Maidens of the Kaleidoscope

~Hakurei Shrine~ => Touhou Addict Recovery Center => Topic started by: SirtheBastard on September 10, 2023, 06:09:24 PM

Title: Was there any doujin stuff made before Touhou 6
Post by: SirtheBastard on September 10, 2023, 06:09:24 PM
While I was reading in the comments of this video made by Romantic Tp (, there is one comment here that made me think about it. (

So, do you guys know any Touhou doujins before Touhou 6? Or is it gone to time and what I'm doing is nothing but vain?
Title: Re: Was there any doujin stuff made before Touhou 6
Post by: High-Tension Yuuritsu on September 12, 2023, 04:16:49 PM
According to a research I conducted a few months ago regarding old Touhou fan content, the earliest fanart related to Touhou was a drawing of PC-98 Reimu on someone's personal blog in 2001. The owner of the blog uploaded remixes they made of ZUN's PC-98 music there.

Unrelated but I also found a Marisa scribble from another blog, dated 2002, not long after Touhou 6 was released. Again, I don't remember the link, but there is a blog site related to old Touhou content that is still online until this day, which is also where I found all of this information, so just gotta find that blog site again.
Title: Re: Was there any doujin stuff made before Touhou 6
Post by: SirtheBastard on September 15, 2023, 10:07:51 AM
According to a research I conducted a few months ago regarding old Touhou fan content, the earliest fanart related to Touhou was a drawing of PC-98 Reimu on someone's personal blog in 2001. The owner of the blog uploaded remixes they made of ZUN's PC-98 music there.

Unrelated but I also found a Marisa scribble from another blog, dated 2002, not long after Touhou 6 was released. Again, I don't remember the link, but there is a blog site related to old Touhou content that is still online until this day, which is also where I found all of this information, so just gotta find that blog site again.

Can you send me the links for the respective blogs? Thank you for your help Dreamy-Eyed Yuuritsu.
Title: Re: Was there any doujin stuff made before Touhou 6
Post by: High-Tension Yuuritsu on September 15, 2023, 01:15:42 PM
First of all, here is the blog post which rounded up a bunch of content related to the first ever Touhou fanworks known (as of this point):

The PC-98 Reimu pic I mentioned:

And according to the post (as of this point):
-First ever doujinshi: 亡き王女の為のセプテントリオン (Naki Oujo no Tame no Septentrion / Septentrion For the Dead Princess) - Comiket 63 (2002/12/28)
-First ever Touhou rearrange: an arrange of Gensou ~ Infinite Being posted on
, first confirmed on 2000/02/26.
(author noted on October 11, 1999 that the arrange was already 60% done).
-First ever Flash-related content: a fangame known as Touhou Sanmenkagami ( - 2003/07/05.

Plus, just call me Yuuritsu :p