Author Topic: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)  (Read 66760 times)

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Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
« Reply #180 on: May 13, 2024, 11:06:28 AM »
> One doesn't simply make such an elaborate outfit within a few hours. We've only known each other for so little time, might she be a..... secret admirer?
> Anyone she invites over?  The dress is awfully specific to us...

>W-well the gifts and outfit she gave were way too specific for "Just being nice". Who just gives someone perfume and an entire custom outfit for "Just being nice"?
>But what would you even do if she liked you? You've never had any experience in anyone liking you this much.
>Then again, maybe she would like it if you approached her. You are a brave and headstrong Celestial! She probably likes that aspect of you, if anything. Yeah, you're gonna do it!
>In fact, why would she not like you?!

> "Can you please show me the right stance then?
> Readjust our stance based on Youmu's advice to better take advantage of our lower body strength and focus on such strength for our next swing.

>Youmu adjusts your body physically while explaining the reasoning behind the stance.
>"Lean forward a bit and raise your head, this will allow you to prepare your movements faster while keeping your view straight on your adversary. Keep you sword in an upper guard with your left foot in front, this is called Hidari-Jodan-Gamae. It's main advantage are the reach and speed of your strike, though it has poor defensive measures due to multiple key body parts being open. Though with your unique body and willingness to fight, you'll probably live any blows and scare off any enemies trying to get close."
>"And now... Swing downwards from your stance. You want the blade to go through the target and your body follows to add more force. Though... considering your blade, you might not need extra force. Even with my Roukanken, to which the things that it cannot cut are close to none, I use extra force in case I meet that extreme outlier."

>You space yourself from the Couch Grass and swing downwards with your body following through.
>You Sword of Hisou cleaves the root in twain with nary a problem. Youmu then picks it up and throws it into a bucket of destroyed weeds.
>"Great job!" Her smile seems genuine. "Now we can practice attacking while moving, that will be very useful due to the nature of Spell Card Duels and speed up this whole thing. Though... do you want to take a break? Your face is very red and your breathing is heavy."
>What is she talking about?! You're not blushing! Wait she didn't say you were blushin-
>Let's just get on with it!

Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
« Reply #181 on: May 13, 2024, 01:01:11 PM »
> "I'm f-fine thank you very much. Let's just move on okay?"

> Adopt the Hidari-Jodan-Gamae stance and start walking through the garden.
> Once we see any weeds, give them a good strike while moving.


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Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
« Reply #182 on: May 13, 2024, 03:03:39 PM »
> Ask Youmu if a particular type of weather could be helpful.

> Think of ways we could approach miss Saigyouji.

Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
« Reply #183 on: May 14, 2024, 10:21:07 PM »
> Ask Youmu if a particular type of weather could be helpful.

>"...A clear, blue sky. Or Spring weather, like a light sprinkle."

> "I'm f-fine thank you very much. Let's just move on okay?"

> Adopt the Hidari-Jodan-Gamae stance and start walking through the garden.
> Once we see any weeds, give them a good strike while moving.

>You calm your nerves from thinking of your sweetheart host and move while keeping your stance.
>At first it feels very stiff, like you're holding back your range of movements just for decorum. But eventually you get used to moving while keeping the stance and starting to see what Youmu is talking about.
>You move faster on the ground than before, somehow, and your swings go muc h further than before. Originally you would've had to extend your blade to hit at the ranges you are now, but it just feels like the regular range for your Sword now. Your vertical swings are fast and oppressive, overwhelming the enemy force of weeds.

> Think of ways we could approach miss Saigyouji.

>How to approach that ever-blossoming cherry blossom...
>You could just walk up to her normally and ask her out c-confirm if she really is an admirer of yours, of course!
>You could give her hints with a gift, just like she's likely doing with you. But what kind of gift? Could you even procure one right now?
>You could invite her to a gathering or a party? Maybe to a secluded location for a talk? Though that might look suspicious.
>Or you could flirt, but flirting is something that you've never done and probably never will do. You tell people if you like or hate them, you don't tip-toe around it.
>This is all assuming she says yes likes you is ready to accept your proposal... Wait that sounds worse!

