Author Topic: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish  (Read 712874 times)

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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #180 on: October 05, 2020, 05:21:19 PM »
> "It's not of those jars that are big inside?"

> "Hide inside"
> Try and make it pitch black inside
>> On success:
>> "Now they can't see you even if they look in the top"


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #181 on: October 06, 2020, 04:23:59 AM »
>" it actually comfy in there? I mean that would explain why you're still in it."
> "It's not of those jars that are big inside?"

> "Hide inside"
> Try and make it pitch black inside
>> On success:
>> "Now they can't see you even if they look in the top"
> "Not exactly. And it's not that big either."
> Kogasa tries to retreat into the jar as you suggested, but she seems to be too big to hide inside of it. She sticks well out past her shoulders.


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #182 on: October 06, 2020, 04:43:50 AM »
>"...weren't you all the way inside it earlier?"

Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #183 on: October 06, 2020, 06:45:03 AM »
>Make a sun hat with your darkness

>"How did you pop out of it earlier?"


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #184 on: October 06, 2020, 07:34:30 AM »
>"...weren't you all the way inside it earlier?"
>Make a sun hat with your darkness

>"How did you pop out of it earlier?"
> You begin to form your darkness, but only manage to make a darkness orb to cover part of your head and above.

> "Yea... I just sorta... fit in it. It's hard to explain, but something like that isn't new to me. Sometimes something works, and other times, they don't."


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #185 on: October 06, 2020, 09:16:46 AM »
>Darkness afro! Darkness afro!
>Glance to see if Sanae's emerging yet.
>"...maybe it's because you're already partway in and there's no room to do... uh... whatever flexible thing that got you in the first time?"

Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #186 on: October 06, 2020, 07:34:57 PM »
>Try to pull the bottom of the shadow orb up.

>"Is it magic?  Or your ability?"

>strike thinker pose


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #187 on: October 07, 2020, 08:43:07 AM »
>Darkness afro! Darkness afro!
>Glance to see if Sanae's emerging yet.
>"...maybe it's because you're already partway in and there's no room to do... uh... whatever flexible thing that got you in the first time?"
>Try to pull the bottom of the shadow orb up.

>"Is it magic?  Or your ability?"

>strike thinker pose
> You try, but can't seem to grasp your darkness orb to make such work.

> Sanae hasn't returned yet...

> "Oh right, my ability. That'd explain it. I did say I was good at surprising, after all."


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #188 on: October 07, 2020, 10:31:37 AM »
>Maybe try making a second, oblong darkness orb underneath the first such that they overlap to produce the illusion/silhouette of a sun hat?

>"...So uh... how did you plan to get out once the surprise was over if your ability to get in was tied to a surprise?"


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #189 on: October 08, 2020, 06:10:45 AM »
> Tilt head in a silly way while asking

> Before we try making a second darkness orb, try and make it as big as we possibly can. How much space can we cover in darkness?


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #190 on: October 09, 2020, 08:27:28 AM »
>Maybe try making a second, oblong darkness orb underneath the first such that they overlap to produce the illusion/silhouette of a sun hat?

>"...So uh... how did you plan to get out once the surprise was over if your ability to get in was tied to a surprise?"
> Tilt head in a silly way while asking

> Before we try making a second darkness orb, try and make it as big as we possibly can. How much space can we cover in darkness?
> You try to increase the size of the orb, more and more, covering the both of you and part of the shrine...
> "Hey uh... What are you doing?" Kogasa questions.


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #191 on: October 09, 2020, 08:42:34 AM »
>"Testing the limits of my darkness."
>Dispel the giant orb and return to plan sunhat
>"...So uh... how did you plan to get out once the surprise was over if your ability to get in was tied to a surprise?"
>Repeat this question since we probably interrupted her trail of thought with that.
« Last Edit: October 09, 2020, 08:45:21 AM by Evil_Nazgul0616 »


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #192 on: October 09, 2020, 07:28:27 PM »
> Did we feel like we could make it bigger?

> How large was the radius of the sphere? Like as big as the shrine's width?

Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #193 on: October 09, 2020, 09:18:44 PM »
>"And trying to make a sun hat."


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #194 on: October 11, 2020, 06:05:42 AM »
>"Testing the limits of my darkness."
>Dispel the giant orb and return to plan sunhat>Repeat this question since we probably interrupted her trail of thought with that.
> Did we feel like we could make it bigger?

> How large was the radius of the sphere? Like as big as the shrine's width?
>"And trying to make a sun hat."
> You stop.
> You could've made it bigger. Though you don't know how far it went...

