Author Topic: Minor Existence Quest  (Read 276746 times)

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Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #330 on: August 24, 2021, 10:14:25 PM »
>Shoot danmaku at the fairies coming at our group

>"Wow! That is impressive, Worm!"
>"Apple, have tried using your ability on danmaku?"

>Have our giant familiars search for more fairies and scare them.

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #331 on: August 24, 2021, 10:51:46 PM »
>"I wonder what all that commotion over there is about."
>Fly in the direction of the fight.

>You hear Danmaku firing, erratic movement... This is too interesting to leave alone, so you follow the sounds.
>You eventually see a clearing. Hey, it's the Kirisame Magic Shop!
>Near the shop, you see a woman in a white kimono and a sun hat with- is that a Youkai restrained on her back? Others include: two little girls, one of them is next to a large wooden wall, you guess they're her daughters; a young girl with a yari impaling a Fairy, what a savage; and all of them seem to be defending a woman in the centre of their formation.
>Unfortunately, a detachment of retreating Fairies ruin your view as they notice you.

>"Hey, was she part of the briefing?" one asks, pointing at you.
>"Screw the briefing! Our operation is already FUBAR!"
>"Regardless, she's blocking our way out. We need to fight her."
>Fighting multiple Fairies is going to be difficult but do-
>You instinctively dodge Danmaku coming from your flank. As you look for the source you see... a moth? Insects can fire Danmaku now? And since when were they this big?
>"Crap! It's still here!" One of them screams in fear.
>Huh, looks like the moth is on your side if it's scaring the Fairies.

>Shoot danmaku at the fairies coming at our group

>You fire at any Fairies approaching Hanako's flank while moving to avoid Danmaku. With most of your Familiars in other places, you have to rely on your own speed to avoid Danmaku and get into position to shoot. Your speed can only keep up with so much, however.
>"I've noticed you're having some trouble here. I could help without even getting off your back. I have some stake in this considering that I'm on your back." Kaze informs you.
>"What do you say? Want help?"

>"Wow! That is impressive, Worm!"
>"Apple, have tried using your ability on danmaku?"

>Worm blushes. "Ehehe, it's nothing, really."
>"I have, it only works on physical objects. But, I can still be flashy!" Apple focuses on a tree and fires some Danmaku.
>The tree's structural integrity weakens enough that the Danmaku causes it to fall, that definitely caught multiple Fairies.
>"Alright! Are we keeping a kill count? I think I'm in the lead!"
>Worm pouts. "Yeah, well at least my one was a Spell Card."

>Have our giant familiars search for more fairies and scare them.

>You continue terrorizing the Fairies with giant insects, and while searching for more prey one of them stops.
>You split your vision and see... A Youkai. A Bird Youkai for sure. Seems they blocked a few Fairies from escaping. Interesting.
« Last Edit: August 24, 2021, 10:54:47 PM by WitheringFlowerCrown »

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #332 on: August 25, 2021, 12:02:39 AM »
>What is our hunger level?
>Would our spellcards hit people in our group
>How big would a moth need to be to swallow a danmaku shot whole?

>"I would love some help."

>Have a few of our smaller familiars come out of the treeline and eat some danmaku

>Continue throwing danmaku at the fairies
->Add in lasers and try to lead the fairies into our danmaku

>Have the moth near the bird youkai watch the fairies and youkai.


  • the future is now
  • Gender: Female
Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #333 on: August 25, 2021, 03:15:39 AM »
>Examine our danmaku abilities.
>"Do you think you could use some help here? This seems like a lot of fairies."

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #334 on: August 25, 2021, 09:25:20 AM »
>What is our hunger level?
>Would our spellcards hit people in our group
>How big would a moth need to be to swallow a danmaku shot whole?

Current Hunger:
>You're still ready for heavy stuff. But you shouldn't overexert yourself.
>Yes, your Spell Cards are indiscriminate. Unless you had a way of protecting them but...
>If you grouped everyone to you then they wouldn't get hit, as none of your Spell Cards target yourself.
>The current size of your moths should be enough for a Fairy's Danmaku.

