I made an in-depth analysis of Touhou 19.
Read it in the Google Doc
hereDiscussion is encouraged... A user requested I post the actual analysis here instead of just leaving it as a google doc, so while I recommend the doc as it has better formatting I've also put it below.
Analysis of Touhou 19 UDoALG
This is a 13,000 word essay, you have been warned....
Touhou 19 is a game about balance that is itself unbalanced.
It's not the series' greatest outing gameplay wise but the plot is one of the most engaging. The remastered music is uninspired, but the new music is anything but. There's a lot of 'filler' in the character campaigns (reminiscent of the fighting games), but the narrative highs are the best the series has ever seen. Its symbolism and theming at times feels genius and a brilliant culmination of past games, but at other times ZUN's writing feels too cryptic and even careless for it to always stick the landing.
To a diehard like me I find all this both frustrating and a part of this game's (and the series') charm. You might ask how I can find flaws like this charming. The simple answer is because they're interesting. The nuanced answer is harder to describe. To quote ZUN from the manual of this game,
"As opposed to AI - which represents perfection, the inorganic, and 'ends over means' - what is imperfect, organic, with the importance put on the process [not the result]? Put simply, it is living creatures."
As meta as it is, the themes of UDoALG are tied closely with ZUN's own thoughts on game development and art. In making art, the process is more important than the final product, for it is in the process that art is born. Creators encounter problems and in doing so are forced to get creative, to think in new ways and learn new techniques, maybe even picking up whole new skills like digital art, coding, music composition and much else. Even if such problems are left for someone else to resolve new relationships, ideas and perspectives can be born from collaboration.
The process of making art is itself a breeding ground for ideas. To leave more and more of the process to AI is to give up thinking and kill possibility; a surrender to the ideology of the machine where the result is all that matters, and emptiness is better than something real.
'So you're justifying the flaws of the game by saying they are inevitable as a result of the imperfections of the human creator or worse, intentional?'
No, but the flaws are the result of a person and so can be an object of dialogue with the creator through their creation. That connection of the reader to the creator of a work is one of the real reasons why AI artworks can never replace the art of human beings, no matter how 'perfect' they may one day become. Thinking that a person made something is reason enough to try and understand it - to find it interesting. You can even forgive it.
ZUN describes AI creations as, "one of the answers that lies on the path of making everything efficient". If UDoALG can be said to be about anything, it is that there must be something better than trying to constantly optimize the humanity out of everything, even if for the sake of peace. This analysis aims to explore these themes as they are presented in UDoALG by dissecting the complicated plot, examining Zanmu's character, and finally by investigating the comparison the game makes between Reimu and Zanmu.
Part 1: Dissecting the PlotA Land That Belongs to No OneJust recently, I read the
Touhou wiki page for Zanmu in order to get an idea of what the community thinks about her and the game's plot. I don't agree with some of its interpretations of Zanmu's character and UDoALG's plot and it's also rather sparse in detail. Nevertheless, it's a good enough overview so I encourage you to at least skim it before going any further if you aren't already familiar, as it may be difficult to follow some of this analysis if you're going in without any context.
There are three broad questions that need to be answered when discussing the plot, and frankly none of them are given a straight and uncomplicated answer in-game. They are:
1. What is the true nature of the incident?
2. Why and how does Zanmu resolve the incident?
3. Why and how is Reimu able to finally subvert Zanmu's plan?
Part 1 of this analysis will be spent tackling each question in order, while diving into questions of interpretation and analysis of relevant themes and ideas as they present themselves.
The general answer to the first question is given before you even begin the first campaign. Reimu's story preamble says:
"Due to the influence of the market being opened [by Chimata], the ownership rights of the land were returned to nothingness. Spirits have begun to possess [take to] the land one after the other."
Among those spirits are the animal spirits from the Animal Realm. It is explained throughout the game that all three of the Yakuza factions from the Animal Realm are competing with each other and the myriad other spirits in Gensokyo to take control of Gensokyo's land rights (presumably by possessing it as a ghost might possess an object or a place, as such the precise wording of 'ownership rights of the land' can be interpreted as the right of a particular ghost to ghostly-possess a certain patch of land, which I guess is the ghost equivalent of owning a house). The incident could thus be described as a war for vacant land resources conducted among the spirits of Gensokyo and the foreign animal spirits of the Animal Realm. Sounds simple right?
