Author Topic: Help me find the missing rules for Gensokyo D20  (Read 908 times)

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Help me find the missing rules for Gensokyo D20
« on: March 08, 2025, 01:13:52 PM »
Gensokyo D20 is an old D&D 3.5 Touhou Conversion, while the website it's self was archived on IA, the word documents for Monstorus Races (IE Satoris) and Magic Items are lost, would anyone here happen to have them?

If anyone wants to give the game a look here's a PDF conversion I made (with the archived site linked)

Branneg Xy

    • Branneg Xy
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    • (YOUTUBE by title;LINKEDIN by link)" FRA ALU BI Darcanix ")
  • Gender: Male
Re: Help me find the missing rules for Gensokyo D20
« Reply #1 on: March 08, 2025, 05:09:53 PM »
Gensokyo D20 is an old D&D 3.5 Touhou Conversion, while the website it's self was archived on IA, the word documents for Monstorus Races (IE Satoris) and Magic Items are lost, would anyone here happen to have them?

If anyone wants to give the game a look here's a PDF conversion I made (with the archived site linked)

Along the lines of

1.+This Real Photo "... and the WORD became Flesh", had been shoot by a Modern-Time Desert Father(Desertic Catholic Christian Community Monk+Ascetic) during THE HOLIEST CONSECRATION-MASS:The HOLIEST FAMILY of NAZARETH ALWAYS MYSTICALLY EVER-PRESENT and with ALSO THE CRISTCHILD BLESSING- , in EVERY HOLIEST MASS-HOST CONSECRATION BY the Ordanied PRIEST(S).
3.Youtube Channel/half-collections/half-references :
" FRA ALU BI Darcanix "

Re: Help me find the missing rules for Gensokyo D20
« Reply #2 on: March 09, 2025, 02:24:28 AM »
Kinda like the secondish, though that's a 5E conversion, this one's a specific 3.5 one that takes from both BESM D20 and D20 Modern as well and adds new mechanics like spellcards, if I finish it though maybe stuff from the wiki could be ported over as there's not enough classes IMO.