Author Topic: Neo DEFCON Mafia (DEFCON 1, Phase 1)  (Read 843308 times)

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Neo DEFCON Mafia (DEFCON 1, Phase 1)
« on: May 29, 2020, 01:39:24 AM »
Neo DEFCON Mafia
"It is 100 Seconds to Midnight."

In AD 2020, war was beginning.

Still Alive
-1. Nobody.

Wiped off the face of the Earth
12. Abu, American Aircraft Carrier was lynched in DEFCON 3
4. zwerdjib, American Airbase was lynched in DEFCON 2
3. Beru, Russian Missile Silo was nightkilled in DEFCON 2
7. Yaersulf, American Espionage suicided in DEFCON 1
5. nucleuswaffles, American Missile Silo suicided in DEFCON 1
6. Dormio, Russian Missile Silo suicided in DEFCON 1
0. No-Lynch-tan, British Missile Silo was lynched in DEFCON 1
9. Meow56, American Fighter was nightkilled in DEFCON 1
2. Daiya, American Submarine was nightkilled in DEFCON 1
11. Chihiro Fujisaki Zoomy Tsugumi, American Eavesdrop suicided in DEFCON 1
5. nucleuswaffles, Frenchman was modkilled in DEFCON 1
0. No-Lynch-tan, British Missile Silo was lynched again in DEFCON 1
1. Serela, Russian Silo was nightkilled in Endgame
8. Bardiche, North Korean Failsafe was nightkilled in Endgame
10. Raikaria, American Battleship was nuked by a Failsafe in Endgame.

Useful Links
DEFCON 5 Begins (two posts below)
DEFCON 4 Begins
DEFCON 3 Begins
Abu is lynched. Night phase begins.
DEFCON 2 Begins
zwerdjib is lynched. Night phase begins.
DEFCON 1 Begins
Yaersulf commits suicide to avoid a nuke.
NucleusWaffles commits suicide to avoid a nuke.
Dormio commits suicide to avoid a nuke.
No-Lynch-tan is lynched. Night Phase begins.
DEFCON 1 Continues
Zoomy commits suicide to avoid a nuke.
No-Lynch-tan is lynched. Night Phase begins.
Conclusion of Neo DEFCON Mafia.
« Last Edit: June 19, 2020, 08:49:00 PM by NekoNekoRex »
Kilga is this right; like is this person seriously the player, and it's not some alias or something that's designed to be deliberately obfuscating? NekoNekoRex. Who the hell is that :C   ~Poya Aaaa (Serela), Bunny Must Die Mafia


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Re: Neo DEFCON Mafia
« Reply #1 on: May 29, 2020, 02:09:14 AM »
General Rules
-No Outside Contact. Keep posts contained to the game thread or sanctioned discussion.
-You must use ##Vote to vote and ##Unvote to unvote. An unvote is not required to switch votes. A change in vote will still count of the intent is clear.
-Lynch occurs at majority. No majority = NO LYNCH. You may also ##Vote: No Lynch to end the day early without a lynch.
-No editing posts
-No posting in the game at night.
-You may continue to post between a Hammer and when a mod reaches the thread, but game actions will not be counted.
-Do not quote mod communication unless specified. You may paraphrase. Ask for clarification if you are unsure.
-Do not post in the thread after you have been removed.
-You must post at least once every 24 hours during day phases. Failure to post will result in a prod from the moderator.
-Players should make an effort to post and not lurk. Players intentionally skirting the 24 hour rule will still be prodded.
Failure to abide by rules may result in a modkill at moderator digression.
-Play cool.
-Play chill.
-Play to win.
-Don't be lame.

Setup Rules
The setup for this game is 8:3:1. The game is full flip - all abilities will be flipped along with alignment.

There are 8 American players.
Quote from: American Role PM
Welcome to DEFCON Mafia, [PLAYERNAME]! You are a well-established and important member of the American military. After one too many weekend games of Dota with сука being repeatedly spammed across your screen, you've concluded, deep down in your heart, that the Russians threaten the American way of life. They must be defeated at all costs, and your fellow weekend gamers agree with you!

You are aligned with the United States of America. You win if, for 48 hours, all threats to the USA have been neutralized and at least one American remains alive.

