Late last night, I was doing impulse single rolls since the Fujino banner dropped. Decided to do one for the MHXA banner. Got MHXA. Max leveled her, skilled her up a bit, turned the phone off, fell asleep. Busy day at work today, 5:00 PM arrives and I think, there was something neat that happened in FGO, but can't quite remember. Suddenly remember MHXA pull. Was thinking, wonder if it is worth posting somewhere that "I forgot I got a new 5* servant for 18 hours". Go visit MotK...
My heart dropped so much about TSO.
MHXA is now someone I'll associate with TSO. I guess you can't go too wrong with a moe sweets-loving Sith Lord with a Darth Maul extra attack. I'll keep you in my All slot for a good long while. Thank you for all that you've done and all that you continue to do.