Well, basically nothing is clarified beyond what I just explained. The game even goes out of its way on multiple occasions to hint that there's a lot more going on behind the curtain but just refuses to give straight and easy answers. One must ask, 'Why does Chimata opening the market return the ownership rights of the land to nothingness?' Reimu thinks at the beginning of the game that Chimata forcibly did this by using her ability of "letting one relinquish ownership", which Chimata in Unconnected Marketeers describes as, 'returning one's ownership of something to nothingness'.
As an aside, Chimata conflates returning ownership to nothingness with returning it to god, for in the Touhou universe gods originally existed within the primeval, nameless state of matter and spirit (chaos). At some point, those gods gave names and so identities to various things in nature, and human beings later gave names to the gods themselves, thus allowing them to manifest with an identity (before this "they were nameless entities with no particular distinctions").
Divinity in Touhou can thus be seen as something originally rooted in a primeval psychic simplicity that existed within all things. In this state of nothingness all things could be said to belong to the gods, and it was within their power to give names to all that was nameless and without identity; that which belongs to no one belongs to nature, and nature in Shintoism can be said to merely be another name for god. Thus, nothingness in a certain sense (but
only in a certain sense) is another name in this context for the divine element that permeates all of existence. This is a rather mystical and mysterious concept, but I am certain this is the idea Chimata is alluding to here as UM elsewhere references it in the form of the Izanagi Objects, which are objects from the time of the gods that do not possess names (all this information comes from
CoLA Chapter 15).
Back to the point at hand though. Near the end of the game Reimu corrects her initial view and says to Suika in a rather illuminating statement:
"I had assumed that Chimata had forcibly freed the land from all ownership. But actually, the land was naturally let go as a result of the market god appearing. In other words, this incident is a natural phenomenon... The only solution is to leave it alone."
I actually think this is one of the most important lines in the whole game, there's more hidden in it than meets the eye. First, what does Reimu mean when she says, "the land was naturally let go"? What even constitutes as 'naturally' in a context like this? In my eyes, there are two possible interpretations. The first is the lazy but uncomplicated interpretation. Marisa explains to Reimu in her scenario:
"There was land a portion of rich spirits weren't ever going to give up the rights to. Suddenly, those land rights were relinquished [My Translation]."
My thoughts originally were that it is considered unnatural in the Touhou universe for one person to hold onto the ownership of something (much less land) for too long/indefinitely, as some rich spirits were able to do in Gensokyo. As such Chimata, a market god whose existence would be considered natural in a world with the concept of ownership, restored the natural order just by passively exerting her influence (existing) in Gensokyo, and thus the rich spirits lost their land rights as a result of nature rectifying itself of what had been up until then an unnatural hoarding of land resources (the social commentary writes itself).
I am certain that I was dead wrong in thinking this.
First, it doesn't neatly square with what Reimu said. Surely nature 'rectifying itself' counts as Chimata forcibly freeing the land from all ownership, even if indirectly.
Second, and much more damning, is the existence of the spirit that Biten ate to awaken as an oni. The spirit in question is described as having 'influence' (the Japanese word 権力 implies political influence) and owns the land rights to the Sacred Land of the Yamanba at the foot of Youkai Mountain. They, unlike the other rich spirits, had not yet relinquished their land holdings, and "Just when they were hesitating on whether to return the land", Biten ate them. Karmic retribution, I guess.
This establishes that the land-owning spirits had a choice whether to return their land ownership to nothingness - there was no compulsion. And this is backed by the final reason I believe the first theory I presented to be wrong. It can be found hidden in Chimata's character profile from UM:
"For humans, letting go of things is difficult.
Even if you give it to someone, the information that it was a gift from you will remain.
Even if you throw it in the trash, or illegally dump it on a mountain, the information that someone left it there will remain.
Relinquishing ownership is no easy feat.
However, there exists a place where that act can be perfectly carried out.
The one place where people can exchange objects: the market.
By selling something at a market, you can completely give up possession of it."
The rich spirits, in order to completely give up their land rights, are required by the definition laid out here to sell those rights in the marketplace. Presumably before Chimata appeared this kind of transaction was either not appealing or just straight up impossible, I'm not sure which (I mean, what on earth would some 'rich spirits' be willing to trade their land for? Money to give the Yama? Speculation is invited).