There are 3 Russian players.
Quote from: Russian Role PM
Welcome to DEFCON Mafia, [PLAYERNAME]! You are a brilliant military tactician and a high-ranking officer in the Russian Federation. You are also the nostalgic type, and you look back to the good old days when the Americans hadn't yet crashed the entire world economy with their housing bubble shenanigans. In an ideal world, the Americans would be punished for their impudence. And so, with a group of your fellow officers, you've covertly obtained some Soviet-era weaponry that can be put to good use. Justice will be served.

[PLAYERNAME] and [PLAYERNAME] are your fellow Russian colleagues. You may communicate with them at any time here: [URL]. You are reminded that communications are not always secure.

You are aligned with Russia. You win if, for 48 hours, all threats to the Russians have been neutralized and at least one Russian remains alive.

There is one Dormio North Korean player.
Quote from: Best Korean Role PM
Welcome to DEFCON Mafia, [PLAYERNAME]! Some people just want to watch the world burn. You are one of those people. What are non-aggression pacts? What are emergency hotlines? You hate the United States. You hate Russia. In fact, you're pretty sure you hate everyone. Fortunately, as a rogue military general, you have the means to clearly express your opinion by way of excessive violence.

You are aligned with only yourself. You win if everyone else has been neutralized, even if you are no longer alive.

The game has day and night phases, as well as a series of "defense readiness" stages, ranging from DEFCON 5 to DEFCON 1.

DEFCON 5 ☢ Normal readiness ☢  24 hours.
* Discussion and confirmation, no voting.
* Quicktopics are open.

DEFCON 4 ☢ Increased intelligence watch and strengthened security measures ☢  24 hours.
* Discussion, no voting.
* Quicktopics are open.
* Players PM me which role they want. Your choice is permanent for the entire game.

DEFCON 3 ☢ Air Force ready to mobilize ☢ 5  days or until lynch.
* Votes allowed.
* Following lynch, there is a 24 hour night phase during which players may use active abilities.
* All militaries switch to encrypted callsigns. Private communication channels are still open, but any messages sent during the day phase have a 15% chance of their contents being intercepted by Wikileaks and posted publically in the thread.

DEFCON 2 ☢ Armed Forces ready to deploy and engage ☢  5 days or until lynch.
* All non-town factions gain a factional nightkill: Stealth Bomber (@Playername)
* Everything else same as DEFCON 3.

DEFCON 1 ☢ Maximum readiness. Nuclear war is imminent ☢  5 days or until lynch.
* Nuclear launch becomes available to all players with missile silo in nuclear launch mode.
* Game cycles like this with regular day/night cycles until a wincon is reached.
* Everything else same as DEFCON 2.

During DEFCON 4, players choose the form of military they wish to deploy: a missile silo, or some other troop.
Quote from: Missile Silo
An unlimited number of players may choose missile silo. Missile Silos operate in either offensive nuclear launch mode or defensive anti-ballistic missile mode. You must choose to place your silo in one of these two modes, and during the night phase, you may change the mode your silo is deployed in by PMing the mod.

Nuclear launch mode:

As the commander of a nuclear facility, you have a nuke. In DEFCON 1, one per game day, you may attempt to kill another player by posting the command ##Nuke: [PLAYERNAME] in the thread. Nukes will take 48 hours to hit their target. You may post Abort Nuclear Launch up to 24 hours after firing to cancel your nuke, but you will not be able to nuke again that game day. Nukes will continue through the night and irregardless of whether the nuker is dead or alive. Note that nukes cannot be cancelled at night as the thread will be locked.

Anti-Ballistic missile mode:
The ABM missile systems are counter-ICBM rockets designed to shoot down incoming enemy warheads. In this mode, the first nuclear launch targeting you each day will fail.

If you are being targeted with a nuclear missile, you may post ##I do not wish to die a painful radioactive death in the thread. This will cause you to commit suicide and leave the game immediately, unpreventable by any abilities.

Other roles are limited to one instance per game. If multiple players choose the same ability, the selection will be randomized via a draft system, where I will attempt to award all players their first choice, using randomization to break ties, and then attempt to award the unlucky players their second choice, etc, until everything is resolved. Players should send in a list of multiple choices ranked by preference in case they do not receive their first choice. If you do not successfully choose another role, you will default to missile silo in nuclear launch mode.

