> GLad tone and pointing to the Lily Pond : "To be more to the point,a necessity and courtesy for this explanation, it a Blessing for a Green Leaf,like a Pond Lily from here,to help Patchouli making a Special-Tuned Magical Compass which would help me with a certain...weird and worring forced-displacement issue of mine,and so spirit-ghost related ...this is a part to understand&resolve it with just affecting myself and little else from Gensokyo...
> Serene Look at Sanae :" I already been explaining and thinking about it with Sanae on the way ".
>"Yeah, it seems like she has quite a load," Sanae says.
>"Anything we need to be worried about?" Suwako asks, more to Sanae than you.
>"I don't think so?" says Sanae. "I mean, it's not exactly an incident yet, I don't think. But it wouldn't hurt to help out?"
>Suwako looks back to you. "Oh, that explains it."