>"I would love some help."

>"Great, prepare yourself, this is going to feel weird to you."
>After those words you immediately feel a rush of wind around you. What did she do?

>Have a few of our smaller familiars come out of the treeline and eat some danmaku

>Continue throwing danmaku at the fairies
->Add in lasers and try to lead the fairies into our danmaku

>You continue your aggressive defence, eating any Danmaku that could get close, while trying to ignore that taste... (-600 Hunger)
>You throw a barrage of Danmaku interspersed with lasers to lead the Fairies into their doom. All while avoiding hostile shots.
>You notice Kaze's help, the moment you move. You're much faster, as if you have a constant tailwind. It takes a while for you to get used to the new speed but you think you can rely on this for dodging at the moment
>The Fairies are unending though, it's like when one Fairy dies, three more take their place. What's the source of this?

>Have the moth near the bird youkai watch the fairies and youkai.

>You have the moth near the Bird Youkai keep tabs on the situation and you see...

>Examine our danmaku abilities.

>If you looked at it in pure numbers...
Sayuri's Danmaku Expertise, Explained:
>Danmaku Expertise: Level 1
>>DE represents your experience in Danmaku, it influences your ability to dodge, predict enemy movements, and your imagination for Spell Cards. This grows based on how you resolve quests or incidents.

>You know how to shoot bullets, you can use your flames as bullets, and you're pretty sure your Curse-like special ability counts as Danmaku. Might need to tone it down for non-lethality, of course.
>Unfortunately, time is not stopped, and the Fairies are advancing towards you. They seem keen on running away to escape that large moth near you, and think that you're here to stop them.

>"Do you think you could use some help here? This seems like a lot of fairies."

>While dodging, eating bullets, protecting Hanako, and overall trying to get through this chaos, you hear the Bird Youkai asking if they can help.
>How will you respond?

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #335 on: August 25, 2021, 09:54:16 AM »
>"Please!  Your help would be much appreciated!"

>Have our giant moth near the youkai pounce on the fairies.
->Then direct our other familiars to the clearing and order them to give everyone support fire

>Have some of our familiars weave nets in midair to catch fairies.


  • the future is now
  • Gender: Female
Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #336 on: August 25, 2021, 03:27:40 PM »
>Throw danmaku at the fairies, focusing on the ones trying to escape.

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #337 on: August 25, 2021, 04:36:54 PM »
>"Please!  Your help would be much appreciated!"

>The woman in the white kimono accepts your request, let's do this.

>Have our giant moth near the youkai pounce on the fairies.
->Then direct our other familiars to the clearing and order them to give everyone support fire

>The Fairies near the Bird Youkai scatter in fear, avoiding the giant moth.
>All the other Familiars in the area converge on the clearing and most of them focus on supporting fire.
>The Fairies advancing towards your position finally get the idea that maybe they're outmatched and attempt a mass retreat.

>Have some of our familiars weave nets in midair to catch fairies.

>Unfortunately for them, you had nets. Large nets that can catch Fairies like a spider catching flies in it's web.
>Though some manage to avoid the nets and continue absconding.

>You almost go after them but...
>It seems that back up is here.

>Throw danmaku at the fairies, focusing on the ones trying to escape.

>You throw Danmaku, focusing on the retreating Fairies, You make your Danmaku wide and oppressive, forcing specific flight paths for the purpose of not letting them escape.
>In the end, not many of them escape.

