~Beyond the Border~ > Rumia's Party Games
東方偽現実 〜 Cruelty of Verisimilar Existence - RP Thread Edition
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//Real quick. Did anyone get the Back to the Future reference? Bonking your head in the bathroom and having a vision?

>"I was reading an American cookbook when Chen came to get me. Despite being very fatty usually, American food is still quite good apparently.

>You carefully nail in the single nail you need to hang up the painting and place the painting on the wall.
//Not me, I'm afraid.
> "There we go."
> Admire our work with something that's not our work.
> "Does that mean you have some ideas to cook up for us today?"
>You admire the historical masterpiece that is kind of small compared to most priceless paintings. It is certainly beautiful.

>"I'm not quite sure I understand most of the book, but we could try to bake an apple pie. According to this recipe, we need sliced apples, flour, sugar, milk, cinnamon and butter. Could you perhaps gap these from the outside world, mistress?"
> "All of them?  You don't want any ingredients procured from Gensokyo?"
>"I wouldn't know if there are any of those ingredients here. Perhaps milk, but I don't know about the others."
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