Author Topic: Was there any doujin stuff made before Touhou 6  (Read 11096 times)

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  • ✟ Youkai Hunter Maniac ✟
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Was there any doujin stuff made before Touhou 6
« on: September 10, 2023, 06:09:24 PM »
While I was reading in the comments of this video made by Romantic Tp, there is one comment here that made me think about it.

So, do you guys know any Touhou doujins before Touhou 6? Or is it gone to time and what I'm doing is nothing but vain?

High-Tension Yuuritsu

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Re: Was there any doujin stuff made before Touhou 6
« Reply #1 on: September 12, 2023, 04:16:49 PM »
According to a research I conducted a few months ago regarding old Touhou fan content, the earliest fanart related to Touhou was a drawing of PC-98 Reimu on someone's personal blog in 2001. The owner of the blog uploaded remixes they made of ZUN's PC-98 music there.

Unrelated but I also found a Marisa scribble from another blog, dated 2002, not long after Touhou 6 was released. Again, I don't remember the link, but there is a blog site related to old Touhou content that is still online until this day, which is also where I found all of this information, so just gotta find that blog site again.


  • ✟ Youkai Hunter Maniac ✟
  • Gender: Male
Re: Was there any doujin stuff made before Touhou 6
« Reply #2 on: September 15, 2023, 10:07:51 AM »
According to a research I conducted a few months ago regarding old Touhou fan content, the earliest fanart related to Touhou was a drawing of PC-98 Reimu on someone's personal blog in 2001. The owner of the blog uploaded remixes they made of ZUN's PC-98 music there.

Unrelated but I also found a Marisa scribble from another blog, dated 2002, not long after Touhou 6 was released. Again, I don't remember the link, but there is a blog site related to old Touhou content that is still online until this day, which is also where I found all of this information, so just gotta find that blog site again.

Can you send me the links for the respective blogs? Thank you for your help Dreamy-Eyed Yuuritsu.

High-Tension Yuuritsu

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Re: Was there any doujin stuff made before Touhou 6
« Reply #3 on: September 15, 2023, 01:15:42 PM »
First of all, here is the blog post which rounded up a bunch of content related to the first ever Touhou fanworks known (as of this point):

The PC-98 Reimu pic I mentioned:

And according to the post (as of this point):
-First ever doujinshi: 亡き王女の為のセプテントリオン (Naki Oujo no Tame no Septentrion / Septentrion For the Dead Princess) - Comiket 63 (2002/12/28)
-First ever Touhou rearrange: an arrange of Gensou ~ Infinite Being posted on
, first confirmed on 2000/02/26.
(author noted on October 11, 1999 that the arrange was already 60% done).
-First ever Flash-related content: a fangame known as Touhou Sanmenkagami ( - 2003/07/05.

Plus, just call me Yuuritsu :p
« Last Edit: September 15, 2023, 01:22:28 PM by Dreamy-Eyed Yuuritsu »