> Youmu dumps another set of Weed Carcasses into her bucket. "We're almost done here. Prepare yourself, this next part is probably the roughest. It will help you integrate flying into your swordplay however. Another key adaptation to make in Gensokyo."
« Last Edit: May 14, 2024, 10:24:49 PM by WitheringFlowerCrown »


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Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
« Reply #184 on: May 15, 2024, 12:33:49 AM »
> Let's try to combine both of Youmu's suggestions and summon a 'sunshower'!  A clear blue sky with a light drizzle to soften the ground.

> Yuyuko clearly loves her gardens, so how about summoning and maintaining the perfect weather for growing flowers while we're here!
> Try summoning such weather in the gardens outside the area we're working in.

Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
« Reply #185 on: May 19, 2024, 10:23:30 AM »
#This is the longest I've been absent and I apologise. My glasses suddenly broke and I had to get them replaced.

> Let's try to combine both of Youmu's suggestions and summon a 'sunshower'!  A clear blue sky with a light drizzle to soften the ground.

>>"Summon the weather in that area over there." She points to a sectioned off area where the largest Cherry Blossom tree you've ever seen is. Unlike all the other plants around here, it's not blossomed and it looks like it hasn't in a while.

>Right, a Sunshower. The border between Rain and Clear sky, or Sudden Rains during clear skies. You know of a Gap Hag with such a weather. And thankfully you still have some power left so you won't have to slice open a person's Spirit.
>Your Sword of Hisou changes color into a Sunset Red, it glows similarly to dappled sunlight and you raise it to the sky.

[ Attachment: You are not allowed to view attachments ] Weather: Sunshower
Effect: All Defences are greatly lowered but stamina recovers faster. Incorrectly blocking an attack may lead to injuries. Extracting power from Spirits becomes easier.

> Yuyuko clearly loves her gardens, so how about summoning and maintaining the perfect weather for growing flowers while we're here!
> Try summoning such weather in the gardens outside the area we're working in.

>Right! She'll  certainly appreciate making her life easier in this aspect.
>Now... Good weather for Gardening...
>The Hakugyokurou, and the Netherworld in general, doesn't suffer from fluctuating weather. So you should make sure this sticks. A light Drizzle ought to do it.

>You cut yourself on your Sword a bit, you're running out of Power and you don't want to harm any Spirits, then your blade changes into a white, cloudy hue. Then you point it upwards, and a Drizzle pops into existence from clear skies.

>"Our next step is to deal with the Saigyou Ayakashi. This is treacherous despite the fact that it hasn't bloomed in ages. You're going to need to fly for this and you'll see why soon."

Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
« Reply #186 on: May 19, 2024, 01:05:13 PM »
> Let us move on from this weather summoning. We ought to do a good job in order to impress Miss Yuyuko and win her heart have Youmu tutor us properly.

> "What do you mean by treacherous? it's just a tree right?"
> Fly over to see what she's talking about.


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Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
« Reply #187 on: May 19, 2024, 08:56:59 PM »
// I saw a health bar and for a moment I thought we had somehow started a battle haha!

> Glance back at the mansion, what are our companions up to?
> How big is this tree compared to the others or the mansion?

Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
« Reply #188 on: May 20, 2024, 03:18:46 PM »
#Hah, yeah. That bar is just the timer for the Weather. It wasn't really relevant before, but it's going to be soon.

> Let us move on from this weather summoning. We ought to do a good job in order to impress Miss Yuyuko and win her heart have Youmu tutor us properly.

> "What do you mean by treacherous? it's just a tree right?"
> Fly over to see what she's talking about.

>"This is not a normal tree. The Saigyou Ayakashi lures people to their deaths by its beauty. There's a long story behind it, but that's all you need to know for now."
>Luring people to their death... That sounds very similar to Yuyuko's ability. That can't be relevant, right?
>You fly up to see the tree and see the absolutely massive Cherry Blossom Tree surrounded by Spirits. Some have kept their form and are just looking at it, enraptured, others seem to have completely lost their form and are just floating around it.
>And... are the roots of the tree moving?