Since it is stated clearly in UDoALG that ownership of the land rights returned to nothingness it seems obvious to me that the person they sold the rights to was none other than Chimata herself, and yes this is possible because at the end of each UM campaign Chimata thinks the heroines have come to sell their accumulated ability cards to her. Presumably selling something to Chimata within the bounds of her magical marketplace can be the same thing as returning the ownership of that something to the primeval nothingness (ownerlessness) from whence it came, since Chimata is in this case representative of nature (the gods) and thus cannot be an 'owner' of something in the traditional sense.
This explains why it was not forced by Chimata, as the business of buying and selling is, at least in Chimata's marketplace, a voluntary exercise. It also explains why Reimu calls this 'natural' and the incident which followed a 'natural phenomenon'. In one meaning of the word 'natural', it is of course natural for the spirits to sell their land rights if they found the conditions of the transaction attractive. And in the other meaning of the word, similar to what I wrote earlier, it is natural in the Touhou-verse for ownership to be lost and gained through the marketplace. Chimata's character profile says:
"These days, the buying and selling of things has come to occur without a market's involvement much more often, and as a result there is an utter glut [flood] of ownership rights. [Chimata] lamented this fact."
As it is Chimata, a marketplace god, who laments this it is clear that what the rich spirits have done is unnatural. Under a true market like the one brought by Chimata, the land rights of the ghosts of Gensokyo naturally change hands over time and no spirit feels the need to hoard their wealth (land).
That is, except, for the spirit who possessed political influence. They hesitated to part with their land, because in addition to whatever the benefits are of being a rich, land-owning spirit, this spirit also possessed some political power (probably because of their connection to the Sacred Land of the Yamanba and its unique position in Youkai Mountain politics) and so was more hesitant to give up that power. As a result of their greed, they were eaten by an outcast monkey.
The social commentary writes itself.In the end the land returns to nothingness (god), and a great clamour of spirits appear to try and claim the ownership rights for themselves. But in comes the animal spirits from the Animal Realm, fully equipped with numbers, power, and an ideology where the strong take (
弱肉強食, The Strong Eat the Weak). With their appearance, the squabble for land threatens to devolve into a war where three powerful factions consolidate all the land for themselves. But as a result of Zanmu's plan this is stopped in its tracks, and at the end of the story the ownership rights settle in the hands of a bunch of nameless spirits. Almost as if, while everyone else was fighting, they just possessed a bit of land, settled in, and waited for the assigned statutory time to pass when the universe would consider them the new ghostly owner.
It was the unrealized dream of such meek ghosts that they would one day possess their own ghost home, and I guess their own ghost family with a dog. Perhaps in life, no matter how hard these poor spirits worked they never got the opportunity to own their own house, probably because some rich tossers hoarded all the land for themselves. But in Gensokyo a true market exists, and anyone who works hard enough can achieve their modest dreams.
For you see, my dear reader, the title, 'Unfinished Dream of All Living Ghost' refers to the American Dream. I **** you not.
The Palm of the BuddhaHaving answered the first question as to the true nature of the incident to the best of my ability, I want to talk about the real meat of the plot - Zanmu's grand plan.
Luckily, the majority of Zanmu's plan to resolve the incident is explained by herself to Suika in Suika's ending:
“Z: Look at them [everyone involved in the incident], running along the palm of my hand,
the world is moving just as I think it to.
S: So, having made the world move as you think it, what do you actually want to accomplish?
Z: Protect the surface from the Animal Realm and Hell.
If left unchecked, the beasts will fight each other for control of the surface.
And the oni of Hell would also move in to stop them.
S: ...
Z: If that happens, Gensokyo could never hope to return to its idyllic state.
That's why I told everyone in Hell that I would handle the situation,
and that they should stay put until then.
Provoke the beasts in the right amounts, make them keep each other in check,
and slip spies into their ranks so that they can be controlled.
Having bought some time, the incident will naturally subside.
See? Simple, is it not?”
I won't get into Zanmu's motivations and true goals until much later, but I'll just add that Zanmu's main apprehension is further described in her character profile:
"If the oni [of Hell] and the beasts [of the Animal Realm] were to wage war on the surface, the surface would literally become a picture of hell."
