> "The moon is possible. Come to think of it, I think the report from when my subordinates wound up in the Outside World for a bit suggested that someone traveled from Gensokyo to the moon, and that was part of the reason why everything happened. Maybe this is also related. I also suddenly get a small feeling that we should determine where in this Dream Gensokyo we are right now."
> "Maybe some part of the village?" Reisen questions.
> "If we don't look like our more recent selves, and our other body halves aren't here in this place that seems like it could be a dream, then..." Sanae considers.
> "Have any of you seen the moon recently, then?" Youmu questions."
> Reisen shakes her head.
> "I don't think it's any of their doing..." Rei'sen states.
> "Aha." Sanae snaps, and as does Rumia, in suddenly appearing beside her again. "It's crazy thinking, but what if we're not in someone's dream, but
something's?" Sanae questions. "I don't think anyone would remember a place as uninteresting as this, at least not without something significant also happening or being here, but you know what would, while also dreaming of us like this?"
> No one's following her, given their expressions...
> "Huh?" Rumia questions, looking over to Sanae. "Okay, one, you're thinking what I'm thinking. Two, that's another... "movement" method here I guess...?"
> "Really?" Sanae questions, happy that sometimes catching on to her...deduction.