The Entrance of a Belittled Existence.
>For once, the situation is quiet, and it seems the skirmish is over.
>These are a fool's thoughts
>You all see a single approaching Fairy. Dressed in pink, holding a rosemary, she seems to emit an aura. Of strength? Aristocracy? Or are you just imagining it?
>Out of all of them here, she seems truly dauntless.
>All the Fairies remaining freeze, transfixed. Out of... respect?
>Finally, she speaks, addressing The Moth's party.
>"I'm guessing you're the one here giving my girls trouble. In fact... I think you fit the description of our main enemy."
>Sayuri is hidden in the trees, the Fairies she herded are no longer interesting in leaving. She's just eavesdropping at this point.
>"All of you, I challenge you to a Duel! My name is Unity Web, The New Leader of the Fairies!"
>"I never voted for you..." Worm grumbles
>An upstart Fairy. She's named herself, so she must think her existence is a big deal. And it probably is, if her title is anywhere near true.
>If you, all of you, end this "Unity Web" here, then the Fairies will surely, truly disperse, and you can all go about your day.
>Do you enter the Battlefield?

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #338 on: August 25, 2021, 07:18:12 PM »
>Hmm, you could try to convince her fairies that Unity Web is also challenging them.
->No, you won't do that.

>"I accept your challenge Unity Web!"


  • the future is now
  • Gender: Female
Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #339 on: August 26, 2021, 12:45:03 AM »
>"I should probably go help The Moth, but does Unity Web even know of my existence?"

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #340 on: August 26, 2021, 10:11:56 AM »
>Hmm, you could try to convince her fairies that Unity Web is also challenging them.
->No, you won't do that.

>You briefly consider trickery in order to make the Fairies go turncoat, but quickly dismiss the idea.
>Besides, the Fairies around you... They look at her like a peasant looks at royalty.

>"I accept your challenge Unity Web!"

>"Oh, grand! Looks like I finally get to step forward and make my debut upon the world's stage! But first..."
>Unity looks upwards into the tree canopies, it could be mistaken for absent-minded skygazing, but her sight is directed towards...

>"I should probably go help The Moth, but does Unity Web even know of my existence?"

>"You! Yes, you, the Bird Youkai! I know you're here, I can sense you!"
>"Considering that you seem keen on butting into others business and that you're antagonizing my dear Fairies, You can also join in. In fact, I implore you do! So I can make an example out of you for any future interlopers!" She's shouting at this point.
>Who does she think she is, trying to boss you around? You never even knew she existed until recently and she acts like some queen? And why does she sound so posh?!
>Regardless of your thoughts, she's also extended her invitation to you.
>What do you say?



  • the future is now
  • Gender: Female
Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #341 on: August 26, 2021, 02:31:50 PM »
>"I accept your challenge. You look like you could learn a lesson or two yourself."

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #342 on: August 26, 2021, 03:56:37 PM »
>"I accept your challenge. You look like you could learn a lesson or two yourself."

>"Well, I don't see what I could learn from you, but okay. Join us!"
>Wow, it's like she's wilfully ignoring your point.

"Let's start with a clean up, shall we?"
>"My subjects, recall!"
>Suddenly every Fairy in the area explodes into... Mist? Glittering Dust?
>Regardless, every Fairy has disappeared. All except for two.
>"What in the- I think they just-" Worm attempts to find words.
>Apple's face is grim. "Well, they'll come back. But that was brutal, don't you think, 'Your majesty'?"
>"Whatever could you mean? Subjects must be willing to do anything for their leaders, even die, if it means victory."
>You start to understand the situation: This must be stopped.

>"Ah, some have come back already. Wonderful."
>As Unity said, a dozen Fairies approach the clearing.
>Their formation is interesting, in that it exists in the first place. They're less like a usual gaggle of Fairies and more of a structured army platoon.
>"Split yourselves evenly between The Moth and The Bird. Beware of The Moth's Familiars, do not bother with her Silk."
>"The Bird is an anomaly, I want her out as soon as possible. Do you understand my orders?"
>"Yes Mistress!" The Fairies all respond with synchronized voices. Mistress?

>Multiple Fairies approach your party, then spread out. It looks like they're trying to surround you.
>"I recommend going for restraining attacks." Worm advises.