Being a person who apparently despises the cruelty of war due to her past experiences in Sengoku period Japan, Zanmu decided to take action to avoid this outcome, as that cruelty to her is "unneeded in Gensokyo" (Zanmu's character profile).
Zanmu before the events of the game manipulated the three Animal Realm factions to invade at the same time so that they would end up fighting each other for control of the land. The 'spies' Zanmu sent in are Biten for Yachie's faction, Enoko for Saki's faction, and Chiyari for Toutetsu's faction. These three were tasked to preserve the three-way balance of the three beast factions, so that by constantly fighting each other the nameless spirits of Gensokyo would get the time needed to claim the land for themselves. We don't know much of the nitty gritty details, but the main function the three served lay in the traps Zanmu planted on their persons.
She gave each of them objects with a transportation trap which would activate if another tried to touch them (the objects are Biten's staff, Enoko's jewel, and Chiyari's syringes). The victim would be transported to hell, usually directly to Zanmu (though judging by Nazrin and Seiran's routes, Biten and co. had some leeway of where in hell to send their victim - to be honest the actual mechanics are left extremely vague). The reason for this was so Zanmu could personally deal with anyone who tried to defeat the three beast factions. She says to Reimu, "even if you fight [one of the beast factions] that will only bring benefits to the others (Reimu's scenario)". Basically, if someone like Reimu or Marisa tried to stop the beast factions they would only succeed in upsetting the delicate balance of power between them, thus making it easier for one of the other factions to take land for themselves.
But how does Zanmu dissuade those who get caught in these traps from further meddling? At face value it just looks like she tells them to stop intervening, fights them, and then sends them all back home. Doesn't seem like it'd be effective. However if you read between the lines it's obvious that Zanmu is using her ability on them. This is:
"The Ability to Manipulate Nothingness"It is no exaggeration to say that figuring out what this ability actually does is the most important and most difficult interpretive problem for understanding the plot. Like seriously there is way too much you can read into it, so most of the rest of this section will be devoted to its analysis.
There is one line in the game that further describes it - from Yachie's ending:
"The ability to return everything to nothingness, to crave nothingness."
The 'return everything to nothingness' part is notable because in the original Japanese it is identical to the terminology used to describe Chimata's ability to return ownership to nothingness (無に帰す), which would imply Zanmu's ability shares similarities with Chimata's. Indeed it is notable that Zanmu's appearance coincides with an incident that revolves around the land returning to nothingness. Putting that aside though, the second part - "to crave nothingness" - is more important at present, as it helps explain the behaviour of those affected by Zanmu's ability.
Beginning with Yachie, after fighting Zanmu she clearly loses her drive:
"It wasn't clear when, but the goal had shifted from
conquering the surface to maintaining the present state of affairs.
For some reason, whenever Yachie began to have doubts [about her current condition] a feeling of helplessness would wash over her.
After a bit, she would once again want to fight.
Things like that seemed to repeat for her."
The image here is very clear - Yachie has fallen into a rut. You could almost say she's depressed. Instead of ambition, she desires the status quo (which in this case is the same as desiring nothing). She literally can't even hold any real thoughts (doubts) that could lead to her breaking out of this rut, because when she starts to think it just hits her that it's pointless to even try (the feeling of helplessness).
It reminds me of someone who has been so crushed by their reality that they've given up even trying to get themselves out of the ditch they've found themself in. Someone who, having experienced too many failures, butted up against too many insurmountable walls, felt too great of a disappointment, has simply given up. Yachie has lost her ambitious, driven self, despite occasionally getting the urge to fight again. Due to Zanmu's ability she craves only what's safe for her: the status quo, nothingness... an empty mind.
