>If the wolf tengu and kappa are still here
->"Could you tell Aya that the fairy from earlier is glowing and staring into the void?"
>"Hmm, seems like the incident is coming to a head."
> "Go for it, Boss. Who knows, you might just be our trump card."
> Where is Tewi looking? If she's not looking at us, continue rubbing Hatate's butt, rather than moving our hand back to her leg. (Get our hand in underneath her skirt if we haven't been doing so already.)
> "Which one? There were three..." Nitori questions.
> "When did Luna become an incident radar? I'd at least expect that to be Star." Marisa comments.
> Tewi seems to be looking up at where Hatate took a picture.
> You move your hand more directly to rub Hatate's butt, to which she leans more - as if to hide the action from the others more.
> The sky catches your eye again as the moon starts to become visible.
> Though there appear to be other, blinking lights in the sky as well.