// I saw a health bar and for a moment I thought we had somehow started a battle haha!

> Glance back at the mansion, what are our companions up to?
> How big is this tree compared to the others or the mansion?

>You look back at the mansion and realise your companions are not in Hakugyokurou. You remember them saying they would keep watch at the bottom of the stairs.
>Yuyuko is watching you with a smile though, so that's a definite morale boost!
>The tree is taller than the entire shrine and is so big that it takes up an entire section devoted to it. Frankly, you're surprised you didn't notice this tree the moment you arrived in Hakugyokurou.

Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
« Reply #189 on: May 20, 2024, 03:31:23 PM »
> "So are we supposed to just give it a trim?"


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Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
« Reply #190 on: May 20, 2024, 09:20:25 PM »
> "It ought to grow back thicker after a good trim, at least that's how the peach trees in heaven work..."

> Ponder if there's anything else we could do to make it look nicer?  Youmu mentioned it hasn't bloomed I'm ages.  Is there anything we've learned in all our years as a Celestial that might help?

Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
« Reply #191 on: May 21, 2024, 10:21:57 PM »
> "So are we supposed to just give it a trim?"
> "It ought to grow back thicker after a good trim, at least that's how the peach trees in heaven work..."

> Ponder if there's anything else we could do to make it look nicer?  Youmu mentioned it hasn't bloomed I'm ages.  Is there anything we've learned in all our years as a Celestial that might help?

>Youmu looks at you with a straight face before grinning. "Yes. Yes, we will just give it a trim."
>She then throws away all of her other gardening equipment and unsheathes her Roukanken. "Just a trim."

>Something tells you this will be the most stressful trimming of your life.

>Hmm, usually when plants don't bloom for extremely long periods of time it's because the area they grow in is cursed. But considering you're in the Netherworld, it would be a better guess to say it's Sealed somehow. You would guess that unsealing the Saigyou Ayakashi would make it bloom.
>But failing that, culling any dead branches should help.

>You walk with Youmu towards the section that the Saigyou Ayakashi has control over. The roots have spread everywhere, contained by Shimenawa demarcating the Hakugyokurou from the Saigyou Ayakashi's domain.
>The moment you move close to the Saigyou Ayakashi you feel something... tugging you.
>You immediately recognise this as the allure of death and shake it off.
>"Huh, good job. I guess being a Celestial must give you some experience in this."
>"The moment we start our 'trmming', the Saigyou Ayakashi will start resisting with its roots and the enraptured Spirits will attack us to protect its beauty and die peacefully. Flight is Heavily Recommended here. I would rather not have your blood on my hands."

« Last Edit: May 21, 2024, 11:06:41 PM by WitheringFlowerCrown »


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Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
« Reply #192 on: May 22, 2024, 12:20:04 AM »
> Do we know how to do anything about the seal?  If not can we at least give it the appearance of being in bloom?

> Nervous smile "Got it!"
> Stay above the ground and use our newfound reach to trim from afar!

Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
« Reply #193 on: May 22, 2024, 02:49:04 AM »
// We ought to try to get a weather that could improve our flying speed but it seems that our power is low. Maybe we could draw spirit power from Saigyou Ayakashi?

> What effects does a "Sunny" weather give?


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Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
« Reply #194 on: May 22, 2024, 03:41:05 AM »
// That sounds like a good idea, we should just make sure they aren't harmed.

> Recall what the Shinigami revealed about the Sword of Hisou and keep our distance from spirits while trimming.

Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
« Reply #195 on: May 24, 2024, 07:18:16 AM »
> Do we know how to do anything about the seal?  If not can we at least give it the appearance of being in bloom?

>Not really, no. You are no stranger to seals and magic though. Breaking one should be a cinch given enough time to analyse it.

> Nervous smile "Got it!"
> Stay above the ground and use our newfound reach to trim from afar!
// That sounds like a good idea, we should just make sure they aren't harmed.

> Recall what the Shinigami revealed about the Sword of Hisou and keep our distance from spirits while trimming.

