~Beyond the Border~ > Rumia's Party Games

Renascence of Blasted Starlight

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>"So there aren't  any tools to make this danmaku?"


--- Quote from: Philosopher on June 07, 2022, 05:20:17 AM --->"So there aren't  any tools to make this danmaku?"

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>"Well there's a reason most outsiders or normal humans can't use it." the peddler explains, "But I think if you had a magical item that can generate it you could make some without necessarily having magic yourself... Plus anything can technically count as danmaku as long as it's specified as such in a spellcard, but again that requires at least some magic or divine potential to utilize."

>"I see.  What could I expect if I run into a youkai without any spellcards to my name?"


--- Quote from: Philosopher on June 10, 2022, 11:49:10 PM --->"I see.  What could I expect if I run into a youkai without any spellcards to my name?"

--- End quote ---
>"Well without any spellcards you would automatically lose a spellcard duel, unless you were capable of simple danmaku but even then that would put you at a disadvantage... Most non-combatants in the village usually leave with a spellcard-capable escort if they need to go far. Staying in the village is relatively safe, as the few youkai that do live there mostly just prank humans at most." the peddler explains.

> "Anything counts if it's in a spellcard, huh..."
> Consider confronting our memories and worries while trying not to lose ourselves to them. Wouldn't conquering them be better than staying in fear of them?


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