>The rest advance towards your position, rushing forward while spraying unfocused bullets. Looks like they really are trying to get rid of you ASAP.
>They'll make for good kindling



  • the future is now
  • Gender: Female
Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #343 on: August 26, 2021, 05:53:26 PM »
>Fire danmaku at the fairies and slowly advance overhead.

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #344 on: August 26, 2021, 06:41:54 PM »
>Give Unity a disgusted look for the treatment of her allies.

>Have our familiars shoot lasers to stop the fairies from advancing
->The Giant moths should charge the fairies with the other moths and try to wrap the minions in silk cocoons.

>If there are still fairies, besides Apple and Worm, left use lasers and danmaku to drive them into our familiars.

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #345 on: August 26, 2021, 08:40:27 PM »
>Fire danmaku at the fairies and slowly advance overhead.

>You fire Danmaku at the Fairies. You get a bullseye on every shot, knocking them out of the sky, falling lifelessly on the floor.
>The enemy's danmaku still approaches, but you can focus on dodging due to the lack of enemies and don't get hit.

>Give Unity a disgusted look for the treatment of her allies.

>You show your malcontent at Unity. You wouldn't treat Apple or Worm like that! Even if you know they'll come back. Just why do they follow her?
>If Unity noticed your look, she doesn't show it.

>Have our familiars shoot lasers to stop the fairies from advancing
->The Giant moths should charge the fairies with the other moths and try to wrap the minions in silk cocoons.

>Your lasers slightly impede the Fairies from getting into position. They scramble, probably to prevent area attacks from doing massive damage.
>The Giant Moths charge the Fairies. The Fairies directly fight back against the large Familiars, but due to spreading cannot fight together.
>This leads to a majority of the forces getting cocooned, the others successfully destroy a giant familiar and stay free.
>You say you have around 11 Giant Familiars left.

>If there are still fairies, besides Apple and Worm, left use lasers and danmaku to drive them into our familiars.

>You fire an array of lasers, directed to drive the remaining Fairies into your Familiars.
>The Fairies move erratically to try avoiding the lasers, this makes them easy prey for the Familiars. They end up cocooned.

>Unity's face is distraught. "Hmm, I knew this would be tough, but I can't abscond! I am required for the future of my kind!" Those are some dramatic words. What could she mean by that?
>A couple of Fairies arrive from behind Unity.
>"Wonderful to see you two! Split yourselves and take aimed shots at The Moth and The Bird."
>The Fairies nod and speed off, but keep their distance from either of you.
>"If you do well I will make sure you all have names at the end of this!"

>From afar, a Fairy shoots a fast moving bullet towards you!
>Unfortunately, you're a bit too slow to dodge...
>But the shot doesn't hit you.
>"So, Rampant Life "Overgrowth" sure is something, right?"
>Worm is right in front of you holding a destroyed wooden shield. Her arms are quivering from the impact of the blow and she drops the remains of the shield.
>"e-I don't think I can do something like that again..." Her voice is shaky.
>"You should probably rest, Worm. I'll keep it up from here." Apple consoles Worm.
>"Your friends are tightly knit, are they not? How touching, I wish I could do such heroic feats."

>A speeding bullet attempts to shoot you down.
>You deftly dodge the Danmaku while advancing.
>You're almost right above Unity, but you may need to deal with more bullets, or worse, reinforcements.
>But they might make good fuel.

#Experimenting with different fonts to make it more clear when Unity is speaking and the type of "Voice" she has.
« Last Edit: August 26, 2021, 08:46:20 PM by WitheringFlowerCrown »


  • the future is now
  • Gender: Female
Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #346 on: August 26, 2021, 11:45:33 PM »
>"Explain yourself. Why did you attack that florist, and what's with the way you treat your fellow fairies?"

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #347 on: August 27, 2021, 01:06:27 AM »
>"Take it easy and get Better, Worm."

>Try to channel spiritual energy into our voice, "If you were a true leader you would be doing heroic deeds.  You would also be with your comrades instead of hiding behind them."

>Have our moths bombard the fairy that Unity sent to attack with danmaku.