>You shift your guard downwards, incidentally going into Gendo-no-kamae despite not knowing about it, and leap upwards.
>Just in time too, you look down and see Roots spiking out from where you just stood.
>Youmu floats next to you. "The places that need to be trimmed will have a relative lack of Spiritual Energy, and therefore a lack of spirits surrounding it. The others though- watch out!"
>Just as she says that, you sense a threat behind you and lurch to the right, avoiding some bullets shot by enraptured phantoms. You don't know if these follow Spell-Card Rules and you don't want to find out.
>You decide to not waste anymore time and fly straight towards the Saigyou Ayakashi. Some bullets threaten to hit you but you slash them out of the sky before then. You go for a wild swing and it actually hits! From this far? You're a Foot away from it!
>The branch you sliced off falls to the ground like a regular piece of wood. You were half expecting it to explode for some reason.

// We ought to try to get a weather that could improve our flying speed but it seems that our power is low. Maybe we could draw spirit power from Saigyou Ayakashi?

> What effects does a "Sunny" weather give?

[ Attachment: You are not allowed to view attachments ] Weather: Sunny
Associated Character: Reimu Hakurei
Effect: Dodging attacks are easier, even when they should hit you by all logical sense. Flying is easier, you can turn and move on a dime.

>You look down again to see multiple roots extending upwards reaching to- towards you?! How far can these things go?!
>You look towards the Saigyou Ayakashi and see the Phantoms shooting a barrage of bullets right at your current position. They really are predictible, aren't they.

Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
« Reply #196 on: May 24, 2024, 03:58:29 PM »
> "Stream" our way out of the bullets and locate all the low spiritual energy branches


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Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
« Reply #197 on: May 24, 2024, 08:51:35 PM »
> When we get a chance pop those phantoms with a handful of fast aimed rice bullets.  Color them a pale blue and pink so they blend in with the scenery and are harder to notice.

> If we feel overwhelmed with dodging to the point we can't really focus on trimming disrupt our other weather effects and channel some nice sunny weather to aid with the dodging.

Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
« Reply #198 on: May 27, 2024, 10:35:32 AM »
> "Stream" our way out of the bullets and locate all the low spiritual energy branches

>You keep calm and move smoothly away from the bullets. More like leaning away than quick, jerky movements.
>You try to look for those branches... Low amount of Spirits... Ah!
>The moment you find one a laser brushes past you. You block more of them with your Sword of Hisou, but you get put off-center a bit.
>No matter. You quickly reorient youself with 3D movement and dive at the branch. Your Sword cleaves right through one.

> When we get a chance pop those phantoms with a handful of fast aimed rice bullets.  Color them a pale blue and pink so they blend in with the scenery and are harder to notice.

>Right, you don't want to deal with lasers again. You fire some small bullets at the rude Spirits, they get caught up in dodging them and you spot Youmu cut through a group of them with her Wakizashi.
>Did she just- No, she was using Hakurouken...
>"All of you leave right now! You can do Flower-Viewing later!"
>They leave while looking around confusedly. Cutting through confusion, huh?

>The Saigyou Ayakashi seems to be ramping up its personal offense. It's attacking you with roots ruthlessly. Thankfully they can only come from one direction, down, so you know where to dodge.
>Youmu also has more time to join you in directly trmming the tree. Her Roukanken is a big help here.
>Though at this point you should call it "Pruning" rather than "Trimming".


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Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
« Reply #199 on: May 27, 2024, 12:35:32 PM »
> Form a ring of keystones around the base to block the roots from slowing our progress.

Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
« Reply #200 on: May 28, 2024, 01:57:00 PM »
> Can we determine the weather the spiritual energy of the tree gives if any at all?

Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
« Reply #201 on: May 28, 2024, 10:06:03 PM »
> Form a ring of keystones around the base to block the roots from slowing our progress.

>Right, right! Keystones rain from above, to Youmu's absolute bafflement ("Where does she hide those?") , and surrounds the Saigyou Ayakashi's Trunk.
>The roots are thankfully blocked out of their full range of movements due to this. And you notice that no other roots are coming for you. It could be because of the Shimenawa around your keystones.

> Can we determine the weather the spiritual energy of the tree gives if any at all?

