~Beyond the Border~ > Rumia's Party Games
Immortal Quest - Ageless Nemesis
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> Try your best to forget the flashing. She'll probably forget either way.

--- Quote from: Evil_Nazgul0616 on February 07, 2021, 03:57:09 AM ---//.....lmao.

>Feel a bit awkward.

--- End quote ---

--- Quote from: Philosopher on February 07, 2021, 04:15:21 AM --->Smirk

>"Have you seen any interesting sights lately?"

>Consider other impossible things we can
>Would an adult fairy be an impossible thing ?

>Perhaps look for our lookalike

//Stares at Star

--- End quote ---

--- Quote from: Lumi on February 07, 2021, 04:37:50 AM ---> Try your best to forget the flashing. She'll probably forget either way.

--- End quote ---
> Even though you got yourself into this mess, you choose to ignore it.

> "Well, you seemed to spend a lot of time thinking just now. And then there was... that..." Reisen starts to look away. "My conclusions are that you tried to use your ability to do something in private, but couldn't manage to... Uh, is that right? Ah, you said sights, not signs. My mistake. Well... so far just a... a couple of things that'll be stuck in my mind now." She murmurs.

> An adult fairy does sound pretty unlikely. They don't reproduce as far as you know, just springing forth from nature itself. Plants and trees grow to adult stages, but fairies never seem aged from what you've noticed, not that you observe them much compared to as little as the average person does. You think you recall seeing a fairy that looked a bit like you, but as she isn't too memorable to you, she mustn't have pulled off your look well enough or was otherwise unimpressive when you last saw her.
>Awkward cough.
>"Y-Yes, that was totally what I was trying."
>Yes, this is a foolproof excuse.

>Ponder the possibility of using that "maneuver" as a weapon of confusion against our nemesis.
>Actually that's probably a bad idea.
>Ponder paying someone else to do it instead.
>"More information is better than less."

>"For an adult fairy do you think we should use extra large butterfly nets?"
> A rather large box, a twig, some string, and a treat should do good against whatever adult fairy lurks. It'd take less effort, too.
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