This idea I've raised of Yachie being unable to hold any 'real thoughts' and craving an 'empty mind' is closely connected with a word that Zanmu uses a few times throughout the game. This word is 空想 ('kuusou'), typically translated as 'fantasy' or 'daydream', but more literally means 'thought without any reality or substance', or 'empty thought' (I will translate it this way from now on for clarity's sake). It's a peculiar word, because it's similar to the word usually used in Touhou that we also translate in English as fantasy, 幻想 ('gensou', like Gensoukyo), which literally means 'illusory thought' or 'fantastical thought'. This similarity is no mere coincidence. In fact, ZUN has compared the two words before in
CoLA chapter 3:
"An imagination based on more imaginations is no more than an empty thought [空想]. The different kinds of imagination are ranked in the order: Empty Thought [空想], Delusion, Prediction, the Virtual, and Fantasy [幻想]." [My Translation]
What Rinnosuke is saying here is that 'empty thought' is the lowest form of imagination because it has absolutely no basis in reality ("an imagination based on more imaginations"), which is to say it is the closest to nothingness. You can see why this word might be translated as 'daydream', because daydreams are typically seen as idle, without meaning, without concern for how 'realistic' their contents may be, and often so inconsequential and hazy you forget them the moment they end. On the other end is 'fantasy', which I like to think refers to the kind of robust imagination that is a reflection of human experience and is communicative of deeper truths, like Lord of the Rings or even Touhou itself.
As Zanmu is closely associated with this word 'empty thought' I believe it is key for understanding her ability and, as I shall discuss throughout this analysis, the themes of the story.
With this ability Zanmu was able to limit Yachie's capacity to doubt her own depressed condition. As this doubt is quashed by a feeling of 'helplessness' I think at bottom Zanmu's ability is making Yachie craven. To go a bit further, I believe her ability is able to limit the imagination of others through the sheer intensity of the impression which she leaves on them, be that through her charisma or her terrifying strength.
In this state it is her own power of imagination (and not that of others) that comes to control the future. Zanmu says to Yuuma, "It is the future that I want, to manipulate everything and create the future [My Translation]", and Suika says to Zanmu, "Your power of imagination to create the future... It's always amazed me to see." By making all of her rivals abandon thought and imagination she becomes the sole mastermind and architect of the future. In that future she rules over a Kingdom of Nothingness and empty thought as the "King of the Silent Bliss of Nirvana", for in that false Nirvana is the silence of an irresistible peace. As she says to Yuuma, "You
have no choice but to live in the palm of my hand! Understand? You wretched beast!"
Through the power to manipulate nothingness everyone is fated to live in the palm of Zanmu's hand, from which there is no escape.
Look at Marisa, where her ending says:
"Marisa had been trying not to remember.
About the dream where she fought an oni in a mysterious place.
About the fact she'd convinced herself it was a dream.
The chaos on the surface continues.
However, Marisa's interest has moved from the ownership rights of the surface to the magic item in front of her."
Marisa, like Yachie, has shifted her goals after her encounter with Zanmu. Marisa's job might not be incident resolution, but she clearly thinks of herself as an incident resolution specialist like Reimu and even actively competes to solve incidents before Reimu does. It is out of character for her to just ignore the chaos happening in Gensokyo and someone as suspicious as Zanmu. Instead, she takes what is for her the path of least resistance - satisfying her endless curiosity and collector's habit.
And how does all of this work? She was actively sealing away her memory of Zanmu - trying not to think about her experiences in hell - almost as if it were some traumatic memory she was subconsciously suppressing. Another instance of craving the nothingness of thoughtlessness. In Marisa's case you could call her shift of interest to Enoko's orb little more than escapism; the 'Will to Nothingness'.
Sanae in her ending also suppresses her memory of Zanmu by convincing herself it was a dream. Zanmu even says to her before their fight “Now you must choose. Forget it all, or return to nothingness!” If Sanae loses Zanmu says, “So, you chose to return to nothingness”, which implies if Sanae wins she will “forget it all” instead, which is indeed what happens in her ending.
What is curious though is that while Sanae does indeed suppress her memories she clearly hasn’t fully forgotten them. You might think, ‘Ok then so Zanmu can cause people to suppress memories by using her ability, but she can’t actually completely delete them.’ You would think this, but Ran’s scenario indicates otherwise. In it, Ran (unlike the other incident resolvers) seemingly never encounters Zanmu even though she meets Chiyari. The precedent set by Marisa and Sanae’s stories, where Enoko and Biten trigger the transportation trap and send them to Zanmu, makes the player think Ran will be ensnared in a similar fashion in turn by Chiyari. But this never happens. Instead, she goes to the Animal Realm of her own accord and fights Yuuma. Cue her ending, which cryptically says:
"What was the ‘trap’ [Suika] told her about?
