Author Topic: Things you don't like about Touhou  (Read 974 times)

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Things you don't like about Touhou
« on: September 02, 2024, 10:15:46 AM »
EDIT: The Reimu rant you're about to read is stupid and wrong and doesn't reflect my current feelings towards her

Are there any aspects of Touhou that you ABSOLUTELY cannnot stand?

If there is one thing i don't like about Touhou, it's definitely Reimu's personality. I don't know, everything about her, from the way she acts in the games and mangas, to the way she interacts with other characters in the series, just makes her come across as unbearably rude and as an all around dickhead. I don't care if she is supposed to be like this, it makes me go absolutely ballistic sometimes. She insults people for no reason, attacks random youkai out of nowhere (Remember Tokiko?), generally behaves aggressively and is incredibly selfish and also ungrateful (Kogasa made new magic needles for her once, and Reimu attacked her instead of paying her). sometimes, just sometimes, i wonder if she has any redeeming traits at all. The fact that the other characters in the series don't care and just seem to be okay with whatever she does makes me feel even more frustrated. I KNOW that she isn't always like this but i can't stand her sometimes

I'm sorry for overreacting, i know i shouldn't be this mad over a video game character but i really wanted to take this off my chest. There are probably many things i missed since i don't read the official mangas that much. I'm ready to hear your opinions. Again sorry for the stupid rant
« Last Edit: September 02, 2024, 03:50:48 PM by Vance_croowa_08 »
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Re: Things you don't like about Touhou
« Reply #1 on: September 02, 2024, 10:46:36 AM »
Don't worry, I used to also harbor those very feelings toward Reimu just like you. What I think is up with Reimu is that she has to keep her reputation as the human balancer of Gensokyo, showing her might towards the youkai so that they would fear her, just like how some youkai like Yukari act so that people are wary and cautious towards youkai.


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Re: Things you don't like about Touhou
« Reply #2 on: September 02, 2024, 12:03:26 PM »
Don't worry, I used to also harbor those very feelings toward Reimu just like you. What I think is up with Reimu is that she has to keep her reputation as the human balancer of Gensokyo, showing her might towards the youkai so that they would fear her, just like how some youkai like Yukari act so that people are wary and cautious towards youkai.
Eh, even if that were true it still irks me
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Re: Things you don't like about Touhou
« Reply #3 on: September 02, 2024, 12:43:51 PM »
Assuming the worst of the youkai is kind of Reimu's job description. And it's not entirely unfounded (remember tanuki-Marisa?). I do find such Reimu hate irksome because it's a severe case of tunnel vision and ignores all the times Reimu's been fair to youkai (allowing Suika to loaf around after IaMP, sheltering Shinmyoumaru after DDC, befriending the three/four fairies, allowing youkai to hang out at her parties and set up stalls in her festivals etc.).

What I really don't like about Touhou is where it's going now. The games have completely lost my interest, first by gameplay going bland (16) and then by aesthetics and story going in very unfitting direction (17). And then 18 just jumped the shark by ZUN dumping all his remaining gameplay ideas into f-ing lootboxes.

But new games aren't the only thing I don't like. I've lost interest in official manga once the old series wrapped up and new ones failed to catch my interest. The detective one, from as long as I followed, is a non-stop build-up to nothing that moves at snail's pace. And as for the youkai bar one... I have a personal grudge against drunkards. I know ZUN is a drinker and parties have always been a part of the stories, but drinking was never the major focus and I could kinda ignore it. A whole manga centered all around it is too much for me. I have no idea if it works well for worldbuilding or not, but I don't care, it's marred for me from the very concept.


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Re: Things you don't like about Touhou
« Reply #4 on: September 02, 2024, 03:49:17 PM »
Ok, i guess i was wrong about Reimu. I wrongly painted her as this dickish idiot who can do no good, while ignoring the good things she did to the youkai in the series. Still, the way she acts sometimes bothers me a lot but that's on me

What I really don't like about Touhou is where it's going now. The games have completely lost my interest, first by gameplay going bland (16) and then by aesthetics and story going in very unfitting direction (17). And then 18 just jumped the shark by ZUN dumping all his remaining gameplay ideas into f-ing lootboxes.

I don't like the current artstyle, i mean it's not god awful but i much prefer the old one (EoSD-SA). I'm not very interested in the newer games, but maybe i'm a bit biased because EoSD is the one i played the most. Don't have any strong feelings towards the mangas, i think they do a good job at expanding and fleshing out Gensokyo
« Last Edit: September 02, 2024, 04:25:01 PM by Vance_croowa_08 »
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Re: Things you don't like about Touhou
« Reply #5 on: September 02, 2024, 07:28:18 PM »
The Yin-Yang Orb from HRtP. I've probably been hit by that thing more times than everything else in the game combined.
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Re: Things you don't like about Touhou
« Reply #6 on: September 02, 2024, 10:26:28 PM »
The Yin-Yang Orb from HRtP. I've probably been hit by that thing more times than everything else in the game combined.

A game where YOUR OWN PROJECTILE can kill you. I'm glad ZUN deciced to stick with bullet hell
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Re: Things you don't like about Touhou
« Reply #7 on: September 06, 2024, 08:02:37 AM »
Another thing i absolutely cannot stand is the way Kogasa is treated. Seriously she never ever gets an happy ending, it seems as if her role in the series is to be a pathetic punching bag that only exists to fail. Oh and Reimu for some reason always insults her whenever she has the chance, which is....weird?!? Does she have some sort of vendetta against her? The fact that Kogasa never stands up for herself and just keeps quiet is also infuriating, is that supposed to make me feel bad for her or am i supposed to laugh? I mean i do feel bad but come on!

I know i shouldn't get my pants in a twist over a video game character but it's hard not to when you get emotionally attached to said character
« Last Edit: September 06, 2024, 11:43:44 AM by Vance_croowa_08 »
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Re: Things you don't like about Touhou
« Reply #8 on: September 06, 2024, 11:43:59 AM »
Kogasa is supposed to be annoying due to attempting to surprise people, so those too experienced to be scared of youkai just roll their eyes and brush her off by default. And yeah, she's usually ineffective at doing her "job", so she's pretty much designed to be a pity magnet.

That said, if you're still hung up on the needle thing, I think the wiki's interpretation is wrong. The way I take that scene is Reimu agreeing to pay later but deciding to test out the needles immediately to make sure Kogasa didn't make them in some weird way that wouldn't hurt youkai. Given the tenacity Kogasa has shown to even offer her services, I don't think she would let go of that matter so easily in case of being swindled.


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Re: Things you don't like about Touhou
« Reply #9 on: September 06, 2024, 05:40:14 PM »
Kogasa is supposed to be annoying due to attempting to surprise people, so those too experienced to be scared of youkai just roll their eyes and brush her off by default. And yeah, she's usually ineffective at doing her "job", so she's pretty much designed to be a pity magnet.

That said, if you're still hung up on the needle thing, I think the wiki's interpretation is wrong. The way I take that scene is Reimu agreeing to pay later but deciding to test out the needles immediately to make sure Kogasa didn't make them in some weird way that wouldn't hurt youkai. Given the tenacity Kogasa has shown to even offer her services, I don't think she would let go of that matter so easily in case of being swindled.

Eh, i guess this makes me feel slightly happier about Kogasa...still, i hope ZUN eventually decides to make her win just once. God i can't believe i'm getting emotional over an umbrella ROFL

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