Author Topic: Hot takes  (Read 8713 times)

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Re: Hot takes
« Reply #30 on: March 26, 2025, 03:40:23 PM »
Do note that looking at just the games would give you a pretty biased picture. Everyone involved in incidents are either troublemakers that push their own agendas or problem solvers that just want the former to calm down ASAP. It's not exactly a good source to judge their day-to-day personalities. That's what all the extra written material is for. But even that has to be taken in context. For example, Reimu in WaHH shows her pretty unsightly sides but that's not all she is, it's just because that's needed as reasons for Kasen to be involved with her. Basing one's perception of her on just that and the games while ignoring her nicer side she shows in the fairies manga is pretty lopsided.


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Re: Hot takes
« Reply #31 on: March 26, 2025, 04:21:55 PM »
Do note that looking at just the games would give you a pretty biased picture. Everyone involved in incidents are either troublemakers that push their own agendas or problem solvers that just want the former to calm down ASAP. It's not exactly a good source to judge their day-to-day personalities. That's what all the extra written material is for. But even that has to be taken in context. For example, Reimu in WaHH shows her pretty unsightly sides but that's not all she is, it's just because that's needed as reasons for Kasen to be involved with her. Basing one's perception of her on just that and the games while ignoring her nicer side she shows in the fairies manga is pretty lopsided.

Yes you're right, but i actually do take the extra material in consideration because even there sometimes the chars act like dicks, NOT ALWAYS of course but enough to grind my gears. For example, look at Cirno's interview with Aya. She purposefully makes an embarassing article about Cirno for no reason, just because she feels like it. The entire article is just needlessly mean-spirited.  Cirno gets understandably mad but Aya just berates her and even says that she should be grateful (Aya can go fire truck herself for this, and the fact that she of all people was the one who """comforted""" Cirno in PoFV is just insulting). Or the article about Youmu that pretty much confirms that Yuyuko treats her like crap by forcing her to work without paying her or giving her a break. Then there's the time where Reimu gloats about attacking and robbing a random youkai who by her own admission was just minding her business, GoU and the cross reviews where she spends most of the time saying rude stuff about other 2hus and rarely giving them a good vote. Yes, it's true that Reimu has a nice side and denying it is dishonest, but for me the negatives outweigh the positives. And you're also right about the games, they are fighting after all so a bit of strawberries-talking is expected but often it just feels too rude and mean-spirited for me. Honestly it might be a me problem cuz i tend to be very sensitive, and frankly these are video game characters we're talking about, so i shouldn't get this pressed over their feelings lol. Ultimately this is an aspect of the series whether i like it or not. And lastly all of this incessant bitching and moaning about this stuff just makes me sound like a manchild so it's better if i just stop pestering people about it
« Last Edit: March 27, 2025, 11:39:22 PM by Vance_croowa_08 »
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Re: Hot takes
« Reply #32 on: March 26, 2025, 04:54:47 PM »
As an upside, the characters on the recieving end have that as a big source of popularity for them. But yeah, writing like that is just a Japanese thing I guess, with stuff like manzai comedy and all that.