> "Oh, how will I get out? Simple, I just break it or something."


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #195 on: October 11, 2020, 06:24:16 AM »
>"Wouldn't Miss Sanae get mad if you broke her vase though?"


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #196 on: October 11, 2020, 04:40:05 PM »
> "It would be quite surprising if you manged to get out without breaking it~!"

> "Miss Sanae would probably be surprised too~"

Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #197 on: October 11, 2020, 10:36:31 PM »
>Stop making it dark
>Make a beard of darkness on your face and stroke it as if in thought.

>"Would it be possible to suddenly appear behind Sanae.  I would presome,  pressure, think that would be surprising."

Branneg Xy

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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #198 on: October 14, 2020, 07:50:15 AM »
> Glance and turn our ears every now and then to the hallway(s) Miss Sanae is going to come back from ...

> ... in order to be ready to : both greet and thank her, explain the ''Darkness Sphere Experiments'' if a prompt comes up,and ,finally,Breakfast Eating.
1.+This Real Photo "... and the WORD became Flesh", had been shoot by a Modern-Time Desert Father(Desertic Catholic Christian Community Monk+Ascetic) during THE HOLIEST CONSECRATION-MASS:The HOLIEST FAMILY of NAZARETH ALWAYS MYSTICALLY EVER-PRESENT and with ALSO THE CRISTCHILD BLESSING- , in EVERY HOLIEST MASS-HOST CONSECRATION BY the Ordanied PRIEST(S).
3.Youtube Channel/half-collections/half-references :
" FRA ALU BI Darcanix "


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #199 on: October 17, 2020, 05:52:25 AM »
>"Wouldn't Miss Sanae get mad if you broke her vase though?"
> "It would be quite surprising if you manged to get out without breaking it~!"

> "Miss Sanae would probably be surprised too~"
>Stop making it dark
>Make a beard of darkness on your face and stroke it as if in thought.

>"Would it be possible to suddenly appear behind Sanae.  I would presome,  pressure, think that would be surprising."
> Glance and turn our ears every now and then to the hallway(s) Miss Sanae is going to come back from ...

> ... in order to be ready to : both greet and thank her, explain the ''Darkness Sphere Experiments'' if a prompt comes up,and ,finally,Breakfast Eating.
> You try to form darkness in a beard under your chin, but it only comes out as another orb at your chin.
> "She expects me to get out though, I'm sure. It won't really be surprising if I did."

> "I don't know everything about it. Sometimes, things just... work."
> "I'm sure she'll be fine with me breaking a vase to continue living well."
> Sanae has yet to return...


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #200 on: October 17, 2020, 06:01:07 AM »
> "She expects me to get out though, I'm sure. It won't really be surprising if I did."
>Blink in confusion.
>"Wouldn't that mean you wouldn't be able to get out since it would surprise her, then?"
« Last Edit: October 17, 2020, 06:59:22 AM by Evil_Nazgul0616 »


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #201 on: October 17, 2020, 06:21:50 AM »
> Before that:
>> Maybe we should cover Gensokyo in our wonderful darkness so everyone can (not) see how evil these trees can be!  That'll surely raise awareness about this daily problem~
>> Snap back to reality

Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #202 on: October 17, 2020, 07:09:32 AM »
>Try remaking the beard out of numerous small darkness orbs

>"Sanae expects you to get out.  Would she expect you to fly around in it?"


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #203 on: October 20, 2020, 06:13:47 PM »
>Blink in confusion.
>"Wouldn't that mean you wouldn't be able to get out since it would surprise her, then?"
> Before that:
>> Maybe we should cover Gensokyo in our wonderful darkness so everyone can (not) see how evil these trees can be!  That'll surely raise awareness about this daily problem~
>> Snap back to reality
>Try remaking the beard out of numerous small darkness orbs

>"Sanae expects you to get out.  Would she expect you to fly around in it?"
> This is reality. The reality where everything shall return to dark!
> You try, but it doesn't seem like you can make too many small orbs. At least, you have a small beard of them...

> "She probably wouldn't, but I don't think I'm restricted by surprise either. I can just... Swing myself against a wall and break this if I needed." Kogasa explains.


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #204 on: October 21, 2020, 01:09:54 AM »
>"...Can you even fly like that? How heavy is that vase anyway?"
>Is Green Reimu back yet?

Branneg Xy

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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #205 on: October 21, 2020, 01:26:08 AM »
> This is reality. The reality where everything shall return to dark!
> You try, but it doesn't seem like you can make too many small orbs. At least, you have a small beard of them...