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #348 on: August 27, 2021, 12:04:34 PM »
>"Take it easy and get Better, Worm."

>"Okay, I'll retreat for now." Worm retreats back to the Kirisame Magic Shop.
>Ame and Hanako follow her lead, at least now you don't have to worry about them getting hit in the cross-fire.

>Have our moths bombard the fairy that Unity sent to attack with danmaku.

>You send your Familiars to attack the enemy Fairy with a flurry of Danmaku.
>Due to the far distance between you and her, the Fairy has plenty of time to relocate. But being harried by Familiars will keep her busy.

>Try to channel spiritual energy into our voice, "If you were a true leader you would be doing heroic deeds.  You would also be with your comrades instead of hiding behind them."

>"Explain yourself. Why did you attack that florist, and what's with the way you treat your fellow fairies?"

>"I will say that the Florist was not my main target and I apologize that she happened to be caught up in this. My actual target was the Kirisame Magic Shop and that Witch living within. You all decided to defend the position and we all attacked. That's how we ended up here."
>"As for my behaviour... That requires a more detailed explanation."

A Justification for Insanity
>Unity Web frowns as she recalls her motives.
>"Do you ever wonder why most Fairies don't have names?"
>"It's not because they don't matter to us or we can't be bothered with them. It's that no-one will recognize them."
>"A Fairy's life has nearly no worth in this world. Even if we all decided to name ourselves and make an identity, no-one would respect it; we would all be Minor Existences."
>"Even this name I made myself, Unity Web, is only known to those within my retinue and those who are in this clearing today. Anyone else wouldn't give a toss about me or any of my companions."
>"But one day I was approached by a Youkai who told me that maybe if a Fairy defeated a strong, well-known enemy, such as an Incident Resolver, then maybe Fairies would gain more respect. That peaked my interest."
>"A world where my kind would be respected, and be able to create their own identities that would be recognized like any other? I would do anything for that!"
>"But a singular Fairy like myself has no chance against an Incident Resolver. So I asked all those around me: Would they be willing to do anything if it meant creating a meaningful existence for all Fairies? They all said yes, shockingly. All of my companions are willing to lay down their infinite lives if it means having renown in this world. And so, for rallying everyone, I became the Leader of this group, and created a Web of Unity."
>"They all entrusted their lives to me, and so I'm using them. If they didn't want to die then I wouldn't let them. Simple as."

>You did not ask for her entire backstory, it may have been enlightening, but it was also far too long for a Fairy. Your reactions may vary.
>"Ah, but The Moth has a point. I am a Leader and they must lead by example! I can no longer cower, my life is just as important as theirs and I should be willing to forfeit it to attain victory! As all others have done, I will approach!"
>As she said, she moves forward, exposing herself.
>But you also hear a large amount of movement behind her...

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #349 on: August 28, 2021, 05:23:46 AM »
>Unity's goal is heroic, but her methods are distasteful and naive.

>It would easier to just let the fairies attack Marisa, but that isn't noble.

>Have our large minions land near Apple and us.
->Order them to protect Apple, Kaze, and us, but prioritize Apple.

>"The fairies of the Forest of Magic should do something similar to the kappas' technology or the Tengu's papers if they want respect."

>"Apple, the familiars should help protect us, but stay safe."
>"Tell me if any danmaku comes our way and I'll do my best to keep us safe, Kaze."

//I find Unity's speech funny after asking for Apple and Worm to get credit for catching Seija.
//Serious fairies are terrifying.

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #350 on: August 28, 2021, 03:17:36 PM »
>Unity's goal is heroic, but her methods are distasteful and naive.

>Her goals sound similar to yours. She and her kind want to known in Gensokyo and rise up from meagre existences. But you know there are better ways of gaining renown than just beating people up.

>It would easier to just let the fairies attack Marisa, but that isn't noble.

>Have our large minions land near Apple and us.
->Order them to protect Apple, Kaze, and us, but prioritize Apple.