Had Ran fallen for it, had she avoided it,
or had it never existed to begin with?
Ending No. 04: The Fox’s Lost Memories”
What is this ending referring to when it says, “The Fox’s Lost Memories”? It can really only be one thing. Ran DID fall into a transportation trap and meet Zanmu, we just didn’t see it. This happened after the fight with Yuuma, since we learn from Rin’s scenario that Yuuma has one of Chiyari’s syringes with a transportation trap. Rin in her story is duped by Yuuma and teleported to Zanmu, an event which chronologically occurs just before Ran’s fight with Yuuma. It makes sense to think that Ran also fell into the trap after her fight and met Zanmu.
What this means is that Zanmu is indeed capable of deleting or completely (not just partially) suppressing memories. We don’t know the full conditions for this ability, but it still begs the question:
‘Why did Zanmu delete/completely suppress Ran’s memories of her but not those of the others?’To answer, we have to step back a bit. Remember that Zanmu wants to achieve peace in Gensokyo and to dictate its future, presumably so it can live in a perpetual peace of her design. Zanmu’s ending elaborates more:
“Truth be told, Zanmu intended to bring both the Animal Realm and Gensokyo under her control. That is, to make them a part of Hell.”
But exactly how was she planning to do this to Gensokyo? It’s not exactly a place that would be easy to take control of, with the likes of Reimu, Yukari, Kasen, Okina etc. around. The final conversation between Zanmu and Reimu in Zanmu’s scenario contains the answer:
“Z: Fight me, and defeat me.
R: Huh? What's that about?
Z: "The incident in Gensokyo just solved itself." That won't ease the people's fears.
It won't amount to true incident resolution.
"The shrine maiden fixed everything by defeating the mastermind, Zanmu."
Render it that way. That alone will stabilize Gensokyo.
I'll give you the credit for resolving the incident.
You'll take it, won't you?
R: Hmph. No, thanks. I know what your true plans are!
You want to leave your shadow in everyone who's involved in the incident.
Even if I take the credit for resolving the incident, your shadow will always remain in my heart.
I want no part of that!”
To put it simply, Zanmu wishes to "leave her shadow in everyone who's involved in the incident" as it will give her the power to bring Gensokyo under her control. You might fairly ask, 'What the hell does that even mean?' Because frankly, outside of Chiyari's ending which mentions Zanmu's shadow in passing we get no clarification on it. However, it's obvious to me that it refers to the impression she leaves on others, and how that impression acts as a window for Zanmu to influence people through her ability.
In Ran's ending, Yukari says, "calling [the incident] a natural phenomenon will reduce the mastermind's influence in Gensokyo, wouldn't you agree?" The word 'influence' here in Japanese is 影響力, which uses the kanji for shadow 影. In other words, Zanmu's 'shadow' is mostly just an ominous way of referring to her influence over the people involved in the incident amplified through her ability. This influence, as discussed earlier, is mostly about removing opposition so that all can move according to Zanmu's masterplan.
From this you can see why Zanmu left a shadow of a memory in the minds of those who encountered her, instead of fully deleting them like she did with Ran. As for why Ran's memories were completely removed, it's clear to me this was to avoid Yukari learning of her plan, and as I'll explain in the next section Zanmu had a damn good reason for not wanting to get Yukari involved.
Back to exploring the full extent of the power of Zanmu's shadow. Remember that everyone besides Reimu basically gave up trying to actively oppose Zanmu or understand her plan after encountering her. And yes this includes Mamizou and Yuuma despite initial impressions.
Mamizou fears the transportation traps and even admits that she doesn't understand what Zanmu is trying to do - an indirect way of saying she's a long way from properly investigating Zanmu's scheme. Her ending does say that she ignores Zanmu's warning to stop her 'selfish' meddling with the incident, but this in no way amounts to Mamizou opposing Zanmu in any meaningful way, or attempting to escape from the palm of her hand. Yuuma on the other hand clearly opposes Zanmu, and even keeps Chiyari around thinking:
"From Toutetsu's point of view, [Chiyari] is her only link to Zanmu.
As a possible trump card to combat Zanmu,
There was nothing else but her."