> "She probably wouldn't, but I don't think I'm restricted by surprise either. I can just... Swing myself against a wall and break this if I needed." Kogasa explains.

> " You are not restricted by surprise but isn'it it restricting  to roigh-use items without need?".

> Join hands :"Oh,now that I think about it...Kogasa?"

> When we have her attention: "It would be a good surprise to show me, please,fairly slowly and accurately by you getting out - point extended finger ,or do not if we are capanle of this finger-less,create-aim"Small Darkness Orb" ,try also joining it with a "Thin Harmless As Possible Darkness Ray "or a "White-Light Demarcation Ray" if the 1st one is impossible , stop immediately whatever part of ot is Damaging if it is so ,but try anywys for a "Rumia's Pointer"  - then back in - backwards steps - and finally out again - repeat the 1st moveset - with Miss Sanae's vase intact and next to you"?
« Last Edit: October 25, 2020, 04:01:35 AM by Branneg Xy »
1.+This Real Photo "... and the WORD became Flesh", had been shoot by a Modern-Time Desert Father(Desertic Catholic Christian Community Monk+Ascetic) during THE HOLIEST CONSECRATION-MASS:The HOLIEST FAMILY of NAZARETH ALWAYS MYSTICALLY EVER-PRESENT and with ALSO THE CRISTCHILD BLESSING- , in EVERY HOLIEST MASS-HOST CONSECRATION BY the Ordanied PRIEST(S).
3.Youtube Channel/half-collections/half-references :
" FRA ALU BI Darcanix "

Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #206 on: October 24, 2020, 02:18:19 AM »
> If we can't create a light ray then if our danmaku doesn't cause property damage use our laser instead


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #207 on: October 24, 2020, 03:02:27 AM »
> If we can't create a light ray then if our danmaku doesn't cause property damage use our laser instead
>Do not use danmaku if we feel we may accidentally harm someone. We are on a shrine, after all, and we wouldn't want to make Miss Sanae or whoever else lives here angry in any way.

Branneg Xy

    • Branneg Xy
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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #208 on: October 25, 2020, 04:11:31 AM »
>Do not use danmaku if we feel we may accidentally harm someone. We are on a shrine, after all, and we wouldn't want to make Miss Sanae or whoever else lives here angry in any way.

// Exactly ;and for that I edited my post to better explain and specify that the "Rumia's Pointer" is going to be tried Indoors in "Harmless Form",and only afterwards  in Full Outdoors in " Damage Form" with Possible Applications  for Dueling,Tracking,Hunting,Carving,Branding...) //
1.+This Real Photo "... and the WORD became Flesh", had been shoot by a Modern-Time Desert Father(Desertic Catholic Christian Community Monk+Ascetic) during THE HOLIEST CONSECRATION-MASS:The HOLIEST FAMILY of NAZARETH ALWAYS MYSTICALLY EVER-PRESENT and with ALSO THE CRISTCHILD BLESSING- , in EVERY HOLIEST MASS-HOST CONSECRATION BY the Ordanied PRIEST(S).
3.Youtube Channel/half-collections/half-references :
" FRA ALU BI Darcanix "


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #209 on: October 25, 2020, 07:38:10 PM »
>"...Can you even fly like that? How heavy is that vase anyway?"
>Is Green Reimu back yet?
> " You are not restricted by surprise but isn'it it restricting  to roigh-use items without need?".

> Join hands :"Oh,now that I think about it...Kogasa?"

> When we have her attention: "It would be a good surprise to show me, please,fairly slowly and accurately by you getting out - point extended finger ,or do not if we are capanle of this finger-less,create-aim"Small Darkness Orb" ,try also joining it with a "Thin Harmless As Possible Darkness Ray "or a "White-Light Demarcation Ray" if the 1st one is impossible , stop immediately whatever part of ot is Damaging if it is so ,but try anywys for a "Rumia's Pointer"  - then back in - backwards steps - and finally out again - repeat the 1st moveset - with Miss Sanae's vase intact and next to you"?
> If we can't create a light ray then if our danmaku doesn't cause property damage use our laser instead
>Do not use danmaku if we feel we may accidentally harm someone. We are on a shrine, after all, and we wouldn't want to make Miss Sanae or whoever else lives here angry in any way.
> You don't think you can manage such without making it into danmaku...

 > "It's pretty heavy, but of course I can fly with it." Kogasa floats up effortlessly. "I'm no slouch myself, you see."
> You... do see that she's forgotten the vase below her... As if it was glued to the ground.