~Hakurei Shrine~ > High Score Entry

MotK v3 scoreboard status

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Does the "wait for new threads" policy also apply to closely related games like Seihou, Samidare, etc? Or can anyone go ahead and make threads for those?

Those didn't have scoreboards on the old site, so go ahead.

Should trial scoreboard, TAS scoreboard and Hall of Records be reposted as well?

I'm starting to wonder if it's worth reposting all the fan game threads, now that the old site going offline is no longer an issue. Most of them had almost no submissions; it might be better to only repost the scoreboards that had some activity (trials, Flash games, Suwapyon, PT, SSS)? Any thoughts?

A TAS discussion thread is fine, though that thread wasn't actually a scoreboard.

With recent discussion I'm starting to wonder--

What's the goal with MotK's scoreboards? I've been updating them for years, and with the lack of discussion I restarted them mostly as is, but I'm not sure anymore. The new site is a chance to re-examine policies.

Are the scoreboards a place for friendly competition within the community? If so, perhaps it'd be better to restart the scoreboards for v3 members? The older scores could be seen as crowding the scoreboards, discouraging people from posting new scores. Is it productive to retain the v2 scores?

Is it important to retain the v2 scores? There's scores dating back to v1 threads from 2004; it might feel wrong to separate them from v3 scores, even if the older scores are still in the archive.


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