Possible non-nuclear troops:
Fighter - The fast and lightweight fighter is easily able to penetrate enemy territory, making it the perfect craft for reconnaissance. Each night, target a player. I will reveal their role to you.
Espionage - Knowing is half the battle, and when a nation needs to know, it relies on its clandestine organizations like the CIA or MI6 to get the job done. Choose a faction you are not aligned with, I will reveal to you whether target player is aligned with that faction or not.
Aircraft Carrier - The monstrous aircraft carrier is capable of parking itself just outside territorial waters, allowing it to shoot down enemy troops or ICBMs before they leave enemy territory and become a threat to the globe. All abilities activated by target player fail. The following day, all nuclear launches by target player fail.
Battleship - Mobile, hidden in the wide open sea away from population centers, capable of withstanding even the most directed air strikes, and armed with an array of incredibly powerful weapons, a battleship is one of the safest places on the planet. Each night, you may target a player. If a player would be eliminated because of a single non-nuclear activated ability, that player survives instead.
Radar - The night may be dark, but your radar screen is neon green. And it?s hard to miss stuff flashing in neon green. Each night, you may target a player. I will reveal to you any players that player targets. Note: Factional Nightkills cannot be tracked.
Submarine - Silent and deadly, a submerged nuclear submarines can survive for months without surfacing and can creep incredibly close to enemy shores without being detected. You may launch nuclear weapons as though you possessed a missile silo in nuclear launch mode without revealing yourself as the aggressor. Will scan as Missile Silo to the Fighter.
Eavesdrop - A crucial part of the Allies? success during WWII was its ability to crack into German communications. It worked then. Why wouldn?t it work now? In DEFCON 3 or below, every time a member of an opposing faction communicates with another member of its faction privately during the night, there is a 15% chance the message will be intercepted and its contents PM?d to you. During the day, this possibility increases to 30%.
Air base - Capable of deploying a wide variety of response aircraft within seconds and fortified to the brink, any infrastructure surrounding the air base becomes incredibly difficult to penetrate. You are immune to all non-nuclear activated abilities, including the factional nightkills.
Fail Safe -  Courtesy of Dr Strangelove or: How I learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb. If you are targeted by a player with a nuclear launch, you automatically launch a nuclear weapon targeting the player targeting you. If you are killed by the stealth bomber, you may make a single post in the thread containing only the words ##Nuke: [PLAYERNAME] up to 48 hours after your death. Your launches cannot be recalled or prevented.


Q: At DEFCON 4, when we choose what to deploy, will that be our only chance to deploy something during the game?
A: Yes.

Q: Can I have a missile silo and an active or passive ability? ?
A: No, you can only have one. If you receive an active or passive ability, you don?t get a silo and cannot launch nuclear weapons.

Q: How many times can I use my activated ability?
A: Activated abilities are just like standard roles from normal mafia ? you use them during the night phase and they have an unlimited number of shots (unless otherwise specified).

Q: If someone has Eavesdrop, does the +30% chance of intercepting communications get added to the +15% chance at DEFCON 3 or above?
A: The Eavesdrop calculation is made independently of the default 15% chance. So, if a message is posted during the day, there is first a 15% chance it gets posted publically, and then a 30% chance it gets sent to the player with Eavesdrop.

Q: If communications are intercepted, is the author of the communication also revealed?
A: No, only the text of the message is dropped. The author?s name will never be revealed.

Q: Does Battleship save you from a lynch?
A: No.

Q: Does the Stealth Bomber qualify as a non-nuclear strike?
A: Yes, the Stealth Bomber uses conventional weapons and is non-nuclear.

Q: Does anything ?reset? the DEFCON counts backwards?
A: No, the DEFCON level continually decreases until it hits DEFCON 1, where it will remain until the game has completed.

Q: If Town is lynched at 3p and their are nukes in the air, do the scum win automatically or do the nukes land post-lynch and then win conditions are resolved?
A: At least one member of a faction must survive for at least 48 hours after all enemy nations have been eliminated in order for that faction to win, which leaves ample time for any stray nukes in the air to land (even if their launchers are dead).

Q: What if, because of fail safe or other retaliatory nuclear launches, everyone dies?
A: North Korea wins.

Q: Will the fail safe activate on the submarine?
A: Yes.

Q: Does the radar track kills?
A: No.

Q: Can the factional nightkills be used in addition to other abilities?
A: Yes.
« Last Edit: May 30, 2020, 10:26:19 PM by NekoNekoRex »
Kilga is this right; like is this person seriously the player, and it's not some alias or something that's designed to be deliberately obfuscating? NekoNekoRex. Who the hell is that :C   ~Poya Aaaa (Serela), Bunny Must Die Mafia


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Re: Neo DEFCON Mafia
« Reply #2 on: May 29, 2020, 02:29:19 AM »
Confirmation and Discussion

WASHINGTON (AP) - President Donald Trump has won re-election in a massive landslide vote. Exit polls are reporting a record voter turnout of 130%.