>You recall your giant moths to your position and make a general command to protect your allies.
>They make a defensive formation, they should take hits before you or your friends.

>A wave of vibrant colours enter the clearing, Fairies of all colours, some of them holding flowers of various kinds. Most of them flock to Unity Web. This must be her main force.
>They're very structured, creating a wall of bodies on the field with Unity Web at the front.
>"Wonderful to see you all, my companions!"
>"Good to see you too, Mistress. But, uh, why are you so far forward in our formation?"
>"Because what kind of Leader does not fight with her troops? I must be as willing as you all if I can achieve greatness."
>"...I-if you say so, my Mistress."
>"Now, let us-"

>"The fairies of the Forest of Magic should do something similar to the kappas' technology or the Tengu's papers if they want respect."

>"...Stand down for a moment."
>All the Fairies become more slack in posture, some of them confused. But now the place is silent, at least.
>"Are you saying there could be alternative routes to glory and renown? What would you suggest we do, dear Moth?"
>Is she being open-minded? When she brought what's essentially an entire army here? Well, at least she isn't unreasonable.

>"Apple, the familiars should help protect us, but stay safe."
>"Tell me if any danmaku comes our way and I'll do my best to keep us safe, Kaze."

//I find Unity's speech funny after asking for Apple and Worm to get credit for catching Seija.
//Serious fairies are terrifying.

>"Okay." Worm looks at the Giant Familiars curiously.
>"Alright, I'll make sure nothing funny happens."

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #351 on: August 29, 2021, 07:31:39 AM »
>"There’s a plethora of things.  Patrolling to keep the village safe, protecting people who enter the forest, or maybe something mundane as opening a confectionery shop."

>"Does anyone else have ideas?"


  • the future is now
  • Gender: Female
Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #352 on: August 29, 2021, 02:57:42 PM »
>"I've always watched over this clearing and protected those who entered it. It's not much of an existence but I've found it pretty worthwhile."

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #353 on: August 29, 2021, 05:44:26 PM »
>"There’s a plethora of things.  Patrolling to keep the village safe, protecting people who enter the forest, or maybe something mundane as opening a confectionery shop."

>"Does anyone else have ideas?"

>"I've always watched over this clearing and protected those who entered it. It's not much of an existence but I've found it pretty worthwhile."

>"...I was always under the impression that strength was the main way people are known in Gensokyo. After all, Incident Resolvers are known because they're powerful are they not?"
>Unity puts a hand to her chin. "But if there are other paths then maybe I could take a less brutish approach."

>She turns to her army.
>"Would you all be willing to follow their advice?"
>One fairy, unique and yet still generic, speaks. "Where you go we'll follow, ma'am!"
>"Truly, I deserve none of you. Well then, for now our campaign against The Witch is postponed. I shall ruminate on different avenues to our glory."
>A resounding "Aye Aye, ma'am/mistress!" comes from Unity's troop.

>Due to the situation being defused, most of Fairies are just floating around awkwardly. They look prepared for a fight.
>Unity Web coughs nervously before turning to you two. "I-uh, I sort of promised them a fight against a strong enemy and that really got them energised. So just saying that we aren't fighting anymore must be anticlimactic."
>"Would either of you be willing to continue our Duel? The stakes would be much lower, of course. And despite the confidence I have, this is sort of my first Spell Card Duel."

>"Huh, what was that?" Kaze says with a smirk.
>"I said this is my first Spell Card Duel!" Unity shouts, her face as pink as her outfit.
>"I've heard that Spell Card Duels can be quite fun, along with being a show of strength and beauty. So I've been excited to have one, like a girl overjoyed to go to their first Ball. I practiced so much for this!" Her face seems to get more red as she talks.
>"A-anyway, would you still be willing to fight us? There's nothing on the plate this time, just a good show."


#Typing and formatting a post on mobile is... an experience.

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #354 on: August 30, 2021, 07:55:28 AM »
>What do we know of danmaku?
->What are the rules?

>What spellcards do we have?

