is, but that's a stretch.

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #295 on: August 16, 2021, 10:33:47 AM »
>Frown slightly at the thought of Apple dying

>"It's alright.  I think Kaze felt my wings when I put her on my back."

>Maybe we could lend them some of our spiritual power
->Do we think it would be possible to send some of our power to Apple and Worm?

//I'm not really sure if this is how a youkai would feel about immortal fairies

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #296 on: August 16, 2021, 11:05:38 AM »
>Frown slightly at the thought of Apple dying

>Apple dying is... a tough thought to handle. As far you know, fairies are effectively immortal due to being born from an aspect of nature, but that doesn't mean they don't feel pain or anything. Getting killed must have felt horrible, not that you have experience in that. Apple and Worm seem to take deaths in stride, however, if their casual mention of it is any sign. How do they retain their motivation to continue after dying and what aspects of nature are they born from? Either way, dying can't be comfortable.

>"It's alright.  I think Kaze felt my wings when I put her on my back."

>"...The jig is up isn't it." Worm sighs.
>Kaze leans forward, pressing her chest against your back and therefore your robe and wings. "So they were wings! You're a Youkai too, aren't you?! Do all of you know that she's a Youkai? What's with the disguise?" Kaze launches a barrage of questions.
>Hanako interrupts and answers her. "Yes, she's a Youkai. Yes, we all know she's a Youkai."
>Apple points towards herself and Worm. "You've probably figured this out by now, but we're fairies."
>"This explains so much! I'm guessing the disguise was just to fool me into thinking you weren't a threat? That's so cool!" Kaze seems disproportionately happy for someone who just found out they were tricked.

>Maybe we could lend them some of our spiritual power
->Do we think it would be possible to send some of our power to Apple and Worm?

>You don't think so, you aren't really skilled at imbuing others with spiritual power. Familiars are one thing, they're specifically made by you, but fairies and such are different.

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #297 on: August 18, 2021, 01:39:46 AM »
>Nod happily
>"Yep, it helps to catch people off guard."

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #298 on: August 18, 2021, 09:08:57 AM »
>Nod happily
>"Yep, it helps to catch people off guard."

>"To think: Some people considered us enough of a threat to disguise a Youkai in order to fight us! Maybe we're stronger than we thought. " She seems gleeful.
>Ame coughs. "Yeah, we definitely did it just for you."
>Kaze looks at your hands. "I was thinking of sneaking into the Human Village in disguise and just stealing some medicine, but my hands make me stand out, and I end up cutting through any regular gloves."

>Hanako walks forward and looks back with a smile. "I'm going to the Kirisame Magic Shop to greet the Witch and ask some questions. Does anyone want to accompany me?"

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #299 on: August 19, 2021, 06:19:51 AM »
>"I'd like to.  She sounds like an interesting person."

>What would an incident resolver be like.
->This Kirisame has to be larger than life and radiate strength.
->Oh and confidence.