MOSCOW (RT) - Putin visits Canada and beats a moose to death with his bare hands. Saves an ambulance full of sick children.

PYONGYANG (Weekly World News) - Kim Jong-un finds cure the ongoing pandemic and saves the great Korean peoples. Negotiations with other world leaders for the cure underway.

DEFCON 5 begins now. Confirm in thread and make sure to make yourself familiar with the setup. All Role PMs have been sent out. The phase will last 24 hours. Discussion is open.
« Last Edit: May 30, 2020, 02:10:46 AM by NekoNekoRex »
Kilga is this right; like is this person seriously the player, and it's not some alias or something that's designed to be deliberately obfuscating? NekoNekoRex. Who the hell is that :C   ~Poya Aaaa (Serela), Bunny Must Die Mafia


  • Wait, it's Mafia Time?
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Re: Neo DEFCON Mafia (DEFCON 5)
« Reply #3 on: May 29, 2020, 02:41:43 AM »
holy strawberries the game actually started


  • This feels familiar...
Re: Neo DEFCON Mafia (DEFCON 5)
« Reply #4 on: May 29, 2020, 02:48:41 AM »
Welp, here we go.

Absolutely nothing bad is going to happen, right guys? Right?

Re: Neo DEFCON Mafia (DEFCON 5)
« Reply #5 on: May 29, 2020, 02:51:58 AM »
This started must faster than I expected


  • The rain falls down on last year's man.
Re: Neo DEFCON Mafia (DEFCON 5)
« Reply #6 on: May 29, 2020, 02:55:23 AM »
I don't see why we would waste 48 hours just to vote. Fine with treating this as RVS.

##Vote: nucleuswaffles

I know you. You bring back war flashbacks.


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Re: Neo DEFCON Mafia (DEFCON 5)
« Reply #7 on: May 29, 2020, 03:03:01 AM »
i can confirm i am amerikanski

...i mean, american



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Re: Neo DEFCON Mafia (DEFCON 5)
« Reply #8 on: May 29, 2020, 03:03:52 AM »
confirm I guess


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Re: Neo DEFCON Mafia (DEFCON 5)
« Reply #9 on: May 29, 2020, 03:05:30 AM »
wait so are we in confirmation or day phase 1



  • danse macabre
Re: Neo DEFCON Mafia (DEFCON 5)
« Reply #10 on: May 29, 2020, 03:06:31 AM »

##Vote: Fabloo

big fan, your rambling's cute


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Re: Neo DEFCON Mafia (DEFCON 5)
« Reply #11 on: May 29, 2020, 03:06:54 AM »
DEFCON 5 ☢ Normal readiness ☢  24 hours.
* Discussion and confirmation, no voting.
* Quicktopics are open.
Kilga is this right; like is this person seriously the player, and it's not some alias or something that's designed to be deliberately obfuscating? NekoNekoRex. Who the hell is that :C   ~Poya Aaaa (Serela), Bunny Must Die Mafia


  • The rain falls down on last year's man.
Re: Neo DEFCON Mafia (DEFCON 5)
« Reply #12 on: May 29, 2020, 03:07:35 AM »
They're fake votes. I'll keep count.


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Re: Neo DEFCON Mafia (DEFCON 5)
« Reply #13 on: May 29, 2020, 03:07:56 AM »


  • danse macabre
Re: Neo DEFCON Mafia (DEFCON 5)
« Reply #14 on: May 29, 2020, 03:09:05 AM »
ah yes i was only pretending to vote


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Re: Neo DEFCON Mafia (DEFCON 5)
« Reply #15 on: May 29, 2020, 03:09:34 AM »
ah yes i was only pretending to vote

as an american and avid supporter of democracy i am disappointed

Re: Neo DEFCON Mafia (DEFCON 5)
« Reply #16 on: May 29, 2020, 03:11:15 AM »

##Vote: Fabloo

big fan, your rambling's cute

So much extra effort here


  • danse macabre
Re: Neo DEFCON Mafia (DEFCON 5)
« Reply #17 on: May 29, 2020, 03:14:20 AM »
i'm not even using 5% of my power


  • im gay
Re: Neo DEFCON Mafia (DEFCON 5)
« Reply #18 on: May 29, 2020, 03:14:32 AM »
is it bad praxis to roleplay as an American for a game of mafia if I'm actually a communist irl


  • The rain falls down on last year's man.
Re: Neo DEFCON Mafia (DEFCON 5)
« Reply #19 on: May 29, 2020, 03:17:41 AM »
McDonald's. Freedom. Institutionalized Racism.


