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Touhou-style Album Thread: New Absolute Favorite Has Dropped

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So a quick update. There apparently was a Touhou event as of late? I know that technically if not for COVID-19 we'd have Reitaisai, but it seems like now a lot of artists are just releasing their albums or stuff in general and for free, which is also a surprise. So here are two I've found:

The Garden of Sinners by sisyou02 / 風雲

(I know that the Reimu artwork is by Laruc_Larum)
The nico video
The mp3 files on drive
This one outside of the Reimu artwork doesn't seem to have any characters/artworks and has stages 1-3 for OST (so 7 songs total).

Near Death Experience

A collaboration in style of ZUN's CD by all these people.
Nico Video, Booth where you can get the mp3 files and images

I probably won't cover them in depth, at least for now and I only know about these thanks to Burnyuho's twitter, but if anyone wants some extra Touhou like music, here you have some.

--- Quote from: Gilde on July 04, 2020, 12:33:27 AM ---Hi again! I'm back. :D[
I also don't have any copy of The Artificial City (yet..... ;w;), so I can't give details on that, but I do have a summary for Sweet Smells and Foolish Evils! The 'full version' is planned for Niconico Dousai in summer 2021... which is a bit of a wait, but oh well. (;; ^^)

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Yo! Long time to no see.
I'll try to add your translations soon.
As for my thoughts regarding SSaFE and what you mentioned

 I do find it kind of funny that for a project with acronym SSaFE, this one might just be giving a false sense of safety.
I had a feeling that Shizuku Moe was based on the Tin Soldier! Heck yeah, mostly because of the singular leg. Also I imagine the reason why Suzuku Nanazu is in the hospital clothes is because of the mentioned operation, but there's just something unsettling about that blood bag with AKR written on it... I don't know if I get this one.

 I do think this album has potential to outdo UI in few ways already. As you've mentioned, the author tries different things or touches different genres each time (random cowboy western insert) and it does make his stuff more memorable, at least to me. While "Can the Corpus Delicti be Proven?" is still my favorite song from Burnyuho, I feel like that might change soon. While it's a shame we'll have to wait another year for the rest of the tracks, I hope it delivers.

--- Quote from: Wamby on July 05, 2020, 07:33:36 AM ---Aw yea I've been waiting for this thread. This sorta stuff is excellent and really helps pass the time between official releases.

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Thank you, happy to hear and hope you have a good time checking things me and others shared in these threads.


--- Quote from: Popcioslav on July 05, 2020, 11:19:38 AM ---There apparently was a Touhou event as of late? I know that technically if not for COVID-19 we'd have Reitaisai, but it seems like now a lot of artists are just releasing their albums or stuff in general and for free, which is also a surprise.
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That would be this year's Nico Dousai, yeah! It's a regular JP fandom event where people post any sort of Touhou content they've made to Nicovideo. (Though it's a regular thing, I'm sure Reitaisai's cancellation certainly had an impact on this year's turnout... ;;^^)

Speaking of fan albums, here's some more I've become aware of lately!
Heisei Kaigendou: Hifuu-style albums by Sajiboshi (youtube acct) (+ Kouno - own booth link, youtube)
Musou Kagekkyou: Hifuu-style and misc. albums by Hisui (youtube acct) (+ Kouno, likewise)
Kyouten Chidou: DiPP-style albums by Komainu (youtube acct)

(It feels like there's more and more Hifuu-style albums every time I go looking!! :V)
If there's any particular tracks or albums that someone would like TLs of, feel free to hit me up.

--- Quote from: Popcioslav on July 05, 2020, 11:19:38 AM ---Also I imagine the reason why Suzuku Nanazu is in the hospital clothes is because of the mentioned operation, but there's just something unsettling about that blood bag with AKR written on it... I don't know if I get this one.

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"AKR" seems to be the acronym for a specific breed of albino lab mouse. It's more like she was bred for certain genes rather than operated upon, so I figure the clothes and bag are because her genotype also has anemia or the like?

There were few things going with new album releases, I'm thinking about separating finished, unfinished and paid albums in a list or something since there's too many of them that I'm aware of. Also yes, I will cover Otherwordly Paradox.

For the time being, I can say Useless and co. will have a premiere of their next album so feel free to come join us!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JnyuWukH5GM

I've also learned the guy composed a lot of other songs that are free to use that are pretty good and in Touhou-style alongside Smells like Beer etc. I think there's one big DL link for it somewhere, might post it later.

Have a good one.

Small status update on Sweet Smells and Foolish Evils: while Burnyuho has announced that the album will not be finished in time for this year's Nico Dousai as previously planned, they've released the album cover, as well as a preview for an album of their old MIDI synth music to be released on the 20th.

SSaFE-related tidbits I've clued in to as a result of seeing the silhouette:
  -...first off, the silhouette was already visible at the end of the demo video and i didn't even realize :V lol
  -Uncreatable Idea hid some foreshadowing in the form of its fake score counter and graze counter, which displayed the birth/death dates of Parcelseus and the year that penicillin was discovered, respectively. (While it doesn't exactly count as foreshadowing, the Extra Stage's counters likewise displayed the birth/death dates of a serial killer that the EX boss referenced.) In SSaFE's case... the score counters display the start and end dates (according to JP wikipedia) of the Opium War? That certainly explains the oddly-shaped things the silhouette character is holding.
  -(the above might also serve as an alternate explanation (besides "morbid content") as to why Burnyuho put so many "i swear i don't condone IRL illegal activity!!" disclaimers on the album imo; Japan's government has extremely conservative moral standards abt drug stuff lol

Thanks for the info and reply, was also wondering what happened to this album
Gotta love Burnyuho's attempts at turning seemingly innocent projects into something else. Like, y'know what goes well with confectionary? DRUGS

I expect Snoop Dogg to be extra boss


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