~Beyond the Border~ > Akyuu's Arcade
Fire Emblem Heroes: We almost got Brave Bernadetta
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I recently started doing Infernal's, and they seem to also be either too easy or too hard for my personal taste. Maybe I should actually try to do those that seem too hard more passionately, but without a worthwhile reward, they always seemed tagged on. Rokkr is fun, I give you that and Grand Conquest has always been just "pick the 3rd difficulty option, press auto-battle, wait, repeat, get all the rewards." I know it's my own fault, that I use auto-battle for some of the more battle heavy stages, but why wouldn't I, if it works out just fine?
It's fun to be the first-ranked person on your team in Grand Conquest. And given your limited number of battles maximizing your impact and your team's chance to win means you should try to get the maximum score out of every battle on the highest difficulty.

Granted the reward for your team wining versus not winning is just some feathers, so a lot of it comes down to whether carrying your team is fun for you or not. I find that Grand Conquest battles are just the right length where they're quick and fun to try to maximize and just dangerous enough that you can definitely lose if you make a mistake, but it's down to preference.

As far as Infernal difficulty goes, I recommend at least trying to stick with one of the hard ones and see if you can puzzle it out. I've sat down to work on a tricky Infernal hero battle, spent four hours on nonstop super quick runs, and the feeling of finally figuring out all the tricks to beating it is the best feeling ever. It's not for everyone, but I don't think enough people give it enough of a chance.
Does anyone else find that the legendary hero banners are always incredibly bad? I figured I'd do pulls on red on the Chrom one until I got something. It took me 260 orbs to pull a 5*. I took all the orbs on that session and only got one 5*. At like 13.5%. And it wasn't red. I got Chrom which is fine I guess, but not for 260 orbs...
Legendary hero banners to me have been incredibly polarizing. Either I get a million 5* or none at all. I generally only go for legendary banners at all now if there is either someone on there I really really want or the whole thing is stacked with good units in all colors so I can take full advantage of the 8% starting rate. Skipping the Chrom one, as the literally only thing on there I'd like would be Julia merges, which I'm not gonna waste orbs on right now.

Who are you guys going for in the current voting gauntlet? I have everyone except Leif and W!Sothis and only really want merges for Altina and Alphonse, so I went with Altina on the first round. I will probably be quite neutral towards any outcome that isn't Edelgard, because most everyone has at least good things to give to other characters.
I'm backing regular Sothis. She has premium fodder and I use the one I have aaaall the time so I'd love to get merges for her (which is why I was pulling on the cursed Chrom banner).
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