Re: Neo DEFCON Mafia (DEFCON 5)
« Reply #20 on: May 29, 2020, 03:21:07 AM »
Comrades, let's free mother Russia from the filthy capitalists!

Re: Neo DEFCON Mafia (DEFCON 5)
« Reply #21 on: May 29, 2020, 03:26:41 AM »
i'm not even using 5% of my power

What happens when you reach 10%?

Re: Neo DEFCON Mafia (DEFCON 5)
« Reply #22 on: May 29, 2020, 03:27:58 AM »
Comrades, let's free mother Russia from the filthy capitalists!



  • danse macabre
Re: Neo DEFCON Mafia (DEFCON 5)
« Reply #23 on: May 29, 2020, 04:30:11 AM »
What happens when you reach 10%?
might try making a read, but i won't post it...

prob heading to bed, wake me up when rvs is ov- ah, wait.

Re: Neo DEFCON Mafia (DEFCON 5)
« Reply #24 on: May 29, 2020, 04:44:29 AM »
Not sure what to expect from this but we will see in the morning.


Re: Neo DEFCON Mafia (DEFCON 5)
« Reply #25 on: May 29, 2020, 05:13:32 AM »
Okay, confirmation and since I am American, I cannot really see a reason to pull my cards back.

I refer you the Texas Justice mafia setup for some essential reading materials, town does not need to speak 'very' much to win this setup.

Basically, DEFCON is close to a variation of this broken setup of Texas Justice Mafia, which the ideal break is by players choosing another random pair to shoot at each other.

This gives the break a 70% probability of success.

In DEFCON, we have 4 scum + third party to weed out, we should go full offensive and off whoever is more wordy.

Play systemically and we should win this setup.


Re: Neo DEFCON Mafia (DEFCON 5)
« Reply #26 on: May 29, 2020, 05:26:39 AM »
Again, numbers are town's strongest advantage is this setup, even if all the scum + tp know and pick the defensive silo in anticipation of us all picking offensive, they have no way of stopping us from doing exactly what the package says on the tin.

Pick offense, nuke people in pairs, end game with 70% winning.

Thats the minimum fun option.

To further minimise the fun, I have already generated a RNG playerlist based on results.
[ Attachment: You are not allowed to view attachments ]

This is based on a random number generator set for 100 integers rolled between 1 and 12, there are repeat numbers, so this is how I advise we nuke each other.


In playername format, this would mean;
Yaersulf nukes zwerdijib
zwerdijib nukes Abu
Abu nukes ChihiroFujisaki
ChihiroFujisaki nukes raikaria
raikaria nukes Fabloo
Fabloo nukes Bardiche
Bardiche nukes Meow56
Meow56 nukes Beru
Beru nukes Serela
Serela nukes nucleuswaffles
nucleuswaffles nukes Daiya
Daiya nukes Yaersulf

Things never go perfectly, but this is the open plan which I propose.


Re: Neo DEFCON Mafia (DEFCON 5)
« Reply #27 on: May 29, 2020, 05:31:46 AM »
The sweetest bait of this game is the abilities, there can only be ONE unique ability per game, and as town we are already on information asymmetry, scum is coordinating and will be exerting control in our drafting.

The best control we can exert is by solidarity and democracy, literally turn this into a vanilla game (until DEFCON1) and lynch non-cooperatives down the drain.

This is a battle of charisma, remember no matter how much fun we have, scum is scum and out there to win for scum.

We can talk to scum however much we want, but always keep the silo and launch it as planned.


  • Wait, it's Mafia Time?
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Re: Neo DEFCON Mafia (DEFCON 5)
« Reply #28 on: May 29, 2020, 06:12:48 AM »
One of the flaws in that plan is that the scum can -also- vig the townies in addition to nightkilling them. If you don't successfully vig every non-town player then town loses immediately  :sweat:


  • im gay
Re: Neo DEFCON Mafia (DEFCON 5)
« Reply #29 on: May 29, 2020, 07:45:43 AM »
so nucleus is North Korea, got it