> What serious objectives do we have at the moment, and how might possessing the Mallet help complete them?
> Based on our behavior since this whole Iris competition thing started, what silly objectives do we have at the moment, and how might possessing the mallet help complete them?
> That'd be figuring out what's the deal with Iris and if this 'founding crystal' can help fulfill your greatest desire of liberating Gensokyo's oppressed weaklings.
Viva la revolución!> Well you wouldn't call it silly, but Sariel has all but disappeared shortly after her arrival in Gensokyo. You can't help but wonder if her unusual height and six-winged figure didn't attract unwanted attention on her way to the Scarlet Mansion. Then there's this sword Kogasa revealed to be a lost magical artifact. You're not sure how it helps you now, but your gut is telling you that it'll be important later. Finally this 'telephone' thing Sanae showed you looked useful, but Kourindou is closed until tomorrow.
> As for the mallet? It may as well be a second replica mallet without the Inchling Princess to wield it. Despite that, you can't think of something you couldn't ask or otherwise convince Shinmyoumaru to summon for you?
> Today's events have also left you feeling drained and exhausted, so you'd also rank getting some rest as an important, more immediate objective.