But notice how weak this really sounds. Chiyari
may end up being a trump card, the only one Yuuma can think of. It is an incredibly passive and reactive stance to take. She literally can't even think of a more proactive, concrete strategy to fight back, and instead pins her hopes on somebody else maybe being useful someday.
The truth is nobody can resist Zanmu after meeting her. Whether it's because she's too overwhelming and a helpless feeling washes over them (Yachie), or because she's so charismatic that they forget their pride and obey her (Saki), or because she instills fear into them (Mamizou), or just because they can't understand Zanmu and her plan and so give up thinking (basically everyone), nobody has the guts and imagination to try and escape her shadow which rests on their hearts.
Just think of what this means if she succeeds. After the incident she would face little opposition from Reimu, Marisa, Sanae, Mamizou, and then whoever else she brings to heel like Yukari or Okina. With the combination of her ability, her intelligence, her charisma, her power as an oni, and her popularity in hell - and thus control of at least some of its forces - Gensokyo couldn't hope to avoid being controlled by her if she so desired it (heck, she even ominously says to Reimu in Reimu's scenario that she hasn't yet invaded Gensokyo with the beasts from the Animal Realm).
But the true extent of her shadow goes even further than that. Even after everything I've said a lot remains undefined and unclear for just how broad in scope her power is, and there are aspects of the incident I haven't brought up yet which puts into question just how deep her involvement really is, and the full extent of her machinations.
Up against someone like this, how does Reimu - a dumbass compared to Zanmu - thwart her plan in the end? How does she escape from the palm of Zanmu, the false Buddha who promises peace in a Nirvana of empty thought?
For Zanmu is a picture of what you might call the anti-Buddha. In life, a "depraved Buddhist monk" (Zanmu's profile), now a 'self-righteous oni' (Suika's ending) who sits under a tiny bodhi tree on a rock of skulls in mockery of the enlightenment of the historical Buddha, thinking that it is
her palm that Son Wukong could not escape from in the story. But she is a fake Buddha, just as Biten is a fake Son Wukong and Enoko is a fake Cerberus and Chiyari is a fake Chupacabra. For the enlightenment which leads to Nirvana in Buddhism is an enlightenment of clear thought, not the muddled thought of daydreams. From her palm, unlike the Buddha, there is one who can escape, who flies above reality itself in the realm of fantasy without empty thought.
The Flying Shrine MaidenAt the beginning of the story Reimu - almost by accident - ends up going to Zanmu by foot instead of falling into a transportation trap. After their confrontation Zanmu tells Reimu to watch as she neutralises the three Animal Factions and quells the incident, to which Reimu’s ending says:
“Reimu felt fear in the bottom of her heart.
Her intuition is saying that [Zanmu] is the incident's culprit, but at the same time felt that she wasn't an enemy.
An enemy who is also an ally. She’s the seed of anxiety, but also feels reassuring.
If this is what oni are, neither humans nor animals stand a chance against them.”
Reimu, presumably like everyone else, felt a shadow of fear fall over heart. And, come to think of it, Zanmu is almost like an embodiment of fear, as to manipulate nothingness is in a sense to manipulate the unknowable and the unknown, the source of fear. But unlike everyone else who fell to Zanmu’s ability which took root in fear, making them flee to empty thoughts, suppression of memory, and resignation, Reimu continued her investigation. In both Biten and Enoko’s scenarios Reimu appears and says to them:
“After stepping back and observing the incident I realised who the bad guys were.
I let you wander free until you showed your hand!
You’re a pawn of that oni from hell. Prepare to be exorcised!”
She then explains to both how she discovered each of their connections to Zanmu, showing that though Reimu was willing to let Zanmu handle the three Animal Factions (she followed Zanmu’s directions not to interfere with them) she still continued to investigate Zanmu and her plan, since her intuition told her she was still an enemy. She even seems to plaintively muse about Zanmu’s true motivations:
“Biten/Enoko: That’s why I’m working to fulfil [Zanmu’s] wishes.
Everything rests in the palm of Master Zanmu's hand...
Reimu: …Zanmu’s wishes, huh?”
To me, it sounds like Reimu understands on some level that what Zanmu truly wants is similar to what she herself wants - peace. Even Zanmu seems to think that on this point they are similar, as her story preamble says:
"Anyone who opposes peace is an enemy of the future.
