~Beyond the Border~ > Rumia's Party Games
Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
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>Circle the shrine airspace, look for stuffs and thingies.
>Is there any reason we came here to a place that's, by our definition, worse than the Hakurei Shrine?

--- Quote from: Evil_Nazgul0616 on August 22, 2020, 07:11:35 AM --->Circle the shrine airspace, look for stuffs and thingies.
>Is there any reason we came here to a place that's, by our definition, worse than the Hakurei Shrine?

--- End quote ---
> You begin to circle the outside of the shrine, searching along the floor and the shrine walls for things of use or that just grab your attention...

> You believed it would be a good source of information. Some place that could probably tell you what the ribbon is, or even take it off. If not information, then surely strength to take it off given it's a "better Hakurei Shrine" and Reimu was difficult enough...
>Spellcards on hand?
>Do we see anything of interest?
>Any sign of anyone awake inside?

--- Quote from: Evil_Nazgul0616 on August 22, 2020, 07:58:56 AM --->Spellcards on hand?
>Do we see anything of interest?
>Any sign of anyone awake inside?

--- End quote ---
> You have all your spellcards, ready to use via magic, of course. There are people that use physical copies of their spell cards, but you hardly ever do that.
> Nothing yet... There are a few lights on, but you don't see anyone yet, nor are close enough to.
>Descend to the shrine path.
>Make ourselves look as nonthreatening as possible. Try not to assert dominance with our crucified saint pose for now...
>Do shrines normally get visits at night, or would that be seen as rude?
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