Touhou is a franchise well known for having fans that "love the series, never played the games" and most of these fans get their information from fan content.
Fan content has been very important to the legacy of Touhou in the modern day and that made me think, what's the most popular Touhou Fan Content?
I've seen people talk about the 'best' but not the most 'popular'.
I'm counting everything as fair game, from doujins to Drama CDs to even soap holders.
These are my picks:
•KKHTA(more infamous than famous)
•Scarlet Police on Ghetto Patrol
•Cirno's Perfect Math Class

I picked these because they're more well known outside of the touhou fandom and chances are you first heard of Touhou through these.
I want to know everybody else's opinion, maybe make a poll to ultimately decide the most popular Touhou fan content.