Don't you agree? Reimu Hakurei." [My Translation]
Given all of this, it doesn’t come as a surprise when in Suika’s scenario Suika and Reimu have this conversation:
“S: In the midst of all this fuss you haven’t made a move?
R: Because [the incident] was already resolved.
[Explains how the incident is a natural phenomenon]
…the only solution is to leave it alone.
S: …Is it natural? Or else [Reimu’s] ability to fly through the sky?
Is Reimu the only one who isn’t in Zanmu’s palm?”
Reimu alone does not succumb to the 空想 (empty thought) of Zanmu, because as Suika points out Reimu’s ability is the ability to fly through the sky (空を飛ぶ), in other words the ability to fly above 空, which is used in 空想 as meaning ‘empty’. Reimu’s ability to fly in the sky literally doubles as the ability to fly above empty thought, and perhaps even nothingness itself. She is in other words a direct counter to Zanmu’s ability. Which shouldn’t be surprising, because out of Rinnosuke’s hierarchy of thoughts which I discussed earlier Reimu surely represents the highest, Fantasy (幻想, 'gensou' for Gensoukyo).
An important question here is why does Reimu realising that the incident is a natural phenomenon mean she has escaped Zanmu’s control? The answer goes back to what Zanmu said to Reimu in their final confrontation:
""The incident in Gensokyo just solved itself." That won't ease the people's fears.
It won't amount to true incident resolution.
"The shrine maiden fixed everything by defeating the mastermind, Zanmu."
Render it that way. That alone will stabilize Gensokyo.
I'll give you the credit for resolving the incident."
wants to be seen as the shadowy mastermind, who somehow orchestrated the incident for her own ends. If everyone in Gensokyo thinks that Zanmu was the mastermind, a suspicious figure from hell, then it would be a victory for her like when Yukari stole the saké from the Lunarians in SSiB. The whole point of Yukari’s second ‘war’ against the Lunarians was to set the fear of Youkai and Gensokyo in Eirin. Similarly, Zanmu’s whole point of desiring to be seen as the mastermind is to manufacture a vague fear towards herself from the residents of Gensokyo. This shadow of fear is likely a precondition to use her ability on people, but even if it isn't her modus operandi is manipulating those who fear or love her. A populace that regards her with fear is something she can control with her incredible power of imagination so that, when the time comes, she can possess their future for the sake of peace.
In not falling for the false narrative that Zanmu is the mastermind of the incident, and also refusing to fight her for the sake of ‘solving the incident’, Reimu finally acts outside of Zanmu's plan.
Realising the final part of her plan has failed, Zanmu says:
“If you plan to escape from my palm now, I no longer need to purposefully lose.
Instead I will strike the true terror of oni into your heart!
Let that terror be carved to the ends of your imagination! Human of many futures!”
And after beating the daylights out of her, Zanmu decides to 'entrust Gensokyo to Reimu' (Zanmu's ending), because in Reimu she had seen many better futures for Gensokyo than the sole one she could provide (Reimu is the "Human of many futures").
Before I finish Part 1 of this analysis, I'd just like to acknowledge that Reimu did not escape Zanmu's palm by her power alone. It was with the help of Suika, Hisami, and... YUKARI!? that she won in the end.
Yes, you read that right. Yukari.
When Reimu is explaining to Suika how she knows the incident is a natural phenomenon (because of which Suika concludes that Reimu is not in the palm of Zanmu's hand and so gives her the advice she needs to upend Zanmu's plans), she ends her explanation by using the Japanese particle for quoting someone, と. In other words, someone
told her this. And wouldn't you know it, in Ran's ending after Ran explains to Yukari that the incident is in truth a 'natural phenomenon', Yukari says Ran's explanation is 'fine', in the sense that what she's looking for isn't the truth, but a narrative suited for her purposes:
Y: Calling it a natural phenomenon will reduce the mastermind's influence in Gensokyo, wouldn't you agree?
R: So there is someone pulling the strings, if I understand your words correctly?
Y: I've said that no-one's pulling the strings. It was a set of coincidental events. Merely a natural phenomenon.
And Yukari, just like she did in HSiFS, tipped off Reimu about this, ultimately securing the win.
Another victory for border team.
Continuation for Part 2 below in reply #5.