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #355 on: August 30, 2021, 10:50:16 AM »
>What do we know of danmaku?
->What are the rules?

>Danmaku (and Spell Card Duels) are meant to be a way for Youkai, Humans and other denizens of Gensokyo to settle disputes non-lethally.
>>Spell Cards are not just about power, but also beauty and expression. Most Spell Cards are usually related to the user's identity and therefore have meaning.

Your understanding of Spell Card Rules:
>You have no idea how you learned of these rules. Only that you know of them and should probably follow them.
>These are just the rules as you understand them. So it's wording is more casual than any written set of rules and you may have missed some things.

>All attacks must be non-lethal.
>Spell Cards must be declared by name before being used.
>A Spell Card cannot be impossible to capture. ("capture" meaning to defeat without taking damage)
>When a Spell Card is used, it cannot be repeated in the same duel.
>Equipment and potentially multiple participants on one side is allowed as long as all other rules are followed.

>What spellcards do we have?

The Moth's Spell Cards:
Instinct "Transverse Orientation"
Description: You throw your lamp forward and summon Moth Familiars from the edges of the 'screen'. The Moths are attracted to the Lamp and the enemy has to dodge Danmaku from all angles relative to the Lamp's position, giving a swarming feeling. The Lamp moves around throughout the Spell-Card. (Required Slave: Lamp)
Additional Notes:
>This is a very offensive Spell Card, forcing the enemy to focus on dodging rather than attacking you. Good against fast moving enemies.

>"Transverse Orientation" is a name given to an ability of certain insects, such as moths, to maintain a fixed angle on a distant light source for orientation. Usually this light source is The Sun or Moon. But this also might be the reason why moths go crazy when a lamp is nearby.
Transmogrification "Bombyx Mori Cocoon"
Description: You cover yourself and your surroundings in a Silk Cocoon, protecting yourself. Then shoot lasers from your position. The Cocoon soon explodes, exposing you and sending Danmaku in all directions (-500 Hunger)
Additional Notes:
>A defensive Spell Card, focusing on giving you space. You can also protect any nearby allies with this.
>Be careful when the Cocoon explodes, the enemy may have decided to withhold their resources and go for a decisive strike when you're exposed.

>"Bombyx Mori" is the scientific name for Silk Moths.
>This Spell Card represents a Silk Worm transforming into a Moth. What's that? You're already a Moth? Perhaps you're still in your metaphorical cocoon...


  • the future is now
  • Gender: Female
Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #356 on: August 30, 2021, 02:49:25 PM »
>Check my spell cards.

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #357 on: August 30, 2021, 05:23:04 PM »
>Check my spell cards.

Sayuri's Spell Cards:
Vengeance "Blade of 19 Souls"
Description: You shoot 19 Fireballs forward. Then swing your blade, causing them to explode and spread Danmaku. (Required Equipment: Blade)

Additional Notes:
>A straightforward "Danmaku is about power" Spell Card. Aims to overwhelm the opponent with literal superior firepower.

>You don't know, or rather you don't remember, why you chose the number 19 or who these 19 Souls are...
>Perhaps it's related to that Wakizashi you have in your inventory.
Red Symbol "Quarter of Fire"
Description: You cover the entire area behind the enemy with fire. Then send out a barrage of unfocused Danmaku. (-90 Fuel)
Additional Notes:
>A predatory Spell Card. Aims to make the opponent panic and approach you by burning down any common escape routes.

>Red Symbol? A Quarter of What? Are there any Bird Youkai that fit those titles? Are you one of them?
Before you ask: You already have everything you need for these Spell Cards. But you can prompt for more details.

Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #358 on: August 30, 2021, 05:32:16 PM »
>"Yes, I'd be happy to duel with you."
>"Kaze, Apple, do you want to play?"


  • the future is now
  • Gender: Female
Re: Minor Existence Quest
« Reply #359 on: August 30, 2021, 06:59:15 PM »
>"Don't fancy myself much of an entertainer but I'll join the duel."