Touhou Popularity Vote
16th Edition
Support your favorite characters and vote on your favorite music tracks / works at [Toho-Vote]According to the website one can:- Register support works and support your favorite characters, music, and works (Until June 13th 04:00 GMT)
- Get a Voting ID issued to your e-mail address (Until June 14th 04:00 GMT)
- Cast a vote in each department (Until June 14th 04:00 GMT)
- Wait for the preliminary results are scheduled for release on June 14th
Instructions: (Click on the images to expand)
Open the
[Voting Form] at select the option to issue new Voter ID:
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On the Voter ID page fill in the required information and submit the form to generate a unique identification number:
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After receiving your unique Voter ID via Electronic Mail (check spam) return to the
[Voting Form] and select a category you would like to cast a vote in. Once in the category fill in your Voter ID in the text-box at the top, an optional nickname and select your characters
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After submitting the form you will be given a chance to review your selections. If you see an inconsistency you can return to the form with the upper button, if everything is correct you can submit using the lower button.
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