>You can discern the weather of any being with sentience. A tree shouldn't count for the minimum standard of sentience, but most trees don't attack you with roots, and this one seems to at least have a sense of self-preservation if this says anything.
>Just as you think that, you feel your Sword of Hisou responding to the proximity of the Tree's "Spirit".
>And it has a Weather of... Snow?!

[ Attachment: You are not allowed to view attachments ] Weather: Snow
Associated Character: Yuyuko Saigyouji
Effect: All Characters can steal Spiritual Energy from others on touch. "Touch" really just means any melee weapon.

>Why does the Saigyou Ayakashi have the weather associated with your sweetheart... Her
>This can't be right! Right?! Two entities having the same weather is common, but not for very unique beings like Her. Usually people have the same weather when they have the same origin and/or personality, two fairies who are born of the same aspect of Nature will have the same weather. For someone with a complexity like Her, someone else having the same weather should be near impossible, let alone for that other someone to be a tree and not a person.

Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
« Reply #202 on: May 29, 2024, 02:08:29 AM »
> "Now that these roots are out of the way, let us trim to our hearts content."
> "Do we still see any low spiritual energy branches? If we do go ahead and cut them"


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Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
« Reply #203 on: May 29, 2024, 06:11:42 AM »
> Is miss Yuyuko still watching (admiring) us from a distance?
> Maybe investigating that seal later would be a good idea, perhaps she'd be impressed if we managed to do something to get the tree to bloom a little?

Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
« Reply #204 on: June 01, 2024, 07:18:30 PM »
> "Now that these roots are out of the way, let us trim to our hearts content."
> "Do we still see any low spiritual energy branches? If we do go ahead and cut them"

>"Yes, let's."
>All obstacles have been neutered, and it was just a matter of time before Youmu and you finished Pruning the Saigyou Ayakashi. As the last dead branch falls to the ground, you take a breath. Did you always get exhausted like this?

> Is miss Yuyuko still watching (admiring) us from a distance?
> Maybe investigating that seal later would be a good idea, perhaps she'd be impressed if we managed to do something to get the tree to bloom a little?

>You look back towards the shrine and see Yuyuko smiling at you! Definitely silently celebrating a job well done by your's truly (you).
>Hmm, looking at the seal later sounds like a good idea when you have more free time. Something tells you that Yuyuko would be very curious as to what the Tree looks like in full bloom.

Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
« Reply #205 on: June 01, 2024, 07:46:39 PM »
> Give Yuyuko our most femme fatale wink.

> "We've done a good job If I do say so myself. So what's next?"


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Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
« Reply #206 on: June 01, 2024, 08:10:59 PM »
> Continue providing weather beneficial to garden growth!

Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
« Reply #207 on: June 02, 2024, 08:55:35 PM »
> Continue providing weather beneficial to garden growth!

>Before you leave, you create a Sunshower around the area. That should keep it in good condition. Thankfully your Sword of Hisou is charged up from having to cut down this Tree.

> Give Yuyuko our most femme fatale wink.

>You look at Yuyuko and give her a smouldering wink.
>"Oh my, how cute~!"
>Cute? Close enough.

> "We've done a good job If I do say so myself. So what's next?"

>Youmu sighs and raises her head to the sky. "Next, we rest. We are done with the gardening for now."
>"And we will fulfill the real reason you came here. I'm going to give you as much training as physically possible in as short a timeframe as you can allow."
>"This is going to involve direct combat with me, of course. And not just Spell Card Duels, but old-fashioned Sword Duels as well. Be warned, you may be a visitor, a Celestial, and my apprentice for now, but I will not go easy on you. I will beat as many techniques as I can into your head."
>We will have a break to prepare ourselves first, do what you want until then."

« Last Edit: June 02, 2024, 08:58:30 PM by WitheringFlowerCrown »

Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
« Reply #208 on: June 03, 2024, 01:50:57 PM »
> Do we still reek of death after all this exercise?

> "I'll go ahead and see my friends, where should I head after the break is done?"


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Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
« Reply #209 on: June 04, 2024, 02:59:11 PM »
> Take a moment to appreciate our good work!